Shroud Researches: Methods and Perpectives (Gf Berbenni 1996) 1 „Sapienza della Croce‟, [Review of Culture and Cross Spirituality] (1996, January-March) pp. 5-22 [Rome, Italy]. The Shroud of Turin: Methods and Perspectives Gianfranco Berbenni, former Director of the Centro Romano di Sindonology,1 professor of Church History at the Pontifical Antonian University in Rome. Via Pomponia Grecina 31 - 00145 Rome, tel. (+39 6) 5135467, fax 5124301. ABSTRACT A year after the death of Mons. Giulio Ricci ( 6 February 1995) the article intends to summarise the cur- rent state of the “Shroud question” and, based on twenty years‟ scientific experience, to point out some op- portunities for further study. The author intends to re-examine various hypotheses - that of a photographic negative, of an image caused by „unknown‟ energy - that might well be located on the outer limits of the extraordinary and attempt to lead them back to verifiable explanations. The return to scientific examination of the sacred Cloth should take into account the entire “Proposal” which the STRP presented to the Custodian of the Shroud back in 1984. 0. Introduction The present study is dedicated to the memory of Mons. Giulio Ricci (6 February 1995), ardent student and acknowledged scholar of the Holy Shroud, founder of the Rome Centre of Sindology (1975) and of the Catechists of the Passion (1976). Twenty years of familiarity with the themes and questions regarding the Shroud of Turin and the theological arguments of Easter induce us, almost as a moral obligation, to draw up a balance sheet in this field. Our goal is to invite scholars and organisations to make use of increasingly painstaking methodology and to join in a constructive dialogue. For this reason we approach the sindonic and sindonological2 world, indicating possible ar- eas of research. 0.1. Thematic process Our contribution will be divided into two parts: in the first we will discuss the vari- ous sectors of scientific research, starting from historical science and arriving at the theo- logical sciences after touching on medicine and physics. In the second part we will briefly illustrate the main areas of the “Shroud question”. The incompleteness of the data and documentation is determined by our goal: to offer the reader a brief perspective on the di- lemmas of the study. 1 The author, of the Order of the Capuchin Friars Minor (ofm cap) was born in 1950. After university studies at the Pon- tifical Gregorian University of Rome, he taught Church History at the Pontifical Antonian University (Rome) and worked with the national Secretariat of the Italian Capuchin Friars Minor. Particular attention for the sake of rigor, is given to micro-textual linguistic analysis, to the application, on marginal territory and the minor historic Centres, of high technology. His ultimate aim is cultural and historic-artistic renewal and the promotion of production activities in small craft firms and micro-industry (Strategic Project “Culture of the Regional Civilisations”). His works include: Il Francescanesimo. Linee per un programma formativo, Bologna, EDB, 1995. 2 For clarity of interpretation, the adjectives „sindonic‟ and „sindonological” will be used, respectively, to designate the data directly linked to the Turin fabric (sindonic) and the interpretations of the same by single researchers or “schools” (sindonological). Shroud Researches: Methods and Perpectives (Gf Berbenni 1996) 2 0.2. Method of evaluation For our work we have assumed as acquired knowledge the basic information of the Shroud of Turin: what it is made of, the elements that emerge from an initial historical and forsenic medical survey. At the end we will suggest reading the contribution of Baima Bol- lone, Rodante and Riggi di Numana.3 The complexity and vastness of sindonic data and, in a quantitatively obvious man- ner, of sindological data,4 requires that we give precedence to the following indications: - the danger of “evaluative acceleration” must be kept under control: the more important the Shroud is for scientific and theological research, the more scholars must control their „emo- tions‟, knowing full well that “the Shroud is quite capable of defending itself”; - the amount of analysis and interpretation is not necessarily in and of itself a factor of reli- ability. One incontrovertible fact is enough to set off a crisis in thousands of hypotheses;5 - before embarking on the adventure of numerous variations of secondary sindonological in- terpretations and studying the details of the holy Turinese Linen, we must begin with the evidence and simplicity of many fundamental facts. We should also keep in mind that while science has reached far as of today, the hori- zon of future research is even wider. This scientific exploration of the Shroud basically re- quires an open mind, an attitude that avoids excessive simplification, both for and against the Shroud. Even today, the studies carried out on the holy Cloth have been so numerous that it is inadvisable to