Genes and Immunity (2008) 9, 259–263 & 2008 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1466-4879/08 $30.00 www.nature.com/gene ORIGINAL ARTICLE IL2RA and IL7RA genes confer susceptibility for multiple sclerosis in two independent European populations F Weber1,10, B Fontaine2,3,4,10, I Cournu-Rebeix2,3,4, A Kroner5, M Knop1, S Lutz1,FMu¨ ller-Sarnowski1, M Uhr1, T Bettecken1, M Kohli1, S Ripke1, M Ising1, P Rieckmann5,11, D Brassat6, G Semana7, M-C Babron8,9, S Mrejen2,3,4, C Gout2,3,4, O Lyon-Caen2,3,4, J Yaouanq7, G Edan7, M Clanet6, F Holsboer1, F Clerget-Darpoux8,9,12 and B Mu¨ ller-Myhsok1,12 1Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany; 2Fe´de´ration des Maladies du Syste`me Nerveux, Assistance Publique-Hoˆpitaux de Paris, G.H. Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re, Paris, France; 3UMR546, INSERM, Paris, France; 4UMR S546, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Paris, France; 5Department of Neurology, University of Wu¨rzburg, Wu¨rzburg, Germany; 6Fe´de´ration de Neurologie, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France; 7Department of Neurology, CHU Pontchaillou, Rennes, France; 8U535, INSERM, Villejuif, France and 9UMRS535, Univ Paris Sud, Villejuif, France Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic inflammatory neurologic disorder diagnosed in young adults and, due to its chronic course, is responsible for a substantial economic burden. MS is considered to be a multifactorial disease in which both genetic and environmental factors intervene. The well-established human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association does not completely explain the genetic impact on disease susceptibility. However, identification and validation of non-HLA-genes conferring susceptibility to MS has proven to be difficult probably because of the small individual contribution of each of these genes. Recently, associations with two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL2RA gene (rs12722489, rs2104286) and one SNP in the IL7RA gene (rs6897932) have been reported by several groups. These three SNPs were genotyped in a French and a German population of MS patients using the hME assay by the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight technology (Sequenom, San Diego, CA, USA). We show that these SNPs do contribute to the risk of MS in these two unrelated European MS patient populations with odds ratios varying from 1.1 to 1.5. The discovery and validation of new genetic risk factors in independent populations may help toward the understanding of MS pathogenesis by providing valuable information on biological pathways to be investigated. Genes and Immunity (2008) 9, 259–263; doi:10.1038/gene.2008.14; published online 20 March 2008 Keywords: multiple sclerosis; genetics; interleukin-2 receptor a-subunit; interleukin-7 receptor a-subunit; risk factors; genetic predisposition to disease Introduction descendants which strengthens the hypothesis of genetic factors contributing to MS.2 Multiple sclerosis (MS)—the most common cause of Epidemiological studies performed in twins and chronic neurologic disability beginning in early to siblings clearly indicate the impact of genetic factors.3,4 middle adult life—is considered to be a multifactorial In addition, the geographical distribution of MS and disease involving both genetic and environmental studies of migrants also suggest a considerable contribu- factors. Evidence of genetic contribution to MS suscept- tion of environmental factors that may not be evenly ibility arose from familial aggregation, twin studies and distributed over the world. high incidence in populations of northern European Current evidence indicates that there is not only one origin, when compared with African and Asian groups.1 gene conferring susceptibility, but rather a number of The prevalence pattern may be explained, at least in part, genes—each contributing only a small amount.5 A large by migrations of northern European groups and their number of studies performed so far confirmed HLA- DRB1 on chromosome 6p21 to represent a major risk 6 Correspondence: Professor Dr med F Weber, Max Planck Institute factor for MS in all populations tested. However, it does of Psychiatry, Kraepelinstr. 2-10, Munich D-80804, Germany. not fully explain the genetic basis of the disease.7,8 Other E-mail: [email protected] loci outside the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region 10These are the equal first authors. were suspected by the results of several candidate genes 11 Current address: MS Clinic, Division of Neurology, UBC Hospital, or genome-wide approaches, but could not be validated Vancouver, Canada. 