Gulf Times 2 Wednesday, March 23, 2016 QATAR Ministry of Top scientists honoured Statistics signs pact with QF QNA Doha at research conference he Ministry of Develop- ment Planning and Sta- By Joseph Varghese oped and deployed by QMIC in Ttistics (MDPS) and Qatar Staff Reporter partnership with the Ministry Foundation for Education, Sci- of Municipality and Planning. ence and Community Develop- QMIC, the fi rst independent in- ment (QF) yesterday signed a wo top researchers from novations centre in the region, memorandum of understanding Qatar were recognised is located at Qatar Science and that aims to develop co-opera- Tyesterday for their out- Technology Park. tion in the implementation of a standing research projects and Dr Ahmed described the fi eld survey on research and de- innovation at the opening cer- award as a ‘great recognition for velopment. emony of the Qatar Foundation the hard work of the team’ and The MoU was signed by HE Annual Research Conference said he is keen on translating the the Minister of Development 2016 (ARC’16) organised by Qa- research to results. “So I have Planning and Statistics Dr Saleh tar Foundation Research & De- started my company at the Qatar Mohamed Salem al-Nabit, and velopment (QF R&D). Science and Technology Park. President of Research and De- We have been able to get some velopment at Qatar Foundation “So I have started my fi eld tests done.” Faisal Mohamed al-Suwaidi, on company at the Qatar Dr Abu-Dayya pointed out the sidelines of the Qatar Foun- Science and Technology that QMIC team had developed dation Annual Research Confer- Park. We have been able to the only intelligent platform in ence 2016 (ARC’16) held at the get some fi eld tests done” the country and the region. “We Qatar National Convention Cen- are focusing on intelligent mo- tre yesterday. Dr Shehab Ahmed, associate bility, traffi c navigation and road The MoU stipulates the devel- professor in Electrical and Com- safety. This platform has been opment of a national statistical puter Engineering at Texas A&M available commercially. Since system for research and devel- University at Qatar, won the Best 2013, this has been adopted in- opment to meet the needs and Research Project Award for his creasingly by government enti- in response to requirements of work on power electronics while ties, private enterprises, and we HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and HE Sheikha Hind bint Hamad al-Thani along with the award winners Dr Adnan Abu-Dayya and Dr Shehab building an international data- the Best Innovation Award was have also delivered it to com- Ahmed yesterday. PICTURE: AR Al-Baker / HHOPL. Below: A view of the delegates at the conference. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam base in the Unesco Institute for presented to Dr Adnan Abu- muters through our mobile ap- Statistics with a view to making Dayya, executive director and plications. So our iTraffi c appli- international comparisons on CEO of Qatar Mobility Innova- cations serve as the guide on the the measurement of spending tions Centre (QMIC) for Masa- road.” on research and development rak- iTraffi c platform. ARC’16, which concludes to- and the assessment of the size of The awards were presented by day, will feature a series of newly workforce in this fi eld. HE Sheikha Hind bint Hamad incorporated events. The an- This is to be implemented al-Thani, chief executive offi cer nouncement of the QNRF Fund- through conducting a statistical and vice-chairperson of Qatar ing Programme outcomes and the fi eld survey to measure the re- Foundation. Path Towards Personalised Med- search and development indica- Funded by Qatar Nation- icine, the ARC’16 Awards rec- tors in order to obtain informa- al Research Fund (QNRF), Dr ognising the Best Student Poster tion and statistical data on R&D Ahmed’s project focuses on the Presentations, Regular Poster sector in the State of Qatar. development of power electron- Presentations and Best Research MDPS and QF will conduct ics and systems for the integra- Presentation in the fi elds of En- the joint survey in order to have tion of renewable energy into the ergy and Environment, Comput- an idea on the statistical reality power grid. ing and Information Technology, of research and development in Masarak- iTraffi c is an intel- Health and Social Sciences and Qatar as accurately and objec- ligent traffi c monitoring and Arts and Humanities are to be tively as possible, by using the navigation application devel- made today. latest technological means. Gulf Times Wednesday, March 23, 2016 3 QATAR FM calls for comprehensive political settlement in Syria HE the Minister of Transport and Communications Jassim Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti, and Burkina Faso’s Minister of Transportation, QNA through peaceful means and Urban Mobility & Road