•RUARY 1943 •*ltei% .-"V X \ v \\ \% gc * j^ \\, Xx V XK Food for Freedom State Senator Like father, like son — is being ap­ plied this winter to G. Elwood Bonine, * THEY GAVE ALL * '23, of Vandalia, in Cass county. In this column The Record pays trib­ While neither ute to State's gallant heroes. his father nor grandfather at­ ROGER DUANE MORGAN, 1938 tended Michigan Lt. Roger D. Morgan, who was grad­ State, Elwood uated from the forestry division in 1938, was a student died September 2 in Lawson General here immediate­ hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, following ly after World a brief illness. Lt. Morgan enlisted in War I and re­ the army in April, 1941, and received ceived his de­ his commission from the officers train­ gree with the ing school at Fort Benning, Georgia. ON THE JOB Class of 1923. G. E Bonine, '23 On October 6 of that year he RICHARD BOWEN CHROUCH, 1934 married Ruth Morse, and became man­ Lt. Richard B. Chrouch, a graduate of ager of the Elk Park Farms between the engineering division in 1934, died Food Expert Vandalia and Niles on Highway 60. This early in November of pneumonia while One of the country's best-known ex­ farm has been in the family for 100 serving overseas with an anti-aircraft perts on food from the raw product to years and Elwood still calls that his battalion. Lt. Chrouch was employed by the table, Charles Woodbury, '04, left first love. Consumers Power company and Com­ a post he had His father, James Gordon, had a good monwealth and Southern corporation held for 22 record several years ago as State Sen­ before being called to active duty in years with the ator so Elwood's friends insisted that September, 1940. He was returned to National Can- he be a candidate for the same position civilian status a year later, was recalled ner's association this past fall. He was elected State to active duty in January, 1942, and dispatched overseas early in August. in Washington Senator from the 7th District, compris­ ing Cass and Berrien counties on No­ He is survived by his wife and two to become spe­ daughters. cial assistant vember 3, 1942. He and his wife are living at the Hotel Olds during the leg­ and adviser to islative session, and Bonine was named CARL FREDERICK SIGLIN, 1938 Agricultural Re­ as chairman of the Michigan State Col­ search Adminis- Major Carl F. Siglin, a graduate in lege committee in the Senate. The Bon- landscape architecture in 1938, was kill­ trator E . C. ines have two children, James, a student Auchter. ed in action in the African area on at Howe Military academy, and Mary, November 26, according to word received Charlotte. C. G. Woodbury,'04 inhis new by his wife, the former Virginia Van- post Woodbury contributes his long ex­ Atter, '37, of 17370 Wildemere, Detroit. perience in the scientific aspects of food production, processing and use to the Army Medical Corps. ROGER KEAST, 1934 solution of many research problems con­ Drafted by Gov. M. D. Van Wagoner Capt. Roger Keast, a physical educa­ nected with Secretary Wickard's respon­ on January 28, 1941, Col. Harold A. tion graduate in 1934 and former foot­ sibilities as food administrator. Furlong, '18, Pontiac physician, served ball and track star, was killed December A product of the Lansing schools, as administrator of the Michigan Coun­ 1 in action in the South Pacific area. Woodbury entered Michigan State in cil of Defense until December 30, 1942, When he was called into service in April, 1900 and received his B.S. degree with when he submitted his resignation to ac­ 1941, Captain Keast was coaching ath­ the class of 1904, and two years later cept an assignment with the army med­ letics at Marquette high school where his M.S. degree in horticulture. ical corps at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsyl­ his teams had won wide acclaim. His From 1906 to 1908 he was at Purdue vania. wife, the former Ruth Mary Saier, w'35, university as assistant horticulturist, Furlong received no salary as defense and two sons survive. and in 1911 was named head of the de­ council administrator but was paid by partment of horticulture. After six years the federal government for his other ROBERT NED STEELE, 1940 he became director of the Indiana Ex­ duties as chief of the medical section of periment station and left there in 1920 the state selective service system. Captain R. Ned Steele, of Detroit, to become director of the Bureau of Raw A former national guard officer, Fur­ Michigan, who was graduated from busi­ Research with the National Canner's long has an impressive World War I ness administration in 1940, was killed association in Washington. He has al­ record, being one of 79 heroes to