,~4 " Appendix E ) Food code list " , • J DIET AND NUTRITION SURVEY OF CHILDREN AGED 1\-41 YEARS N1340 Alphabetical index to food code list Wave 4: April 1993 Soclal Survey D1V1Slon OPCS St Catherlne's House 10 Kmgsway 2 London WC2B 6JP PAGE HO CODE 114 1592 Abalone, canned, dralned welght 15 8176 Aberdeen butterles 119 1651 Ackee, canned, dralned welght 199 2396 Advocaat 46 Aerosol spray creams 17 201 All bran breakfast cereal Kelloggs only 17 All bran breakfast cereal own brand 15 101 All bran loaf 154 Almonds 158 2224 Almond paste: Marzlpan 32 R 348 Almond macaroons 18 212 Alpen: Muesll, wlth added sugar 135 Alphabltes. Potato waffles 114 1593 Anchovles, canned, dralned welght 35 Angel DelIght, packet mlX or purchased made up 159 2226 Angellca mlxed peel 35 R 508 Apple charlotte: Charlotte puddlng 200 2417 Apple chutney 35 R 502 Apple crumble 35/37-38 Apple ple Frult ple 143 Apple sauce 35 R 501 Apple snow, made wlth stewed apple, sugar and egg whlte 177/181/183 Apple JUlce, carbonated apple JUlce 176/177/181/189/190 Apple JUlce drlnk, carbonated apple JUlce drlnk 143 Apples, cooklng, eatlng or drled 143-144 Aprlcots, canned, drled or fresh 57 570 Arctlc roll, sponge roll wlth lce cream fllllng 119 Artlchoke, globe or Jerusalem 46 Artlflclal Cream/Dream TOPPlng wlth whole/seml-sklmmed/ sklmmed mllk 119 Asparagus 119 Auberglne 144 1976 Avocado pears, flesh only, leftover skm welghed - -- A 2 3 PAGE NO CODE 198 8351 Babycham 195 Baby fruit JU1ce 199 2402 Bacard1 rum' 70° proof sp1r1ts 70 Bacon, collar or gammon J01nt, gammon steaks 70-71 Bacon rashers 96 1315 Bacon and egg 1n a bun, purchased, takeaway 99 R 1296 Bacon and egg p1e, two crusts; shortcrust pastry made w1th half lard and half margar1ne, NOT polyunsaturated 119 1662 Baked beans, 1n tomato sauce, canned; curr1ed baked beans; NOT low sugar baked beans 119 2646 Baked beans, 1n tomato sauce, canned, low sugar 119 Baked beans w1th add1t1ons, canned < V 26 Bakewell tart 119 1664 Balor beans, canned, dra1ned we1ght 119 1661 Bamboo shoots, canned, dra1ned we1ght 30 R 302 Banana cake, homemade 144 1979 Banana ch1PS, drled welght 123 Banana, green: Green banana 144 Bananas 31 R 322 Bara blrth: Dough cake 200 R 2409 Barbecue sauce 154 Barcelona nuts V' 1 Barley, pearl or whole graln 170 7053 Barley cup, dry welght 26 R 303 Bath buns, NOT wholemeal Chelsea buns 21 274 Bath Ol1vers 30 R 304 Battenburg, sponge wlth marzlpan coatlng and Jam 4 Batter puddlng, plaln: Yorksh1re pudd1ng 35 R 504 Batter puddlng, sweet, made wlth flour, egg, mllk, and syrup 119 Beans, baked 119-120 Beans, balor; blackeye, butter, harlcot, kldney, paprl; soya B 4 3 PAGE NO CODE 119-120 Beans, broad; French; runner 120 2655 Beanburger, Wlmpy, SplCy, welghed wlth bun and rellsh 120 3083 Beanfeast, varlOUS flavours, made up wlth water, cooked 120 Beansprouts 72-73 Beef, brlsket; forerlb; slrloln, sllverslde, topslde 94 Beef, corned 72 Beef, mlnced, stewed, wlth or wlthout vegetables 92 1231 Beef, lI11nced, In gravy, canned 92 Beef, mlnced, pie flllmg, canned 99 Beef, mlnced, ple: Mlnced beef ple 92 1234 Beef, ple hll1ng, reformed meat, canned 72 Beef, rump steak; slrloln steak 94-95 Beef, sllverslde, salted, sold loose 73 Beef, stewlng