CTHE TUFTS DAILY? Medford, MA 02155 Thursday, August 30,1990 Vol XXI, Number 1 Mayer matriculates freshmen with advice on future at college the problems the new freshman drink slowly, on a full stomach, by JANINE BILLY Daily Editorial Board class may encounter in their first and above all, not to drink too University President Jean year at college. much. “Women will be under the Mayer officially matriculated the Mayer warned the newly ma- table while the men are still on 1175 members of the Class of triculated students not to become their feet,” he said. 1994 yesterday against a sunny too discouraged with grades lower On a similarly serious note, backdrop, promising that the good than anticipated. He said that Tufts ~ Mayer spoke about acquaintance weather would last for this year’s students are chosen because they ’ rape and its relationship to exces- freshman class through their en- “do good work” but that not all sivedrinking. He said that though tire four years of education. can receive As. Though Mayer acquaintance rape is not exclu- In his address to the entering noted that there has never been a sively linked to alcohol, the ma- class, Mayer urged students to suicide at Tufts, he said that there take advantage of the diversity of have been past attempts during see page l4 the student body and faculty and exams. He urged students to de- to use it to shape their opinions of velop the responsibility of “tak- Police distribute the world around them. “Discover ing care of one another.” one another,” he said. He chal- Mayer also asked the new stu- protest flyers at lenged the class to become “edu- dents to be cautious with alcohol matriculation cated citizens of democracy” by consumption. According to Mayer, learning to recognize trustworthy there were 28 cases of alcohol In a move that University and valuable sources of informa- poisoning on campus last year, President Jean Mayer callecj and he said that although statis- “deplorable,” members of the Tufts Photo by Howard Skla tion. After congratulating the new tics are higher at other colleges, University Police Association This freshman came to probe the ultimate question of “Just how students and officially welcom- this is still too many. He warned distributed flyers around campus much will those Carmichael hold, anyway?” yesterday to bring attention its closets ing them to Tufts, Mayer students, especially women, to to addressed ongoing contractual dispute with the University. David Buckley, the president Class - ’94 moves in of of the TUPA, said yesterday that by DAN FERAT so I kind of knew what to expect. Daily Editorial Board I was really impressed with the the union hoped to bring its mes- In the early hours of Wednes- speed that everyone worked at sage to a large number of people day, August 29, they came by the and also that they had closed off by publicizing it during matricu- lation activities. The TUPA car loads. Unloading trunks,boxes, the road in front [of Houston],” crates, bags, and suitcases, they said Daniel Zasloff, a resident of members, assisted by members broke the serene silence of the Houston Hall who arrived yester- of the International Brotherhood campus. The Class of 1994 has day from New Jersey. of Police officers, placed the flyers arrived. As thousands of bags were on the windshields of cars parked The advisory staff, decked out hauled into the dorms, few sus- on campus. in their spiffy new T-shirts,color- pected what new knowledge lay Buckley said that three issues coded according to their duties, ahead. They would soon learn remain unresolved in the contract were there to meet them with that they don’t have enough space negotiations that have been under- open arms, soon filled with lug- for all those clothes, or that when way for the last 18 months. The union is opposed to language in gage. they have all their lights on with “When wegothere,thepeople the stereo blaring and the refrig- the contract that would allow the at the door who helped us were erator on while blowing their hair University to subcontract secu- incredible. I went to register and dry,the fuse goes. Life away from rity guards and to uncondition- when I got back, my stuff was home has begun for 1175.new ally lay-off officers. The union already gone,” said new student students. also wants to require all officers Sonya Brar. to be members of TUPA, but the “I have an older brother here, see IMPRESSIONS, page 14 University opposes such apolicy. The flyers contained crime statistics reported by the Boston University housing Police Department for the area Photo bv Jen Klelnschmidt surrounding Tufts’ Boston cam- University President Jean Mayer addressed transfe; students and overbooked by 25 freshmen yesterday promising them success and good weather. seeTUPA, Page14 by LAUREN KEEFE son capacity, there is a laer Daily Editorial Board number of freshmen in