r m ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXIX LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20. IS31 NO. 13 LOWELL WOMAN FIASCO MARKS Compromise? Yes! But for the $70,000 BRIDGE Juit Folks Now DROUTH CAUSES DIES FOLLOWING LAST SESSION County as a Whole IS FART OF NEW ti HARD PROBLEM Having met defeat at the hands of both the rural supervib- CRASH OF CARS SUPERVISORS ors and the courts in their attempt to saddle upon the county COUNTY FLAN FOR OFFICIALS 40% of the cost of the proposed N. Division project, it will now be in order for the city manager of Grand Rapids, eith- MRS. BELLE HODGES, 77. SUS- CITY SIDE SPRINGS RUSE AF- STATE WILL PAY HALF OF er directly or through his emissarieti on the city commission, LOWELL MUNICIPAL PLANT COST OF COOK BRIDGE—2:>- TAINED FRACTURES OF PEL- TER FACING DEFEAT ON DI- to come forward fawningly and in the "interests of harmony" PUSHED TO CAPACITY TO VIS. ARM AND RIBS IN COL- VISION AVE., OPENING PRO- propose a "compromise" to the rural supervisors on the N. MILE HIGHWAY ACROSS SUPPLY PRESENT NEEDS- LISION AT JUNCTION OF JECT-SPECIAL SESSION IS Division project. TOWNSHIPS OF LOWELL, DEMAND IS GROWING FOR The Ledger has enough confidence in the soundness of the US-16 and M-K6. CALLED FOR AUG. 23. CASCADE, PARIS. WYOMING. MORE POWER. rural supervisors of Kent county to feel that they will not fall for any such proposition should it be presented. A collision of aulos at the junc- Facing defeat on the Division- The Kent County Road Com- The village of Lowell is facing Uon of US-16 and M-66 about 7 av. opening project city members There are some thingM that do not permit of compromise mission has taken over the 3.4 one of its hardest problems—that o'clock Monday morning resulted of the board of supervisors and in our humble judgment the N. Division project as spon- miles of Cook bridge road as a of supplying suflicient electric "Alfalfa Bill" Muriy. Govcinoi in injuries to Mrs. Belle Hodges, brought the session to an ubrupt part of the county highway sys- Alphomo thinki he it Mill king of power to meet the increasing de- of Oklahoma, jumpi to fame by shut- sored by City Mgr. Welsh is one of them. age 77, which resulted in her close Thursday afternoon with a tem. and thereby started work on Spain, bat the Spanish disagree with mands of local industries and ting down oil wetli to prevent over- Here's a proposition calling for the espenditure of two. death on Wednesday evening. ruling by Prosecutor Bartel Jonk- another unit of an inter-county him. Ht's living in London and wai home owners. production and making interstate toll Mrs. Hodges was in company man that the adjourned session thirds of a million dollara, one-half of which sum would highway from western Kent mapped while calling a tan Difficulties in connection with bridges free. with Miss Marian Bushnell, a opening Wednesday morning was have to be paid out on the start for the purchase of ramshac- county to Portland. the problem have been greatly The stretch of road in question Lowell school teacher, at the tipie illegal. kle, run-down property, on the sale of which Grand Rapids augmented because of the contin- City members realizing the Di- starts at the Whitneyville road a ued dry weather, which has made of the accident. Miss Bushnell was real estate men would wax fat to the tune of perhaps $75,000 driving from the south on a re- vision av. project was lost as a short distance north of Whitney- it impossible to maintain a suffi- turn trip from the Alto creamery, two-thirds vote is required to in commissions. vilie and runs straight west to cient water head at the new dam. and as she was crossing US-10 JLeclger authorize it, asked that the prose- Mr. Welsh's claim that the project would prove a great the Bowen-Caledonia road. On KENT COUNTY The Deisel engine at the plant it is the Cook bridge over the collided with an east-bound car cutor be called in to give an opin- boon to Grand Rapids labor car. hardly be borne out in the in the village is being operated ion on a vital matter. Thornapple river, an engineer- continuously night and day as an driven by Robert A. Thompson, light of the above fact. Furthermore, after deducting the of Cascade township. With Mr. Cn tries Prosecutor Jonkman ruled that ing project in which the state is auxiliary to the water power Thompson were his father, G. A. no adjourned session of a former thousands of dollars