GULF COAST Business Review Public Notices PAGES 21-48 PAGE 21 JULY 22 - JULY 28, 2011 HILLSBOROUGH, PASCO AREA LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION Public Notice is hereby given that National Auto Service Centers Inc. will sell NOTICE TO CREDITORS TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all prior liens the follow vehicle(s) that remain IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF unclaimed in storage with charges unpaid pursuant to Florida statutes, Sec. THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL All other creditors of the decedent FOR HILLSBOROUGH THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL 713.78 to the highest bidder at 4122 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, Florida on 08/05/2011 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR and other persons having claims or de- COUNTY, FLORIDA CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR at 11:00 A.M. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, mands against decedent’s Estate, must PROBATE DIVISION HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA file their claims with this court WITH- File No. 11-726 FLORIDA, PROBATE DIVISION 2000 CHEVROLET 2GCEC19T4Y1203148 PROBATE DIVISION IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE Division: Probate A File No.:11-CP-965 CASE NO. 2009-CP-2559 OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF IN RE: ESTATE OF Div.:A Terms of the sale are CASH. NO REFUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS IS”. Na- IN RE: THE ESTATE OF THIS NOTICE. ANTHONY ZEGA IN RE: ESTATE OF tional Auto Service Centers, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/ HELEN MARCUS, ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH- Deceased. WILLIAMS CARTER, or all bids. Deceased. IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH The administration of the estate of An- DECEASED. The administration of the Estate of IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLOR- thony Zega, deceased, whose date of The administration of the estate of WIL- NATIONAL AUTO SERVICE CENTERS, INC. HELEN MARCUS, deceased, whose IDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOR- death was January 4, 2011, and whose LIAMS CARTER, deceased, whose date 4122 Gunn Hwy date of death was October 23, 2009, EVER BARRED. social security number is XXX-XX-9837, of death was March 7, 2011, and whose Tampa, FL 33618 and whose Social Security Number is NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME is pending in the Circuit Court for Hill- social security number is 578-34-7617 is July 22, 2011 11-1990H 176-24-8656, is pending in the Circuit PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY sborough County, Florida, Probate Divi- pending in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- Court for Hillsborough County, Flor- CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR sion, the address of which is 800 Twiggs ough County, Florida, Probate Division, FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION ida, Probate Division, the address of MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. The the address of which is 800 E. Twiggs names and addresses of the personal rep- Street, 2nd Floor, Tampa, FL 33602. The NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION which is PO Box 1110, Tampa, Florida DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. resentative and the personal representa- names and addresses of the personal rep- OF FICTITIOUS NAME OF FICTITIOUS NAME 33601-1110. The names and addresses The date of first publication of this tive’s attorney are set forth below. resentative and the personal representa- NOTICE is hereby given that the under- NOTICE is hereby given that the un- of the Personal Representative and the notice is July 22, 2011. All creditors of the decedent and tive’s attorney are set forth below. signed David Sydney Lewis of 1635 E dersigned BLOOMSBURY INVEST- Personal Representative’s Attorney are Personal Representative: other persons having claims or de- All creditors of the decedent and Mulberry Dr. Unit B, Tampa, FL 33604, MENT GROUP, L.L.C. of 777 N. Ashley set forth below. ANGELA KAY CUERVO mands against decedent’s estate on other persons having claims or demands pursuant to the requirements of the Flori- Dr.-Tampa, FL 33602, pursuant to the All creditors of the decedent and 3909 Highland Avenue whom a copy of this notice is required against decedent’s estate on whom a da Department of State Division of Corpo- requirements of the Florida Depart- other persons having claims or de- Bradenton, FL 34205 to be served must file their claims with copy of this notice is served must file rations is hereby advertising the following ment of State Division of Corporations mands against decedent’s estate on Attorney for Personal Representative: this court WITHIN THE LATER OF their claims with this court WITHIN fictitious name: Assuredness Consultancy is hereby advertising the following ficti- whom a copy of this notice has been JOHN W. KAKLIS, Esq. 