THE WESTFIELD LEADER TTheL LeadingWI And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County YEAR—NO. 28 • Published "tT'TTIFin NTff ~T \nriT 21, 1956 Every Thurada 32 P«t«»—• CMU [ring Arrives Here On Presbyterians »ls Of 15 Inch Snow Announce Series Council Aspirants Of Noon Services Storm In Junior HiY to Hold To Air Opinions Father and Son Banquet Guest Preachers To Cripples Edward J. Ferrari and Paul Give Meditations Ebert, advisors to the Junior Hi-Y During Holy Week Meetings Set For ield Area Chapters of the YMCA, announced plans for the first father and son (Piclura to tha right) Next Week In banquet sponsored by the Junior The Presbyterian Church in official arrival of spring Hi-Y of Westfield. The theme of Westfield has announced a series Tuesday morning found most the banquet will be "Sports" and of services at noontime in the Contested Wards Jelders digging themselves guest speaker will be Lieut. Bob church sanctuary during Holy the second storm in four Clotworthy of Westfield, U, S. Week from 12:05 to 12:30 p.m. In the two wards where Town fwhich blanketed the area Olympic diving star. Lieutenant The theme "Steps Toward the Council contests have developed, 15-inch snowfall. Clotworthy is now serving his tour Cross" will be followed in the med- the first and second, the WestrWli in the local depart- of duty in the U. S. Army as div- itations to be given by guest League of Women Voters haa plan,' fof public works who had ing instructor to the West Point preachers on Monday, Tuesday, ned candidates' meetings In order wrking long hours remov- swimming team. Last fall Lieu- Wednesday and Thursday of next that voters may meet the oppos- tenant Clotworthy competed in the week. , five inch fall Friday were Pan-American games and obtain- ing candidates and hear them dis- _,rinj away the slush Sun- ed films of the, competition which On Monday, the Rev. Joseph L. cuss local government issues. then the second snowstorm will be shown at the banquet, McCorlson Jr., D.D., pastor of the The first ward candidate*' meet* M»ny worked until re- First Congregational Church, will ing is set for Wednesday at 8:30 J Monday by a relief crew of The banquet will be held Thurs- speak on the topic "The First p.m., at the home of Mrs., Samuel jly policemen and firemen. day, April 12 at the Westfield YM Day." Lernian, 808 Lawrence avenue. CA at 6;15 p.m. All reservations ^^_ror H, Emerson Thoma* re- On Tuesday, the Rev. Dr. Gor- Republican candidate! M. D. |^| that all roads had been must be in advance and may be Ritchie ,«nd A. Turney'Savage, in- made by all eighth and ninth grad- don E. Michalson, pastor of the I twice Sunday beginning at First Methodint Church, will ipeak cumbent councilman, and Demo- ers who are members of the YM cratic candidate Charles M. O'Con- but, he said, "it hardly CA. on "Lost Hlorlions." DR. E. A. MORRIS I •'" He said the wind was j * —-Cartwiight photo The Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., nell will be present Moderator ; problem since it blew Walking maatltirai in Maadajr't taawttarm war* far from faod aa thaw* tbava by two local pastor of the First Baptist Church, for this meeting will be Mrs. Joha j mow in drifts. He said yw»g !••;•• wka fall wklla atta*»ti>f 1a crati aw *a hifh baaka ef MOW at Elm aaa Broad •traat. is the preacher for Wednesday, his Final Community Thatehar. ••. : ••-'.: ••,,'•' [were plowing all day Mon-Rev. Gates To at tka kaifkt af th» •term. Tha Suburban Trtoit Ca, !• tha bwkfraata it almaat afclltarataa by tka topic being "Time of Retreat." Mrs. John B. Lafrerty will serve jid ill roads had been cleared wiui-Uomm taaw. A summation will be given at as moderator for the, second ward fby nightfall. the final service Thursday by the meeting Tuesday at 8:30 p.m., at Leave on Tour Concert Monday the- home of Mrs. Edgar E. Harri- 1 Rev. Edward Allen Morris, D,D. I mayor noted that Friday Westfield Man Aids Stranded Board Functions Dr, Morris, at present a resident son, 868 Winyah avenue. In this had cost $2,000 to clea of Westfield, is an associate ex- Duo-Pianist* To ward two Republicans, Alan Brae* i second storm coat woul Baptist Service To ecutive of the Synod of New Jer- Conlln and Edwin R. Littmann, . exceed (3,000. He sai< Honor Pastor, Wife Motorists In Sunday's Storm To Be Described sey, Presbyterian Church, USA. Perform at WHS are seeking nomination to the coun- (own was prepared for botl He previously served as minister cil and both will attend the league but not the wind-drift (Picture on paf a . 