December 18, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1823 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO THE LEGISLATIVE 1995 by Mayor Frank Jordan, and served as 13-year professional career playing with the COUNSEL CEO under three subsequent mayors. Under Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks. his wise leadership, John Martin has added An active member of the National Basketball HON. PAUL D. RYAN immensely to the economic vitality of our re- Retired Players Association, Mr. Williams OF WISCONSIN gion, completing the $3.5 billion International loved the game of basketball and always tried Terminal, raising the wages of service and se- to give back. Described as a kid from a small IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES curity workers at SFO, and reducing the Air- town in Louisiana who never changed, the Friday, December 18, 2015 port’s greenhouse gas emissions by 34 per- Cavaliers team remembers the basketball star Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I rise cent from 1990 levels. He worked to extend as a ‘‘talented, unselfish, and versatile player today to thank our legislative counsel for all BART to SFO, built new parking garages and and person that earned the respect of every- their help over the past few weeks, starting the Air Train people mover. During his tenure one around him.’’ The Suns described Mr. Wil- with Sandra Strokoff and Ed Grossman. the airport added 25 new international carriers liams as a ‘‘humble and gracious man, willing I also want to thank all the senior and as- and currently serves nearly 50 million pas- to share his time and fun-loving nature with sistant counsels for their hard work: Tom Cas- sengers a year. He opened the first LEED anyone.’’ sidy, Ryan Greenlaw, and Justin Gross on ap- Gold airport terminal in the world, and has Mr. Williams may have lost his fight to can- propriations; Henry Christrup, Wade Ballou, maintained SFO’s leadership in safety and se- cer but his spirit will remain a part of the Sor- and Scott Probst on taxes; Paul Callen, Mar- curity practices. He created a culture of health rento community. Stories like his will show shall Barksdale, and Veena Srinivasa on and wellness among employees and provided generations of Americans the impact of gen- housing and financial services; Hallet unique guest services, making SFO the top uine personality and hard work. Brazelton, Megan Chasnoff, and Susan concession revenue producer per passenger Mr. Speaker, I celebrate the life and legacy Fleishman on the 9/11 VCF and immigration; in the U.S. of Mr. Williams, a beloved father and example Jessica Shapiro, Warren Burke, Ed Grossman, Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- to aspiring athletes everywhere. Jesse Cross, and Michelle Vanek on the WTC resentatives to join me in honoring John L. f health program; Bob Weinhagen on budget; Martin for his extraordinary leadership of San MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND Lucy Goss on social security; Hank Savage on Francisco International Airport, for the superb VETERANS AFFAIRS AND RE- oceans and coastal security; and Tony contributions he has made and the challenges LATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- Sciascia and Hadley Ross on intelligence. he met over two decades. Today’s SFO is a TIONS ACT, 2016 Then there are the drafters who worked masterpiece of vision for the 21st century and nights and weekends to produce all the other I think John Martin is a national treasure. SPEECH OF major legislation: Curt Haensel, Rosemary f Gallagher, Tom Dillon, Karen Anderson, Tim HON. THOMAS MacARTHUR HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Brown, Sally Walker, Brady Young, and Chris OF NEW JERSEY OF JOHN ‘‘HOT ROD’’ WILLIAMS Osborne on the highway bill; Sherry Chriss, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Greg Kostka, Hadley Ross, Tony Sciascia, Thursday, December 17, 2015 and Mark Synnes on the defense bill; Susan HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND Fleishman, Anna Shpak, and Brendan Galla- OF LOUISIANA Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, I was dis- gher on the education bill; and Sandy Strokoff, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES appointed to see there was no language in the Omnibus to delay the implementation of the Mark Synnes, and Mat Eckstein on trade and Friday, December 18, 2015 customs bills. Department of Labor’s fiduciary proposal and Finally I want to thank all the office’s sup- Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today allow the bipartisan proposal in the House to port staff: Nancy McNeillie, Debby Birch, Kelly to honor the life of John ‘‘Hot Rod’’ Williams, codify a workable fiduciary that would truly Meryweather, Elonda Rich, Tomas Contreras, a prolific professional basketball player and protect savers. Miekl Joyner, Ashley Anderson, Joe Birch, Louisiana native. Mr. Williams passed away The Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed Angelina Patton, Craig Sterkx, Tom on December 11, 2015, at the age of 53. fiduciary standard is a well-intentioned but Meryweather, and Matthew Loggie. Mr. Williams was born on August 9, 1962 in poorly conceived proposal. I’ve expressed f Sorrento, Louisiana. His family gave him the concern with a number of issues in the pro- nickname Hot Rod for the engine-like sounds posal in the past but I’d like to focus on the TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF JOHN L. he made when he moved about as a baby. As Department of Labor’s legal authority over MARTIN a rising athlete, he played basketball at St. IRAs in my comments today. Amant High School before signing with Tulane Congress explicitly designated employer- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO University. sponsored plans to the fiduciary standard OF CALIFORNIA While playing at Tulane, Mr. Williams was a under ERISA. Congress also explicitly des- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES three-time All-Metro Conference selection, ignated IRAs to be governed by the Internal averaging 16 points and seven rebounds. As Revenue Code’s prohibited transaction rules. Friday, December 18, 2015 a junior in 1984, Mr. Williams was the Metro DOL is simply not legally permitted to exert Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Conference Player of the Year. Mr. Williams jurisdiction over IRA rollovers and to apply a honor the extraordinary leadership of John remains fourth in Tulane’s career scoring with fiduciary standard to IRAs without Congres- Martin and wish him every blessing in retire- 1,841 points and second in 20-point games sional approval. Congress has amended ment as he steps down in 2016 from a distin- with 36. ERISA and the tax code multiple times and guished career. In 1986, Mr. Williams joined the Cleveland has chosen repeatedly not to make this John Martin has served as the leader of our Cavaliers where he was named to the All- change. It is not legally permissible for an nation’s seventh busiest airport, San Francisco Rookie team for the 1986–87 season. He unelected bureaucrat from DOL to make that International (SFO) for two decades. It has would spend his first nine NBA seasons with decision for the Congress, and the people been my pleasure and good fortune to have the Cavaliers, averaging 11 points and 6.8 re- we’ve been elected to represent back home. worked cooperatively with him throughout his bounds for his career. Mr. Williams was a cen- There are already a number of federal career at SFO and I consider it a privilege to tral figure for the 1988–89 Cavaliers team, agencies that do have the authority to regulate know him and call him my friend. which went 57–25 during the regular season, financial transactions over individual IRAs, John Martin served for 15 years as Deputy where Michael Jordan’s famous last-second namely the SEC and FINRA. SEC and FINRA Airport Director for Business and Finance at jump shot in Game 5 eliminated them in the have a demonstrated record of education and SFO and was appointed Airport Director in first-round series. Mr. Williams concluded his enforcement to minimize any conflicts and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:27 Dec 19, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18DE8.001 E18DEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 18, 2015 punish advisors who violate those standards. board felt were most deserving of my congres- Founder of the Latin Chamber of Commerce When advisors act against their clients’ inter- sional nomination. and Victoria Napoles-Earl, Senior Executive ests, they should and will be punished. It is I have benefitted greatly from Colonel Vice President of the Latin Chamber of Com- unreasonable to place a prohibitive regime Candelori’s expertise, discernment, dedication, merce for over thirty years of service to the across an entire industry of professionals and desire that our armed services receive Hispanic business community and Nevada’s working in their client’s best interest, rather only the best, bravest and brightest officer ap- Hispanic youth. For decades, the Latin Cham- than punish those who violate it. plicants. And so, too, has the United States ber of Commerce has helped hundreds of Ne- Former head of the Employee Benefits Se- military. vadans and their families achieve the Amer- curity Administration (‘‘EBSA’’) Brad Campbell, Having served for 32 years in the United ican Dream thanks to Otto and Victoria’s lead- the Department agency promulgating this reg- States Marine Corps and the reserves—a ten- ership and mentorship. Otto and Victoria have ulation, testified at a recent hearing, ‘‘This is a ure that overlapped with his time on our Serv- spearheaded incredible programs that promote significant departure from the Department’s ice Academy Board—Colonel Candelori relied leadership, entrepreneurship and education.
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