Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCXCI Botanika – Steciana , , - www.up.poznan.pl/steciana ISSN - “PUSZCZA SŁUPECKA” NATURE RESERVE NEAR WARSAW AS AN EXAMPLE OF A YOUNG FOREST ABUNDANT IN ANCIENTFOREST SPECIES I D, P Z, Ł K I. Dembicz, Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Conservation, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie , - Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] P. Zaniewski, Department of Molecular Plant Physiology, University of Warsaw, ul. Miecznikowa , - Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] Ł. Kozub, Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Conservation, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie , - Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] (Received: January , . Accepted: May , ) ABSTR ACT. According to the “old forest indicator species” concept, the presence of many old forest indica- tor species suggests long ecological continuity of a patch of the forest. During the survey of the vascular fl ora of the “Puszcza Słupecka” Nature Reserve (Kotlina Warszawska Mesoregion, central Poland) vascular plant species were recorded, including species, which are indicators of ancient woodlands. Despite the fact that the area of the current “Puszcza Słupecka” Nature Reserve years ago was covered by grasslands and ponds, the number of these species nowadays are similar to the number encountered in forests of a comparable size with preserved forest continuity. A few hypotheses may explain this phe- nomenon. Firstly, the reserve area could have had mid-fi eld groups of trees, which had been refugees for undergrowth plants and which have become centers of expansion of these species in recent decades. Secondly, an important role could have been played by well-preserved oak-hornbeam and riparian forests in the neighbourhood and presence of a watercourse in the reserve. KEY WORDS: vascular plants, forest fl ora, Puszcza Słupecka, indicators of ancient woodlands, old forest indicator species, forest continuity, nature reserve INTRODUCTION The aim of the presented paper is to discuss, on a ba- sis of the fl oristic inventory of a nature reserve, whether Due to the severe deforestation and introduction a forest without long forest continuity can host many of of modern forestry European broad-leaved forest be- the “old forest indicator species”. came a rare habitat, which needs protection (S , C D... , Z ). There is an urgent need to protect the best preserved forest OBJECT OF RESEARCH communities, however some diffi culties in the correct identifi cation of considered patches appeared. In order “Puszcza Słupecka” Nature Reserve was established to facilitate the assessment of the conservation status of by the decree of Minister of Environmental Protection, particular forest patches, the “old forest indicator spe- Natural Resources and Forestry on December, cies concept” was introduced. The evaluation of quality (MP, , No. , pos. ) in order to protect forest com- of forest patches using vascular plants was presented by munities. It occupies an area of . ha. It is located P () and developed as a list of indica- in the Kotlina Warszawska mesoregion (K tor species by H et . (). In Poland, the list ) in a relatively small forest complex of approxi- of species was published by D and L mately km situated in the northwest of the Marki (). According to the mentioned authors, the species town in the Nieporęt municipality, Legionowo county. meeting the criteria for “old forest indicator” must be It is located within the ED square of the ATPOL car- strongly associated with the forest environment, exhibit togram (Z ). low dispersal properties and weak ability to reproduce From the northwest the reserve borders with part- generatively. Such species tend to survive only in well ly managed and partly abandoned, overgrowing wet preserved forest patches with a long ecological conti- meadows (Fig. A). From the southeast it borders with nuity. It is still not clear to what extent “old forest wastelands of the Czarna Struga village, from the south indicator species” really indicate long forest continuity with allotments, while in other places its boundaries (R et . ). are in contact with the forests of Drewnica Division I. Dembicz, P. Zaniewski, Ł. Kozub F. Land use of the reserve and its nearest vicinity: A – present state, B – approx. years ago of the State Forests. A large part of the reserve edge is a large area of the valley (about ha) was fl ooded up to marked with the voivodeship road No. An area of a depth of about .