Y-r -I Weather ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ CLB/UIINO. wAinm VOL. XL.—No 159. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, :FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1947 20 PAG TRUMAN LABOR BILL VETO Conflict Of Distinguished Visitors Arrive By Air Quick Action Ideologies Lower House Bevin Says Possibility Must' Up to Senate Now to Glinch Be Faced—Will Im­ No Show-Off I Talking Cat Dies Decision—See Close . plement U.S. Scheme SEIATTLE, June 20. — m — Vote Feeling a bit hungry and unable SEAPORD. Sussox. Eng., June '20.—KC'—Wendy, Britain's only (By Associated Press) (By The Canadian Press) to wait for an eating cantest, patrolman Bill Hill polished off a talking cat, died today and Mrs. ASHINGTON, ONDON, June 20— snack of two hamburger steaks, E. Webster, her owner, is heart­ Jun# L Foreign Secretary Be­ four platters of spaghetti, Ave broken. W20 — President Tru­ vin told the house of com­ cups of coffee and two dishes of man today vetoed the ice cream. Wendy won fame several months ago when she made a re­ Taft-Hartley bill to curfi- mons Thursday that the A couple of hours later he en­ cording for the B.B.C. in which tered—and won—a steak-eating labor unions in the Unit- possibility of a conflict of .she uttered but one Intelligible derby, wrapping himself around ideologies in Hungary remark and it was not too bril­ ed States and an aroused.. seven steaks and a strawberrj' liant, even for a cat: "What, no had to be faced. But he sundae. hon.se of representatives sea wall, chum " said he was confident the "I could have eaten more," swiftly and overwheim-„ western world would see Hill said, "but everybody else Bereaved Britain now is left ingly passed it over ther quit and I didn't want to show that any attempt to inter­ off." with just one talking dog. veto. fere with the rights of up TO SENATE That put it up to the wmuM man was defeated again. to clinch the decision on whe­ He promised to work fast for ther the MM is to bMMM tow implementation of United States over the prcrident's disapvroTal proposals for the economie re- ' It will vote late teday ~w habiliUtion of Enrope. sibly tomorrow. After listening soberly to anx­ The senate is expected gen­ Communists erally to override the veto, bat ious speeches abont Soviet am­ Condition Of bitions In eastern Enrope from both sides concede that the government and opposition will be close. benches, Bevin said: With a two-thlrda mtgla WILL FAIL AGAIN needed to over-ride a veto, tlw On Hungary—"If there is to be a More Active house vote was 331 to S3. That Nun Grave was 161S more "ayes" tbui conflict between ideologies I sh&U necexsary. regret it but if It is forced upon us — Says C. of C. Report In his big biittle with congx«M we must face it. But I am cer­ — After Car Crash over the issue, Truman called in • tain that if there is a desire to in­ TORONTO, June 20.—((P)— Com­ group of leading Democratic aena^ terfere with free expression and all Condition of Slater Camire, tons for a White House luncbeoil>> the other indefinable things that Roman Catholic nnn from the mimlsts are more active in Canada today than ever before, the Cana­ resumably to talk over the vetOt go to malee up the soul of man it Indian reservation at Brocket g[e also announced plans to go oft will fail again." and one of five pcraons injured dian Chamber of Commerce report­ ed in an analysis of Communist ac­ the radio tonight and give th* peo> On Bulgaria—"I am convinced in a head-on motor collbien five pie directly his ai^uments againat tivity released today following a there is a determination to wipe miles east of Monarch Thurs-. the bill. He will speak over all out opposition is these countries. day, was officially described as meeting of the chamber's national United States networks at 9pjn. I am against the one-party state." ' "grave" this morning as four of board of directors. C.D.T. On Greece—"The lifting of a the injured remained in St. The 40-pBge report, several months Senator Robert Taft (Rep., Ohio), single finger could stop the clvU Michael's hospiUl here. in preparation, is documented with one of the measure's £pon£ors ano war. The Commimlsts have car­ RETURNS HOME frequent references to Communist chairman of the senate Republican party publications and to investiga­ ried on a policy there to disrupt James Wllkie of Coleman, who policy committee, arranged to fo)» tions of party activities In Canada that poor little country. I think suffered principally from shock as low Truman at 9:45 p.m. C.D.T. and the United States. It