<?// ^/^ KAWARTHA BRIGHT WATERS &.HAPPY LAKES 'fcU/i^ /tapped (91 I Nov. zx/£A KAWARTHA LAKES IOMPRISE fourteen beautiful lakes — The accommodation for travellers at the various Scugog, Sturgeon, Cameron, points on these waters is much superior to the Balsam, Pigeon, Bald, Sandy, Buckhorn, average summer resort. Good clean beds and well Chemong, Deer, Lovesick, Stony, Clear, cooked plain food can be obtained at reasonable rates Katchewanooka, — to which may be added, at many places which possess the advantages of Rice Lake twenty miles down the Otonabee River civilization, while being close to nature in all her from Peterboro. This chain of lakes aggregates wildness. For those who wish to take their family over one hundred and fifty miles, and is situated for an outing, the cottage or a camp on the shores of in Central Ontario, within less than three hours' ride these waters will afford a vacation at a very moderate from Toronto, and seven hours from Buffalo. expense. The hundreds of miles of shore and the many islands of the Kawartha Lakes specially lend The altitude of these famous Lakes lends to themselves to the enjoyments of a summer outing. them additional charm for the tourist and pleasure Kawartha is an Indian word signifying "Bright seeker, being 830 feet above the sea level, over 600 Waters and Happy Lands." The Kawartha Lakes feet higher than Lake Ontario, and 300 feet higher are linked together by narrows, locks and channels than Georgian Bay. To those who suffer from hay which allow the boat of the pleasure seeker to pass fever, the pure air of these lakes affords instant from one to another until the whole chain is explored. relief, and a brief stay invariably effects a cure. The eye never has time to weary of one scene before the rounding of a point, the passage of a lock or the On these charming waters the pleasure seeker "threading of the narrows" puts before you a new will find delightfully cool wooded shores and sandy prospect. The dip of an oar, the stroke of a paddle, beaches where bathing may be indulged in with the twist of a tiller or the turn of a pilot wheel is safety. enough to bring a fresh section of the Kawartha The excellent boat service provided by the panorama into view. It is, indeed, Ontario's lovely Peterboro & Lake Simcoe Navigation Company, lakeland, renowned for its beauty and attractiveness makes all the lakes easily accessible to the tourist. to the camper and summer visitor. Tslinda Resort, Upper BucKhorn Late. A Pretty Spct on Pigeon LaKe A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE KAWARTHA LAKES Scugog Lake—Is connected by a river of the same name and Islinda Resorts are located in this beautiful lake. Spawn­ through Lindsay to Sturgeon Lake. Scugog Island, com­ ing grounds and fishing beds of bass and maskinonge are in prising a township in itself, is in this Lake. Scugog Lake is the immediate vicinity of these two popular Resorts. a good fishing and hunting resort. On its eastern shore is Buckhorn Falls is another of the attractive resorts on these Caesarea, a delightful summering place, with several private waters, where splendid scenery and the very best bass and cottages, a hotel and several boarding houses. It is maskinonge fishing abound to delight the angler or the four mil:s from Nestleton station on the Lindsay Branch tourist. Here are located two good hotels which cater to the of the Canadian Pacific Railway, to and from which there wants of tourists. This lake is most conveniently reached is a daily stage during the summer months. The Lake is also through Bobcaygeon and steamer. 300 yards distant from Janetville or Clabo stations. Chemong Lake—Noted for its long floating bridge, and Sturgeon Lake—A fine, big, open lake with well wooded magnificent pine tree park, well conducted hotel and shores and attractive summer homes. On the elbow of this handsome summer homes. Most beautiful farms surround Lake is located one of the prettiest and most healthful the shores of this lake. This spot may be reached through Summer Resorts in Ontario,—Sturgeon Point. It is a natural Bobcaygeon and steamer, or through Peterboro and six park of maple, oak and pine, and is unique in being the only miles by automobile or stage, which runs regularly during incorporated summer municipality in Ontario; electing its the summer months. own council, levying its taxes and spending its revenues; Deer Lake and Lovesick Lake—Trees and foliage fringe it consequently has fine streets and roads and all reason­ the shores; the scenery here is more rugged; there are many able regulations for safety and security.