-. m. The water outfl ow from the . ha of young planted forest present within the reserve reserve is furthermore impeded by the embankment of is excluded from protection. At northern edge of the the road Słupno-Stanisławów. reserve runs on the embankment of a pre-war narrow The past of the reserve has been very important for gauge railway which was used to transport peat exca- the development of its fl ora. Before World War II the vated in the past about km north of the reserve. In the area was almost entirely accounted for wet meadows vicinity of the reserve, the “Łęgi Czarnej Strugi” nature and fi sh ponds (Fig. B). At that time within the area of reserve, established in to protect oak-hornbeam today’s reserve only solitary trees occurred or in small and elm-ash carr forests, is situated. One of its corners is groups. The only piece of the forest (of about ha) was located about m from the south corner of the “Pusz- present on the northwest edge of the modern reserve cza Słupecka” reserve. area. Uniform forest areas began in a short distance The reserve area consists of the Czarna river valley to the east and south from the modern borders of the and the dunes adjacent to the valley from the south- “Puszcza Słupecka” reserve (M ... ). east. The elevation diff erence between the bottom of the Nowadays the vegetation of the reserve is dominated valley and the tops of the dunes is about . m. A large by forest communities. A signifi cant area of the valley of part of the reserve is located within the Czarna river the Czarna river is occupied by Tilio-Carpinetum, Fra- fl oodplain. This watercourse was straightened many xino-Alnetum and Ribeso nigri-Alnetum. There are also years ago (M ... ) but its riverbed is patches of vegetation that can be associated with the embankment exclusively outside the reserve. Within regenerating Ficario-Ulmetum. The dunes are mainly the reserve water can easily fl ood the area up to the covered with coniferous forest communities such as edge of the dunes. For example in the summer of Querco-Pinetum and Peucedano-Pinetum but there are “Puszcza Słupecka” Nature Reserve near Warsaw as an example of a young forest abundant in ancient-forest species also patches of Tilio-Carpinetum. Tree stands of the re- – species recorded only outside the forest, in the mead- serve originate partly from natural succession and partly ow within the reserve: M; from planting (pine, oak and additionally geographically – species recorded only on the forest edges, roadsides alien spruce). Signs of coppicing are visible on some of or borders of the reserve: E. the alders growing in wetlands. Fallen trees, some cut by beavers, and dead wood are abundant in the reserve. Equisetopsida Near the riverbed still single specimens of the willow Equisetum pratense, E. sylvaticum (OF). Salix fragilis are still present, which probably originated Polypodiopsida from the times when the reserve was occupied mainly Athyrium fi lix-femina (OF), Dryopteris carthusiana (OF), by meadows. The small area of a meadow of about . D. fi lix-mas (OF), Polypodium vulgare (S), Pteridium aqu- ha is still present within the reserve. It is dominated ilinum (OF). by Deschampsia caespitosa and sedges (mainly Carex Pinopsida acuta and C. acutiformis). The meadow is also heavily Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Taxus baccata (S). penetrated by the wild boar and roe deer. During the Magnoliopsida survey moose has also been observed there. Acer negundo (A), A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, The fl ora of the “Puszcza Słupecka” nature reserve Achillea millefolium, A. salicifolia (M), Acinos arvensis has not been the topic of a separate publication yet, and (E), Adoxa moschatellina (OF), Aegopodium podagraria the degree of knowledge about it was insuffi cient. Some (OF), Agrimonia eupatoria (E), Ajuga reptans (OF), Allia- data on the natural values of the reserve can be found on ria petiolata, Alnus glutinosa, Anemone nemorosa (OF), the Internet (e.g. P P S). A. ranunculoides (OF), Angelica sylvestris, Anthriscus sylvestris, Arctium lappa (E), Artemisia absinthium (E), A. campestris (E), A. vulgaris (E), Asarum europaeum MATERIALS AND METHODS (P, OF), Berteroa incana (E), Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Bidens frondosa (A), Calluna vulgaris, Caltha palustris, Survey on the fl ora of vascular plants was carried out Calystegia sepium, Campanula rotundifolia, Capsella during the spring and summer of and spring of . bursa-pastoris (E), Cardamine amara, C. pratensis (M), The study was conducted with topographic method (F- Cardaminopsis arenosa (E), Carpinus betulus, Cerastium ). It included the entire area of the reserve holosteoides, Chaerophyllum aromaticum, Chamaecyti- evenly and all habitat types occurring within it. Data on sus ratisbonensis, Chamomilla suaveolens (A, E), Chelido- the occurrence of the species were collected from fl oristic nium majus, Chenopodium album (E), Ch. polyspermum inventories. The names of vascular plant species and their (E), Chrysosplenium alternifolium (OF), Circaea interme- status as anthropophytes follow M et . (). dia (OF), Cirsium arvense (M), Convolvulus arvensis (E), Conyza canadensis (A, E), Corydalis solida (OF), Corylus avellana, Crataegus rhypidophylla, Cuscuta europaea (E), RESULTS Cytisus nigricans, Daphne mezereum (S, OF), Dianthus deltoides (M), Echinocystis lobata (A), Epilobium ade- The fl ora of the vascular plants of the reserve con- nocaulon (A, M), E. montanum (OF), E. palustre (M), sists of species, including dicotyledons, Erigeron annuus (A, E), Erophila verna (E), Erysimum monocotyledons, three gymnosperms and seven pteri- cheiranthoides (E), Euonymus europaea, E.
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