SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authorrty of the Repubhc of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LXIX-No 34 NAIROBI, 4th July 1967 Price Sh 1/50 CONTENTS The National Assembly Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations 1964 and The Local Government Elections Rules 1966-Notices to Electors 704 SUPPLEMENT No. 52 Bzlls 1967 (Published as a Special Issue on 3rd July 1967) SUPPLEMENT No 53 Acts 1967 SUPPLEMENT No 54 Acts 1967 ' 704 TH F, K EN YA G AZET TE 4th July 1967 GAZETTE N OTTCE N O 2420 - --- Regtstratton Umt No Place of Regkstratton TH E N ATION AL ASSEM BLY ELECTION S (REGISTRATION OF VOTERS) REGULATION S 1964 (L N 56 of 1964) NYBRI DISTRICT Kam u 364 Oë ce of the Dlstrlct Oflicer, THE LOCAL GOVERN M EN T ELECTION S RU LES 1966 M athlra (L N 101 o! 1966) Gatundu 365 ,, N Chehe (lncludlng Cheho 366 ,, olqcs To El-Bc'roits Forest Statlon) NOTICE ls heleby gwen that lt ls proposed to com plle new KaD yu 367 , reglsters of electors for the purpose of the electlon of m em bers GR atgealt l 3698 ,, to- G athelm 370 ,, ,, (aj the Natlonal Assembly, Oalkuyu CTA'' 371 > (b) Local Authontles G aclklwuyku $$B'' 3732 ,' , A1l persons who wlsh to be reglstered as electols for the Barlcho 374 ,, purpose of elther or both of these electlons, and who are lcuga 375 ,, qualé ed to be so reglstered Gakuyu 376 ,, , m ust attend personally before the K R eglstratlon Om cer or A sslstant Reglstratlon OK cer for the M abroaltglnoaln Tl ownshlp a3,7J98 ,, reglstratlon um t ln whlch they are qualé ed to be reglstered, Tjuu 3go ,, on or after 1st August 1967, but not later than 31st August N gandu 381 ,, 1967, and m ust then produce to such om cer a com pleted Klna 382 ,, apphcatlon m the prescrlbed form M utathllnl 383 ,, A G achmro 384 , person who wlshes to m ake apphcatzon outslde the regls- Gachlka 385 tratlon unlt ln whlch he wlshes to be reglsteled need not attend Kjam anlga 1663 '' persona 11 y lf he completes an appllcatlon and makes t'lle K aruthl HA'' 1664 '' declaratlon contalned ln the apphcatlon form , and dehvers lt Kamzthl C'B'' 1665 or sends lt by post to the R eglstratlon Oë cer of the reglstratlon Ruturu 1666 , unlt m whlch he m shes to be reglstered, so that lt reaches the Sogana Jet Settlem ent 1667 , Reglstratlon Oflicer not later than the latest closlng date for Scheme (lncludlng Hombe Forest Statlon cluojw Jet appkcatlons ln any of the reglstratlon unlts settlement Scvme The varlous reglstratlon unlts estabhshed for the reglstratlon G ura 1668 Oëce of the Dlstnct Oë cer, of electors are those set out m the iirst column of the Schedule Othaya to thls N otlce Thuti 1669 ,, , and the places of reglstratlon at whlch apphcants Item em l q:x,, 16,7: should attend are those respectlvely specéed m the second Itomem l ttB'' 1671 , colum n ot that Schedule Içahuglru <CA'' 1672 ' D ays and tlm es of attendance w1l1 be notlfied at each place Klhuglru 6:B'' 1673 K lahagu ug A ,, j6,y4 , of reglstratlon W here a place of reglstratlon ls closed before