atnngrtssinnal SE-VENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE SENATE and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-seventh. SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1933 HERBERT HOOVER. By the President: JoHN NANCE GARNER, of Texas, Vice President of the [SEAL] HENRY L. STIMSON, United States, to whom the oath was administered at the Secretary of State. close of the last regular session of the Seventy-second Con­ gress, called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. ADDRESS BY VICE PRESIDENT GARNER The Chaplain, Rev. zgBarney T. Phillips, ·D.D., offered the The VICE PRESIDENT. Senators, this is my first and following possibly it may be my last opportunity to address the Senate. PRAYER I am particularly anxious to ingratiate myself into your Eternal God and Heavenly Father, before whose face the favorable consideration. Knowing from some observation generations rise and pass away, who through all the ages the disposition of the Senate not to discuss any matter unless bast led Thy children with the fire and cloud; hearken to it is important and under particular consideration, I deem our prayer and turn the heart of every citizen of the it inappropriate to say more than that I come as your Pre­ Republic unto Thee in this fateful hour of our own and siding Officer to cooperate, to be helpful, to do the best I the world's great need. Bestow Thy choicest blessings upon can to help you conduct the proceedings of the Senate. these Thy servants, who under Thee have been called to be In carrying out that idea which I have, I shall forego President and Vice President of the United States. Give saying more than that I am happy to be over here, I am unto them the grace of true humility, the heart that knows happy to meet you all, and glad of the opportunity to get no guile, the courage born of innocency of life, the gentle better acquainted with Senators. patience of the Christ, and, above all, the spirit of love that CREDENTIALS believes and hopes and endures, that they may be true Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I present the creden­ leaders of Thy people. tials of the Han. NATHAN L. BACHMAN, appointed by the Bless every Member of the Congress and all others in Governor of Tennessee to succeed the Han. Cordell Hull, authority, that they may be a glorious company, the flower and ask that they may be read. of men, to serve a model for this mighty world and to be The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be received the fair beginning of a time when, with every root of bitter­ and read by the clerk. ness cast out, the good of all shall be the goal of each. The Chief. Clerk read the credentials, as follows: Let Thy blessing rest upon the retiring President, Vice THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, President, and Members of the Congress, to whom we pay ExECUTIVE CHAMBER. our loving tribute. Bring the nations of the world, through To all who shall see these presents, greeting: an ever-increasing sense of fellowship, into one great fam­ Know ye, that whereas, under chapter 8, section 3, of the first extra session of the legislature of 1913, the Governor is authorized ily; hasten the time when war shall be no more, and may to appoint a Senator in the Congress of the United States when we never be content with any peace save that of Him who vacancies occur, and whereas a vacancy has occurred caused by won His peace by making this world's ills His own, Jesus the resignation of Senator Cordell Hull, of Carthage, Tenn., that he might accept the appointment of Secretary of State of Christ our Lord. Amen. the United States tendered him by President-elect Franklin D. PROCLAMATION Roosevelt; and having confidence in the abi11ty and integrity of Hon. NATHAN L. BACHMAN, of Chattanooga, Tenn.: The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the procla­ Now, therefore, I, Hill McAlister, Governor of the State of Ten­ mation of the President convening the Senate in extraor­ nessee, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, do commission Hon. NATHAN L. BACHMAN to fill said o.m.ce of Sen­ dinary session. ator in the Congress of the United States until his successor is The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) read the proclama­ elected and qualified agreeably to the Constitution and laws, during the term, with all the powers, privileges, and emoluments tion of the President, as follows: thereunto, appertaining by law. In testimony whereof, I, Hill McAlister, Governor as aforesaid, CONVENING THE SENATE IN SPECIAL SESSION BY THE PREsiDENT OF have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State THE UNITED STATES OF A.MEluCA to be atHxed at the department in NashvUle