that would have to be spent for cement sharing. FARM BUREAU plant. Thompson and brother. G. E. regular session may be held after and other materials to be used, the amount left to go for ac- The bridge is to be a 200-foot When the new dam was com- structure with two spans, and Thompson. Being a Collection of Var« the date of a subsequent regular tual labor would not be worth sneezinx at. The claim that pleted a year ago it was thought session. The adjourned session plans are reported by Otto S. that sulficient water head could As the cars collided. Mrs. Hod- ioua Topic* of Local and a thousand men would be put to work on this job is ridicu- ges was thrown into the back of June 23 is thereby declared il-l I less, engineer of the road com- MUSTER DAY be maintained ot supply present Ganiral InUroat lous. About two-thirds of them would have to be water boys seat of the Bushnell car. She legal as well as the two daysj mission. to be practically com- and increased future require- was carried into one of the gas Aug. 12 and 13. Both sessions | for the other one-third. pleted in the state bridge engi- NN,.4vi7Pii PIP\I ri#nri>« rn ments for a long period of time neers office. The cost of the ^RkAMZLD FARM GROli S TO stations on the corner and medic- The three fiends who brutally were considered as adjournments The improvement o| N. Di vision avt from an aesthetic stand- to come, but the continued drouth murdered four young people near from the rogular April 14 session. bridge is to be $70,000. of which j JOIN IN NATIONWIDE OB is dealing a hard blow to that al aid summoned from Lowell, point may be a desirable thing for the city of Grand Rapids, Dr. Altland and Dr. Shepard re- Ypsilanli last week will be fed, If all members signed a waiver] the state will pay half. The coun- hope. but to accomplish it by saddling a goodly portion of the cost SERVANCE — PROMISES TO sponding to the call. Prelimin- warmed, clothed and entertained on the question of a call for a ty's share already is in the Cook Industries Expanding special session the present meet- on the county at large should not be considered. bridge fund, having been set BE ONE OF THE BIG EVENTS ary examination revealed Mrs. for the rest of their natural lives The King Milling Co., is adding ing might be declared legal, the aside for this purpose. Hodges had sustained a fracture by the taxpayers of Michigan at a The Ledger believes in harmony in the board of supervis- OF THE YEAR. another 100 hp. motor to take cost of upwards of $05,000. prosecutor stated, but the city' Construction of the bridge is of the pelvic bone. She was later ors, but it docs not believe in harmony that has to he piirrh<nsed care of its increasing business. supervisors, peeved over the| complicated by the crossing of taken to Blodgett hospital where Grain is brought to Lowell for way matters had gone, stood as a| at such a price as the N. Division ave. project — a project the Pere Marquette railroad That the Kent County Farm X-rays showed triple fractures of The law-abiding people of this mill from distances of 40 man against signing the waiver. which is not only opposed by rural taxpayers but undoubted- which will pass over the struc- Bureau will join with thousands the pelvic bone, also arm and rib Michigan should not fail to give miles and the village furnishes a fractures. They were led by Supervisor j lure. i of other organized farm groups their approval and support of the ly by a goodly portion of the rank and file of Grand Rapids in a current for the operation of a Later in the day Mrs. Hodges Nicholas Kik, who declared: Across Four Townships ! gigantic, nation-wide obser- state-wide drive against speak- taxpayers. large amount of its machinery. "We are all through with har-j Cook bridfle will he of sl.-rl and va,ion or MuMer ,)a> ''"'""Vl the was brought back to Lowell to easies and bootlegging which has Another new demand for pow- mony talk now. We will give, To compromise on Division ave. proposition, should such ef- ,on,h the home of her son. Clinton Hod- been inaugurated by Gov. Bruck- HI ere t e. support ecI o n p i I i n g. It is " ^P^^has been er will come from the General ges, where everything possible you some of your own brand of forts be made, would be about as consistent as it would have ( ) iu n 1 er. Moonshine liquor is with- oped construction can be start- :!!!!! .
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