K :qn,, jyrs ,, the sald 31st August 1967, a notlce w111 be exiublted thereon Içalanhdagemul C%A'' 1676 saym g at what other place of reglstratlon apphcants m ay attend Kjandem l EEB'' 1677 '' >> Form s of apphcatjon m ay be obtam ed at any place of lhurm o 1678 reglstratlon Ruklra 1679 , , whTle lt ls open U gachlku 1680 ,, K am oko 1681 ,, SCH EDU LE Kjhom e <GA'' 1682 C Klhom e C'B'' 1683 ENTRAL PROVINCE M unyange çTA3' 1684 ' >> M unyange 'tB'' 1685 R Kagongo 1686 ,, egtstratlon (fnlf No Place of Reglstratton xjaguthp 1687 ,, . o 1 kj gj e A ,. jygg ,, N G lklgle çeB'' 1689 YANDARIJA DlsTRlcT o at lwra eCA'' 1690 ' ,, N daragwa Schem e 339 Oëce of the D lstrlct Colp G athera ''B'' 1691 ,, m lssloner, Thom son's G athalthl 1697 Oë ce of tho Dlstltct Oë cer, Palls N orth Tetu Leshau 340 ,, lthekahuno 1693 ,, Oralm utla Schem e ,N yalroko 341 ,, Gltltu 1694 ,, Schemet Leslrko Scheme Gakl GGA '' 1695 ,, Slllbwd Schem e, 01 Joro 342 , Gakl :TB'' 1696 , Orok Schem e M ung'Apa 1697 ,, M olanglne Schem e, Sabugo 343 , Gatltu QCA '' 1698 ,, 01S cBheme l Matlnglnscheme Gatltu C'B'' t'A'' 1679090 '' olos at Forest Sallent 344 ,, M uruguru ,, U mts 207, 337, 338 and M urtlgtzra $çB'' 1701 ,, 339 Karla GA '' 1702 ,, N gorlka Schem e, G l1g11 W est 345 ,, Karla e'B''y 1703 > Schem e, G llgll U pper U nllru ç6A ' 1704 #; Schem e, Sahent Unlt 334 U nllru GIB'' 1705 O1'Kalou Central Scheme, 346 K lhora 'W '' 1706 O1'K a1ou South Scheme, K lhora 'CB'' 1707 >> Ol'Kalou W est Schem o, Klanlogu 1708 , Passenga Schem e. Sllanga Karangla 1709 ,, Sclzem e, Sallent Um ts 323. Gathuthl '$A'' 1710 , 330, 333, 331, 332, 335 and G athuthl çeB'' 1711 ,, 336 Ilutho CCA'' 1899 K aratl 347 , Iluthe T%B'' 1712 Thom son's Falls Townshlp 348 , Lusha 1713 ,, M alewa and Sallont U nlt 329 349 lhurul'u 1714 ,, w aluohl and sallont Unlts 350 ,, K lhugo 1715 ,, 32 4 ,325, 327 and 328 M athan 1716 ., M um m co-operatlvesocldy, 351 , Thatha ''A'' 1900 ,, M awm go Schem e Thata CCB'' 1717 , Tlzrasha m dgo Schem e 352 , K abage CEA'' 1718 ,, K lplplr: Schem e, Block 353 ,, K abage ''B'' 1719 >, Estate Kabage :'C y' 1720 #> Kahunz schem e, ol Aragwal 354 , Kabage 'TD '' 1721 ,, schem e Zam a 1722 ,, M kungl Schem e, N andarasl 355 ,, Ichagachlru CCA '' 1733 , Schem e, Geta Forest Ichagaclurlz ççB ' 1734 , 11 M utarakwa 356 ,, Klntl ''A '' 1735 ,' K ltln Sc em o, , Forest K m tl çtB'' 1736 Tulaga B and M uruakl 357 ,, Unllru CCA '' 1737 #' Schemes Unllru ''B'' 1738 ;> B B A saw M 111s. Thlnnka, 358 , K armhu %tA'' 1739 ,, Kenton. M aguhm Town, Karmchu CCB'' 1740 ,, south k lnangop scheme M uthalm ççA'' 1741 ,, up to Preslden-t 's Road Klandongoro 1742 ,, M uruakl Scheme, Glthloro 359 ,, M utham l GB'' 1743 ., d Tulaga 'CA9' Schemes Ngamwa 1744 Oë* of tlze blstnct OKcer, K arangatha, Paz.t or south 36o south Tetu Kmangoy sclwmo up to Kana,.a 1745 ,, Presldent s Road M utundu 1746 ,, sasum ua o am x lablnl 36l , Tiuka 1747 ,, sclwme : Kouku y'orest Gatona e:A', 1748 :> 4th July 1967 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 705 CENTM L Pgomsce- lcontd ) ' '- -- Registtahon Untt No J'/f'cc ofRegtstrahon Regtstrahon &'lllf No A tzcc of Regkstratlon - - M sswwox o lswluc.r Nvsp K lm akla F'orest 448 Om ce of the D lstnct Com - .z olsrRlcT- tctvk/#l nusslonor , M uranga M uyu <çA '' 1749 O ffice of tho D lstnct Om cer, G atare Forest 449 ,, south Tetu Klnyonak G achalage 450 ', N J lrtwlnl tçA'' 1750 M llrl angarG M akom - 451 ,, Ruthanll ..x . 