whom in action in North Africa on December ways been a loyal Michigan State boost­ the government of this country award­ 26, 1942. He is survived by his mother, er, having served as president of the ed the Congressional Medal of Honor. a sister, and a brother, Capt. Rex Steele, Washington D. C. alumni group. When He was cited for heroic action during '34. that group proposed the bronze me­ the opening of the Allies' attack in the morial tablet in the Union Memorial Bois de Bantheville, France, November KENNETH FENWICK CRAWFORD JR., 1941 building Woodbury headed the commit­ 1, 1918. For the same brave deed Fur­ Lt. Kenneth F. Crawford, of Owosso, tee that secured the contributions. long was decorated with the French Michigan, who was graduated from po­ He married Marion Benjamin, June Legion d'Honneur, the French Croix de lice administration in 1941, was killed 23, 1908, at Lafayette, Indiana. They Guerre with palm and the Italian Croce in action in North Africa on December have three children. di Guerra. (Turn to Page 18) 21, 1942. 2 . THE RECORD Michigan State College February 1943 R E W C3 R / V°L 48 " N°* 2 Founded January 14, 1896 Iloyd Jl. Qeil, ZdUo* QUn 0. Stzut&U, AUmtti ZdUo* M. S. C. Selected as War Training Center Michigan State college is one of 334 signment will be on the basis of 10. Students in the Enlisted Reserve institutions selected by the U. S. War previous college training and upon Corps will be called to active duty department to train men and women results of competitive aptitude and by April 4. for the armed forces, according to in­ intelligence tests. 11. Pre-medical and pre-dental stu­ formation received recently from the The war training program af­ dents in the enlisted reserves will Army, Navy, and War Manpower Com­ fects only men of military age; be called by April 4; they will be mission committee. Engineers and army training of women and the other given three months of basic train­ aviation cadets will be assigned to men (physically unqualified and ing, and then a select group will M.S.C. for basic instruction. seventeen-year-olds) will be unaf­ return to some college to continue There is still much uncertainty about fected by the new program. Presi­ training. Veterinarians will be the date when the program will begin dent Hannah has emphasized re­ called to active duty by April 4 on the campus. If rumors become real­ peatedly that the educational pro­ and will be detailed to continue ities, here is what you may anticipate gram for women will not be dis­ their study on the campus. turbed. In fact, it is stream-lined on the M.S.C. War Front: 12. Seniors in advanced R.O.T.C. will to prepare coeds to go out to fill 1. Approximately 1,500 soldiers will remain on inactive duty until grad­ important jobs in industry and on arrive here about March 20. Before uation. the farms. June, college officials expect there 13. Enlisted Reservists, expressing pref­ will be on the campus about 3,000 erence for V-5, V-7, or V-l train­ air force engineers and aviation ing and who fail this month to pass cadets. The Cover an examination by the Navy re­ 2. Trainees will be in uniform and cruiting board, will automatically will draw $50 pay monthly. The Division of Home Economics at become unassigned army reserves, M. S. C. is playing an important roll in unless they desire immediate duty 3. Army and Navy will determine conserving food for the home front the curriculum for trainees, but with the navy as apprentice sea­ through experimentation with cooking men. M.S.C. will have complete control carp, long established as a non-edible over the academic program as it is fish by many people. 14. Students accepted by the navy and conducted here. The purpose of the research is to over­ coast guard will enroll for the 4. Instruction, on a forty-eight hours- come prejudice of food buyers and to spring term, following which they a-week basis, will be chiefly in encourage them to substitute low priced will be put in uniform and given English, mathematics, physics, his­ carp and other "coarse-fleshed" fish for further training, either here or at tory, geography, and languages. rationed meats. In the picture on the some other school. 5. Military activities will be kept at cover, Dr. Thelma Porter, '21, left, and 15. Trainees arriving on the campus a minimum. Trainees will probably Miss Helen Baeder, of the foods and nu­ will be housed in the three men's spend one-hour each daily in mili­ trition department, are shown serving dormitories, and the seventeen fra­ tary drill and in physical educa­ stuffed baked carp — a product of their ternities, taken over by the college tion.
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