University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Taiban Valley News, 1917-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-19-1917 Taiban Valley News, 10-19-1917 J. N. Crenshaw Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tv_news Recommended Citation Crenshaw, J. N.. "Taiban Valley News, 10-19-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tv_news/18 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Taiban Valley News, 1917-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '.-.'- f tres r .. i . Ó VOLUME 10 TAIBAN, 13 AC A COUNTY, NK W, MEXICO! FRIDAY? OCTOBER, 19,. 19.17 NUMBER. 25 Garage Mádé FqrYóii! f....íS and . Machine Shop . You'r 'Áutpmn Somé?Reasons ? aná.iWinte. ISO '"'CO. : or es t equipped-- ; shop suit Overccá&made' fe AS'A : you, according to thé stvA , vv í aBk fór your business, íhould have . Lf wyi , yxu y id you y The institution that o cliiu prefer, oui rriepsuja 'some why it is able to handle it. reasons ..,.. Albuquerque , . : .' V" r Here's afewofouri: , We tr to be courteous to alg.ur A1 l Will givb yóu 'greater corn patrons. We aim to extend every facility oonsiatant with Accessories, Gasoline and oils fort an d -- i wearing serv 'ce ' M( - modern banking We tiave anople capital to extend loans. ;, m Prli ! We ave every possible safeguard for 'oar depositors. ! Right prices Jf there is anything more you can ask, come righfc in i O and ask it and we will be glad' to meet your requirements : Satisfaction Guaranteed. WW cyall means, cometo oiil possible. store and let us showyot t S TA TE M ENT. OF the big line of DO Y.OUR BANKING W1T9 US .' CIRCULATION D tUESCO "New-e,- tOf Taiban. Valley pub- ). Made-lo-Meas- ure RAM ! Finest Clothes nFrfiMMFRr.F .nF .TAIRAM lished weekiy'at Taiban Ñ. M, : l.; .... :, . ... ' ' . ' ... covering idsue cf October-5- . ' O O '.CHAS. 917. o E. SPEIGHT NEW MEXICO 1. o w At Taibarj How inar.v coDies of the a- - 3. w. News Office bpve issue ware printed : 275, O) .How circii-,laté- many copies were , d to subscribers (a) through 'the mailsy 271. (b) Outside the SEE ;ME;for mail8j by news agents, publ eh-er'- s carriers, etc.? None. How pic ,orj such copies? None; i Made-to-Measuc- e .3. many t copies were 0 maileo,a& sample copies? ííone. Mrs. C. I Speight and Sons. 4 What dispc8iiion wfts made ". ; Publishers1 oT the remain ng copie3?.vNoth-ing- . ubso,ribed be-fp- re SUITS " ' and sworn tn. 'Whon ihe Márket Goes Down we ? gpDown. .We sold me this 17 day of - Oct. 1917. Kansas Rest Flour Ust weelc a( $7. 10- - Today it is,. $6.55 5 .How many .Hiibscriptions J. M, Cheshire, .Notary Publio'. i OVERCOATS, ', out of samé Shipment. were made.direct to the publish- a Specialty " (SUI) ' i !. 'Snow White Flour Sjold lately at 57, 50. Tpdy we are er by . ' the persons to whom the - 6- 35 sack! " ' ,My Com. expires Jan. 24, 1921 ''Till- sailing it at pir hundred or 3., 20 a ! publication is sent paying, the - .WV "re getting in nev goods every week. Call aqd full W.'H.'Vaughter, 4 advertised subscription prioe see Bob Davies us when in Taiban wityijt any extraneous rxiuce- - came home Wed- nesday morning.; Bob is the big Teiihan, jN. ,black;dog, raised by the pavieá Mex. Mr..& Mrs. C. P. STONE. Ho w pany, gubéc rip.t ions children, and 'ioh fln Rnw tnH Pav th madetc. few " ?! by the nrspns to whom! the 'STANDING BEHIND OUR SOLDIERS TO furlough they tookveZBob to Camp püblicAlioniis sent in connection OUR SOLDIERS BE;TAGGED WITH Funston with them. and on with (the pfñpr of a premium, brak undertaking. great NAME, COMPANY ing.campto go Vista .You are prize, or other qdneideTaMon?. duly. The heart of tne wnole AND REGIMEN None; ' Cal. they sent Bob h.orpe an4 he ;. has DUtlii country is with you. Everything :Everjr American soldier wb í', nartI of his.í ' time o 7. do will be watched with . ()'.''How many subscrip oidg around over tow.n telling thtft you goes inte the trenches in Franc interest, and with the tions, were obtained throui (in a dog way) every an, worn . the deepest, will wear suspended from 'hi os. and q agents solicitude, not. only by 3S2ilBf on.cocpissiontone. an and ohild how pr.oul he. was deepest, neck beneath bis clothing an nl dear, to (b) Hw manv 'in connexion to get back home. He, frightened those who are . near and umioum tair bearing his iame '.Í3UÍ!(.