34 YEARS of Publication 1976-2010 Vol. XXXIXXXIVII No. 3 La Prensa Muñoz, Inc., Publications JANUARY 22, 2010 Be a force Local Chef, Marcela Valladolid, goes big time with of nature. “Mexican Made Easy” on the Food Network Help heal By Mariana Martinez at a time where Mexican flavors have hit main stream US public, to whom “Somebody should tell the U.S. pub- Marcela hopes to teach fast and easy lic Mexico does not have yellow recipes of truly Mexican Cuisine. Haiti. cheese in its kitchens” says Chef Barely on her early 30s, Marcela Marcela Valladolid right before is a true border child; born in San By Rudy Ruiz breaking into contagious laughter. This Diego raised in Tijuana, she attended is the motivation behind her upcom- the Culinary Institute in LA and Ritz Every action must have an equal ing cooking shows “Mexican Made Escoffier in Paris, yet she has a deep and opposite reaction. Haiti’s worst Easy,” premiering in Food Network love for the taste of the Peninsula and earthquake in over 200 years has on Saturday January 23rd at 9:30 in is proud to belong to a culinary move- taken the lives of tens of thousands the morning. ment in the region. and threatens millions more in the af- “My intention is to have the rest of “El Baja-Mediterráneo movement termath. Out of the darkness of the the US public learn what we know is something I’m very proud of… rubble there must come light. so well here in the border: Mexican there is no sauce, salsa or recipe that The forces of nature have devas- food is far more than burritos and can beat the taste of a Puerto Nuevo tated the people of Haiti. It is up to nachos that are simply fast food Lobster, served with butter, beans and us to react and respond. snacks” she adds, “we have an ar- freshly made flour tortillas. That is the As Haiti suffers its worst earth- ray of dishes deeply rooted in our his- best taste there is.” quake in over two centuries, it brings tory and tradition and I want to show Besides being an editor for Bon out the best in America. Thousands that. I mean, what can be healthier Appétit magazine Marcela is cur- of people are flying into action – from and tastier than ceviche?” rently the face for Knorr, Helmans, relief workers to the military, from our The new show will hope to catch Lipton and Ragú for the Hispanic current President to former ones, the networks viewers, already pas- from celebrities to average citizens – sionate about good food, and it comes (see Marcela, page 2) seeking ways to help. In disasters such as these there are several waves of activity. There is Chef Tijuanense Marcela Valladolid Estrena su first the shock and grief and horrid loss of life. There is a search and res- Programa de Cocina “Mexican Made Easy” cue phase. Then there is the after- math, the struggle to meet basic hu- Por Mariana Martínez explica Marcela, “hay infinidad de man needs amidst the devastation of platillos detrás de los cuales hay infrastructure and supply methods. “Alguien debe decirle al público historia, cultura, tradiciones y quiero This second phase is critical to avoid norteamericano que en México mostrarlos ¿qué hay más sabroso y the massive loss of life subsequent to simplemente los quesos amarillos no sano que un ceviche?”. the initial catastrophe. existen en las cocinas mexicanas”, El programa dirigido al público One organization poised to make a bromea la chef tijuanense Marcela apasionado de la cocina y la buena difference – with a very strong pres- Valladolid al explicar la motivación comida, surge en un momento en el ence on the ground in Haiti – is the detrás de su nuevo programa de que el interés y el gusto singular por Pan American Development Founda- cocina “Mexican Made Easy” cuya la sazón mexicana ha ido creciendo tion. My advocacy communications premier será el sábado 23 de enero a entre el público anglosajón, por lo que agency, Interlex, develops campaigns las 9:30 de la mañana. Marcela busca enseñar recetas for the PADF – a DC-based non- “Mi intención es mostrarle al resto fáciles de cocina auténticamente profit organization affiliated with the de los Estados Unidos lo que ya se mexicana. Organization of American States – sabe en esta frontera, que la comida Marcela, es un digno producto de which provides economic develop- mexicana es muchísimo más que los esta frontera; nacida en San Diego, ment, human rights and disaster re- burritos, nachos y cosas que real- criada 100% tijuanense, estudió en el lief throughout the Caribbean and mente son sólo botanas de comida Latin America. The PADF has over rápida que ellos han estereotipado” (vea Chef Tijuanense, página 2) 150 staff members on the ground