Department of Planning & Development I. Department of Housing and Regional Development I MELBOURNE METRO PO LITAN STRATEGY I STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVIELOPMiENT I PROJECTS & PROGRAMS · I FINAL REPORT APPENDICES SOUTH EAST REGION I I I I I I I I I I I I SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ I N I E I R in association with I Spiller Gibbins Swan Pty Ltd Travers Morgan Pty Ltd I Loder & Bayly Consulting Group I October 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Department of Planning & Development .I Department of Housing and Regional Developm_ent . ; •• J MELBOURNE METROPOLITAN STRATEGY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE .. I INFRASTRUCTURE LIBRARY l . DEVELOPMENT \\\i\~~~~~~~~li!~~~\11] PROJECTS & PROGRAMS ·.I ~ ~-~~ -----~---- FINAL REPORT APPENDICES I SOUTH .EAST REGION I .. ·Ii I I Transport Library I· ·I· I I ~ ·I - - - - - -- --- -- --- 711. 4099 00105983 451 MEL:M M lb t . 1 l ·I (1 995) e ourne me r~po 1tan i strategy : strateg1c v. 2 copy 2 infrastructure development projects and program~. l I South East Region : final 1 -~~---~---~~~~--~ . ~- - ) 1- SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ I N I E I R in association with .1 Spiller Gibbins Swan Pty_ Ltd . :J Travers Morgan Pty Ltd :I Loder & Bayly Consulting Group ·. ! . • J I October 1995 ..r l I LIST OF APPENDICES I Appendix A- National, State .. and Metropolitan Policies I· Appendix B - Policies of Regional Organisations - Appendix C - Policies of Local Government I Appendix D - Strategic Objectives of Service Providers I Appendix E -:- Detailed Description of Region Appendix F - Industry and Business Interviews I . Appendix G - Long List of Projects Appendix H - Response to Advertisement I Appendix I - Workshops 1 and 2 Reports • I Appendix J - SWOT Analysis . : .• _; t .'~. ~~ ,: ·~ . i • ; \ • Appendix K -:- Project Descriptions I Appendix L- Evaluation Tables- Performance Criteria I Appendix M - Special Note - Road Access Appendix N- Study Team· I I I I I I I I SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ 5R046.116.BJF:mbm:6/6/95 I I I I I Appendix A- National, State and Metropolitan Policies I A.1 National Policies· Policy Context The policy context within which the Commonwealth Government's I objectives and strategies for the South East Region have been developed, was established with the release of its White Paper ·working I Nation• in May 1994. The Paper recognised that, in general terms, the economic problems facing Australia's regions are those which face the nation as a whole. I · Consequently, the overriding national industry development policy objectives are seen to be appropriate at the regional level also, ie. : I o building a competitive environment; o based on this environment, building competitive firms; and o integrating economic, social and environmental objectives. I However: given the diversity of regional economic circumstances, the Commonwealth is unwilling to impose uniform solutions. It recognises I that regional communities are best equipped to assess their own strengths and weaknesses an~ therefore bases its strategy on forging partnerships with key local groups while supporting effective regional groupings. In short, regions are encouraged to help themselves to I ensure local commitment to sustainable developmental initiatives. Some policies and programs achieve a significant regional impact I through regional concentrations of the program's target group. Examples include Labour Adjustment Packages or the National Industries Extension Scheme (NIES). Others, such as the Building Better Cities Program, I have a specific regional development focus. Still other policies and programs may have an indirect impact on regional economic activity through the provision of social or other infrastructure such as the National I. Highway System. .. The emphasis on collaboration and co-ordination at the regional level I brings a strategic dimension to the way regional infrastructure needs are considered and permits a broadening of the range of techniques for their provision and financing. However, it is the Commonwealth Government's I view that infrastructure projects should only proceed if they are proved to be economically viable and necessary. Provision of infrastructure in excess of needs diverts funding from other projects of greater value to I the community. The major instrument for delivery of the White Paper's policy objectives is the Regional Development Program (RDP) under which some $150 I million has already been allocated over four years to facilitate regional I economic development. Its major strategic components are : I SINO.AIR KNIGHT MERZ 5R046.t05.BJF:mbm:6/6/95. A-1 I I I. o Structures, Strategies and Projects - provides assistance for the I establishment or restructuring of regional development organisations (REDOs) to develop and