DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Agenda Item No 4. Date 9th December 2008 To the Chair and Members of the PLANNING COMMITTEE PLANNING APPLICATIONS PROCESSING SYSTEM Purpose of the Report 1. A schedule of planning applications for consideration by Members is attached. 2. Each application comprises an individual report and recommendation to assist the determination process. Human Rights Implications Member should take account of and protect the rights of individuals affected when making decisions on planning applications. In general Members should consider:- 1. Whether the activity for which consent is sought interferes with any Convention rights. 2. Whether the interference pursues a legitimate aim, such as economic well being or the rights of others to enjoy their property. 3. Whether restriction on one is proportionate to the benefit of the other. Andy Gutherson Assistant Director of Development and Planning Directorate of Development and Planning Contact Officers: Mr M Roberts (Tel: 734897), Mr G Stent (Tel: 734994) and Mrs D Holgate (Tel: 734925) Background Papers: Planning Application reports refer to relevant background papers Summary List of Planning Committee Applications ( ) NOTE:- Applications are in NUMERICAL order except those deferred from previous meetings for a Site Visit which are marked 'SV' and appear first and Major Proposals which are marked ‘M’. Schedule Application No Ward Parish No 1. M 01/1201/P Finningley Cantley With Branton Parish Council 2. 08/02670/FUL Armthorpe Armthorpe Parish Council 3. 08/02876/COU Rossington Rossington Parish Council 4. 08/02869/FULFT Edlington And Warmsworth Parish Council Warmsworth Schedule No: 1. Application No: 01/1201/P Ward Finningley Parish Cantley With Branton Parish Council Proposal Outline application for mixed use development of housing, residential care village employment, education and retail uses, ancillary amenities and public open spaces including associated landscaping and means of access on approx. 70.07ha of land Location Manor Farm, Bessacarr Lane, Bessacarr, Doncaster Applicant Persimmon Homes (South Yorkshire) Ltd Agent Peacock & Smith Date of Valid Application: 20th April 2001 =================================================================== MAIN POINTS OF REPORT * The application is for the mixed use development of land at Manor Farm. The application is mainly for residential development (about 950 dwellings) but also incorporates other developments. * The site is allocated as a Housing/Community Benefit Site under policy PH3 of Doncaster UDP. As such the principle of development of the site has been established. * The site is 70.7 ha in size of which 33 ha is proposed for built development. 37 ha will be provided as open space which equates to 53% of the site. * The site is a Greenfield site and comprises mainly former farmland and existing woodland. The woodland is protected in Sites of Scientific Interest and Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, which adjoins the site, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Back Wood is Ancient Woodland. * Objections have been received from local residents and there have been a small number of representations in support. The applicant has carried out a Consultation Programme. The main issues raised are the principle of the development of the site, transport, recreation, environment and flooding issues. * Consultations have taken place with a wide range of consultees and the application/ Section 106 Obligation addresses some of these concerns. Outstanding issues include the principle of the development of the site particularly in relation to the environmental and transport impacts of the development. * The application is considered, on balance, to be an acceptable form of development of a site allocated for residential purposes in the Doncaster UDP. The application is accompanied by a Masterplan for development of the site, which is considered to form an acceptable framework for development of the site. RECOMMENDATION - PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO THE COMPLETION OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT UNDER SECTION 106 OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) MEMBERS RESOLVE TO ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY THE DECISION NOTICE (SUBJECT TO SUCH AMENDMENTS AS MAY BE AGREED BY MEMBERS AT THE MEETING): STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR DECISION TO GRANT PERMISSION The Local Planning Authority has decided to grant planning permission :- 1. Having regard to the policies and proposals in the development plans, adopted Doncaster Unitary Development Plan set out below and all relevant material planning considerations including supplementary planning guidance and national planning policy guidance with particular reference to Doncaster UDP PH 1 - Housing Provision PH 3 - Housing Provision PH 13 - Housing Design PH 19 - Affordable Housing ENV 21 - Trees and Woodlands ENV 35-38 - Archaeology ENV 40 - Sites of National Importance for Nature Conservation ENV 41 - Sites of Regional/ Local Importance for Nature Conservation ENV 42 - Sites of Regional/ Local Importance for Nature Conservation ENV 50 - Protection of Protected Species ENV 59- Protection of Trees RL 4 -Open Space Provision T 5 - Transportation Yorkshire and Humber Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy H 1 - Provision and Distribution of Housing YH 4-7 - Housing Development Doncaster LDF CS - S1 - Housing Development CS - S1 - Housing Development Doncaster IPPS IPPS 1 - Affordable Housing H1 and H2 IPPS 2 - Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Planning for Trees and Hedgerows on Development Sites in Doncaster Planning Position Statements/ Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPS 3 - Housing PPS 9 - Nature Conservation PPG 24 - Noise PPG 16 - Planning and Archaeology 2. For the following reasons: Having taken into account all the material planning considerations raised in the consultations and representations, against the policy background referred to above, it has been concluded that the proposed large scale mixed use development is acceptable. In particular The LPA is of the view that the large scale and location of the proposed residential development on the application site is acceptable in terms of housing supply in the Borough. The residential development has an acceptable impact on balance in planning and transportation terms on the site and surrounding area. The small scale mixed use developments that form part of the application are acceptable in terms of their scale, location and impact in planning and transportation terms on the site and surrounding area. ==================================================================== Introduction 1. The application was originally submitted in 2001 and was described as an "Outline Application for Mixed Use Development of Housing, Employment uses, ancillary amenities and public open spaces including associated landscaping and means of access on 70.70 ha of land". 2. The application was originally accompanied by the following documents A. Supporting Statement. B. Environmental Statement - Main Report, Appendices, Figures, Non Technical Summary. C. Transport Assessment 3. The application was amended in 2007/8 with additional details and an amended Masterplan for the site. The application now includes the following additional documents. A. Supplement to the Original Supporting Statement B. Supplement to the Original Environmental Statement - Main Report, Appendices, Non Technical Summary. C. Supplement to the Original Transport Assessment, including a Green Travel Plan. D. Updated Masterplan E. Design Statement F. Flood Risk Assessment G. Consultation Assessment Report H. Summary Review of the History and Status of Warren Wood. 4. The main amendments to the Masterplan were. A. The realignment of the access into the site from Bawtry Rd through Warren Wood reducing its length in the wood from 167m to 141m. B. The removal of development between Back Wood and Warren Wood. C. The reduction of development in the south west of the site to correspond with field boundaries. D. The extension of development to the west to abut the adjoining Bridleway. E. A more substantial green link between Green Busks and the site boundary. F. The introduction of Sustainable Urban Drainage. G. Alterations to the urban design/ highways approach. H. Introduction of a residential care village. I. Alterations to the access proposals for the site. J. The relocation of the village centre. 5. Further discussions with the applicant/consultees have resulted in clarification of the above proposals. 6. The application now under consideration therefore consists of the following main proposals A. Residential development of the site(about 950 dwellings). The scheme incorporates, as part of the Masterplan, the internal framework for the proposed residential areas and proposes an Affordable Housing contribution of 26% of the units. B. Residential care village for over 55s - 250 homes. C. Business units of about 7000sq m D. Central community facilities and retail (1400 sq m) in the village centre. E. A Primary school site. F. Vehicular access to the site from Bawtry Rd with pedestrian/cycleway access from Bessacarr Lane and emergency access from Warren Lane. G. The formation of a "nature park" in the form of a rural country park surrounding the development site. 7. The detailed form of the development is set out in the "Updated Masterplan" document, which includes the framework for a layout and phasing of the development. 8. The site is 70.7 ha in size of which 33 ha is proposed for built development. 37.7 ha will be provided as open space
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