4560 _QONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 29 WISCONSIN ·Frederic Harrison Smith Kind Lord,· as ·our people gather on Philip Bradley Peyton . James F. Haran, Jr., to be postmaster at the morrow to honor our dead, may we Friendship, Wis., in place of J. F. Horan, Sr. TO BE BRIGADIER GENERAL all be still and know that Thou art God, Incumbent's commission expired August 26, Henry Harley Arnold for we purpose in our hearts that they 1939. Maj. Gen. George Howard Brett, to be shall not have died in vain. John D. Costello to be postmaster at Chief of the Air Corps, with the rank of Merciful Father, in these trying days Racine, Wis., in place of J. D. Costello. In­ major general, for a period of 4 years from bless the nations of the world created cumbent's commission expired February 9, date of acceptance. of one blood by Thee. May goodnt'<;S 1941. Brig. Gen. Courtney Hicks Hodges, to be Walt er J. Amend to be postmaster at Ripon, Chief of Infantry, with the rank of major overcome evil; may love conquer hate; Wis., in place of W. J. Amend. Incumbent's general, for a period .of 4 years from date for surely Thou needest men as brothers commission expired February 9, 1941. of acceptance. to bring the Kingdom of God on ea:rt.h. Alfred H. Bernhard to be postmaster at Col. William Nichols Porter, to be Chief On this day and always we beseech Waupun, Wis., in place of A. H. Bernhard. of the Chemical Warfare Service, with the Thee to guide by Thy Spirit our Presi­ Incumbent's commission expired February 18, rank of major general, for a period of 4 years dent, our Speaker, and each Member of • 1941. from date of acceptance. Oscar L. Ringle to be postmaster at Wau­ our Congress, in all of their counsels. Addison Dimmitt Davis, to be assistant Bless our loved ones, our homes, our sau, Wis., in place of 0. L. Ringle. Incum­ to the Surgeon General, with the rank of bent's commission expired February 18, 1941. brigadier general, for a period of 4 years from churches, our communities, and aH in­ WYOMING date of acceptance. terests dear to each heart. In the Name Larry Benjamin McAfee, to be assistant to of our Lord we humbly but gratefully Anna Edith Morgan to be postmaster at the Surgeon General, with the rank of brig­ pray. Amen. Sunrise, Wyo., in place of A. R. Craven, trans­ adier general, for a period of 4 years from ferred. date of acceptance. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ terday was read and approved. PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT CONFIRMATIONS The nominations for promotion in the Executive nominations confirmed by Regular Army of Maj. Warren Hayford 3d, A message in writing from the Presi­ the Senate May 29 (legislative day of and others, which were referred to the com­ dent of the United States was communi­ May 26), Hl41. mittee on the 23d instant. cated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of (NoTE.-For a full list of the names of the SUPREME COURT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII persons whose nominations for promotion in his secretaries, who also informed the the Regular Army were referred to the com­ House that on the following date the Samuel B. Kemp to be chief justice of the President approved and signed bills and Supreme _court, Territory of Hawaii. mittee on May 23, 1941, and which were today confirmed, see Senate proceedings of May 23, a joint resolution of the House of the UNITED STATES MARSHAL 1941, under the caption "Nominations," be­ following titles: Joseph H. Young to be United States mar.. ginning on p. 4382 Of the CONGRESSIONAL On May 28, 1941: shal for the southern district of Georgia. RECORD .) H. R. 327. An act for the relief of Paula POSTMASTERS Liebau Anderson; H. R. 336. An act for the relief of Della B. MINNESOTA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Birnbaum; John A. Peterson, Belview. H. R. 682. An act for the relief of J:uilus Jarl I. Sundseth, Halstad. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 S:t:-ringer; - Jeannette Schilling, Newport. H. R. 694. An act for the relief of the Fair­ Alice F . Lane, Olivia. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and child Aerial Surveys, Inc.; Cornelius W. Vahle, Tracy. H. R. 696. An act for the relief of J. K. was called to order by the Speaker. Love; NEW YORK Rev. Daniel W. Justice, D. S. T., M. A., H. R. 819. An act for the relief of Little­ Marie Delaney, Rosendale. pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, field-Wyman Nurseries; Washington, D. c., offered the following H. R . 