Security Souleymane Soulama signing the Doha based on Article 7 of its Perma- air services agreement in Doha yesterday. nent Constitution, the State of Qatar has laid the foundations E the Foreign Minister of peaceful mediation and suc- Sheikh Mohamed bin cessfully engaged in intensive HAbdulrahman al-Tha- diplomacy to contain numerous Qatar, Burkina Faso sign ni said the majority of Middle tensions and disputes both re- Eastern countries have been suf- gionally and internationally in fering for decades from instabil- order to achieve peace and se- air services agreement ity; lack of popular participation curity, the Foreign Minister said. in decision-making; absence of HE Sheikh Mohamed bin Ab- social justice, basic freedoms, dulrahman al-Thani said based QNA leymane Soulama in Doha. and respect of human rights; and on Qatar’s fi rm belief that the Doha The two ministers wit- failure of the international secu- achievement of development is nessed signing of a memoran- rity system. the only way to realise security dum of understanding (MoU) Speaking during the 10th edi- and stability, provide a decent he State of Qatar and allowing the national carriers tion of Al Jazeera Forum, the life for peoples and keep young Burkina Faso yester- of both countries to operate Foreign Minister said the main people safe from drifting into Tday signed an air serv- fi fth-freedom cargo fl ights to reason for instability in the Mid- crime or extremism, the State ices agreement to operate any intermediate points or any dle East is the continuing Israeli of Qatar has spared no eff ort any number of passenger and points beyond the two coun- occupation of Arab territories in fulfi lling its international cargo fl ights with full traffi c tries to other countries. for more than six decades while obligations with regard to the rights. The MoU was signed by the international society didn’t provision of humanitarian and The agreement was signed Chairman of the Civil Aviation do enough to end it despite Is- development aid and by con- yesterday by HE the Minister Authority Abdullah Nasser rael’s violation of international tributing fund and expertise of Transport and Communica- Turki al-Subaie and Director resolutions, laws, systems and available to the development tions Jassim Seif Ahmed al-Su- General of the National Agen- norms. and reconstruction in the re- laiti, and Burkina Faso’s Min- cy for Civil Aviation of the Sheikh Mohamed bin Ab- HE the Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani addressing the 10th edition of Al gion and outside it. This, he ister of Transportation, Urban Republic of Burkina Faso Abel dulrahman al-Thani said the Jazeera Forum in Doha on Monday. said, includes providing fi nan- Mobility & Road Security Sou- Sawadogo. international society adopted cial and technical assistance the two-state solution in a con- HE Sheikh Mohamed bin that it is imperative for the in- their potential and get them available in cases of natural text that ensures the settling of Abdulrahman al-Thani also ternational community to reach away from the incubator envi- disasters. the issues of Jerusalem, refu- spoke of the tragedy of the Syr- a comprehensive political set- ronment for terrorism and ex- He added that tyranny, cor- gees, security, borders and wa- ian people, attributing it to the tlement and a complete change tremism. ruption and absence of rule of ter in line with international failure of the international com- in Syria in order to save it from HE Sheikh Mohammed bin law as well as lack of real po- references and the Arab Peace munity to deal fi rmly and seri- the risk of fragmentation. Abdulrahman al-Thani stressed litical and economic reforms Initiative as a referential frame- ously with it, which, he said, He added that the whole that eradicating terrorism any- are the main reasons behind the work for bringing about a just shows the defi ciency and failure world, and particularly the Mid- where can only be achieved uprisings in several countries in and comprehensive peace in the of the international collective dle East, is facing terrorism and through the successful treat- the region, noting that the State region, adding that ending the security system and the paradox extremism as the biggest chal- ment of its incubator environ- of Qatar was among the fi rst occupation and achieving peace between the international com- lenge to the achievement of in- ment and the deep-rooted rea- countries to call on international in the Middle East requires the mitment acknowledged by the ternational safety and peace, sons that drive an individual community to support these international community to ex- Security Council member-states highlighting poverty, unem- to embark on acts of terrorism, people in achieving their legiti- ercise various forms
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