Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86365-0 — The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism Edited by Amy Hollywood, Patricia Z. Beckman Index More Information Author and Artist Index Abelard (1079–1142), 61n7 , 94–5 Aristotle (384–22 BCE), 146 Achard of Saint Victor (d. 1170/1), Arndt, Johann (1555–1621), 209 , 94 , 99 346 Adam of Saint Victor (d. 1143), 94 Asad, Talal, 69n25 Aelred of Rievaulx (1110–67), 90 , Athanasius of Alexandria (d. 373), 161 , 229 , 236 44 , 309–10 Alan of Lille (ca. 1128–1202/3), Augustine of Canterbury (d. 604), 75n46 , 289 245 Albert the Great (d. 1280), 192 , Augustine of Hippo (354–430), 206 1–2 , 2n3 , 12 , 17 , 24–5 , 59 , 143 , Alcher of Clairvaux (ca. 1160), 148–50 , 158 , 160 , 175–9 , 188 , 179 190 , 202 , 211–15 , 261–5 , 287 , Alexander of Hales (d. 1245), 190 309 , 343–4 : Confessions , 1–3 , Alexander Nequam (d. 1217), 161 12 , 100 , 150 , 261–2 , 264 , 310 , Alfonso of Ja é n (1327–89), 231 322 Altensteig, John (fl . early Aune, David E., 264–5n2 sixteenth century), 283 , 287 Averill, James R., 298–300 Althusser, Louis, 69n25 Ambrose of Milan (d. 397), 202 Basil of Caesarea (d. 379), 59 , 138 , Andrew of Saint Victor (d. 1175), 142–3 94 Baudonivia (sixth/seventh Angela of Foligno (d. 1309), 188 , centuries), 191 199 , 231–2 , 333 , 337 Beach, Alison I., 60n3 , 70n26 , Anselm of Bec (ca. 1033–1109) 71n80 (also known as Anselm of Beatrice of Nazareth (d. 1268), Canterbury), 81 , 158–60 , 165 , 108 , 184 , 198 , 231–2 , 333 168 Beaufort, Margaret (1444–1509), Anselm of Haverberg (ca. 1095– 236 1158), 93 Beckwith, Sarah, 307–8 , 319 Antony (d. 356), 38 , 44–51 , 57–8 , Benedetta Carlini (d. 1661), 195 309 Benedict of Aniane (d. 821), 60 371 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86365-0 — The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism Edited by Amy Hollywood, Patricia Z. Beckman Index More Information 372 Author and Artist Index Benedict of Nursia (ca. 480–547), Charcot, Jean-Martin (1825–93), 57 , 60 , 60n5 , 65–6 , 178–80 317 Benet of Canfi eld (1562–1611), 118 Christina the Astonishing Bening, Simon (1483–1561), 284 (d. 1224), 195 Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153), Clement of Alexandria (ca. 27–8 , 63n9 , 74–8 , 86–91 , 160 , 150–ca. 215), 138 164 , 184 , 191–3 , 204 , 208 , 229– Constable, Giles, 70n29 30 , 241–6 , 267–8 , 296 , 310 , 337 Crean, John E., Jr., 62n8 Bernini, Giovanni (1598–1680), 272 , 328–9 Daley, Brian, 66n17 B é rulle, Pierre de (1575–1629), Denck, Hans (ca. 1500–27), 131–4 , 209–10 128–9 Bilinkoff, Jodi, 118n12 Denis the Carthusian (1403–71), Boff, Leonardo (b. 1938), 211–12 , 237–8 221 Diemut of Wessobrunn, Bonaventure (1221–74), 15 , 102, 71n30 163–5 , 171–2 , 192 , 197–8 , 206 , Dionysius the Areopagite (also 230 , 236 cited as Pseudo-Dionysius Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne (1627– the Areopagite) (early sixth 1704), 306 century), 13 , 17 , 24 , 137 , 140 , Brakke, Dave, 39n7 , 49n26 143–6 , 155–6 , 161 , 164 , 192 , Bridget of Sweden (d. 1373), 188 , 237 , 258–61 , 287 , 330 195 , 231–3 , 238 , 245–6 Dominic Guzman (ca. 1171– Brown, Peter, 41n9 , 49n26 1221), 99 Bruno the Carthusian (ca. 1030– Dorothea of Hof (late fi fteenth 1101), 86 century), 248–51 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 272 , Dorothea of Montau (d. 1394), 274 , 306 , 311–12 , 318 , 323 195 , 199 Douceline of Digne (d. 1274), Calvin, John (1509–64), 126 195–6 Cassian, John (d. ca. 435), 10 , 13– 16 , 24 , 37 , 49 , 53–4 , 57 , 65–70 , Ebner, Margaret (d. 1351), 188 , 76, 149 , 156 , 159 , 170 , 175–7 234–5 , 239n48 Cassiodorus (d. ca. 585), 149 , 167 , Eckhart, Meister (d. 1328), 3 , 19 , 262 79n59 , 103–4 , 110 , 120 , 192 , Catherine of Genoa (1447–1510), 196–7 , 204–20 , 232–4 , 249 , 116 , 232n25 286–7 , 345 , 347 Catherine of Siena (1347–80), 194 , Egbert/Ekbert of Sch ö nau (twelfth 198–9 , 231n24 , 233 , 238 , 324 century), 183 , 240 Certeau, Michel de (1925–86), Elisabeth of Sch ö nau (d. 1164), 6n10 , 7n12 183–4 , 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86365-0 — The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism Edited by Amy Hollywood, Patricia Z. Beckman Index More Information Author and Artist Index 373 Elisabeth of T o ss (“Elizabeth of Gertrude the Great of Helfta Hungary”), 233 (1256–1301/2), 77 , 152–5 , Elizabeth of Spalbeek (1246– 172 , 176–7 , 231 , 289–90 , 311 , 1304), 275 319–20 , 333 Elliott, Dyan, 194n23 , 335n28 Goehring, James, 47n22 Elsbeth Stagel (d. ca. 1360), 240 Golitzin, Alexander, 255n11 Elsbeth of Stoffeln (fl . fourteenth Gould, Graham, 40n8 century), 291 Granada, Luis de (mid-sixteenth Emmerich, Anne Catherine century), 118n12 (1774–1824), 313 Green, D. H., 275n31 Erasmus, Desiderius (ca. 1469– Gregory the Great (ca. 540–604), 1536), 117 , 119 60 , 152 , 178 , 180 , 269 Evagrius of Pontus (d. 390), 37 , Gregory of Nazianzos (330–90), 138 49–51 , 55–7 , 202–3 Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335–ca. Evans, Gillian R., 75n46 394), 60n5 , 138 , 202 , 309 , 346–7 Gregory Palamas (ca. 1296–1359), Fassler, Margot E., 60n3 , 64–5n12 142–5 F é nelon, Fran ç ois de Salignac de Griffiths, Fiona J., 73n39 la Mothe (1651–1715), 210 Griffiths, Paul E., 301–2 Fishlake, Thomas (fourteenth Guerric of Igny (d. 1157), 90 century), 236 Guibert of Tournai (d. 1284), 229 , Fitzralph, Richard (fl . 231 mid-fourteenth century), 296–7 , Guigo I (d. 1136), 160 , 262 303 Guigo II (d. 1193), 13 , 152, 160 , Foucault, Michel, 307 , 333n10 171–2 , 262–3 Fox, George (1624–91), 130 , 343 G u˚ te Tuschelin (fourteenth Francis of Assisi (1181/2–1226), century), 291 15 , 100–1 , 193 , 195 , 346 Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de Francis of Osuna (ca. 1492–1540), la Motte (1648–1717), 79n59 , 117 210 , 306 , 326 Francis of Sales (d. 1622), 210 Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 317 , Hadewijch (active ca. 1250), 19 , 331 , 348 25 , 77–9 , 107–10 , 112n94 , 183–7 , 205 , 231 , 235 , 269–71 , Garrettson, Catherine Livingston 307 , 319–20 , 343 , 347 , 349 (eighteenth century), 339 Hadot, Pierre, 48n23 Geert Grote (d. 1384), 235–6 Harmless, William, 38–9n6 Geoffrey of Saint Victor (d. 1194), Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976), 145 94 Heloise (d. 1164), 61 , 61n7 