1151. An act for the relief of Foot's PENNSYLVANIA prayer: Transfer & Storage Co., Ltd.; James F. McAleer, Folcroft. H. R. 1678. An act for the relief of W. A. Almighty God, from whom our lives Facht; APPOINTMENT TO TEMl'ORARY RANK IN THE have come and unto whom our spirits H. R. 2672. An act to authorize the Secre­ Am CORPS IN THE REGULAR ARMY look for guidance in all goodness, we tary of the Interior to enter into an agree­ Paul Ernest Ruestow, to be major, Air unite our hearts in the strength of quiet­ ment fixing boundary lines on Wind River Corps. ness and the beauty of holiness this Indian lands, Wyoming; APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR lovely day of new mercies. As we go · H. R. 3362. An act to amend the act of J4ay ARMY 24, 1940 (Public, No. 520, 76th Cong.); forth to our work and into the world, H. R. 3404. An act authorizing the Secre­ TO AIR CORPS give us, we pray, dependent but brave . tary of the Interior to convey the right, title, First Lt. Charles Albert Piddock. and trustful hearts. We are not crea­ and interest of the United States in certain Second Lt. Karl Tweeten Rauk. tures of perfect knowledge, but day by property; day help us to ponder the pattern of H. R. 3514. An act to authorize the Secre­ PROMOTION IN THE REGULAR ARMY life we are weaving. Give us the grace, tary of the Inter~or to effect an exchange of Lloyd Baxter Bennett, to be colonel with through Jesus Christ, to do justly, to love certain tribal land of the Santa Ysabel Indian rank from May 12, 1941, Infantry (colonel, kindness, and to walk humbly with our Reservation, Calif., for other land of equal Army of the United States). value; God. H. R. 3538. An act to amend the act enti­ APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY As we face difficult tasks, may we use tled "An act granting certain lands to the TO BE SECOND LmUTENANT, COAST -ARTILLERY the strength Thou dost supply. city of Biloxi, in Harrison County, Miss., for CORPS If our undertakings are blessed and park and cemetery purposes," approved April 28, 1906; John Farley Splain. prospered of Thee, let us give heed that Thy word may a!so prosper in our hearts. H. R. 3987. An act to provide relief for, and APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR to promote the interests of, the landowners ARMY If we ~hould be called upon to go on the Ulntah Indian irrigation project, Utah, through the valley of personal sorrow or and for ot her purposes; and TO Am CORPS of collective sacrifice in days to come, H. J. Res.105. Joint resolution to continue First Lt. Perry Bruce Griffith. let not our hearts be troubled, but, more the temporary increases in postal rates on Second Lt. John Patrick Dwyer. than ever, let us believe in Thee and first-class matter, and for other purposes. Second Lt. Edward Aloysius Murphy, Jr. console one another. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Let none of us refuse any opportunities the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. TO BE MAJOR GENERALS of service which may come to us today, KUNKEL]. nor fall prey to any temptations that William Bryden THE LATE ISAAC H. DOUTRICH Richard Curtis Moore may lie in wait for us. Henry Harley Arnold Let not any mistake of yesterday be re­ Mr. KUNKEL. Mr. Speaker, it is my Henry Conger Pratt peated in the experiences of today, nor sad duty to announce -the death of one of Walter King Wilson the life of today become any evll example my predecessors in office, the Honorable Ernest Dichmann Peek to any life of tomorrow. Isaac H. Doutrich, of Harrisburg. Mr. 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4561' Dbutrich served with great honor and His passing will be regretted by many PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE distinction in this body in the Seventieth, of the older Members of the House. We Mr. PIERCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Seventy-first, Seventy-second, Seventy­ have lost a great American citizen, we unanimous consent to address the House third, and Seventy-fourth Congresses. have lost a good friend. He has gone to for 1 minute. Mr. Doutrich was born in the Nine­ his reward, but I feel confident that some The SPEAKER. Is there objection to teenth Congressional District, which he day we will have the privilege, if we live the request of the gentleman from served, on a farm near Middletown, in the right kind of life, of joining him Oregon? Dauphin County, Pa., the son of Eli and around that great white throne, where There was no objection. Caroline Doutrich. He engaged in the we may all sing those hallelujahs and Mr. PIERCE. Mr. Speaker, I want you retail clothing business, operating stores where our life's troubles will be ended, to know that I appreciate the compli­ in various cities throughout eastern and where joy and happiness will reign mentary words of my colleague from Pennsylvania, and built up one of the forever.
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