óiU you but by the ...whole Nation Mr.Tmwa ibj ng with , by company and regiment, aocord IN 8HOEs'at'Í! fiü rranetmenls several touriets putjling. his Dealers . DrYGOOD?, great war other publications? None feet on them and trying;to tell besides for this ing to the present plan of th draws U3 all togethtr. War Departmeat. The proposal Ladies 4 Gents Furnishings. .8 How paid, for by them how good.it was to be iri many.werj From President Wilson's others than thote to whom the Taiban, and .we imagine ,if he to ta? each man with a numbe addrets tT the soldiers of tne copies are Sent? 8. could talk he would tell how glad only, as is done in foreign arm National Army. is 8 "How- - our boys would be to comehome, ies, noi favored. many subscriptions count- - If the heart ot the .whole SYSTEM were obtained n some card INDEX other soldiers, ot ' ine ; A new son .registered at the ry is with our A comprehensive card inde manner? None. believed home of Mr. Mrs .Edd Burnsj National Army, and it is system will be inaupurated bt 10, (a) Of ho subscriptions of Sunday Oct. 14, for continuous that it if, the money the the War Department followir 40 enumerated in answer to Ques- - Lreeider.ee..- - arui baby.are Nation will be back of them- paesage of the General Deficien 7 .Mother tions 6 (a) and (b), how many .is to-b- used Soing; nicely. Tha Liberty:Loan oy appropriation bill supplying were obtained at a reduction to F L U R to arm, equip, aud maintain .our th e necessary funds. Plan 0 the of more 50 subscriber than soldiers, tepropa;e them for the have been practicnlly completed per cent f tne regulur adver Cattle cars have been ,very conflict , in France, and maice for the creation in the depart scarce , here, several stockmen i tised annnal subscription price and powerful been wanting to (ship but them as. effoctive mentcf a "statistical divielcn,' for a single 8ubscrit.ion, wheth- have safeguard them and bt-anc- were unable to get caco. as possible, with a foreign in Paris. lb er the reduction was a direct addit- per 100 way possible. In $630 in every DETAIL ;TO BE Kept d'iscountor ffecjed through a them ' ion, it .will be:used to give The division will keep a card rebate, premium offer, olub. ing : DERENO ITEMS life and indemnity insurenceand index record of the Unite arrangement with otherpublica-- ; a, G- - Mr. Will Smith made business provide for .their dependents whefher on duty in thi g H. ATKERSON .and CO MP AMY tiqnf, or otherwise? None, Rtares, trip to town Vedi)e3drty. The uses of the Liberty Loan ap country or on the battlefields o (o) Of these subscription, how B. T. Ross was a pleasant call-o- r peal to (veryjpatriotio Amerj.c Évery . '. Europe. man in th Taiban. New Mexi i many were obtained since May - a Taiban Vednes3ay. foritisu8edf cr ou r soldiers army will be indexed by nam 1, 1917?. None. .Virgil Holley has, been cutting sailors and tiie principals which and the reoords filed in alpha 12 (a) On how many of ' the feed jorMr Carroll this week. they uphoV.. which the .heart oí betical order for immediate ref Fry made a trip . enbscriptions enumerated inans Fred burinfss the whole country is with. evencejshould the names appea to lo Portales Monday. wer Queetions7 (a) ard 7((b) The foundation of our great eithsr in -- r.my orders or casual! 101617 The candy breaking st Ollies' did you receive, after deducting dountry is ,libeity;; its super- iity lists. Withr the description o v J thank one and 'all for- the good trade you have Saturday night was well attended the amount allowed or paid a structure, peace. eech soldier will be given th given to & while I was with the Lone SUr Lbr. Co. Jphn Hoyd was iq Taiban last concmissicn, or as rebate, or VUUam Mo.Kinley. of hfs Now Í will leave then! the first of November and v name nextkia, wiihemtr ' 2 less Wednesday. .1. through other arrangement, v gency Address. ' your acoeimt is due. ', We would like to have your "J. than 50 per cent of the amount Jessie Carroll made a business 'I ... 8 UULUL-i.J-1 1 M ; check to cover: your account. :i annual to town Saturday, RED CROSS ' ' ' at the regular advertised trip MEETING If.. Í ", :' ; : iifspt. ,' subscription price? None. Miss Minnie Garrolt came Pure A general Red Cross meetim X tV ;'" ,;vn I. Speight BMíMñ ';"!'."""" C (b) Of thefe subsosiptioiE, home Saturday. will be held in Denver, on Wed how many were obtained ince Jim Hanabas got back from Milk ne8day aftd Thursday, Ootober, May 1, 1917? None.
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