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER and Counseling. It is the intent of the un- tious name: Yare Group. It is the intent served must file their claims with this 538 12th St. W. THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- dersigned to register Assuredness Con- of the undersigned to register Yare- court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 Bradenton, FL 34205 NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS sultancy and Counseling with the Florida Group with the Florida Department of MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF Telephone: (941) 747-7611 DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A Department of State Division of Corpora- State Division of Corporations. Dated: THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS Florida Bar No. 0023418 THIS NOTICE ON THEM. COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. tions. Dated: July 13, 2011 July 17, 2011 NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE July 22, 29, 2011 11-2013H All other creditors of the decedent All other creditors of the decedent July 22, 2011 11-1957H July 22, 2011 11-1994H and other persons having claims or de- and persons having claims or demands FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION mands against decedent’s estate must against decedent’s estate must file FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS file their claims with this court WITH- their claims with this court WITHIN NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE UNDER NAME LAW PURSUANT NAME LAW PURSUANT IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FOR TAX DEED FICTITIOUS NAME LAW TO SECTION 865.09, TO SECTION 865.09, OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PURSUANT TO SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA STATUTES FLORIDA STATUTES THIS NOTICE. NOTICE. CLARINET 1 LLC #3196 the holder of FLORIDA STATUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH- ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED the following certificate has filed said NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the the undersigned, desiring to engage in the undersigned, desiring to engage in IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET certificate for a tax deed to be issued undersigned, desiring to engage in busi- business under the fictitious name of business under fictitious name of Flor- IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLOR- FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF thereon. The certificate number and ness under the fictitious name of FLOR- Boy Scout Troop 226 located at 6606 ida Truckers Co-op located at P.O. Box IDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOR- THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE year of issuance, the description of the IDA VOICES located at 2913 W. Tambay Harney Road, Suite H, in the County 5129, Sun City Center, Florida 33571, in EVER BARRED. WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. property, and the names in which it was Avenue, in the County of Hillsborough, in of Hillsborough, in the City of Tampa, the County of Hillsborough in the City NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME assessed are as follows: the City of Tampa, Florida 33611 intends Florida 33610 intends to register the of Sun City Center intends to register PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY Folio No.: 036272.0532 to register the said name with the Divi- said name with the Division of Corpo- the said name with the Division of Cor- CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR File No.: 2011-658 sion of Corporations of the Florida De- rations of the Florida Department of porations of the Florida Department of MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S Certificate No.: 158641-08 partment of State, Tallahassee, Florida. State, Tallahassee, Florida. State, Tallahassee, Florida. DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Year of Issuance: 2008 Dated at Tampa, Florida, this 13th day Dated at Tampa, Florida, this 19 day Dated at Hillsborough County, Florida, The date of first publication of this The date of first publication of this Description of Property: July, 2011. July,2011. this 18th day of July, 2011. notice is July 22, 2011 and the date of notice is July 22, 2011. SLEEPY HOLLOW A CONDO- PROCITIZEN MEDIA, LLC MAS Tampa Chapter, Inc Florida Truckers Co-op, Inc. the second publication of this notice is Personal Representative: July 29, 2011 JOHN L. CARTER MINIUM PHASE I UNIT 1531 July 22, 2011 11-1956H July 22, 2011 11-2014H July 22, 2011 11-2012H TYPE BR 1/24 PERCENTAGE Personal Representative: 17023 Waterfall Road OF UNDIVIDED SHARES IN PAUL HUNTER Haymarket, VA 20169 COMMON ELEMENTS AND FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION 5814 Dory Way Attorney for Personal Representative: Tampa, FL 33615 SARA A. TOLLIVER, Esq. EXPENSES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Attorney for Personal Representative: E-Mail Address: PLAT BOOK/PAGE: CB04/0007 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT DONALD REDDISH [email protected] SEC-TWP-RGE: 07-28-19 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FOR HILLSBOROUGH Attorney for Paul Hunter Florida Bar Number 390224 Subject To All Outstanding Taxes FLORIDA FLORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA Florida Bar No.
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