a t F. No 1103110412018-Tzu Government of India Ministry of Tribal Affairs (TRI Division) Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 26.02.2019 To, Principal Secretary/ Secretary/ Commissioner, Tribal/ Social Welfare Department, Government of Tripura. Subject: Minutes of the meeting of the APEX Committee held on 12.02.2019 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (TA), Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. SirAvladam I am directed to refer to the captioned subject and to forward herewith a copy of minutes of the meeting of the APEX Committee held on 12.02.2019 under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs in Conference Room for consideration of proposals of Tribal Research Institutes of Tripura under the scheme, 'oSupport to TRls" for the year 2019- 20. Yours faithfully, (Nadeem Ahmad) Under Secretary to the Government of India Email : [email protected] Encls: As above CopY for kind information to: (i) PS to MTA (ii) PSs to MoS (TA) Internal circulation: (i) PPS to Secretary (TA) / JS(A/ JS&FA, MoTA (ii) Tech. Dir (NIC), MoTA, with the request to upload it on the Ministry's website Minutes of APEX Committee Meeting dated 12.02.2019 A meeting of APEX Committee was held on 12.02.2019 under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs to appraise and approve the proposals submitted by the Tribal Research Institutes of Tripura for funding under the scheme "Support to TRIs". The following officers were present: Ministry of Tribal Affairs 1 Sh. Deepak Khandekar, Secretary (Tribal Affairs) 2 Sh. Vinod Kumar Tiwari, Joint Secretary (A), MoTA J Sh. Naval Jit Kapoor Joint Secretary (TRI), MoTA 4 Dr. A. Anil Kumar, Director (TRI) 5 Ms. Nivedita, Director (IFD) 6 Sh. Nadeem Ahmad, Under Secretary (TRI) State representatives l. Sh. Shantanu, Secretary, Tribal Welfare Deptt. 2. Sh. C. K Jamatia, Director, Tribal Welfare Deptt 3. Sh. Sunil Debbarma, Director, TRI. 2. At the outset Joint Secretary (TRI) welcomed the participants and remarked as under: (i) TRIs should adhere to the stipulation in the Guidelines issued on 14.12.2017 and play an important role as knowledge bank and fill the research gaps to enhance the efficiency of Government institutions for devising appropriate strategies for tribal development by the Govemment. (ii) TRIs should evolve itself in a manner that it could become a centre of leaming and research attracting young scholars. (iii) The TRIs should focus on the quality of output with respect to the sanctioned project so that the research work could be used effectively and meaningfully for the purpose of development of tribals. (iv) All the TRIs should ensure that there is no duplicacy of work involved with respect to the projects submitted for approval during 2019-20 and no fund has been taken from other sources for the same purpose. (v) The projects already sanctioned to the TRIs be completed with due adherence to stipulated timelines. Submission of pending Utilization Certificates (UCs) and Physical Progress Report (PPR) be ensured to enable processing of release of funds for the year 2019-20. Soft copy of the progress report may be uploaded in the SMIS webpage (http://stcmis.gov.in/smis/). Necessary login credentials for the same have already been shared with TRIs. (vi) All the TRIs should submit soft and hard copy of the desired repoft / publications / audio-visuals etc. pertaining to the projects approved to them as part of deliverables and upload a copy of the same in the Tribal Repository webpage (http://tribal.nic.in/repository). Necessary login credentials for the same have already been shared with TRIs. (vii) The TRIs should upload relevant material available with them (even outside the sanctioned project) in the tribal repository web page developed by MoTA. (viii) TRIs should finish the task of preparing tribe wise profile at the earliest (ix) TRIs shouldfocus on timely completion of construction of Tribal Freedom Fighter Museum and TRI building, wherever applicable and apprise MoTA of the progress of work on quarterly basis. (x) TRIs should meticulously undertake the approved project of 'evaluation of Tribal Sub- Plan' during 2018-19 and share the report immediately. (xi) TRIs should submit proposals for evaluation of Ashram Schools (Functioning, Infrastructure Gap, Human Resources, Performance, etc.) io MoTA for consideration. (xii) TRIs should upload copies ofthe tribal language primers developed so far out of MoTA funding or State resources. (xiii) TRIs should keep MoTA informed of the various tribal festivals, workshops, seminars etc. being funded by MoTA and share photographs and audio-visuals for records while uploading the same in the tribal repository. (xiv) TRIs should contemplate undertaking assessment of various developmental gaps in