Gerson, Jean (d. 1429), 197–8 , 208 , Henry of N ö rdlingen (fourteenth 235n37 , 237–8 , 319 century), 234–5 , 245 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86365-0 — The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism Edited by Amy Hollywood, Patricia Z. Beckman Index More Information 374 Author and Artist Index Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179), Joachim of Fiore (1132–1202), 91 23–4 , 28 , 60n3 , 72–9 , 229 , 240– John Chrysostom (ca. 347–407), 1 , 244–5 , 262 , 282 , 310 , 347–8 ; 138 , 255–8 Scivias, 23 , 78 , 240 , 244–5 , 282 John of Climacus (d. ca. 606), 44 Hilduin of Saint Denys (ninth John of the Cross (1542–91), century), 143 27n35 , 79n59 , 118–19 , 122–4 , Hilton, Walter (d. 1396), 169–70 , 155–6 , 209 , 235 , 343 , 347 176–7 , 236–7 , 312 John of Dalyatha (ca. eighth Hindmarsh, D. Bruce, 15n22 , century), 260–1 33n41 , 64n10 John of Damascus (d. 749), 168 Hollywood, Amy, 78n56 , 79n59 , John of F é camp (d. 1078), 80–6 , 272n22 , 274–5 , 319 , 332n13 111 , 159 , 165 , 168 Hugh of Fouilloy (d. 1172–74), John Nider (1380–1438), 248 93–4 John the Scot Eriugena (ca. Hugh of Saint Victor (1096–1141), 815–77), 192 13 , 95–9 , 155 , 161 , 167 , 176–7 , Johnson, Penelope D., 60n3 192 , 229 , 267n10 , 268 , 287–9 Julian of Norwich (d. aft. 1416), Hugh of Saumur (1024–1109), 82 188 , 231 , 237 , 245 , 307 , 347–50 Hutchinson, Ann (1591–1643), 77 Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 313 Ida of Louvain (ca. 1065–1139), Kempe, Margery (d. aft. 1438), 30 , 272–3 188 , 237 , 308 , 338 Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556), 131–2 , 211–12 , 217–18 , 343–4 Lacan, Jacques, 328–32 Irigaray, Luce, 307 , 317 , 332 Lambert li B è gues (mid-twelfth Irlam, Shaun, 27n35 , 31n38 century), 229 Isaac of Stella (d. 1169), 90 Largier, Niklaus, 31–2 , 271 , Isadore of Seville (d. 636), 158 , 272n22 178 , 262 Lawrence, C. H., 61n6 LeClercq, Jean, 65n16 , 69n25 , Jacopone da Todi (d. 1306), 109–10 147 , 157 , 243 James of Maerlant (thirteenth Lee, Ann, Mother (d. 1784), 30 , century), 231n22 338 James of Milan (thirteenth/ Lichtman, Maria, 196–7n34 fourteenth century), 163 Lossky, Vladimir (d. 1948), James of Vitry (d. 1240), 192–3 , 145–6 198, 334 Louth, Andrew, 38n5 James of Voragine (d. 1298), 57 Ludolph of Saxony (d. 1377), 163 James, William (1842–1910), 2n4 Luis of Le ó n (1528–91), 118 Jay, Martin, 66n19 Lutgard of Aywi è res (d. 1246), Jerome (d. 420), 142 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86365-0 — The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism Edited by Amy Hollywood, Patricia Z. Beckman Index More Information Author and Artist Index 375 Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 31–2 , Mitchell, Margaret M., 256–8 114–19 , 124–7 , 132 Molinos, Miguel de (1628–97), 354 Mack, Phyllis, 33n41 , 339 Monica (Augustine of Hippo’s Mande, Henry (d. 1431), 112 mother), 1–3 Mangegold of Lautenbach (ca. Moore, Rosemary, 33n41 1030–ca. 1103), 86 Margaret of Oingt (d. 1310), Nemes, Bal á zs J., 246n29 187–8 , 262 , 274 Newman, Barbara, 333n17 Marguerite Porete (d.
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