Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 gromaculata, R. semiplicata). Descriptions and mea- 1997 surements of cercariae and metacercariae are propo- 9237. Bernard, R.; Samoląg, J. (1997): Analysis of the sed." (Author)] Address: Besprozvannykh, V.V., Institute emergence of Aeshna affinis Vander Linden, 1823 in of Biology & Soil Sciences, Far East Branch of the the vicinity of Poznan, western Poland (Odonata: Aesh- Russian Academy of Sciences, prospect 100-letija, 159, nidae). Opusc. zool. flum. 153: 1-12. (in English) ["The Vladivostok, 690022, Russia. E-mail: besproz@ibss. studies were conducted during June-July 1996. The ha- dvo.ru bitat is described and the data are presented on popula- 9241. Besprozvannykh, V.V. (2000): Biology of trema- tion strength, sex ratio, changes in daily emergence todes Nenimandijea kashmirensis and Pleurogenoides rate, differences between the sexes, time of emergen- medians (Pleurogenidae) - The parasites of frogs in the ce, height of climbing and on mortality. The emergence Primorye territory. Parazitologiya 34(4): 349-354. (in in this species is highly synchronized (ECM = 7); this is Russian, with English summary) ["The experimental probably related to the mechanism of a lower tempera- study of life cycles of the trematodes Nenimandijea ture threshold in larval development. The status of the kashmirensis Kaw, 1950 and Pleurogenoides medians species in this part of Europe in relation to climatic Olsson, 1876 was carried out. It was found out, that conditions, and temporal segregation with the coexist- their life cycles include: the fist intermedial host - the ing A. mixta are discussed." (Authors)] Address: Ber- mollusc Boreoelona contortrix ussuriensis, the second nard, R., Department of General Zoology, Adam Mick- intermedial host - dragonfly larvae of the genus Cordu- iewicz University, Umultowska 89, PL-61-702 Poznań, lia, and the final host - the frogs Rana nigromaculata Poland; E-mail: [email protected] and R. semiplicata. Based on obtained data it is sug- 9238. Gerlach, J.; Matyot, P.; Saaristo, M. (1997): gested, that Pleurogenoides japonicus (Yamaguti) Silhouette species list. Phelsuma 5, Suppl. A: 42 pp. (in should not be considered as a separate species." (Au- English) [11 taxa are listed together with their published thor)] Address: Besprozvannykh, V.V., Institute of Biolo- sources resp. first description data.] gy and Soil Sciences, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prospect 100-letija, 159, Vladi- vostok, 690022, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 1998 9242. Besprozvannykh, V.V. (2000): Life cycle of the 9239. Bernier, C. (1998): ODONATA 44-85: L'atlas trematode Glyphthelmis rugocaudata (Plagiorchidae) in contemporain (suite). Lettre de l'Atlas entomologique the Primorye region. Parazitologiya 34(2): 153-155. (in régional (Nantes) 10: 144-146. (in French) [The paper Russian, with English summary) ["It is found out, that gives a brief interim report - covering the period be- the life cycle of the trematode G. rugocaudata (Yoshida, tween 1990 and 1997 - on 55 odonate species found in 1916) in the Primorye region includes two intermedial the frame work of a grid mapping (10x10km) project on hosts (molluscs Lymnaea pacifampla and larvae of the the regional distribution of Odonata in France.] Address: genera Cordulia and Lestes) and a final host, frog spe- Bernier, C., 8, allée des Tilleuls, 44230 Saint-Sébastine- cies Rana nigromaculata and R. semiplicata." (Author)] sur -Lorie, France Address: Besprozvannykh, V.V., Institute of Biology & Soil Sciences, Far East Branch of the Russian Acade- my of Sciences, prospect 100-letija, 159, Vladivostok, 2000 690022, Russia. E-mail: besproz@ibss. dvo.ru 9243. Nagano, M.; Ooki, H.; Mizutani, Y.; Shimano, S.; 9240. Besprozvannykh, V.V. (2000): A life cycle of the Aoki, J. (2000): List of insects collected in the campus trematode Pneumonoeces nanchangensis major (Pla- of Yokohama National University. Bulletin, Institute of giorchidae) parasitizing in lungs of frogs in the Primorye Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama Na- region. Parazitologiya 34(1): 63-65. (in Russian, with tional University 26: 123-134. (in Japanese, with Eng- English summary) ["The life cycle of the trematode P. lish title and nomenclature) [Japan; six odonate species nanchangensis major includes three hosts: primary in- are listed.] Address: Nagano, M., Dept of Soil Zoology, termedial host (molluscs Helicorbis sijfunensis, Polypy- Institute of Environmental Science & Technology. Yoko- lis semiglobosa), secondary intermedial host (larvae of hama National University, Yokohama, 240-8501 Japan dragonfly