yi '• f*.- ■r ^ ■ ' r.'SV/'i'’ r ^ M .. r ..' •> ■. n r o i n u T , j u m i i « , i m i iim tflypgtrr E tiittttitg IfpniUi Avsngs DsOr N«t Pn m Rob .'1 ,v ‘ 1 - . ffbt ffw U s s m a« Mag. IM8 O m Hs f^ondbn. N ancy Macaulay. Uam Connolly. Thamaa Oerooran, 9 Hie Paat Chiefa Club of Sunaet Catherine Maifeatete. Garaldtes Roger Crockett, Thomas jCrockett, council, D^ltreo of Pocahontaa, To Receive BegriM 20? Cradilates MasMy, GaU McChnn, Jane ' Me- Harold Crosier, Frank Cimso, Ron­ 9 , 7 2 5 A b ou t T ow n win meet tomorrow evening at S GiocUi Maroiratilch, Ar­ ald Ouatsr, Richard DaLuco, Don­ ♦ ^ o’clock with Mrs. Robert Bebubert lene Montla. Mafy Lou Morstecn, ald DiBatUato, Eimane DlBattlato. O f 8th Grade Robert Dickey, Robert Doarteg, . h im Ann UO« g«, lU fR it at S t of 17 Bummer street Varlto Morrison, Sarah Newcomb, FOLKS! THE HEAT ^qwMnMaiil Loretta Pagani, Catharine Paa- Dwight Doucette, Joaeph Duba- H m ichoetoi^A City of VOiago Charm M unnt'a Orel*, Dinihtm of nosM, Harold Duff. lulxUa. r«9ioif> BMmbon 4«> Mr. and Mra. William Moran of Bamerd, Nathan Hale quallne, Linda • Pearapn, Phyllis Proctor, Minn., are vieiting tbe Peteraea, Shlriey Peteraon, Nancy Melvin-. Eagleaon, Robert Bm- ■iroiu of kttondlnc tho woico of rick, Rudolph Eachmann, Richard MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAT, J^NE 17, 1M9, (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS Bov. Jota U UMfluru to moot family of their eon and'daughter- Schools Combine at Petke, M«wy PpMcea, Judith VOL. LXVnL, NO. 218 14) in-law, Mr., and Mra., WlUlam Petrie, Cecelia Pterce, Patrida S u l IS HERE! tUo ovobUi i te front of .tho cburco Exercises Today . I •t 7:10. tlMM wlohiac to ottond Moran and-small daui^ter, Vir­ Ptaroy. tho M— Jtidov BonUnc oro ginia of 8d Bieeell atrMt. Iha lilU ^ Pietrowakl. Jean Poat- alder Morans have never been fur­ Graduation cMrcUea for- the ma. Feliiia BeocUs, Prudence Hansen, Robert Helm, John Bent- to nsoomblo in the down* eiidith grades of Barnard and Na­ schei, Fred Heeae, WUUam Bsww House Walks At H ifli Sdbool Graduation etbin churoh at 10 o’clock. ther East than Chicago. ’They ara Richmond, Janet mberta, Jean For o cool tummtr Voco- enjoying the eights in New Eng­ than Hale schools wire held this itt, Lariy Howly, Vincent Incan- momteg at 10 o’clock te tba High Rogers. Nancy Schiebel, Barbara della, Karl Jonwi, Donald Keenay. Survey of Nation H ickenlpoper Assails' Santa Lucia Society at Ito meet- land and hope to visit Ita seashore School Auditorium. .Thara were Schumacker, CJmtbla Shannon, Ray Ktegman, Kari KndanaM, Jo- tion trip bring your cor to Du^ Senate. ins laot evening made tentative resorts end mountains before leav­ 207 students In the graduating Parti da Shircr, Shirley Simon cel- aeite Kuhlmann, Robert Kurts, wie»« for a banquet to take Pjoce ing for the West ~ claaa. Of thla number 102 ware ll, Delrene Smachettl, Mavis Raymond Latee. Gordon Laaaow, BepUmber U at the aty ^ew glrla and 308'w en boys.. Small,,Janice Stevenson, Carole Charlea Lathrop, Donald Lennon, CHORCHES MOTOR SALES ; Shows Relief Not dance baU on Keeney etreet Mrg Members of the Army and Navy Frederick Rogers, a member of Strattom " Jacqueline Strattoov Earl Loveland, Donald MacUa, W ill Resume auxiliary who desire