[Screened By: Trainee Account Date: 03-25-2016 DOCID: 70098626 | lls (43 FOIA(b){7) - (C) pee 36 CFR 1256.58 - Law Enforcement / ; Gin 21 _ BFE Kw cos pH 2. Ru em (Cri & gett): Mned 0/4/43 3, Ohh LIAL ne NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page | |. Rete toot Wikre— nLeprewd hin~ bela. a fp te Capelero, Conk ug 2. Yom Gotis- FEL, hak en peer4 Onplers bme Shee — bern hin 3. rein fa better oh we tnme Hla: pani faityait fo) flowfamcly aonie ag 2 GY, [Te Late pl IBS ye si nn ie ) Ladle wt Wl WA, arn donk eller vy let. C) Klat ae Cop | Cyalave's 5 pays. NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 2 uls las To BD: l, Ain Klenk - Pekup CbyAvn't daria. fm her, 464-3707 G26 K Sr. MW, Sauce 91% (eae) 4 Of PRE aay te — Tym [pats CLAY _— . FOIA(b)(7) - (C) - 36 CFR 1256.58- Law-Enforcement ~ / 6 CL Oeste nen al (32-598- U7): Bee's porte (bechponnd Me.) NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 3 Jb. Definefu rm Cyber (Fe) / oF Cth em B Cadit berg 9, brats Lobo Ket Nb . Ob ont Nb, v Ato , LalaA. Sryperion ret (Se wrt Tf — [6 ohn Glin - LAto - Home Catia ty NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 4 nq (qs Te eo Vo: lL. Trqunanee folecets 2. Chtrnetired - Lot 2-5 webe 3. bart - Khese Stroy, rier —Aimeidymee te Sark Te as ¢. frets - Va Compe, 61 ClA Chele- 6. frby ft - Keita) Machns bog PD nBeok. bot Ls: ) Poorcearg NW: 15457 Docld yoo ge Rage poo vty AD uke a fossiVe Subpser fer Ware? ater a Mhy borsy, f. Chet. Ws Va, pletere eobntnin. F The for rite age elint bas, dat, rsmon. ? [2 Be Gator Can 9 Uhaly Uae vittrres U. Mo, yo ftm Mémuin, cfta- uf (2. Somer Stowrr- GW Frenpee NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 6 Vel. Shis - She lar Smar. GOA do thw Joe ess F-irv-* brof 2-3 pharm cree Vf Ave» Tahy - Age), IS -"8 Lied MRO. Cer “oe Cero I-A all Can aR tek beter be hf Cy. Gon Me ah peta gre Vite # polio Dnt. ee Yt & 4-62 Copa fh tilining ~ phone coh wf Canes NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 7 lea.To |, BLE RS Tae. - feed fordat stil a duroor 3. Chylare ever moet Jadat?- Plc wary Foor) rz Lhrfed Ae Chehaf rb Sfandart mares,7 NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 8 » Cchicrk Sparc - [Atbol [) badevit., Lehr Bic cheonee Sa fo 4 6 Wide, AC Mca Mer Ae kau CAA ; USA? Yo tu mH pradbnt «Si fred, rr NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 9 11/4 (48 Dyed Aygo i. fleriea) Mat nshacy fy Foti ie é) kent) poy werd b) Gillian fret wrhanti ) Comput eof pdptndntCopied 2. Flr) ne ead — NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 10 Men forMoa.- Arvid Met 7 Gir) 393- 6F47 ~ (3n) 3%- 1370 —__|FOTA(b){(7)- (C) ree At | -136°CFR'1256.58 - Law Enforcement. Ans eles [frrerrth Gir) 253-67 Eder bord, Wire - 18)940-8190 - Ctl Lorentflonmn be CP oe thet by plore urd foe 2]41 Aad Yen pperkeintel — Chendey Tohm Commctly Spy rpg dak hii. — Tepe rl his eat. ~ LEM firs rer lik uttnupitis Anh — Terral Lylenl [te eaeeer | Genel hugh— Meth.cee— SenfBntrel to 20 ronan, lemmeiusteFidler way here fe 4 nner [God | Apel that Keorrignw bn benched feel » ky v|het6.5% see MY to bnedennd peels — COrmpetineng beng wt Tail” roy me spree? Tim bowed, —~ Horse Tarot - “br Stange love Ci Gey, Menifee -— — AAD lales mat hin & haigeod Tope Cr) 383-44 G0 hei, = otly et NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 11 FOIA(b){7) - (C) 36 CFR 1256.58 - Law Enforcement uf 15/42 - Vite of Ain. Klock t Dr. bn Coyplare [12 pm - 3pm Dusyer, $2 |. t pprited do Rosenbas. (Vanity Pin)- th Tomy tort mb Dirna's bong. Nets, Hh lg me cll kk nice! ate, = TREC pee © and Chlge's Asthy- Undid.9 . Muy . Stor q . _ CS, > At OD, 3i4) B52 - ty L Vanist - Gawd Tray Booman— hy 2. Spo: # “Ks IM eohec den “T Guts Foie wnt -b heme?wet of Mary Ul.4 Mager Slehey (Geotmnvt) tak dor Lorre; pagt 0 yl A g, aller) othe rantin “lo Hany feof wf Nights pdr Toe Seri 9 Very“Plait ppc -i. hanSL, CareersTine - Tabsgrnc1e