,aEecBJegsygo anotB^resuoCaql le sueurcedsssreJd eJt areql13ql pelou (gg6I ) tepue.IJoJ suaurrceds qtlt\ ts€el l?'oset 3ql ueeq e^€ri ol sIuoddBsrqJ slsrlerJedseq] ol lues are,n sueurceds ero3:eq ,osno, ,elqrssod .(9961 suolcellor sslord er1;o seleclldnppegnqplsrp uu?uqe-I tBql Jo sr 11 dsr:3) unlJuqJeq u,,rlo Jreql :o; suotgodord 8ur,(re,l j.o suerurcedsalul ol pe,t\olp s?,,uJoqlnu Suqnqr4uoc 'pun.I'ulnesntrt qcrc pu? (C1) uepe,rs prruBlofl eqlJo unguqteq eql ol lue.\\tunrJ?q.rsq s.uueurqe.I '?-IJBqJeq yed u.\,\oJreql pue s.uu€uqo1 ;o eueteq qJtq^i purtuu eqg,{1uo ro plelvru eqt Ip ol 'qlr,r ssaccepuq ,(eqt:eqleq/r\ po{Jo^\ sJoqlneeql suortJellocaqlJo rIJBeJo qrnur,noq flesrcerd a,rou1 lou op e^r ,{lal"unuoJun (gg6l ero>1urgry goqg) exq eq}Jo slueurl€a.qpelnqlrluoc oq^\ slsllBlreds 6I eql ol lues eJa^\sueurneds eJoJeq serlltr"J olur pouos sE^\tr 1eqlpuz uorsrr,rednssrq Jopuns€^r 'serxnlo^ leua1erueql Jo 8uruos eql 1eqlJBolc lr ep?u uusuqe-I asoqlol eftJeld aq1u1 ,{1e,tr1cedser 8t8I puE tt8l ur Z puB I slo^ ..aeuerssroJdeetueld,, ur peqsqqnd fpuenbasqns aJe^\ t"r{l €xBl .Ztgl-prur snorJe^aql Jo lunoccv uu eredardol slsqercods;oecuelsrss€ eql pelsquauaql ur&uqe.I uI uopuo'I ur sB,{\eq auq,,nssru4,(q re{ooH rrr"qlr/t\ ot lolFBe plos ela^\ euos leql sploceJ(916l) 'fluruJ 'uueuqe.I fen111tgc141q8noqll€ ol ue^e pauosun[[Ds J C I ol suoqcellor srq.relo pesnl aq 'edoJng ol peumleJssreJd uaq^r lEql petoudsr.l3 elelduocul llqs sr lunoccEeql lnq,(066I) fuEqcJeII '(886I) '(€86I) ,(€861) ,(9161) pue (886I) Bro)urs ? uoqs repu?.I dslrJ uoqr6 ,ier,rqlgctr41,(leureu 'suorlcellocsrqJoalBJaqtpuefuereuqrsrqpequcsapa^€qsJsdedluecellEJeAoS.(066Itu€qaJBII) ,slu![d suruSoreuuqdpuesruetold.{rc qloq;o sarceds6697,{laprurxorddE Suqcelloc(7yg 1 ,{renuel-ggg1 raqurecaq)sree,( eeJql u€ql eJou luedspu" g €91 ur srl?Jtsnv ua1se16o1 pe,(eu:nof,,(ueuueg uralsee -rluou .ssra.r4 ur zJ?H uru Sreqz:e11ur Jeu^\opuelpup Jeloqcselu^ud B Slalpnl lsn8nv uu?qof uogJnpoJlul 'IIglEZ '(I.I .IN , pue IN lB eJ?0 I le arB 6 I ereq pelceles sed,{1o1ce1eq1 JO puB (I.I lg l€ esoql .{lr"In3nr€d 'sed,{1u,(s aql Suorue ruo.rgelqrssod ta,rereq,n sad,{lopel Sursooqc,tq serxuueseql Jo uorlecltdd€ '{lluanbesuoJ eqt pexu e^Bq e.r pessesseF[[nJerec uaeq seq (E9g1) ..3un1re7soqcsruelog,, ur .redzdluenbesqns e ur puu (gtgI pu€ ttg l),,e€uurssreJdaelu?[d,, sluueurqs-1 ur Jaussrel,^{,{qpequcsop '(t66I) €x?t 9s IIE roJ seureuJo snt€lsad,{l aqJ, ,lt-66t:(E) 6 e$KnN serrrBueql Jo uo4ecgrdfl .U.g .urIsBI :(e?aprosoruUl :aesourwr\ae'I) mJpJV Jo setcedss,:aussrelal C'J S U.up,roJ ptr" I l)BJlsqY .t0I zsl9 PlleJlsnvureNaia ouroJ xog od 'lueule8euEl 'uJnusqreH I pus-I pue uole,\l5suoJ Jo lueruu?dao uBtleJlsnvuelseld u8,roJ s u puuuqsPhl u'g seruBueql Jo uoltBrulddl :(aBopJosout!trAl :aBsou!un3e.I)mrDrv lo sqads s(Jausslel^tr.d.J 66t (t66I) 'It 66t (t) 6 €rst^nN NuytsiaVol. 9, No. 3 (1994) Botanique de Geneve (G) which were receivedas early as June 1842,just six months aftel Pleiss' departure from Western Australia. Short & Sinkora (1988) stated that all the Preiss Australian spicimens received by J. Steetz, who contributed the Compositae,were in his hands by 1843' McGillivray (1975) suggestedthat somePreiss collection numbers,sPecifically those between 2621 and 2644, might well have been representedby one or very few specimens. The only collection number in this range representingAcacia type material was the type number Meissnel cited