implement agreed visions and strategies I through best practice approaches. o The Regional Strategic Infrastructure Fund, through which a total of $68 million has been allocated qver four years, was established to I a:ssist regions with particular infrastructure needs and to provide demonstration projects. It will only be applied to projects which can meet the following criteria: I. 1. Demonstrated commitment to the key elements of the RDP as set out in the Guidelines document available from the Department of Housing and Regional Development (DHRD). I 2. Soundly researched and documented. I 3. Catalytic in nature by combining with other funding sources to enable a strategically significant project to proceed. I 4. Agreed to by key participant$ and include matching funding from other spheres of government or the private sector. 5. Consistent with the priorities of State and Local governments I. and, where appropriate, have the necessary approvals processes completed so that the project can commence without I undue delay. 6. Good models of co-operation between groups in the region. I 7. Demonstrated best practice characteristics. 8. A high level of external benefits, strongly linked to fostering the ;, I! agreed economic development direction for the region. 0 Management and Skill E_nhancement - introducing best practice I approaches to regional development practitioners and providing opportunities for training in such measures. I The RDP, which is directed by DHRD, is complementary to a range of measures administered by other portfolio organisations aimed at the facilitation of a,greater role for regions in the national economy such as : I. o Cutting the tax rate on income derived from small to medium . enterprises by Pooled Development Funds and easing their operational restrictions. o Encouraging greater private sector infrastructure investment by SINOAIR KNIGHT MERZ SR046.105.BJF:mbm:6/6/95 A-2 I ~- . I I I I modifyir:Jg the tax treatment and scope of infrastructure bonds. o Establishing Auslndustryas a single point of contact for businesses I w,anting Government assistance .. o New case management arrangements and Area Consultative . Committees within the pepartment of Employment Education and I Training (DEET) for more effective planning and delivery of labour market programs in regions. I o Tailoring elements of the Rural Adjustment Scheme to meet the· ·.·. structural adjustment needs of specific regions. Planning Initiatives I A good example of the.Commonwealth government's policy principles in action is the Integrated Local Area Planning program (I LAP), for which three year national funding of $4.75 million was allocated in the 1992-93 I Federal Budget. From this, local governments across Australia are funded to develop I strategic local area planning through state level management; under the guidance of a.set of principles which are considered to be the key to best practice in integrated planning and management. A number of I projects are running throughout Australia, including one within the study area at the City of Casey. · I The City of Casey ILAP project is to develop a comprehensive evaluation, within a growth corridor municipality, of existing corporate, business and sectoral plans and their inter-relationships, together with an assessment I of the current effeds of their progressive implementation. A set of guidelines will also be developed for integrated corporate I .. planning, more specific and rigorous performance indicators and. performance indicator data collection systems. These are to facilitate improved, more integrated planning processes and structures within Council along with mechanisms for enhanced community participation in I cross-sectoral planning. · .I . Transport . Of particular relevance to the South Eastern Region are the Commonwealth Government's transport policies which support regional development objectives. For example; the Department of Transport's I corporate goals include the following direction: "To support the Government's objectives for the restructuring and growth I. of the Australian economy by accelerating change toward a transport I . sector ·which, by best world standards, is: I SINCt.AIR KNIGHT MERZ 5R046.to5.BJF:mbm:6/6/95 A-3 I I. I o Competitive o Efficient I o Customer -oriented o Awfire of safety requirements . o Environmentally responsible.· I In promoting this change the Department will ensure that: I o The ability to safeguard the public interest, including the interests of disadvantaged members of the community, is maintained. 1. o The development and implementation of reform has proper regard for the commercial environment, and is soundly based in terms of I statutory requirements and administrative procedures. o The export of Australian services is supported, taking advantage of our improved international
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