* This and Pleasant beautiful sites for cottages and camps, and excellent bass Point are easily accessible by the Canadian Pacific to Lindsay and maskinonge fishing. This locality is best reached and Otonabee Navigation Co.'s Steamer to destination, through Bobcaygeon and steamer. twelve miles. Burleigh Falls—Offers unsurpassed facilities for the Pigeon Lake—Splendid bass and maskinonge fishing. pleasure seeker and the tourist. Here are two fifteen foot Its shores are fringed with gorgeous foliage, attractive for locks, and delightful scenery that refreshes the visitor who cottage and camp sites; it has numerous bathing beaches. is wearied with the noise and dust of the city. The Park There are several boarding houses and summering places on Hotel offers excellent accommodation to visitors, and the this Lake, which is most easily reached through Bobcaygeon fishing in this region is excellent. It may be reached either and steamer. through Bobcaygeon or Peterboro and steamer. Sandy Lake—Its waters are as clear as crystal but it has Stony Lake—Is over ten miles long and two miles wide, con­ no visible inlet. In places the water is very deep, while there taining over one hundred and fifty islands, and is undoubtedly are numerous shallow sandy beaches, admirably adapted for one of the prettiest lakes in America, attracting visitors bathing. This is an excellent lake for bass. Inverlock, a from all over the continent. Few, if any, lakes possess the comfortable hostelry, is located on this lake and is a favorite beauty and scenery of this charming spot, where nature spot with many tourists. It is reached through Bobcaygeon seems to have lavished all her beauty in thickly wooded and steamer to Buckhorn Falls and stage three and one- shores sloping down to the water's edge; deep cool glens, half miles. which defy the sun's rays, and water clear as crystal make this lake an ideal spot for a summer holiday. Excellent Buckhorn Lake—A charming lake for camping and canoe- accommodation can be found at the numerous resorts and ng, several islands adding to its attractiveness. It possesses boarding houses. Points in this lake may be reached through many pleasant sites for cottages or camps. Oak Orchard Bobcaygeon or Peterboro and steamer. An Indian Village on BucKhorn LaKe. Clear Lake—A fine sheet of water, from which it derives its name. Take the "Direct Line" Katchewanooka Lake—The most south-easterly of the The short route to Bobcaygeon, the hub of the Kawartha chain, is a narrow lake with fair fishing. This and Clear Lakes, is the Canadian Pacific Railway. From Toronto the Lake are reached through Peterboro and steamer. railway passes through a very productive agricultural Rice Lake—A delightful sail cf twenty miles down the district to Burketon Jet., where it diverges and follows Otonabee River from Peterboro, is justly famous for its closely along the shores of Scugog Lake and Scugog River to immense beds of wild rice, which is most delicious when Lindsay, which is a progressive town of ten thousand properly cooked and served. It is a natural home for wild inhabitants, with wide streets, pretty parks, excellent duck, which flock there in thousands. The lake is about stores and good hotels. seventeen miles in length, and from three to four miles in width, and offers the angler fine sport in bass and maskinonge The cost of living at Bobcaygeon is considerably less than fishing. The golden sunset on this beautiful lake is a scene in any of the larger cities of Canada or the United States, so never to be forgotten. The Serpentine Mounds are well worth much less that a visitor from the United States said it was seeing. They are thirty to fifty feet long, and ten to fifteen cheaper to spend a vacation at Bobcaygeon than to stay at feet high, and contain the bones of thousands of Indians, home, claiming his ordinary expenses at home to be higher whose descendants still reside at the Indian Village of than his combined railway fare and expenses at this pretty Hiawatha and at Roseneath, a reserve on the shores of the village. It is built upon three Islands between Sturgeon lake. They are serpentine in shape, and are literally huge and Pigeon Lakes, and is the rendezvous for numerous piles of bones that are crumbling into dust. Idyl-Wyld camping and canoe parties, the beautiful shores and Island is veritably one of nature's beauty spots. This Lake numerous islands making this an ideal place to enjoy the is best reached via Peterboro and Otonabee Navigation Co.'s pleasures of rod and reel, the free life of camping and the steamer. delight of canoeing. All necessary supplies for fishing or hunting may be obtained here and at Lindsay. Each lake has its own distinctive beauty and the air Peterboro, 76 miles east of Toronto, is a most charming is as pure as the waters of these spring fed lakes, the whole­ some fragrance of the pine and hemlock being the only city of 18,000 inhabitants; it is one of the most progressive exception to the perfect purity of the atmosphere.
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