is a tragedy." a result of the accident, was dis­ with bis side. He will speak over Travelling in a special T.C.A.'DCS, officials of Trans-Canada greet Sir William Hlldred, C.B.. O.B.E., of London, England, presi­ MBS. Bevin said the members should charged from the hospital Thurs­ "The chamber believ^ that it Air Lines and others coming to Lethbridge to celebrate the airline's dent of the International Air Transport Association, when he ar­ not "blind" themselves to develop­ day evening and permitted to re­ has a responsibility to all Cank- TRUMAN'S OPFO»mON rived on a scheduled T.C.A. flight. Tlie above photo was snapped In a 3,500-word message to tha ments in Hungary, where the Rus­ turn to his home. tenth birthday here today, arrived at Kenyon Field at 8:30 o'clock dlnn.s to show that the theory and at the airport as Sir William (left) chatted -with Mr. English over practice of Communism is incom­ house, Truman laid down four gtn* sians have refused to give Britain Dr. John W. Hunt, who has been Thursday evening. The party was headed by W. P. English of Win­ information on their part in bring­ nipeg, vice-president of the airline, and included Grant W, G. Mc- today's celebration. Tlie former is special speaker at this ev(;ning'K patible witli the way of life which eral and 32 specific points of op. attending Sister Camire since she position to the bill to check strlkea ing about recent governmental Conachte, vice-president of Canadian Paciific Air Lines and Air banquet which will be broadcast over the national network of the Canadians know and whicii mnst of was rushed into hospital by am­ iw wish to retain," says a preface and unions. He labelled it •"un- changes. bulance, reported at nine o'clock Commodore H. HoUick-Kenyon of Winnipeg, another C.P.A. offi­ CBO. "When people laiow you under­ to the report. fair" and "unworkable." He eald this morning: "She Is still uncon­ cial. Many of the visitors returned to Kenyon Field at 11 p.m. to —Staff Photo by Uoyd Knight; Herald Engraving. It would promote strlkea. It vio­ stand what they are doing they NO ATTACK INTENDED scious and her condition is grave." lated principles "essential to our are less likely to do it the next He explained that she wa? suf­ The chamber expreaaes no opln^ public welfare." time," he said. fering from serious head hijurles ionmt the ad^blliiy of outlawing The house Utsened while a olerk EDEN SPEAKS but, due to her |rava><Meditiqn, it Communism in Canadnand doelares droned through the Ions, niessaae. Earlier, Anthony Eden, deputy was impossible to determine the that no attack is Intended on the Tlien came the vote which amotn* Conservative leader, said there now specific nature of these at the time. Kovemmmt Of th» people of RuHto mi' tiM veto under a deluge at was anxiety in Britain about the in the conduct of their own afraiii. both Republican and Democratic Soviets' next move after the Hun­ HospitB] attendants explained that her condition had become But it adds: votca: garian coup d'etat. "Will it be in That action did this: Finland or In Italy" he asked. "worse" from Thursday afternoon, U.S. "Any power which attempta to 1. Propelled the labor Issue di­ Richard K. Law, former minister when her condition wa» considered force its own form of government grave and little hope was held for LEAVES HirCE ESTATE rectly into the 1948 poUtlcal cam­ of state and who closed the debate GO UNDER HAMMER beyond Its own borders and upon paign. her recovery. She was the most , LOS ANGELES, .Tune 20.-i/P)— for the opposition, said: "Russia otlier countries must be prepared 2. Erased whatever vestiges may seriously Injured of the five in the Mrs. Athilde McCormlck O.'cr — has flouted or caused to be flouted LONDON, June 20.—(Reuters.) — to have HA methods exposed and have remained of White House-om- accident. granddaughter of two of the United all those values ror which we fought Two 60-ton luxury yachts, built at full publicity given to the attempt." gress teamwork on dooestlo af­ States' wealthiest men, John D. during the war." COLLIDE OS HILL Bremen in 1939 for the German ad­ Lockheed Jet Hits The report brands dLsbandment fairs. Rockefeller and Cyrus H. McCor­ Sister Camire was returning to mirals Karl Doenitz and Erich Rae- of the Oommtmist International in Carroll Rcece. Republican na­ mlck—left nn estate of $3,600,000 Brocket with Sister Desilets, an­ der, go under the auctioneer's ham­ 1943 ns "a clever lie," nnd quotes tional chairman, called the veto a when she died last May 14.
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