PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. WEDNESDAY 1873. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. VOL.12. PORTLAND, MORNING, FEBRUARY 26, TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. FOUND. EDUCATIONAL, [From llie Louisville Courier-Journal.) THF rOHTLAND DAILY PRESS TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. THE PRE 1-8-7-3. S S. Ι Shrewdly Outwitted. the Published day (Sundays excepted) by the diamond case every School ! WEDNESDAY MORNINU, TBL We understand that gre.it Board. & Co's 20, 1 ut at ban PI'BLISHIN» CO., accommodated at House Wanted. Geo. R. Davis Navigation Lent v.t. Arnold, Elizabethtown, PORTLAND FEW GENTLEMEN can be of Cumberland. developed another item quite characteristic at 16 street, corner (Josslp and At 109 Exchange St, I'orti.ajîd. A Myrtle teb25*lm BULLETIN. SCHOOL will be openod at No. Gleanings. of the whole affair. The story, as it was Also table boarders. one for sale a well situated NAVIGATION having desirable, March 3il. told to us train last Year in advance A 15J Exchange street, by a passenger on the Terms: Eight Dollars a To Let. ANYHouse with modern conveniences, in the Breen and C. H. Farley. loan ! ! ! the of Capt. Edward savs tliat an in I he Western part of the city, can find a purchaser by ad- $30,000 to charge aJtcmoon by Capt. A Detroit paper Lake Erie lia.* interesting chapttr furnished rooms with boarl at 119 Iiistrncti· η will be given every U.slory of the other Calilor- STATE PRESS eonnocted dressing X. Y. Z.. in «nui» The Maine State Prest evenings b> O. 11. ice case. Lent and THE MAINE cor. of Franklin Sts. We are to loan money Brocn, and Monday and Friday kicked lier sliect of all to pieces. TWOCumberland Press Office. prepared a 1 aril hme- in the had been tf on liai Farley. The course will begin with dean ir!tn^ .LterS,ted matter stay- Thursday Morning at $2 50 a MSI 7cb. tf from 9100 >· any nmonntdeeired, Mid- Ιβ ρ iblished every 24,1873. tic, and well Plane, Traverse. Parallel house since after the a in Portland Elisa- comprise use vi" shortly if in advance, at $2 00 year. clam· mortage* Cape dle Latitude use of the year, paid to Let. sailing; the Logarithms; The man whose cherished idol hus bu' seemed that Arnold Rooms or Dcering. Partie· de and adjustment of Nautical instruments; Latitude young hid kent i*itereîi' ol in Lost. beth, Weotbrook, and could not be Rates of Advertising : One inch space, by Sun and and Chronometer. a use for her old mittens appears in fourni to rè'<!i'iSe .iiu ."'W'ng. mt front rooms witliwith or without board, on at the of also beaecommoda Stars, Longitude by found a pleasant~ CITY evening, ■iron, bnildingean — notice leng ii of column, constitutes "square." HALL, Friday IS THE Lunar observations will not be included in the course court ->iid ?al issued by the week ; 75 cents per at 21114 Free street. fcbedtf of a new I loans· in for March. luiL·., S 60 per square daily first TWO AT Blues'Masquerade, part Waterproof teil with but will be taught if desire 1. force the magazines continu- seams Another was great w-tjk three insertions, or less, $1 00; Cloak, stayed with white tape. K. DAVIS & The instruction will l>cfore the med'by'll after; cents. can GEO. CO,, evening be given other after first week, 50 To Let. left in place of the one taken, which the owner whole when the in suit there could be ng every day cents one tak- Estate and class, various problems involved nofôrc.i ',®1'1' three insertions or less, 75 ; have at 143 Middle street with the one Real mortgage Brake». will reason for Ualf square, <55 Park one of the most desirable by calling navigation be worked out upon the black-board A gave a very good into Arnold's cents week after. Street, en mistake. fel>2o scp24 If illustrated publisher officers' house wejk. $1 00; 60 per rents in en through and by suitable and 011 hi in: to^ere^he writ thinl additional. HOUSE the city. Enquire the premises. diagrams apparatus, authors to ones. He and it is said that it ^ ■ Special Notices, ono and the use and adjustment of instruments deceased living "Amitsmements," *2 00 per square jan9dtf FOB SALE—A Farm lor explain- preferring it would have tailed to Under head of Immediately. 