alld,= Grikel, Recess vy fi ~ FLX - to pat; Chemie yen ong po Fag, Witabe) bua Coie a NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 12 Stoned & & nes& tH Arn Donny dit Gye) $43- 5629 ey. MOry4S tone dhaneet, , Bin bm in, Faw 9 bs lot 9 Le, if whe chm ken plan’, spt wipe PAM 4 te pr. bunrZ 3 peye PL art, Tiong tlerner. Llc) bh AAW PD, wt - Aya {eld -is Rots s wie) Nous te atk Marie Wr : on } pe Yee Apher olnt% ° V ik nce gi Dam Vics 1 Chom phrni ont Ons doi * affPB | ante. yh Wittbinn he hn Fined)Hy ot NIN Dow re rong not hen bt, eyhes alot MS. We Un fenth, Md Trg tnt bie trl. Dos | om bd, men gw YY. Sta Binet (Tr 5 ad NW: 15457 Dog 70098626 Page 13! ae, Tin Heard! alrA 1S the. Br Janey bol Cod SG. Brey’, lf wa. bh dees, YO be pareda bare on be Mee GP Gon rel btn th hate Me Wk bStan, we! MET. Pry oho Glad hn Viped TenM fore bet Lead! Yorn bak ort whi Aeinr Pres Cae anar on 6. Pn Spal Sym tin “b> - A) Mewth Stra be Mill Crt t thon 6 wine RE"4 dete OC9 OMe '¢peed fent Pc 0‘) AF pec A Bw whetyte's Arye. eR Nt) Sacls Ti hain ror Pada, herd rn argon wee A tr leet, SDA wal woe ge abr nervy thith Dl Commit prcenls - Unt 2b morte bn be dik~ Int hermita thant or a poate | 4. Dry nt tet: Deidre plied fort + ot aprtnec— Leek (7 Green. ) Disestem4 ster 4 C. "Med ton” dirten \ (ld vii; Veen beget. FOIA(b)(7) - (D) 36 CFR 1256.58 - Law Enforcement A "hy $60” Sree - | conte Tomy te Lig Bin Fad Veen dash NW: 15457 Docld: Pero ns Pe. LeLn sae san of~ Ye eetted “omy we 7. OS 4 pe Geial be hand hee, C, Z * wublet - hth wt Bice yfhater fw. Dr ypteef An W et- Smee id Sa NW: 15457 Docld: 7009 Page ds Sart beh 4th, Y hy and. Bi tbe) Pr He fil 6 bt eestnsc ol cod lot ne fracher Utne & 72, I casmo be Xo Tm (Mey IG. td Goh dM oom Noes waren b. Whe ua dc. el: nee! (thy aE Pd Lon Jo bbye4 Be Cre Wkly Haw Corn le wep «BIG eo uct A Pann's hen to $y altttrn 4. hte met ben Ler. te nis herares = oe IF, pop ne, OT. Mee . om oem pro ya con fr TH I¢. Bt gaey nh, “Ce ea eh ba ne rg _ m4 Dre ran Terry ae a Posse prot Warr Clays at enn ail» 19. Pham atterwty- “tate rigid aloe Boel Kd AA” Stm Wy - OM winch NW: ee pe A L es “ee Cob nae we oH& + (fede 0) Coles- Pro wie Beanie ret mets hing thers op a) CS Og oy ete mn . VY wt dink — be wet t bin fo pera zt, kd Sip heed a ea us. Pon pod bey¢ ne, NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 17 4 last met of Matern PO n Vfia. Lt. an [ra flan wii. Felice batfal ad, tet =, drew Unt asl yg aheres tthe +0 [n tang teeny hae b) Plinth Dy. Ni eater seg Spar c) failan “fo are Pride) at Whar MoE st (~" d) inom Sindy P~ bist - Vly, Vote tage Lent _ cena gi 2g. r bee. f pat lf RIA 4, pes he heme eye 1 he en he ee VU Vote Me )at tt Wark 5 rf NW: 15457 ooh se wel Me Wed a At War), Hades) qa ‘ eqs Ge a Brio forge TN Gas “Ueye de dS aay! ree ato Ay Docld; 15457 NW: at te Hay ead Ba rly me , Oh hi S J ei ees aff YOGA «1 ty K 2 +3 Ss A? G44, CU ae oe Am ny ye Eas Gane & 20 Page “hatin a F 26 Gee eee ah 7 LN aS 70098 i e ae Docld: 37. 36. 15457 NW: 34. | et 79 ear Spe charms a—, to Teo ne Pony 24. Cuplin Flt Me not heer deaf — ot nhtto bo, $f. Prin k heraa = Croley - worlvery pb wh 34. Site's Saeal - 1441- Und ~ Of eg BO bv port how tara Fo we “ky LA % ker= new ore her ok IF Ae BD we Yo, ee bux -— Fee, tao wee fxr Ohend Ae Kena! 4), Ol te - Jive heat dow +f treo - (323)54 \- 4*86 42. pearhet A. AB "Sy, We det aval — onee Eb. Oot toe 3 Ba ise ek fy 43, WH Whekr (Jor) 660- 0534 - lowe, NW: 15457 Docld: 70098626 Page 21 Fr lente — Ken Marr - eis Vorbate Fruchag g/r - Dhe'p Se Gt Ble- Prlu'h see: Sen Blu- = DL wt- + VWarreet \ 7: A OM Whee, Ltact ot Suse tow nT Mir 8)5- Theygl ny pony Pr ay Reoe even = TottenSH Tina Ay Elb- fin gtr + - Yr dled do hom mat fer Adie ~ WAL gel het oar ee Spot pol 2/9- Plum € (8 Oo ilq - Jo te AM Key hen (pee F pH then wat to mori) Gre Whe ¢ Lory peril, Hig Hrs NW: 15457 OR Gt dein.
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