AAPGPublishedP in the interestG of the people of AberdeenNNEWS Proving Ground,E MarylandWS www.TeamAPG.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Vol. 60, No. 30 inside DEMOLITIONS Facility Reduction Program tags 32 APG buildings that have outlived their usefulness for demolition. APG | A4 2016 OLYMPICS Two more Soldiers are heading to the 2015 Olympics in Rio. TWO | A5 MENTORSHIP ARL Acting Director Dr. Philip Perconti announc- es enhanced mentorship program. ARL | B1 From left, Cadets Akeira Woods and Dynasia Canty recite the Freestate ChalleNGe Academy Honor Code with fellow cadets during newsbrief the Class #47 crossover ceremony, signaling the start of the 20-week course, at the academy’s courtyard July 25. FSAFEDS ChalleNGe cadets cross over ACCESS TO BE REDUCED MDNG Freestate ChalleNGe Academy Class #47 starts 136 cadets DURING Story and photo by RACHEL PONDER FCA offers Maryland “at-risk” youth, and life-skills training. CONTRACTOR APG News ages 16-18, who have withdrawn from During the crossover ceremony, the TRANSITION The Maryland National Guard Freestate high school the opportunity to prepare for teens pledged to respect the FCA Hon- ChalleNGe Academy, or FCA, officially their General Educational Development, or Code, and vowed to live with integrity. PERIOD welcomed 136 cadets into Class #47 dur- or GED, tests while living in a 20-week They received congratulations from FCA ing a crossover ceremony at the academy’s long, disciplined, military-style environ- Access to the Federal courtyard July 25. ment and receiving a range of education See CROSSOVER, page A7 Flexible Spending Account, or FSAFEDS, program dur- ing the upcoming contrac- tor transition period will be restricted and in some Garrison, installation town halls held instances blacked. FSAFEDS will transition its contract administration Sept. By RACHEL PONDER 1, 2016. Prior to this transi- and LAUREN FINNEGAN tion, there will be blackout APG News periods for certain services occurring between July 29 Garrison town hall and Sept. 8. Force protection, post improve- The blackout periods will, ments, workforce updates and upcom- in some cases, restrict access ing events were discussed during the or availability of services for quarterly Garrison Town Hall meeting claims submission, paper- at the APG North (Aberdeen) recreation less reimbursements, phone- center July 21. John Kearney, the act- lines, website, online account ing deputy to the garrison command- access, and new enrollments. Projected blackout peri- er, and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. ods: Toese Tia Jr. hosted the morning event. Paperless reimburse- In the afternoon, the community came ments will be suspended July together for the quarterly Installation 29 and resume Sept. 8. Town Hall at the Stark Recreation Cen- Claims submissions sus- ter on APG South (Edgewood). pended July 30 to Sept. 1. On APG North, Kearney said Claims must be submitted upcoming changes to the installation electronically by 4 p.m. (EST) structure include the creation of sub- July 29. units for the APG North and APG South Final day for new enroll- ments is Aug. 3 to Sept. 1. installations and the additional Installa- Plan year dates will remain tion Management Command, IMCOM, Photo by Molly Blosse, APG News the same. Director of Emergency Services Stephen Jellie gives an update on force protection during General research or See INSTALLATION, page A6 the quarterly Garrison Town Hall at the APG North (Aberdeen) recreation center July 21. online account access will be unavailable 5 p.m., Aug. 26 to Sept. 1. Phone lines will Sixty children, in preschool only provide a pre-recorded through sixth grade, attended message. VBS children follow the light Vacation Bible School at the main For more information con- post chapel July 18-22. Activities tact FSAFEDS 877-372-3337; included songs, games, skits, sto- visit https://www.fsafeds. ries and snacks. com; or contact Teri Wright, “VBS give families an opportu- human resources specialist, nity to see what the chapel has to APG CPAC at 410-278-4331 offer them and it also gives us, as or email teresa.l.wright28. a faith community in a military set- [email protected]. ting, the ability to share the love of Christ as we follow him,” said Director of Religious Education online Mark Edwards, of the Religious Support Office. From left, GraceAnne Butler, www.TeamAPG. 