12These are the equal last authors. in other samples—until recently. Variations in the Received 10 December 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 7 interleukin-2 receptor-a gene (IL2RA) and the interleu- February 2008; published online 20 March 2008 kin-7 receptor-a chain (IL7RA) were demonstrated to IL2RA and IL7RA as risk factors for MS F Weber et al 260 confer a risk for MS in candidate gene approaches and a positive trend in the French trios (Table 2). Linkage whole genome screen.9–11 disequilibrium between these two SNPs is strong (D0 ¼ 1 The association of MS with IL7RA was originally in the German cases, German controls, and French case reported in a candidate gene approach by Zhang et al.12 2 chromosomes, with D0 estimated at 0.989 in the French years ago, and is now replicated on large additional control chromosomes), but far from perfect (r2 ¼ 0.500, samples.9–11 Interestingly, linkage to chromosome 5p13, 0.552, 0.555 and 0.417, for the above-mentioned samples, precisely where IL7RA is located, was also reported in a respectively). The SNP rs6897932 located within the Canadian MS cohort with a maximum logarithm (base IL7RA gene exhibits a significant association in the 10) of odds score of 4.2413 and supported later by French trios and a positive trend in the German sample. others.14 With respect to IL2RA, genome-wide linkage Combining the results of both samples a significant P- analysis has shown potential linkage on chromosome value is obtained (Table 2). 10p15, which contains the IL2RA gene.15 Subsequently, a candidate approach on this gene first suggested an association between MS and IL2RA.16 This result was strongly supported by the whole genome approach on Discussion extremely large samples.11 This study reports the results obtained in two The identification of non-HLA genes conferring suscept- independent European MS samples (French and Ger- ibility for MS is difficult. Linkage analysis in nuclear man) by genotyping the three single nucleotide poly- families failed to identify additional loci with genome- morphisms (SNPs) showing the strongest association wide significance,8,17 but highlighted the IL2R and IL7R with MS in the study of the International Multiple regions13–15 and the involvement of these two genes were Sclerosis Genetics Consortium.11 Two SNPs are within suggested by candidate gene approaches.12,16 Recent the IL2RA gene (rs12722489, rs2104286) and one in the work9–11 on extremely large samples rendered IL2RA IL7RA gene (rs6897932). and IL7RA highly attractive and motivated further investigations. The risks associated to the SNPs of IL2RA and IL7RA however are modest at best (odds ratios Results between 1.1 and 1.5), so that only replications in a large number of different samples will make their involvement The three SNPs (rs12722489, rs2104286 and rs6897932) in MS susceptibility convincing. were typed in the German sample, consisting of 206 MS We confirm here the positive association with the same patients and 605 age and sex-matched controls, and in risk alleles within the IL2RA and the IL7RA genes in two the French sample, consisting of 540 MS trios. Basic independent European samples. The odds ratios are demographics of both samples are given in Table 1. A consistent with those previously published.9–11 The two statistical comparison showed significant difference SNPs typed in the IL2RA gene are in strong, but not between the samples for age at time of analysis, disease perfect, linkage disequilibrium, which could explain the course and Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). observed difference in P-values and odds ratios ob- However, these differences do not alter the overall tained. Therefore, our findings convincingly corroborate genetic findings discussed below. the recently published results. Risk allele frequency (RAF) for the three SNPs, given In the meantime, another independent replication on a in Table 2, were estimated from the German control Canadian sample18 published similar results. In addition, sample and from the French untransmitted allele sample, association of IL2RA with MS susceptibility was also respectively. No significant difference was found be- recently concluded by Matesanz et al.16 with other SNPs tween our two populations, and the RAFs are very located within the IL2RA gene. Further studies on this similar to that of the original report.11 gene are needed to make a link between those different We first estimated the expected power of our two signals.19 In addition, it will be very important to take samples, under two scenarios (see Materials and meth- advantage of both the linkage and association informa- ods section) represented by the allele frequencies (0.75 tion for a better understanding and a refined modeliza- for the two first SNPs and 0.85 for the third one) and the tion of the effects of both the IL2RA and IL7RA genes.20,21 corresponding odds ratio (1.2 and 1.25 respectively) Together with the well-known HLA association these given in the original report. In both scenarios, the results fit very well the assumption that MS is an expected power for the French trio sample and the autoimmune disease caused by lymphocytes and mono- German sample was 56 and 38%, respectively. This cytes infiltrating the central nervous system.22 Both clearly demonstrates the interest in the joint analysis of cytokines are of central importance in promoting the samples.
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