triples and The Housing Office over- study moms because some cur- GAMMA provides new students booked by only 25 students for rently vacant rooms in special this academic year, making this interest housing and dormitories with alcohol awareness seminar its most successful attempt in the aredesignated for upperclassmen students across the country in the tion. But peer education has be- last four years of predicting hous- by STEPHEN NEWMAN Daily Editorial Board hopes that they will avoid the come increasingly common. ing demand. mistakes he made. “GAMMA is a sign of this “From my perspective we The class of 1994 is the second are “One of the big problems that trend -- that young people have in a very good position to open up incoming class to be offered the seminar sponsored by Greeks has always been in the public eye different attitudes. Drinking to [the dormitories]. We are slightly get drunk is less popular among above capacity, which I suppose Advocating Mature Management regarding fraternities and sorori- of Alcohol, the Inter-- Coun- ties is the drinking habits. It isn’t college students than it used to is my job -- or is part of my job,” Reitman said. said Housing Director John Dar- cil committee targeting the vital that the Greeks drink any more, M,’’ issue of alcohol abuse. it’s just more open,” Yang said. Poisonings led to new policy - cey. According to Greek Advisor GAMMA, Yang added, is In recentyears, however,Tufts To accommodate the surplus, working on improving the drink- 15 double occupancy rooms are Cathy Harder-Bernier, if fresh- see GAMMA, page 8 men do not attend either of the ing habits within the Greek sys- being used as triples, primarily in tem, but more importantly targets Miller and Houston Halls. Also, GAMMA seminars on Sept. 7, they will be denied entrance to incoming students who have not 50 freshmen are living in study Greek-sponsored social functions yet had a chance to acquire bad 1 Inside I rooms in Houston, Miller, and and will not be eligible to rush in drinking habits in a college set- 1 op-Ed ............................ p. 3 Bush Halls. ting. Foiled in his quest to become the “A certain amount of this is the spring. GAMMA President Ken Yang “We can’t do anything for the Yankees’ shortstop, Provost Sol Gittle- luck and has little to do with the man offers advice the Class of ‘94. hopes this year’s program will be students who havegraduated, and to housing office’s skill of predic- Daw tYle phoro it’s very hard to change the set tion, or the admissions ofice’s,” Housing Director John Darce-v a fun, although serious, introduc- Features p. 5 tion to the importance of smart habits of the seniors, but at least .......................... Darcey said. Red shirts. green shirts. blue shirts, only. drinking. The program will in- we can try and change the incom- “Thisfreshman class was right Darcey said he will probably what does it all mean? A look at some clude a presentation by Michael ing students, the new blood of the Orientation volunteers and their colors. on target. The number is what be able to offer some students school,” Yang said. admissions told us it would be,” Green, a collegiate consultant and new housing assignments after acounselor to professional sports Assistant Dean of Students he also said. the dorms open and he can deter- Arts ................................ p. 7 on alcohol abuse. Green, a recov- Bruce Reitman said that until a i Beaniown: It’snotjustfordinnerany- Although housing is only 25 ering alcoholic, gives a personal few years ago, alcohol education individuals above the 3050-per- see HOUSING, page 6 more! Laurie Jakobsen previews the account of his problem to college was offered by the administra- excitine nieht (and dav) life of Boston. page two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, August 30,1990 THE TUFTSDAILE Lauren Keefe Editor-in-Chief To the Tbfts Class of 1994: Managing Editor: Anna George Associate Editors: Geoff Lepper, David Saltzanan 'rcduction Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Muellei Exams, research papers, and oral reports are not the only things tbat will consume your energies over NEWS Editors: Stephen Newman, Constantine Athanas. the next four years at Tufts. When you become aTufts student you join a community already in progress Emanuel Bardanis Assistant Editor: Kris Muffler -- a community sometimes rife with controversy and always rich with differing opinions. The concerns Wire Editors: Bruce Schwa-, John Stone of this year and years past will make their way into our lives and the pages of this newspaper. Taking OP-ED Editors: Jason George. Silvio Tavares advantage of the what this community offers and becoming involved in the issues that arise can be FEATURES equally rewarding as acing an exam or finally handing in that flawless paper.
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