Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-24-1940 Bee Gee News July 24, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News July 24, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 552. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/552 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. PICNIC DANCE TONIGHT Bee Gee News FRIDAY VOL. XXIV. BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, JULY 24, 1940 No. 38 Palmer Picks, [ Pky Lead* Tomorrow Night ~J Present Highschool Satire Two Student r z ■■■■ In Auditorium Tomorrow Play Coaches Curtain Rises On Comedy At 8:15 P.M.; Seats Are 25 Cents; Smith Puts Final Touches To Cast Lead By Carpenter, Nitz Lillian Lloyd, Shirley Hanna Get Assistant's Tommorrow evening, July 25, the University Job on 'Royal Family' Summer School o f Speech will present "Youth Takes Over", a comedy in three acts by Betty Smith and Lillian Lloyd and Shir- Robert Finch. The curtainsv will part at 8:15 p.m. in ley Hanna have been ap- the University Auditorium. * ■— pointed by Prof. Upton Admisison is 25 Cants Palmer as student direct- Admission for everyone is 2f> C. M. Newcomb Is ors of the forthcoming play, cents. Tickets may be purchas- Commencement The Royal Family. Opal ed in the well or from a mem- Courtney has been assigned the ber of the Summer School of position of technical director, Speaker Aug. 9 Speech. Ticket sales thus far and Helen Wooldrigc the posi- seem to indicate a good atten- tion of business manager. Oth- Honorary Reception For dance for the production. ers on the staff arc as follows: Graduates At Kohl The presentation of this hi- Costumes — Lillian Lay. Tom Carpenter, Swanton, and Valerie Ann Niti, Dayton, larious satire about high school August 8 Properties — Ruth Johnson. will play the leading roles of Albert Williams and "Snooky" life will climax five weeks of Marie Wyper, Wealtha Went- Phipps in Prof. Elden T. Smith's production of "Youth Takes Over" in the University Auditorium tomorrow evening at 8:15. drama study for a select group Charles M. Newcomb, noted ling and Edith Burkhart. Admission is 25 cents to all University students. of 24 high school students from lecturer from Nashville, Tcnn., Stage Crew — Lois Walter- The play is being produced by the University's Summer all purts of Ohio. will deliver the commencement mire, Dorothy Hartman, Edith School of Speech for high school students. address at the annunl summer Schaloske and Ellen Mae Kir- Construct Scenery school eonimmencement exer- ns. The Students have construel- cises Friday morning at 10 a. Tickets — Dorothy Fortman. cd several flats for use on the m., Aug. 9. Publicity — Mary Ellen Pes- Plan Annual Homecoming stage. The entire group is ul- sell. so working on the production Newcomb is a graduate of Ushers — Jeannette Wright. Festivities For October 18-9 crew. Heuds of this crew are: Ohio Wesleyan University Programs — Margaret Dun- Stage Manager, Betty Zacng- where, until recent years, he has been head of the public son. lein; Assistant Stage Manager, October 18 and 19 will be formulate plans, Dr. Zaugg stat- speaking department. He re- Due to necawiry changes in Virginia Keller; Property Man- set apart for the 1U40 Home- ed, and also to contact those ceived his master's degree from the entertainment program The ager, Margaret Lowric; Klec- coming. As usual, the festivi- who are away from the Univer- Columbia University. Royal Family will be presented trician, Mahlon Smith; Build- ties will open on r riday eve- sity. These friends of the Uni- Wednesday er.nini, July 31, at ing Carpenter, John Bloom; Reception Aug. 8 ning:, October 18, with a general versity are expecting an invita- 8:15, rather than at the time Costumes, Jeunne Wendcl and party to which students and tion. No one should be no- A reception, honoring the previously scheduled. There Audrey Morris; Business Man- Alumni will be invited. glccted. August gruduates, will be held will be no admission charge, bat ager, Konald Waugh; Publicity, Thursday evening, August 8, Special effort will be made to Once each year the Univer- activity books must be used. Lois Mayficld; Tickets, Virginia at Kohl Hall. Miss Grace Wills take care of the large crowd sity offers a program of special The cast and the staff are Falknor and Robert Kiscr. and Miss Alma Leedom are in that is expected. Saturduy, features, and gives the invita- working diligently to make this charge of arrangements for the October 19, will be given to re- (Continued on page -I, col. 2) Cast Kaufman and Ferber comedy reception. Complete details