2) meeting.1 A farewell Communion service of the First Presbyterian Church J resulted from it. By HELEN EGAN Mr. Mannino's sister and brother- Public Invited of Trentotr for 25 years, and as Members of the Westfield Com- |re were several drifts up b will be-held Maundy Thursday, The work of a Westfield man in in-law and their two children had munity Concerts Association will The two ward meetings have March 29, at 8 p.m. in the First moderator of the synod in 1954- been arranged as a special ser»ke «t high and to clear these coming to the aid of stranded, driven to the seashore to inquire To Attend Session 55. He has been particularly ac- havo the opportunity to renew i necessary to bring in bull Baptist Church on the occasion of snowbound motorists last Sunday about summer rentals. They left their memberships for the 1956-67 to local voters by the league, ai ' the leaving of the Rev. and Mrs. tive in the larger work of the de- the two contests are. of Intereit . In use altogether were J was praised by a Plainfield woman Seaside Heights at 5 p.m. while Special invitations to the "Meet nomination and has held many po- season before the campaign is , two scrapers and three bull Elbert E. Gates Jr. on a round- who was among, hundreds who there were only one or two inches open to the public, according to a only to local residents, "For thli the-world trip which will begin Your Board of Education" meet- sitions of civic, statewide and na- reason," ' Mra. Harold S. Jensen, spent the best part of Sunday of snow and the driving was not letter from the organization's pres- 1 Easter Sunday afternoon. The ing, scheduled for 8:30 o'clock to tional responsibility including two voters Bervicc chairman of the or Thomas reported tha night on the dark and snowy wind- hazardous. When they reached night at Wilson School, have been terms as president of the New ident, B. Frank Patton, announc- Pastor will be away from the swept Garden State Parkway. the Red Bank Exchange all of the ing the final concert for this sea- League, said, "we thought it 8 a.m. Tuesday all street Westfield church until the third extended to Mayor H. Emerson Jersey Council of Churches, and would best serve Westfleld voter! i plowed. He said streets The Plainfielder, Mrs. Mary ,Mer- traffic was backed up as far as Thomas, members of the Town member of the Constituting Con- son Monday evening in the audi- week in September during which riam, her husband and daughter they could see. torium of Westfield High School. if a meeting were held in each purposely not plowed to the time he will visit points in Europe Council, all school principals and vention of the National Council of ward and apart from the county ' ne to avoid blocking drive- left Bradley Beach at four o'clock After sitting for ihree hours Miss Shirley Wright, librarian of the Churches of Christ in the The artists will be Alfred and candidates' meeting, which i» set and the Middle East, and will Sunday afternoon and reached Wcstfield Memorial Library. Herbert Teltschik, duo-pianists, priising the work crews, the make an extended visit to the with the motor running to keep USA, and of the Division of Chris- for April 11 at Grant School audi- home 21 hours later after spend- the heater going they began to Arranging: for the session is the tian Life and Work. who are regarded as one of the declared "the public worki Baptist mission fields in Asia in- ing the night with 250 other storm outstanding piano teams in the torium." . '• I cluding India, Burma, Thailand, run low on gas. Mr. Mannino said League of Women Voters, which TheBe Holy Week noonday serv- An at all league meeting*' *f, nentand extra off-duty po- refugees at Howard Johnson's that it was a terrify ing-experi- is studying the public school sys- country. , Hong Kong, Japan and the Phil- Restaurant. ices, an annual custom of the local this type the candidates will each »nd firemen djd • ippine*. ••«*•-.- ..«,.,-*,*-• •••.- •-• - -V ence sitting in the darkened car tem of the town as Its local pro] church, are open to all and have One of the attractions tenta- be asked »t. the. Ix, ; -*" Some workeOi with the wind whistling outside ect tMs year. tively scheduled among the four The Rev. Mr. Gates is making Mrs. Merriam praised the staff been planned especially towards meetings atjueition cons&&$; - i and t few worked 24 the trip at the invitation of the of the restaurant and a local man •Wing the snow fnto drifts The special guests as well a* introducing the events of Maundy concerts next season is the Chicafo be of general interest to the audi- We ovre them a great debt Baptists of Australia who hare in- who, she, said called the Red Crosi around the parked and stalled other residents at the tawn wil Thursday, Good Friday and East- Opera Ballet with Marjorie tall- ence.
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