genus Lestes), and final host (frogs Rana ni- Odonatological Abstract Service 29 (October 2010) - page 1 2001 (high tolerance against pollution).] Address: Chambers, D.B., U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Information 9244. Alonso, L.E.; Slonso, A.; Schulenberg T.S.; Services, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225-0286, USA Dallmeier, F. (Eds.) (2001): Biological and socias as- sessments of the Cordillera de Vilcabamba, Peru. Rap- 9246. Restani, M.; Rau, L.R.; Flath, D.L. (2001): Nest- id Assessment Program. Smithsonian Institution / Moni- ing ecology of Burrowing Owls occupying Black-tailed toring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program 12: 296 Prairie dog towns in southeastern Montana. J. Raptor pp. (in English) [The report includes a few information Res. 35(4): 296-303. (in English) [Nest-site selection, on Odonata: Acosta, R., M. Hidalgo, E. Castro. N. Sal- productivity, and food habits of 13 breeding pairs of cedo & D. Reyes: Biodiversity assessment of the aqua- Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding on prai- tic systems at the southern Vilcabamba region, Peru rie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) towns in southeastern (pp. 140-146); same authors: Number of aquatic inver- Montana, USA were studied. Owls fed on invertebrates tebrate species per family found in quantitative and (mainly grasshoppers and beetles), mammals (mice qualitative sampling at Llactahuaman and Wayrapata, and voles), birds (blackbirds and buntings), and amphi- southern Cordillera de Vilcabamba, Peru (pp. 271- bians (frogs). In one case an unidentified Odonata was 275).] Address: Alonso, L.E., Conserv. lnternational found as prey.] Address: Department of Biology, Rocky Cent. Appl. Biodiv. Sci., Dept Conserv. Biol., 1919 M Mountain College, Billings, MT 59102 USA. E-mail: Street NW, Suite 600, Washington. DC 20036, USA [email protected] 9245. Chambers, D.B.; Messinger, T. (2001): Benthic 9247. Samways, M.J. (2001): Seychelles fineliner invertebrate communities and their responses to se- damselfly not extinct after all. Phelsuma 9: 55. (in Eng- lected environmental factors in the Kanawha River lish) [Teinobasis alluaudi (Martin, 1896) was recorded Basin, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. U.S. from Mahe in 1894 and 1909 and on Silhouette in 1908. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, It was feared extinct, not having been observed since Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4021, Na- 1909. On 27-VI-1997 it was rediscovered on southwes- tional Water-Quality Assessment Program, Charleston, tern Mahe, by a small stream in Terminalia forest, at West Virginia2001: VII, 52 pp. (in English) ["The effects sea level. New records (1998-2001) from Silhoutte are of selected environmental factors on the composition also communicated.] Address: Samways M.J., Inverte- and structure of benthic invertebrate communities in the brate Conservation Research Centre, Dept Zool. & Kanawha River Basin of West Virginia, Virginia and Entomol., University of Natal, P/Bag X01, Scottsville North Carolina were investigated in 1997 and 1998. 3209, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. E-mail: samways Environmental factors investigated include physiogra- @un.ac.za phy, land-use pattern, streamwater chemistry, stream- bed-sediment chemistry, and habitat characteristics. Land-use patterns investigated include coal mining, 2002 agriculture, and low intensity rural-residential patterns, at four main stem and seven tributary sites throughout 9248. Eigenheer, K. (2002): Die Libellen an der Aare the basin. Of the 37 sites sampled, basin size and phy- zwischen Büren a.A. und Rothrist (Schweiz). Eigenver- siography most strongly affected benthic invertebrate- lag: 47 pp. (in German) [www.konrad.eigenheer.ch; 27 community structure. Land-use practices also affected Odonata species along the river Aare, Switzerland are invertebrate community structure in these basins. The mapped according their reproduction status (exuviae / basins that differed most from the minimally affected imagines), and phenology of species is documented.] reference condition were those basins in which coal Address: Eigenheer, K., Hofmatt 11, CH-4582 Brügglen, mining was the dominant nonforest land use, as deter- Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected] mined by comparing invertebrate-community metric 9249. Guilloton, J.-A. (2002): ODONATA 44-85: L'atlas values among sites. Basins in which agriculture was contemporain (suite). Lettre de l'Atlas entomologique important were more similar
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