transporta­ Barbara Swanson, GaU Swanaon; f Natural Gas Pipeline Connie Wullo waa appolnUd the School Board, preaenM the dl- James Macktetoah. RutbertUrd Salrinan of tBe large committee tion for the outing June 29, should pIomi« to the graduates. Music Anita ’TaslUo, Barbara Taaale, MacLachlan, Alexander Mardrak, for 0 comploto CHECK or RE­ of arrangementa. contact Mrs. C3irlstine Glenney on for ths sxsrclsss wss provldsd by Mary LoulSe ’Thomas, 'Araoldeen John McCurry, Roy McGuire, Rld>- Half of (General Assem­ or before Tuesday of next week. ths Eighth Grads Chorus and tbs Thompson, Dorothy Thompson, ard McKennay, RuassU McKinney, ■hirtev Ooyetta, Carol Funk and Junior High School Band. Mar­ GaU Todd, Prisdlla Treat, Mau­ CraiM MUler. PAIRS, LUBRICATION, TIRES bly Ones Home Indefi- Pntrlela Donovan, all freahmen Emanuel Lutheran Church tha Diana, ona of ths gndnatss, reen Ubert, GaU U|>ton, P atrid a Norman lOner, Charlea MltdiML nitely; RepnblieaiiB For Oak Ridge Plant School plenlc for children, par­ at Mancheater High ochool thla Mng two selections, “Londonderry Upton, Maureen Waddell, Diana John Morianos, Robert Morrison, 'Biding Unemployment, year, were honored with a fare­ ents, and teachers of both the Air,” and “o Sole Mlo." The Webater, Nancy Wdr, Jeanne Edwin MosMr, Donald Nicholson, ond COOLING SYSTEM Contend ^db Finished well party at tho home of Maura church and west side, will be held Chorus sang four numbers, *To WbltehlU, Patrida Woods, Nancy Donald Paquet, Aldo Pavan, Ed­ Swellira Relief Roles News Tidbits McGuire, one of their claaamatea. this Saturday afternoon at Good­ Thee O Country,’’ "There’e Music SmUh. mund Peresluhs, Harry Peterson, Albert W. Barricen, Sr. in the Air,’’ "America ’The Beauti­ H artford, June 17 (ff> H alf Iowan Calls $10,000," Oamea were played and refreah- win Park. Hartford. Cars and a Beya h Douglas Prior, Frank Prior, Gar­ CHECK. .Have Imught Depres­ (/F) W ins chartered bus will leave the church ful," and "God Bleaa America.” C olM of the OBanectient General i mento aerved end each ^rl v u MarehaU Aitkon, Bruca Ander­ diner Rawsen, John Reed, Robert 0 0 0 P roject ^NeiedlcM at 1:30. Please bring your own Albert W. Harriami. Jr„ eon of The Band played two beautiful as- Richardson, James Roadi, DavM sion-Style Laws in Czech Archbishop preaentad with a g l^ son, Alexander Armstrong, Doug­ sembly, the RepubUcaa-coatroIled sandwiches or box lunch. Coffee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Harrison lectlona, “FesUval March," and las Aronson, Walter Banner, Clif­ Robbins, Richard Rosandahl, Fred Fttaoaas Ceellte, granddaughter And Wastefur in Tak* famlUea art leaving town ahortly. of 33 Myrtle street, will receive House, bos quit and gone home ice cream and cold drinks will be “Amethyst.” Robert Richardson ford Barts, Stephen BeUlnghlri, Sartor, Gordon Small, Owen Souer, ’Five States; Seven Cit­ of late German Kelaer, mamring his degree of Bachelor of Science gave the invocation, “A Prayer for indefinitely. Tbe oUier half, the ing Atomic Energy provided. Sports and games will Richard Bengtaon, ’Thotnaa Be­ Thomas Stratton, Roger Sullivan, STUDEBAKER SALES ies Revive Work Plans Clyde Harris of Tsxaa. .Steel oan- be organised for both young and from the School of Liberal