The cast for "Youth Takes the success that it promises to unions, parties, luncheons, and, have not as yet been made. Over" is a» follows: be. Nightly rehearsals are be- in the afternoon, to the foot- Will Irwin, Editor, Further announcement* will be ball game with Michigan Nor- Albeit Williams Tom Carpenter ing held. The properties man- Author, Is Speaker made in the Bee Gee News. Snooky Phipps .Valerie Nitz agers are busy gathering up mal. This game promises to Approximately 18 graduate be one of the best of the sea- Doctor Pierson Carl Bartch properties that range from an Will Irwin, world famous as students and 90 undergraduates Swinburn Jones Randall Buck old fashioned pipe to a bald son. an author, editor, reporter, and will be eligible for degrees in Pop James Kalknor wig. The Homecoming of 1940 speaker will appear in chapel August, according to a state- Mrs. Rathbono Georgia Ander- will be in charge of the Fac- today at 10:50. Mr. Irwin has ment from C. I). Perry, regist- son ulty Committee on Alumni and written many books including rar. Four Debate At Public Relations, of which Dr. the well-known "Propaganda Miss Gunther Betty Lou Bone W. A. Zaugg is chairman. This in the News." He scored nu- Miss Stickney Lois Mayfield Grads Take Exams Bellevue Kiwanis committee works in cooperation merous journalistic triumphs Mrs. Jones Jeanne Wendcl Graduate students are taking with the Student Council in the during the World War. Ethel Norms Boyles their oral examinations this After three weeks of practice attempt to bring all the re- Mr. Irwin's speech will deal I>it-i.- Brice Jean Harshman week, which, if they complete debating, four representatives sources of the University to with the many phases of news- Mrs. Thurston Margaret Lowrie successfully, will qualify them of the debate class of the Sum- bear on the Homecoming pro- paper propaganda. He is well Mr. Andrews Mahlon Smith for graduation August 9. mer School of Speech debated gram. acquainted with his subject, Gus Landers Ronald Waugh Complete arrangements and before an audience of Belle- In order to give proper time having established the Foreign Lennq Ellis George Yerby final details will be made vue Kiwanians at their meet- and thought to each phase, Propaganda Service for the PoBtman Franklin Perry during the coming week. Dr. ing on Thursday, July 18. groups should begin at once to United States in 1918. Red Barry Lauren Manhart Joseph Shafer, in the absence George Yerby, Tiffin, and of Prof. D. J. Crowley, is in Carl Bartch, Findlay, upheld charge of the exercises. the resolution, "Resolved that the powers of the federal gov- California Couples Find Two Can Live as ernment should be diminished." Prexy's Scribe They were opposed by Betty Cheaply as One-and Get an Education too Lou Bone, Cincinnati, and Vir- Gets Married ginia Keller, Perrysburg- ling Christie, a junior student, and yard while the women do The 13 orators, after com- LOS ANGELES, CALIF.— wanted to get married. He the cooking and cleaning. All According to reliable sources, pleting the study of a debate (ACP)—Four married couples didn't know whether or not his food is purchased through the Miss Mary Frazier, secretary text, put their knowledge into on the Los Angeles campus of finances would stand the strain, U.C.L.A. Cooperative Housing to President Frank J. Prout, use during class debates given the University of California but he recognized that his prob- Association. The cost of co- was married to Richard Cum- by the various teams. are learning that two can live lem was not unique. If he operative living is about S48 mings of Fort Jennings, Ohio li st Saturday. almost as cheaply as one—and could find several other married per couple each month. couples, they could organize.a The average age of the mar- Details of the wedding would get an education, too! PICNIC cooperative dormitory. ried students is 22 yean. not be revealed by her mother Where-Vollnmr'i Park They are members of Fal- He found them all right— "During the spring semester, or her friends but it was in- on the Maumea Rlvar kirk House, the first U.C.L.A. three other couples, Mr. and four other couples applied for timated that the newlyweds are When—Picnic is served married students' cooperative Mrs. A. E. Canham, Mr. and admission in Falkirk Hall," spending their honeymoon in at 6 p.m. tonight. dormitory. By pooling domest- Mrs. R. F. Mayfield, Mr. and says Christie, "but we didn't Michigan. Whet happens — Dane- ic arrangements, their savings have room for them.
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