1,/51 ,, bofu (Kandorondu M blu-lnl 1752 lchaga 1, M ungm nl 452 .. M uyu < B'9 1753 . M uthlthl, K lugo, G lthem be 453 '' U PPer Thlytr 1754 ' Gathaml, Kandanl, Glka- 454 ',.',. G atorla ççB 1755 rangu N llrtl- qqss, 1,756 G akolgo 455 ,, Ruthanlmll CCB'' 1757 K ahao, G athera 456 ,, upper M uthambi 1758 ,, Samar Kam ahuha, Iganlo 457 ,, Lower Muthambl 1759 Sabas aya 4,58 ,, I ga na 1760 , M aragua m dge 459 , Ithanll 1762 K lrere M arum l, M anlra, 460 ,, K1haro 1762 ,, Gltj tima K lrerom a 1763 G achocho 461 K ttrungl 1764 K am une, G akurue, K agu- 462 ,, K aondl 1765 ,, m olm Gikondl<$x,, 1.766 xaru 463 ,, Glk ondt :CB'' 1767 Kalro 464 , Tlum u 1768 ,, G acharar lm N yaklanga 465 ,, Island rarm Waraza 1769 Omce of the Islstrlct Omcer, Klawa mbogl kRwathla 466 ,, K lenl East K anyenyalm , lrurl 467 .. Kabaru/Ndathl 1770 lchlchl 468 JJ N arom oru/w araza 1771 Sub-laocatlon 2, 3 and 4 469 N arom oru'-rownshlp 1722 Sub Locatlon 1 and 5 470 '' hm ru 1773 G ltugl, G lkoe 471 '. '. G at ,, Kahurttra/Nanyukl 1774 , KartlnBe 472 Mwehga/A mbonl 1775 Oflice of the ölstrict Oëcer, Glthungun.k Kabatl ; Gultura 473 ,, Kx nl w est. M w el=g a M arlalnl, gurueln , aw . 4,74 ,, Endarasha 1776 ' m 01n1 U aso N pro 1777 ,.., K aglra., K agtmdttlnl 475 .. bservatlon Hlll 1778 '' N aaro, N B'ararla 476 '' , LOalklpia South 1779 ,, Glktll G akarara K aguthl 477 ,, Klganlo 1780 Mttruita, Nguthlzru, Gatltu, 478 ,, N yen Townshlp 1781 Oïce of the ,D, lstrlct Com - Klranga nnlsqloner N verl O ltllru, G lchagllnl, G lthu- 479 ,, m u, M uruka, M utlleru K IRIXYAGA D ls-rm c'r M xung'arla M uk an gu, 480 ,, . a r l u a,Glojwrage Klblrigwl 388 Ollke of thesDlstrlct Com M ugum om l, Klglo, Klrwara, 481 ,, m lssloner K erugoya K G atanga Kagum o 389 , lunyu, Klhumbulnl, Thulta 482 ,, K anyokora 39() M ukurwe Keruguya 391 Chom o, Km alnl, M ukarara 483 ,, G acham 392 X dtlny? Chege, K 1gOrO, 484 ,, Bancho 393 N dakam l K lnam age 394 Klmandl W anyaga, M bugl- 485 ,, N garu 395 tl Klarutara, M wagu, Gatugura 396 (gJ at'ura K arumande 397 Kan K aruru, N dlkwo, G lta- 486 ,, Rungeto 398 1-0: N garu, N guyolnl, M bm 399 Gaturl N gekenp 400 ,, oatara, M atharltl Klon- 487 ,, Ruamb l ti 401 ,, Joml Therl kaganda, Klaga 402 u 'a'flojw Rukanga 15 ()tj ,, G atuya N gerore, K ahuro, 488 ,, N yangat l 1501 ,, Kanj OBonyevamugwo Mupmduko 1502 (a tjujua, Kojnlbl Mukangu, 489 ,, Teb ere 1503 ,, aW a.nlonBl G1r gBO Nguka 1504 ,, catheru, Klhutl 490 ,, M arag 1, Glkandu 491 ,, G aitega, M uchungucha 492 ,, KlAM'su Dlserltlc'r K amblrwa 493 ,, M lrira 494 ,.
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