9, Delaney Ziegfeld, 8, Colbie com/APGNews Barry,6, Layla Erby, 10, and Shaniah Barnes, 9, and other facebook.com/ VBS attendees raise their arms APGMd high while singing “Light of the World” during the Vacation Bible twitter.com/ School song service at the main USAGAPG post chapel. For more information about fl ickr.com/photos/ chapel programs call 410-278-4333 usagapg/ or contact Edwards at 410-278- 2516 or email john.m.edwards3. [email protected]. ICE system http://ice.disa.mil/ Photo by Rachel Ponder, APG News Facebook, http://on.fb.me/HzQIow index By the Numb#rs | A7 All Things Maryland | A5Mark Your Calendar | A8 MWR Events | A8 A2 APG News • July 28, 2016 Hatch Act: Law restricts political activities “What’s your By KEITH D. WILBUR favorite summer Fort Rucker Voting Assistance Officer Since 1939, military members and federal employees have vacation?” been subject to restricted election season activities. When ques- tions arise about what is permissible and prohibited with regard to a specific political activity, the Hatch Act is the sole source of information. Ignorance of the law does not excuse an employ- ee’s violation of the Hatch Act. “My favorite The Hatch Act, a federal law passed in 1939, limits certain summer vacation political activities of federal employees, as well as some state, was when I took District of Columbia, and local government employees who my grandson to work in connection with federally funded programs. The law Disney World seeks to ensure that federal programs are administered in a non- last year. Just to partisan fashion, to protect federal employees from political take him around coercion in the workplace, and to ensure that federal employees the other little are advanced based on merit and not based on political affilia- kids, and have tion. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexi- him look at the Mark Stevens co. It was most recently amended in 2012, limiting the activities little toys, the Government of certain state and local government employees. characters come Civilian to life. Military member guidance U.S. military service members are limited when it comes to political activities. Some restrictions are based in federal mote partisan political dinners and similar fundraising events. law, others in military regulations. The main purpose for these Federal Employee Prohibited activities restrictions is to avoid the implication or inference that military May not use their official authority or influence to interfere “Going to Wilm- members represent some official point of view. With the road to with an election; May not solicit, accept or receive political con- ington, North the 2016 elections already making some interesting twists and tributions unless both individuals are members of the same fed- Carolina. I liked turns, service members will benefit from reviewing this infor- eral labor organization or employee organization and the one going to the mation to make sure they don’t run afoul of the regulations solicited is not a subordinate employee; May not knowingly beach and dig- while supporting their favorite causes or candidates. The major solicit or discourage the political activity of any person who has ging a giant military prohibition is against any type of partisan activities. A business before the agency; May not engage in political activ- hole.” partisan activity is defined as “activity directed toward the suc- ity while on duty; May not engage in political activity in any cess or failure of a [particular] political party or candidate for a government office; May not engage in political activity while partisan political office or partisan political group.” wearing an official uniform; May not engage in political activi- Cameron Shaw A military member may not: Use official authority to influ- ty while using a government vehicle; May not be candidates for Family Member ence or interfere; Be a candidate for, hold or exercise functions public office in partisan elections; May not wear political but- of a civil office; Participate in partisan political campaigns, tons on duty. speeches, articles, TV or radio discussions; Serve in official capacity or sponsor a partisan political club; Conduct political Penalties for Violation opinion survey; Use contemptuous words against certain civil- For covered federal employees, the most severe penalty of “The Dominican ian leaders (10 U.S.C. 888) -- applies to commissioned officers violation of the Hatch Act is removal from federal service. The Republic. It was only; March or ride in partisan parades; Participate in organized minimum penalty is suspension without pay for 30 days. kind of like a effort to transport voters to polls; Promote political dinners or To learn more about the Hatch Act, consult DODD 1344.10 first experience fundraising events; Attend partisan events as official representa- Feb 2008 Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces, as far as the kids tive of armed forces; Display large signs, banners or posters on or visit the following sites: were concerned. private vehicles; Display a partisan political sign, poster, ban- http://www.oge.gov/TopicsOutside-Employment-and- They got to see ner, or similar device visible to the public at one’s residence on a Activities/Political-Activities/; things that they military installation, even if that residence is part of a privatized https://osc.gov/Pages/HatchAct.aspx; would never see, housing development; Sell tickets for or otherwise actively pro- https://osc.gov/resources/ha_fed.pdf; like islands that Sgt. Jeremy don’t have any Rondone running water or DES electricity.
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