fol A. myrtifolia var. najor (2641) and no exampleof that number has been seenby us' Typification of Meissner's Acacia names "Flora In the courseofpreparing the accountofAcacia for the ofAustralia" the statusof all 56 taxa "Plantae describedby Meissner in the Preissianae"(1844 and 1848) and in a subsequentpaper in ,,BotanischesZeitung,, ( 1855)has been carefully assessedand the namestypified wherepossible. The new taxa were divided betweenspecies (of which 12 are now synonymsof othel taxa) and vadeties (ofwhich l8 arenow consideredsynonyms); this meansthat more than halfthe noveltieshe described have been synonymised,a rather surprising statisticgiven the fact that in the 1840s,relatively few taxa from Western Australia had been described,and those mostly by Robert Brown (1813) and GeorgeBentham (1842). Many of Meissner'svarieties represented minor variantsin the populations, which may explain in part the very high number of synonymsat that level. The new taxa ofAcacla describedby Meissnerare mostly from south-westwestern Australia, the exceptionsbeing,4. falcinetla arldA. Iatrobei whi:chwere based on Latrobe collections from eastern Australia, andA. glaucifoliawh\ch wasbased on aEuropean-growngarden plant. The new taxa wele basedprincipally on Preisscollections but includeda substantialnumber ofJ. Drummond collections. - Two south-west Austalian taxa were based on other than Preiss or Drummond collections A. denudatavar. splnossissima(based on a European-glowngarden plant) and A. gilbertit (basedorr Gilbert 50). The primary setsof Preisscollections of Acaciq axeat theHerbarium,Botanical Museum, Lund, Sweden (LD) and The New York Botanical Garden (NY); the latter set is Meissner's personal herbarium which was purchasedby Columbia University in New York City and latel transferredto NY. The Preissspecimens at LD were annotatedby Meissnerin most casesbut the remaindel of the label is often in Lehmann's hand. As to Meissner'spersonal helbarium atNY, the conclusionSeems "Plantae inescapablethat Meissnerannotated the specimensafter the publication of Preissianae",for "Plantae he included in many cases,as part of the labels,the pagenumber in Preissianae",as well as referenceto subsequentuse of the name in other works, chiefly Bentham's accountof the genus in "Flora the Australiensis". Both Cdsp (1983) and Wilson (1983) concluded that, taken as a whole, the best set of Preiss collections is at LD. our analysisof the type specimensof MeissnerAcacic taxa basedon Preiss collections demonstratesthat one cannot make the assumptionthat the LD sPecimenbest qualifies as lectotype. We found that nearly as many specimens were better leplesented and/or bettel authenticatedin Meissner's own herbarium at NY. For example,A. resttaceavat scopar t at N\ is completely annotatedto the varietal level by Meissnerbut the LD specimenlacks either a species or varietal epithet. Similarly, there are several other examples of Preiss specimensat LD not annotated by the author with the name published by him, namely, A acuminata v?tr. ciliatL' A. denudata,A. meissneri andA. obovqta \ar. mlnor' As noted above,the annotationsby Meissner "Plantae on the NY specimenswere likely to have beenadded after the publication of Preissianae". '(,,3un1re7 saqcsruutog,,ur peqsttqndsuot1cello, puoururruC uo poseqseu€u ol,{Dsoru sellddu sql) uorluruJoJurtue^eleJ aql 18 Jo acuesqeeql ur satueu3ur,4grd.