on this 4th day of A PllOCI.AMATION March A.D. 1933. IIn.L McALISTER, Governor. Whereas public interests require that the Senate of the [sEAL) ERNEST N. HASTON, United States be convened at 12 o'clock on the 4th day of Secretary of State. March, 1933, to receive such communications as may be The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be placed made by the Executive: on file. Now, therefore, I, Herbert Hoover, President of the United Mr. GLASS. Mr. President, I send to the desk the certifi­ States of America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an cate of the Governor of Virginia attesting the appointment extraordinary occasion requires the Senate of the United of Han. HARRY F. BYRD as a Senator from the State of Vir­ States to convene at the Capitol, in the city of Wash.i:ngton, ginia, and ask that they may be read and that Mr. BYRD on the 4th day of March next, at 12 o'clock noon, of which may take the oath of office. all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as The VICE PRESIDENT. The certificate will be read. Members of that body are hereby required to take notice. The Chief Clerk read the certificate, as follows: In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and CoMMONWEALTH oF VIRGINIA, caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of February, To the PREsiDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES: This is to certify that pursuant to the power vested in me by ill the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-three, the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the Com- 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 4 monwealth of Virginia, I, John Garland Pollard, Governor of the The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion said Commonwealth, do hereby appoint HARRY FLOOD BYRD a Sen­ tor from the said Commonwealth to represent the said Common­ of the Senator from Arkansas. wealth in the Senate of the United States until the vacancy The motion was agreed to. therein, causeCI by the resignation of Hon. Claude A. Swanson, is filled by election as provided by law. LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES Given under my hand and under the great seal of the Common­ Alabama.-Hugo L. Black and John H. Bankhead. wealth, at Richmond, this 4th day of March A.D. 1933, and in the one hundred and fifty-seventh year of the Commonwealth. Arizona.-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. JNo. GARLAND PoLLARD, Governor. Arkansas.-Joseph T. Robinson and Mrs. Hattie W. Cara- By the Governor: way. [SEAL] PETER SAUNDERS, Calijornia.-Hiram Secretary of ·the Commonwealth. W. Johnson and William Gibbs Mc­ Adoo. The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be placed Colorado.-Edward P. Costigan and Alva B. Adams. on file. Connecticut.-Frederic C. Walcott and Augustine Lon- AD~TRATION OF OATH ergan. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the names of Delaware.-Daniel 0. Hastings and John G. Townsend, Jr. the newly elected Senators, and, as their names are called, Florida.-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. they will present themselves at the desk and take the oath Georgia.-Walter F. George and Richard B. Russell, Jr. of office. Idaho.-William E. Borah and James P. Pope. The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. ADAMS, Mr. BACH­ Illinois.-J. Hamilton Lewis and William H. Dieterich. MAN, Mr. BARKLEY, and Mr. BLACK. Indiana.-Arthur R. Robinson and Frederick Van Nuys. These Senators, escorted by Mr. CosTIGAN, Mr. McKELLAR, Iowa.-L. J. Dickinson and Louis Murphy. Mr. LoGAN, and Mr. BANKHEAD, respectively, advanced to the Kansas.-Arthur Capper and George McGill. Vice President's desk, and the oath of office prescribed by Kentucky.-Alben W. Barkley and M. M. Logan. law was administered to them by the Vice President. Louisiana.-Huey P. Long and John H. Overton. The Chief Clerk called the names of Mr. BoNE, Mr. BROWN, Maine.-Frederick Hale and Wallace H. White, Jr. Mr. BULKLEY, and Mr. BYRD. Maryland.-Millard E. Tydings and Phillips Lee Golds- These Senators, escorted by Mr. DILL, Mr. KEYES, Mr. borough. FEss, and Mr. GLAss, respectively, advanced to the Vice Massachusetts.-David I. Walsh and Marcus A. Coolidge. President's desk, and the oath of office prescribed by law Michigan.-James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg. was administered to them by the Vice President. Minnesota.-Henrik Shipstead and Thomas D. Schall. The Chief Clerk called the names of Mrs. CARAWAY, Mr. Mississippi.-Pat ·Harrison and Hubert D. Stephens. CLARK, Mr. DALE, and Mr. DAVIS. Missouri.-Roscoe C. Patterson and Bennett Champ Clark. These Senators, escorted by Mr.
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