steak, stewed wlth or wlthout vegetables 73 Beef, stewlng steak and kldney, stewed 93 Beef, stewed steak, canned Stewed steak 100 Beef, steak ple: Steak ple 101 R 1322 Beef, steak puddlng, suet pastry, NO kldney, NOT canned 100 Beef, steak and kldney ple: Steak and kldney ple 92 1241 Beef, steak and kldney ple, canned 93 1242 Beef, steak and kldney puddlng, canned 96 Beef, gnll steaks, frled or grllled 101 R 1329 Beef blryanl; pllau; lncludes rlce 101 R 1332 Beef chop suey' Chop suey 101 R 1317 Beef chow meln: Chow meln 101 Beef curry 101 Beef, roast, frozen, purchased 99 Beef and potato ple 96 Beefburgers 96-97 Beefburgers In a bun. Hamburger; Cheeseburger B 4 5 PAGE NO CODE 92 1264 Beefburgers ln gravy, canned 197 Beer, draught, canned or bottled 120 Beetroot 200 2456 Beetroot, plckled 76 Belly rashers' Pork, belly rashers 1 6 Bemax, wheatgerm 154 2173 Betel nuts, Kernel only 122 R 1723 Bha)l, caullflower 125 R 1797 Bha)l, onlon 125 Bhlndl; Lady's flngers Okra 94 1337 Blerwurst, NOT canned 144 Bl1berrles, or blueberrles canned, raw or stewed 125 Bmdl' Okra 49 Bl0 yogurt, yogurt contalnlng 11ve culture 85 R 1098 Blryanl, chlcken; lncludes rlce 101 R 1329 Blryanl, meat lamb or beef; lncludes rlce 117 R 1641 Blryanl, prawn; lncludes rlce 129 R 2622 Blryanl, vegetable 21-25 B1SCUltS, savoury or sweet 24 412 B1Sks: Sllmmlng blSCUltS 173-178 Bltter lemon: Carbonated beverages , \......I 30 Black Forest desserts, lndlVldual portlons of chocolate sponge dessert wlth black cherrles and cream 91 Black puddmg 144-145 Blackberrles, canned, raw or stewed 145 Blackcurrants, canned or stewed Currants, black 120 Blackeye beans Beans, harlcot 35 R 506 Blancmange 108 Bloater (smoked herrlng) 144 Blueberrles, bl1berrles 62 693 Blue cheese, low fat only B 5 PAGE NO CODE: 200 R 2501 Blue cheese dresslng 160 Balled sweets 101 R 1323 Bolognese sauce; made wlth mlnced beef, onlon, tomatoes 92 7780 Bolognese sauce, canned 155 2605 Bombay mlx; Chevda; Chevra 207 2515 Boulllon cubes, dry welght: Oxo cubes 104 Boston Blueflsh: cod 22 268 Bourbons' cream sandwlch blSCUltS 160 2255 Bournvllle chocolate 170 2301 Bournvlta; dry welght 200 2410 Bovrll, any, not made up 89 Bralns, calves or lambs 17 7628 Bran buds, Kelloggs 1 8171 Bran, oat 1 7 Bran, wheat 17 Branflakes, wlth or wlthout sultanas, any brand 199 2402 Brandy: 70° proof splrlts 21 3802 Brandy snaps 91 1249 Brawn 154 Branl nuts , 5-16 Bread, any 35 R 505 Bread puddlng, made wlth bread, fat, drled frult, sugar and splce 13-14 Bread rolls 200 R 2411 Bread sauce 35 R 507 Bread and butter puddlng, made wlth bread, butter, sugar, mllk, egg and currants 145 1990 Breadfrult, canned, frult only 145 4005 Breadfrult, baked 141 7649 Breadstlcks, Grlsslnl 99 R 1291 Brldles; mutton ples 62 691 Brle cheese, any B 6 7 PAGE NO CODE 119 Bnn)al. Auberglnes 72 Brlsket, beef 108 Brlsllng. Sardlnes 119 Broad beans· Beans, broad 120 Broccoll, spears 120 Broccoll, sproutmg: Cabbage, wmter 206 R 2461 Broth, bone and vegetable, homemade 200 2412 Brown sauce, bottled, eg HP, Daddles 121 Brusse1 sprouts 121 Brussel tops· Cabbage, wlnter 121 R 1699 Bubble and squeak, cooked potato and cabbage, frled 45 649 BU11d-Up drlnk, dry welght 1 7028 Bulghur wheat, cooked 