910,000 PAPEÏ ed. Subjects collateral to such as Mete- him find insertions or less $1 50. Wanted BEST WEEKLY navigation said that the former never kept waiting huS.Vh^ week ; three under- Ocean &c., will also bo introduced himself in a per Inserted in the "MAINE STATE BLACKSMITHS' HELPER, one who $5000!! Situated in Cumberland orolgy, Currents, entertaining neighborhood Advertisements Quiet Board. at the evening sessions. For to C. H. Nolin a circulation In everv part tinishing. terras, apply for copy. Creek, into which the "minions Prkss" (which has largo A stands Carriage Co., on line of both Grand Trunk No. 4 street. of the lor first insertion, GENTLEMAN and Lady wishing a quiet Lome Farley, Exchange febl9tf law" either did not like to of the State) for 81 00 per square I venture or were inser- A can And rooms with board at No. 4 C. II. KICKER, Brunswick, Me. an Maine Central Railroads. and 60 cents per square for each subsequent pleasant of the Psalms is convinced that it would be of no Cotton street, second door from Free street. One or George Sand's translation use. * Address, enclosing return stamp, tion. two also. Portland In the meantime there was Address all communications to single gentlemen can be acoommodated Wanted. GEO. K. DAVIS dt Academy. to whom she has read considerable CO. Jjtn7 CO., Portland, IN MAINE: pronounced by critics, talk of between the PORTLAND PUBLISHING APOTHECARY CLERK, one that has hap Rle. she has compromise parties; but Address Γ ot the noblest work or more AN"two or three years experience. Apotn feb20 4w SPRING TERM BEGINS specimens it, some two weeks ago the Calitorni- A Few Good Bents P. Ο. Βαχ, 1787, Portland. feu22*2w ecary, FEBRUARY 1Θ73, ever written. ans went (or at least started) back to the Pa- CARDS. F for at once. 17tli, BUSINESS applied _ cific coast. Not long afterward a I MATTOCKS & FOX, For Sale. an<l will continue 11 weeks. proposition 88 Middle street. un- to for a was forwarded alter them: novSdtf house on State Street, occupied by the Term $1.00 per week. A Kentucky dentist had to pay a dollar compromise L. IsTrlTwanted Γ of WM. SOUTHARD, THEdersigned. This house is thoroughly built Two or three more can l.e attended but the trial came ou, and still Arnold had Because It more evening pupils have a tlil.se notice of his death corrected. V».J Peuibrrton square Boston, STORE TO LETT bricli and stone and has all modem conveniences. gives reading to. Applv to not been to the service of FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ALLEN HAINES. subjected personal and on ETTA A. FILES, Principal, The editor wished to teach him the value of casts, Will Buy Sell corner notice usual in such seems, how- brick store in the Racklefl Block, —ΑΧ- Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. sep!9-tt matter than any other) febl7eod3v. 11 Elm Street. large tand as to the of Middle and Ceurch strceta—basemen ΝΟ. 4 CHU8TNIIT ST. advertising. ever that he had been posted move- COMMISSION A to (near Congre»».) iirst finished and adapted jobbing is aNEWi him- STOCKS, Λ floor, elegantH St. House. Because it thoroughly ments of his adversaries, and, thinking REAL· ESTATE, LAND, or other similar Lawrence his dry goods Wanted—A A Lancaster cat said to self he had returned to home, bet — ALSO — HAINES. gents county, Pa., L safe, For Sale or To Let, PAPER: housed. It was im- and other septlldtf experienced, energetic business men to act roost with kept himself very closely Negotiate Ι.οηη* on IHorl(a(rs 40 Rooms, Gas and water. very contentedly the chickens TWOas Traveling Salesmen. Those who have had ex- Sebago that service should be ob- Decaritie·. to Ε. H. Because it has a Editorial The of portant personal Charles W. perience in canvassing, soliciting orders for publica- Apply GILLESPIE, larger every night. feelings the chickens a To the Honorable Walton, No. 31 Plum St. tained ia order to get personal judgment. REFERENCES: tions or insurance Address with full sepl3-tf John P. one of the Justices of the Supreme Ju- prefered. par- were not ascertained the local he should be in Faneuil Hall Nat. Bank. Hon. Healcy. ticulars force than other in by reporter Besides this advantage,» put Hon. Isaac S. Morse. dicial Court ο 1 the State of Maine. any paper Messrs. Thos. Dana <6 Co. ASHER & 335 Broadway, ! who constructed the item. a that would necessitate his coming " Hon. J. S. Abbott. Nathan ot the ADAMS, position Harvey Scudder&Co. ΓΓ1ΗΕ undersigned, Webb, Attorney feb21d2w New York FOR_SALE he wouJd be- " Gen. J. S. Whitney. of America for the District of City. maiuc; into court, in failing to do so, Kemble Λ Hastings. X United States House No. 24 head of " .Toseph Dix, Esq. a authorized of said United States Emery St., come which Utley iS Boynton. Maine, duly agent on guilty of contempt, certainly " A. Esq. Wanted. Ciisbman Street. Irresolution the schemes of life which .lohii P. Squires & Co. K. Bailou, for this purpose, resnectlully represents that the BecauseitsMarket, .Marine, Con would not tend to his advantage with that B.
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