in Haiti. They’ve been in the midst of Chef Marcela Valladolid this tragedy since before it began. Additionally, the PADF’s field team Kaplan College Honors Fallen Border in the Dominican Republic piled into Field Poll: Californians Increasingly trucks and drove overnight towards the Haitian capital to assist. Patrol Agent Robert Rosas Given the logistics, the best way Disappointed with the President most Americans can share their gen- Criminal Justice Training Lab named in his honor erosity is via monetary donations, By Sandip Roy Americans in California approve of which can be made safely via the NEW AMERICA MEDIA his job performance at a whopping PADF at PanAmericanRelief.org or 89 percent, and 67 percent of Latinos by calling toll-free at (877) 572-4484. One year into the Obama presi- and 62 percent of Chinese Americans Donations are tax deductible as the dency, voters in the nation’s biggest approve of the president. Hugo PADF is a 501 (c)(3) organization. minority-majority state are looking at Hernandez, a 34-year-old systems Additionally, the PADF is able to work their first minority president with in- administrator in San Diego, said he is with corporations wishing to donate creasing disappointment. According not surprised. Hernandez, who called bulk supplies or services. Partners to a new six-language survey released himself non-partisan, voted for that have already stepped up to the by The Field Poll, popularity for the Obama. “I must confess, I was bi- table include: Chevron, Royal Carib- president is hovering around 56 per- ased towards the minority-in-charge bean, Moneygram, and MTV. cent in California. aspect,” said Hernandez. “I wanted PADF is utilizing all funds and re- That’s still higher than in many to see if something could come from sources to provide food, water and other parts of the country. But last it.” shelter to Haiti’s people. Afterwards, March, two out of three California Unfortunately, California’s voters it will also be a vital player in the re- voters approved of the president’s job seem to think that not much has come building process, so all contributions performance, said Mark DiCamillo, from it. Last March, 61 percent of will be put to good use in responding senior vice president of The Field Poll. California voters approved of how to Haiti’s crisis. “If you look at the last six U.S. presi- Obama was handling the economy. One of the PADF’s ongoing dents, Obama’s ratings put him in the That number has gone down dramati- spokespeople for efforts to improve lower end. Only Jimmy Carter had a cally, with only 44 percent approving life in Haiti is Haitian actor Jimmy lower job performance rating at his and 50 percent disapproving. Jean Louis, co-star of NBC’s “He- one-year anniversary.” Hernandez said he, too, is hurting. roes.” Jimmy Jean, who also founded That’s not the only bad news for the He said people come to the United the non-profit Hollywood Unites for president. Asian-American voters in States for the American Dream and Haiti, is appearing in the PADF’s TV, California who were surveyed for the are more likely to “find the American radio, print and online PSA’s to mobi- first time in Cantonese, Mandarin, Viet- Debt” these days. His own home is lize the American public behind the namese and Korean, also have the worth less than what he owes on it. relief effort. He is also planning to highest percentage among all ethnic But he thinks it’s unfair to single out travel to Haiti to help search for his groups who said they had no opinion Obama for blame. “He inherited own family members. Jimmy told on the president’s job performance. these problems, and I think he is do- CNN: “I don’t think people have any For example, 29 percent of Vietnam- ing the best he can,” said Hernandez. idea how terrible this is because of On January 13, 2010, in a moving trainees will face various lethal threat ese Americans declined to grade the “He’s a new president and there are the circumstances on the ground in and compassionate ceremony at the situations that will help them make not president, compared to only 7 percent a bunch of crusty old people in Con- Haiti and the lack of the infrastruc- Kaplan College campus, the college’s only instant decisions, but know if it of African Americans. “We saw the gress who don’t want things to ture. There are no roads, and it is newest Criminal Justice Training Lab was the right decision and who sur- no-opinion responses more for ques- change. We need to give him another going to be extremely difficult for help was dedicated and named in honor vived the encounter.
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