69 Butter 119-120 Butter beans 43 601 Buttermllk 43 8205 Buttermllk desserts, frUl t flavoured B 7 8 PAGE NO CODE 121 Cabbage, red, savoy, sprlng, whlte wlnter, summer, January Kmg 200 2456 Cabbage, red, plckled 62 651 Caerphllly cheese 120-121 Calabrese: Broccoll, spears 44 734 Calcla, sklmmed mllk fortlfled Wlth calclum and vltamln D 62 681 Cambozola cheese 62 652 Camembert cheese 199 2394 Camparl: Vermouth, dry 101 1324 Cannellonl, purchased, wlth meat fllllng, NOT vegetarlan cannellonl 30 Caramel shortcake, le shortbread wlth caramel layer and chocolate topplng 173-181 Carbonated beverages 173-161/196 Carbonated water 121-122 Carrots, old, October-July 121-122 Carrots, new - wlth green tops or labelled new or sold August-September 30 Carrot cake 183 2361 Carrot )U1Ce, cartons or bottles 154 Cashew nuts 170 2302 Casllan, dry welght 156 Caster sugar· Sugar, whlte v 122 Caullflower 122 R 1723 Caullflower bha)l, le frled ASlan vegetable dlSh 122 R 1722 Caullflower cheese, le In cheese sauce 114 1594 CaVlar, canned 122 1724 Celerlac, fresh, bOlled 122 Celery 199 2369 Champagne 15 Chapatls, brown or whlte 35 R 508 Charlotte puddlng, made wlth bread, butter, sugar, frult 62 Cheddar cheese C 8 9 PAGE NO CODE 62 7731 Cheddar/Chesh1re type low fat hard cheese 62 Cheddar cheese, smoked 62 693 Cheese, blue, low fat: Low fat blue cheese 64 677 Cheese, processed, s11ces or blocks (NOT smoked cheese or cheese spread) 64 Cheese, processed, smoked, w1th or w1thout add1t10ns 62-64 Cheese soft, low fat, flavoured or unflavoured 62 Cheese spreads and tr1angles 62 Cheese spread w1th sunflower 011 eg Flora 21 251 Cheese flavoured b1scu1ts 21 Cheese b1scu1ts, snacks eg KP cheese b1scu1ts, Crawford's cheese smps 21 252 Cheese sandw1ch b1scu1ts 200 Cheese sauce 65 R 815 Cheese souffle 65 R 801 Cheese and egg flan 65 Cheese, egg and bacon flan: Qulche Lorra1ne 65 821 Cheese and on10n past1e, purchased 65 R 802 Cheese and potato p1e, 1e potato, fat, cheese and m11k 96 Cheeseburger; beefburger w1th cheese In a bun 35-36 Cheesecake 29 R 389 Cheesecake, Welsh v 26 R 303 Chelsea buns, NOT wholemeal 26 R 407 Chelsea buns, wholemeal: Wholemeal fru1t buns 145 Cherr1es, eat1ng, cook1ng or canned 158 2210 Cherr1es, glace, marasch1no; cockta11 cherrles 17 7637 Cheenos 199 2398 Cherry brandy 30,32 Cherry cake: Fru1t cake, r1ch 62 Cheshue cheese 62 7731 Chesh1re/cheddar type low fat hard cheese 154 Chestnuts C 10 9 PAGE NO CODE 122 2647 Chestnuts, water, canned, dralned welght 155 2605 Chevda; Chevra, Bombay mlX 126 ChlCk peas' Peas, ChlCk 126 ChlCk pea paste wlth sesame seeds' hummus 80-83 Chlcken, barbecued, balled or stewed, frled or roast 84 Chlcken burgers' Chlcken flngers 82 Chlcken drumstlCks, Chlcken, coated in egg and breadcrumbs 84 Chlcken flngers 80 R 1096 Chlcken glblets, NOT Just llvers, cooked 81 Chlcken, Kentucky Frled 89 Chlcken llver 85 1115 Chlcken nuggets 86 Chlcken ple 85 1116 Chlcken, roast dlnner 86/94 Chlcken roll 204-206 Chlcken soup, chlcken noodle soup' Soup, chlcken 86 Chlcken spread 85 7777 Chlcken, Chlnese style, no bones or leftover bones NOT welghed 86 2661 Chlcken, stlr fry, ready meal' Ross Chlnese chlcken;
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