horse-health connection [email protected] sible to perform a full intra-oral ex- amination of the insides of the horses’ Are Your Bit and Noseband mouths, and so lesions involving these structures were not evaluated or included in the results. Hurting Your Horse? The TDs who participated in the Conclusion: New findings regarding equipment use in dressage competition study as data collectors inspected the corners of the horses’ mouths on both By Hilary Clayton, BVMS, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR, MRCVS sides. If the skin or mucosa of the lips was lacerated, with or without the presence of blood, it was recorded n the June issue, I explained the How the Study Was Conducted as an oral lesion. Across all sports, 9 findings related to the use of spurs percent of horses had oral lesions at and whips in a recently published A total of 3,143 randomly selected the corners of the lips. The presence research study (“Horse-Health Con- horse/rider combinations compet- of lesions differed significantly among I ing in Danish Equestrian Federation nection: Could Your Equipment Be disciplines and was highest in dressage, Hurting Your Horse?”) that I conduct- competitions in dressage, jump- with 10 percent of dressage horses and ed along with FEI veterinarian Mette ing, eventing, and endurance were 16 percent of dressage ponies showing Uldahl. In the study, we recorded the examined immediately after competi- lesions at the corners of the lips. There types of spurs, whips, bits, and nose- tion by licensed technical delegates was no difference in the incidence of bands used on sport horses during (TDs) who had been trained as data injuries on the left versus right sides of collectors for the study. For the part the mouth; but if a lesion or blood was of the study that I’ll describe in this found on one side, there was a signifi- article, the presence and types of cantly increased risk of finding a lesion bits and nosebands were recorded; or blood on the opposite side, as well. noseband tightness was measured; The presence of oral lesions in- and the presence of abrasions, blood, creased with the level of competition or both at the corners of the lips was but did not differ between bit types, noted. Statistical analyses determined including bitless bridles. Therefore, the relationships among equestrian riding bitless does not protect against discipline, level of competition (levels the development of lesions at the 0-7 on the Danish competition scale), corners of the lips. type and tightness of equipment, and the incidence of injuries. Nosebands Bits and Related The presence or absence of a nose- Oral Lesions band was recorded and the type of noseband was noted. Two percent The data collectors noted whether each of the competitors studied used no horse was wearing a bit or a bitless noseband. Of those with nosebands, bridle, and the type of bit used. Of the 51 percent used a cavesson with flash, horses studied, 82 percent had snaffle 26 percent used a cavesson only, 4 bits, 9 percent wore double bridles percent used a cavesson with flash (bridoon plus curb), 7 percent had pel- and jaw strap, 8 percent used a drop ham or kimberwick bits, and 2 percent noseband, 6 percent used a crossed (DIS)COMFORT ZONE? Bits and nosebands were being shown in bitless bridles. (Mexican or figure 8) noseband, and 5 can cause pain—but not always the ones you’d The inside of the horse’s mouth percent used a Micklem bridle. suspect can develop lesions on the tongue, To facilitate the statistical analy- on the palate (roof of the mouth), on sis, noseband straps were classified the bars, or inside the cheeks. Lesions as upper and lower. The upper straps competitions in Denmark. We looked can also form on the skin or mucosa included the cavesson and the up- for associations between types of around the corners of the lips. Be- per strap of a crossed noseband or equipment used and the presence of cause our study was performed during a Micklem bridle. The lower straps visible lesions on the horses’ bodies. a competition, the oral examination included drop nosebands, flash at- In this article, I’ll present our find- was limited to the skin and mucosa at tachments, and the lower strap of a ings regarding bits and nosebands. the corners of the lips. It was not pos- crossed noseband or Micklem bridle. JENNIFER BRYANT 20 July/August 2018 • USDF CONNECTION FIGUre 2. Multi-tool being used to measure noseband tightness. Noseband tightness. A multi- would need to be tightened in order tool was developed specifically for this for it to lie flat against the bridge of the study. The tool has a caliper on one end horse’s nose. Tightness was categorized to measure spur length and a tapered