tribal dominated areas vis-ir-vis other part of the State and feasibility of effective utilization of dedicated funds which are earnarked under schemes of various Central Ministries as 'Scheduled Tribe Componen(STc) and State Tribal Sub-Plan (TSp) by way of convergence to mitigate the existing gaps. Proposal for such studies be submitted to MoTA for consideration. MoTA to share the list of schemes having earmarking of STC funds with the TRIs. 3. The Committee considered the project proposals submitted by the State for the year 2019-20 and following decision were made: 3.1 Committed Liabilify of previous years: (Rs. in Lakh) Amount approved Year of Amount S. MoTA's for Project first Already Remarks No. Support release Approval Released during 20t9-20 1 Construction of New 201 8-1 9 716.00 200.00 3 16.00 (i) Remaining TRI Building for an balance of Rs. amount of Rs. 200.00 lakh will 351 1.00 lakhs be considered (Rs. 716.00 lakhs is for released approved for during construction of subsequent Administrative years based on building & Boundary the progress of wall. the project. Feasibility of (ii) Nodal funding from M/o Officer for DoNER be explored Tripura State to ascertain the progress ofwork physically. 3.2 New proposal: Funds sl. Remarks/ Decision/ Activity Sought No. Discussion (Rs. in Lakh) 1 Research Studies A comprehensive health care gap analysis and 6.00 An amount of Rs. 6.00 a. drug abuse amongst the tribal communities of lakh approved West Tripura and North Tripura District. Demographic Profile of Scheduled tribes 8.00 b. of An amount of Rs.8.00 Tr[ura (1901-2018) lakh approved 6.00 An amount of Rs. 6.00 lakh approved. TRI to provide practical suggestions d. Art and Craft of tribes of Tripura. for scaling up saleability of these Art and Crafts through TRIFED and other agencies. 10.00 An amount of Rs. 10.00 lakh approved. Outcome of the project o Tribal Development schemes & its with suggested action implementations in Tripura (last 3 years ) points be shared with Tribal welfare Department and MoTA. 5.00 An amount of Rs. 5.00 lakh approved. The Committee suggested that proper Traditional tribal medicine practices among the h. Tribes of Tripura. documentation be made for the traditional medicinal practices and feasibility be explored ( to get such practices validated through appropriate agency. 2 Evaluation Studies a. A study on traditional agriculture, (Jhum 10.00 An amount of Rs. 4.00 cultivation) social life problem faced by the lakh approved. Tribal in the State of Tri b Impact assessment of Tribal Welfare 10.00 An amount of Rs. 4.00 Department sponsored Madhyamik Dropout lakh approved coaching as well as other NGOs run Madhyamik Dropout coaching in Reducing the dropout rate in Madhyamik Examination in Tripura. J Seminar/ Works State Level Consultation Workshop on 10.00 An amount of Rs. 5.00 a. Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices of lakh approved a Tribal Communities of Tri J S Innovative Tribal Development Strategies s.00 An amount of Rs. 5.00 b adopted by different states in various Sectors(3 lakh approved ,S Customs beliefs and practices among the 4.00 An amount of Rs. 4.00 c. Reans Tribes of Tripura (PVTG). lakh approved Seminar on Central & State Govemment 4.00 An amount of Rs. 4.00 d. schemes &programmes for protection, welfare lakh approved and empowerment of the tribes of Tripura. 4 Development of indigenous folk Song, Music & Art Organization of State level Folk Dance 15.00 An amount of Rs a. competition in the eve of 26th January,2020 10.00lakh approved Documentation of life and works of prominent 10.00 An amount of Rs. 5.00 b Tribal artists/ performers/personalities of lakh approved Tripura 5 Library Purchase of Reference Books, Research 2.00 An amount of Rs.2.00 a- Journal, News papers etc. lakh approved Preservatives, Binding & Cleaning of 1.00 An amount of Rs. 1.00 b Reference Books lakh approved Book Case for Reference Books, Steel Rack 1.00 An amount of Rs. 1.00 c for S ofPubl lakh approved 6. Documentation & Preservation Audio-Visual documentation of traditional 6.00 An amount of Rs.6.00 food Tri Tribes of lakh approved 7 Printing of Research ect/lVlo of Books Printing of Research Project/Evaluation l 1.00 An amount of Rs a. 11.00 lakh approved Re-Printing of old departmental Publications 2.00 An amount of Rs.2.00 b 4 Volumes lakh approved An amount of Rs. 1.00 1.00 c Printing of TUI & SAIMA lakh approved 4 8 Promotion & Preservation of Tribal Culture a. Promotion & preservation of Musical 5.00 An amount of Rs. 5.00 Instrument of Indigenous people of Tripura lakh approved An amount of Rs.5.00 b. Promotion of PVTG Culture 7.00 lakh approved 9 Organization lParticipation of Tribal Fare & Festival as per festival calendar of Tripura a.
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