Arts at A m erica.’' noit, William Boehm, Thomas Leonard Sbankman, Donald Tiy' Dem ocratie-cofitroUed Senate, wUI Tuft’s College, Medford, Mass. He Several students took part te tha tsaot negotiations resume on Virtual Prisoner (Commission to Task old. In the event of unfavorable Brewer, Joseph Oempbell. Earl lor, Gordon Tedford, Patay Vrteno, question of whether or not ooni- neume the special seasloa next is majoring In phyalcs. speeches that gave a history of and SERVICE Wedhesday. weather the picnic will be held the Carron, Jr., Gerald Carter, Ray­ Ronald Vernier, WUliara Vdkert, Wsshington,'June 17.—(/P) panlea are obligated tb disousa For Construction; Pike foUowlng Saturday at a place to Tufts College will hold its 98rd Goisis in American Education. mond Carta, Donald Caiaella, Clarence Walker. Herbert Walker, 80 OAKLAND STREET TEU 2-94^ — Ris&ig unemployment and ' House Reanblftaas walked out Commencement exercises on the Thoae taking part and the eub- Ronald Watts, Robert Wldbam, penelona.. ..Raymond Klinger, Communist .Gorent-i Admits StcallHg M<mey be announced. George Caved on, Ronald Cervinl, PottsvUla, Pa., baa deg who tnn on the Senate yestsrday, contend­ Argues Coal Industry Tufts College campua Sunday aft­ lecte of their talks were: “Pre- Robert Cole, James OolUns, WU- Winiam WUliams, Donald Zlemak. swelling nelief roUs have led ing they had finished their Job. Intended for Undertaker School Tears," Dorie Condlo; T five states to pass depression- on radio and dials In programa. Osrol Bohyk JaniB R ogers meni*s War on Romm Subject to Stoppages The Center Tbespiane held their ernoon, June 19. ’The Commence- The House had refused to re­ Salntatorten Valedictoilan ment ueaker wlU bs His Excellen- Kindergarten Experiences,’’ Al­ Six month old Gale Traaaler o< annual meeting and picnic at Cen­ it saeaki style rdief laws and at least Haaleton, Pa., haa aeven Mvtag cede Its af^d that a $10,400,000 Catholic Church Ap- Derby, Eng., June 17.—(P)— Wnhelnilhelm Munths de Morgen- thea Dunlap; “A Scientific Study," educational program should bo fi­ ter Springs lo^e last night. ’The cy. Gordon Small; "A Vlalon of Junior seven cities to revive "work gieaihnollMVi ..Philadelphia Or- Denis C. Clowes, 36, admitted Washington, June 17.— otHeers elected for 1940-80 are as stieme, the Ambassador to the nanced from current revenues, and pears Nearing Climax in 'court today he stole the United States from Norway. High School,” Albert Guay, and roller’ projects. Bat an As- (teeatra, which Just eomplated —Senator Hickenlooper (R„ foUows: President, Dr. Samuel “Junior High School Tears," Jane concert tour of England, ended Its sent word to the Senate it was money his father gave him to Pond; vice president. Jack Morti­ Bodsted Press survey today ready to meet in Joint session—a Iowa), took the Atomic En­ Rlchnfond and Jesn Rogera. The session f7S,4U te the rad..Rev. Local High Graduates Prague, Czechoslovakia, pay for bis mother’s funeral— ergy commission to task to­ mer; aecretary-treaaurer, Mrs. Babies bom In Manchester resi­ alternates srere John Reed, Sally suggested no natiomd emer- EUla J. Hough, Presbyterian. Buf­ preluds to final adjournment June 17.—(JF) — Archbishop $106.
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