as less than 2 cm, 2-3 cm, or greater probe on the other end that slides under than 3 cm. FIGUre 1. Yellow arrow shows where the noseband and is marked at inter- Tightness of the upper noseband tightness of the upper noseband was vals. The markings on the probe can be was measured by inserting the multi- measured. Blue arrow shows where tightness of converted to a linear measurement that tool beneath the noseband in the mid- the lower noseband was measured. indicates how much the noseband strap dle of the nose. Tightness of the lower Try One! A two week trial is free 2300 US Patented COURTESY OF DR. HILARY CLAYTON USDF CONNECTION • July/August 2018 21 horse-health connection [email protected] noseband was measured at the side of per noseband was 2.4 times higher. The positive association between the nasal bone (see Figures 1 and 2). This was an unexpected finding and is lesions at the corners of the lips and In total, 92 percent of the horses likely related to the fact that, without a upper-noseband tightness is likely the in our study wore an upper noseband. noseband, the horse can resist the rein result of the tight noseband’s squeezing In 53 percent of these horses, the aids by opening its jaw widely. With the the cheeks and lips against the pre- noseband had insufficient slack for it jaw wide open, the cheeks and lips can molar teeth. Superimposed on this, if to be tightened by 2 cm. In 34 percent be caught and abraded between the bit the rider applies excessive rein tension of horses there was room for the nose- rings or bit cheeks and the premolar or if the horse resists the action of the band to be tightened by 2 to 3 cm, teeth. The rider, feeling a loss of con- bit, the crushing effect at the corners and in 13 percent of horses it could be trol, is likely to tighten the reins and of the lips may be exacerbated. A tight adjusted by more than 3 cm. put greater pressure on the corners of upper noseband is also likely to cause A lower noseband was present in the mouth, thereby causing the type of the inner surfaces of the cheeks to 80 percent of horses. Tightness levels lesions observed in the study. be abraded against the cheek teeth, were: less than 2 cm, 43 percent; 2-3 For horses wearing a noseband, but this could not be evaluated in our cm, 42 percent; more than 3 cm, 16 lesions at the corners of the lips were study due to the limitations of working percent. related to tightness of the upper strap in a competition environment. Because of the noseband (cavesson, crossed, or the lower noseband strap lies in front Lesions Related to Micklem) but not to tightness of the of both the corners of the lips and the Noseband Use and Tightness lower noseband strap. When the up- cheek teeth, it would not be expected per-noseband tightness decreased by to cause mucosal abrasions. Interestingly, the incidence of lesions at one category, the incidence of lesions The correlation between tightness the corners of the lips was higher with- at the corners of the lips decreased by of the upper noseband strap and pres- out an upper noseband (14 percent) about one-third. Neither the presence sure exerted under the noseband has than with an upper noseband (9 per- nor tightness of a lower noseband not been measured, and little is known cent). Compared with horses wearing (flash, drop, crossed, or Micklem) about how horses perceive noseband a loose upper noseband, the incidence influenced the incidence of lesions at pressure. In order to function effectively of lesions in horses without an up- the corners of the lips. as a training tool, the noseband needs to USDF Benefit Class USDF Benefit Classes support dressage education in the US through USDF educational programs. Winners receive special USDF Awards! Ask USDF- recognized competitions to host a USDF Benefit Class! 22 July/August 2018 • USDF CONNECTION horse from opening its mouth, but a perform their best, free of pain or tight noseband also exerts pressure discomfort. There can be legitimate continuously rather than acting as a concerns about overly tight nose- training tool that teaches the horse bands, and some dressage enthusiasts to hold the bit quietly with only small believe that bitless bridles are gentler movements of the jaws and tongue. and more humane than traditional Under US Equestrian rules, nose- bitted bridles. However, our findings band tightness is assessed on the side indicate that such sweeping general- of the jaw, just behind the head piece izations are not necessarily accurate. of the noseband, which is a safer place Although dressage instruction to use your fingers to assess tightness places great emphasis on the develop- (Figure 3).
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