{1 uro:; peurc.l;ale^Er{ el6 (Z) 'unrJpqJaq ,,{resseces u,ro s.laussrell ulo{ ueurceds ap eql Jr ,{[ue{rqJe 'esoqc 'C-I ,alelduoJ e^\ puu IN le luesad se,,nuerurceds ssre.r4 pelBlouue ,{1pnbeue aJoq^\ (I) spoqtatrtr 'urnrJvq.req s.quo,rellnqs uror; peleur8uo qcq.r sueurrcedspuoururn]C uo peseq,{lururrld eJ" asaqlpuB'IN l" o,rl pu? hlgtE sueubeds uo peseque tq8ra,sourEuuet JoJpesruSoce:are sod,{1olo11 ',{le,rqcadser ,,(lsnor^ard IN pup 1gt{ l" sueurcedsuo pes?q pagrd,(lotrel ueeq paq 'orypltroq .V 'seruBu '!IN .C.I puu uaqJtlpua y o/'\J hlg lu Z puE 1?0l l€ sueurrcadsuo pes?qeJ" 6I qcrq^l 'l€tol 'ueql 'roussretr^{ Jo eql JIEqtnoqE Jo 6Z ,{Jrd,(lolcelereq e^l ,{q pernporlur seuEu 99 eqt JO 'uolsa I relad r(I'^\e) 1ereJUJo uosr€r.Ip]ruelog u?lprlsnv 96_266I aql rq pepr^oJde.re,r aseql :I Ig lB sed,(lu,(spuourunJc eqt Jo r(uuur;o setdocoloqdSur,req ,(q potBllllcef ,4peer8osp sea lro,r slql lN pu€ C-I qloq l€ suaurcedspuorutunJq pue ssrald 1p Buru:ecuoc setou palrBlappue sqderSoloqds.urls€I^I elqulr€^p pEq e^\ esnEceqeyqrssod se,$ sql .sad,(lu,{s oql Suou€ uro:; elqrssodre,re:eq,n sadf1o1ce1 SursooqJ fq seureus.Jaussle14l Jo uorl€crlddeerlt xg ,,(lrungoddo ol .prleqsnv Jo "JotC,,eql JoJsnuaS aql uo lJo/t\ rno ,{q papno:d eql ue{el e^eq eA\ '1r\ 'ccJ'rIIs puEsn 'ou 'HJ,dgd'd 'Jxo 'AN 't[sN 'dVN'ohl "IaI^l'hl 'fl '1 .>I'CsH 'Jiloc 'Jc-9 '9 'Ic 'a 'acJ 'C rI 'V Ig :suoqnlqsut3ut.,r, o11o; 'puolxunJ( ,suoqaalloc aql te ,{pnls luasa:d eqt ol tuE^eler puE ssreld Jo ,4lurEur pet€col urlsBl I 'luEqJeq 'uDadoJng ,peepul uErl"rsnv puBue3ueurv fuzur o1slrsr,r f,qfue1 luro,res;oesJnoc aql ur 'epr^\pFoa BlJeqJeq,(wUI ur suorlJellocrrlJDJy puollluru(I puu ssrer4;o selecqdnpeJe elaql 'sed,{tu,{ss€ sJequnu ed,{1eq1 Surreaq suerutceds paleerl e,req e,r sercedseerql.reqlo eql squJsepol pesnJeussrel [ leuolBtu l"q,r u?$oDItou sl tr sV teussrel{ Fq palslouupsr sercedse^U eseql;o suerurcadse-I Jo IN eql 'V Jo euou (sedfloloq sBpel€eJt ejp qaq.r) olloltdlrcs pu?DdtDcolq)oJ y;o suourrcedspuourun.rq 'unu?qraq IN eql roJ ldecxg quo,re[lnqs eql Jo u"d sEpa{lEru tou a_r€pu€ roqln? eqt .{q pe]elouu€ 'ra,\e,roq lou eJp eseql :uoD"crlqnd ,,3unlrez seqcsruutog,,eqt ur pequcsepsarcads eql;o e,rg;o '(olltlldouo|l4 .V ,Dno{usnguD ,{g le sueurrJedsed,{l puoururuq osp ere eraq1- V pueofuloqotttw 'JeL .Je^a,^\oq) ,sesEc uauss@ut V'oulJJsnSn y Jepun..seloN,, aos Jeussretrl ,{q pglBlouu"erE lsoru 'puE .6 ur unu"qreq s,quoaelDnqs Jo uBd Suteqsr paIJBu eJEsuaulceds eseq; (uo1se16 rq .{q pepnord serdocoloqdgour:o; eql ur,(uuru)Ieuel.ran rroJqlNg lu€^eleJeql uease ^eqe^\ Darlraqol7 're^ qpqrlnd y ro; ldecxg ,rgl ul htS .4qpaszqc:nd su,,n qc1l,r unrruqreq quo/(elpnqs aqt ur 'stuau4BeJl sueurcedspuoruruuq ,rBS.reussretr l ..e€u?rssreJdeelu?Id,, eql ol lcadsal qlr,{ ,l€ql pelou (€86I) dspJ otcoty Butl'lotturslunocce eelql srq ur sueurrcadspuoururruq pesnosle raussrel4l 'sauruu 1ue1d;o,{lrlrquls eql ot elnqrluor 1eq}suoqecr;rd.ft ot p"el ol fle{rt 'sed,{lolcal lsou, eJnpecoJdE Sursooqce.roJoq pu€q tu slerJepu lu€^eleJeql Ip qlr,,rrflq8noJoql uoxq qcea pepnls a^?q eld elqeJrsepunflpnbe eq plno/h €l€p lupleleJ eql [[E Jo ]uelussess€ sarceds ,sed,4lolcel InJeJuclnoqlra Jeusstall e;o ed,(1o1ca1eql se ueuro?ds (n eqt ?sooqc ot Jo uortJelespcrueqceul uuepuortou prp..eJnlelJuauoNI€3ru?logJo epoJ IEuorlsuleluL,3qt Jl uaAg .J .u3^1oJ .u sal3eos,rrrry sJeus$al ) s d puc u{sEI I a NuytsiaVol.
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