waste precious energy in dispute and negative conflict at any level.6 3 The three authors are authoritative expressions of the variegated opinion of the Italian sindonological world. The works we suggest reading carefully, and possibly with critical study, are: BAIMA BOLLONE Pierluigi, Sindone o no, Tu- rin, SEI, 1990 (November), 331 pp., 66 fig., photos; RODANTE Sebastiano, Le realtà della Sindone nelle riflessioni di un medico, Milan, Massimo, 1987 (September), 297 pp., 14 fig., photos.; RIGGI DI NUMANA Giovanni, Rapporto Sindone (1978/1987). Cronache e commenti dei fatti accaduti dal 1978 al 1987 intorno alle ricerche scientifiche condotte sulla Sacra Sindone di Torino, Milan, 3M Edizioni, 1988 (June), 176 pp., ill. Of the other works by Mons. Ricci, we suggest reading L’Uomo della Sindone è Gesù, Rome - Milan, 1985. For a study of the sindonic fabric, we suggest beginning with VIAL Gabriel, Le Linceul de Turin, and Testore Franco, Le Saint Suaire - Examen et prélévements effectués le 21 avril 1988. Données, observations et commentaires par un expert textile, papers given at the Symposium Scientifique international de Paris sur le Linceuil de Turin, 7-8 Sept. 1989, 21 + 16 pp., typewritten, fig., 1989. On the patches and mending: DELORENZI, E., Osservazioni sui rappezzi e rammendi della S. Sindone, in La Santa Sindone. Ricerche e studi della COMMISSIONE DI ESPERTI nominata dell’Arcivescovo di Torino, Card. Michele Pellegrino nel 1969, Supplement to “Rivista diocesana torinese”, January 1976, pp. 107-120. Regarding the overabundant presence of microscopic material, one should begin with MARTINETTO P., RIGGI G., VALTZ A., CAVALLO G.P., Microbiological Research of Specimens (Dust) Drawn from the Holy Shroud, in Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia ed Immunologia, 74 (1981) 202-208. In the panorama of opposing opinions, we suggest considering, even given the weakness of their arguments, the works of PESCE DELFINO., E l’uomo creò la Sindone, Bari, Dedalo, 1982; GRAMAGLIA P.A., L’uomo della Sindone non è Gesù Cristo, Turin, Claudiana, 1978; SOX H.D., The Shroud Unmasked, 1988, 156 pp. 4 The problem of the organisers of the 2nd International conference (1978) and the various national conferences is the selection of the many presumed experts, more fans of the esoteric that of humble science. A defect in the publication of the “Proceedings” was the amount of material chosen: the reader is in fact faced with “ponderous” texts, but if the pa- pers had been chosen for their acceptability in the realm of “serious” research, the quantity would have been greatly re- duced. 5 For example, in the case of the interpretations of the surface impression on the sindonic cloth in the second half of the 1970s: a photo of the hidden side of the holy Turinese Linen taken with optic fibers by the STRO in 1978 was enough to defeat many articles, short and long, or books of “science-fiction” and those that “slip dangerously into the inexplica- ble”. 6 As we will see, most current and recent problems on the Shroud (from the 1970s onwards) arose from excessive in- volvement on both sides, pro and contra. In our option here to limit ourselves to “panoramic” evaluations, we need to keep in mind that adequate control of “all” the information regarding the Shroud will only be possible after a decade of computerised data collection and on-line access of the largest data banks. The work is vast and costly. At the time of the enthusiastic feelings that proceeded the shock of the C14, an American multinational firm, well known in the soft drink Shroud Researches: Methods and Perpectives (Gf Berbenni 1996) 3 1. The pathways of science The Turin Shroud had two periods of history when science paid it particular atten- tion: that following the Council of Trent, from the mid 16th century to the mid 17th century, and the 20th century. Catholic sensitivity towards controversy, sharpened by Reformation criticism of the cult of relics, has produced contributions of analytic and critical value. Here we need only recall the classic contributions of Jean-Jacques CHIFFLET, De Linteis sepulchralibus Christi servatoris. Crisi historica (Antwerp 1624, 240 pp.) and Hiérothonie de Jésus Christ, (Paris, 1631).7 The Turin Shroud‟s genuinely scientific century extends from the end of the 19th century to today. The century began with application of the photographic technique in 1898 and culminated in the decade 1972-1982 with the research of Max Frei Sulzer and the American STRP. For the celebration in 1998 of both the five hundredth anniversary of the consecration of the cathedral and the hundredth anniversary of the first photograph of the Shroud, Giovanni Cardinal Saldraini officially announced the display of the Shroud.8 In our sindonic and sindonological overview we will briefly discuss9 the research car- ried out over recent decades, indicating the most significant contributions and suggesting sectors and methods for further study.
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