SPORTS Phone service Whalers, capture eludes the poor f j j wild 8-6 shootout ... page 4 ... page 13 Mmxdmtn ^ Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralft Monday, Feb. 2,1987 30 Cents CIA director quits F \ as questions raised E By Terence Hunt Casey testified in closed session The Associated Press before the panel "before the full scope of the situation was known” WASHINGTON - CIA Director and was not under oath, the report - < N William E. Casey, recovering from said. '■ / /' surgery for a brain tumor, has Although the report consistently resigned and will be replaced by his describes Casey as an advocate of deputy, Robert Gates, a 20-year the arms sales, it does not spell out veteran of the spy agency, the his exact role in debates over the White House announced today. matter within administration, nor __- , jrtaaMwfc-' He!''' ” It was Mr. Casey’s decision to does it give his views on the actions < t h S ^ ' ^ - - - ___ — . ' - ~ f resign,” said presidential spokes­ of CIA officers who assisted in the man Marlin Fitzwater. He said arms transfers and diversion of Casey, a longtime friend of Rea­ funds to help the Nicaraguan gan’s, would become a presidential guerrillas. Herald photo by Mitchell counselor when he could return to In its conclusion, the report said work. the panel was unable to answer the The resignation came at a time question; “ What role did the CIA Connecticut Chuckles, a groundhog at length of winter. The 3-year-old pre­ that many questions were being and other U.S. government agen­ the Lutz Children's Museum, made her dicted, by not seeing her shadow, that asked about the CIA’s middleman cies or their officials play In annual forecast this morning on the spring was imminent. role in clandestine arms sales to planning and implementing the Iran. sale of arms to Iran and the possible Some members of Congress diversion of funds to the Nicara­ maintain the agency failed to guan resistance?” comply with laws requiring that CIA involvement in the episode Shadowless Lutz groundhog intelligence committees be kept WILLIAM CASEY began in May 1985 when an agency abreast of such dealings. Casey, .. volunteereef resignation analyst prepared a report "arguing however, has held that he did not for a change in U.S. policy that break the law. would seek a more constructive says spring to arrive early continue testifying about the Iran- relationship with Iranian leaders Fitzwater said Casey continues to improve steadily, is alert and has Contra affair. During his hospitali­ interested in improved ties with the Ifth Phil, the Pennsylvania groundhog who has visited with other patients at zation, it also was disclosed that he West," the report said. By John Mitchell Agency analysts later took a Herald Reporter traditionally made a forecast at the national level. Georgetown University Hospital. had been treated earlier for cancer Phil saw his shadow today and predicted six more Casey, 73, was named to head the of the prostate. more skeptical view of the Iranian leadership, but CIA officials playe'd Chuckles, the Lutz Children’s Museum ground­ weeks of winter. spy agency in 1981 after helping On Capitol Hill, Casey has important liaison roles in deliver­ hog, decided in her own lazy way at 6; 45 a.m. today Spaulding defended Chuckles’ accuracy. ” We can manage Reagan’s campaign for the testified at length about the CIA's ing U.S. arms to Iran, the report that an early spring is likely. give her a 100 percent rating,” he said. ” A lot of It’s presidency. Earlier, he served as role in arnts shipments to Iran. He up to interpretation.” chairman of the Securitiee and conceded that the intelligence said. " ” " Museum officials simulated her environment on a Last year, Susan Craig said. Chuckles success­ Exchange Commission and had agency became involved in the And sources said that some CIA table indoors because the temperature outside was fully predicted an early spring. ’ ’She’s had a fairly held other posts during the Nixon secret dealings with Iran in the officials in Central America were 30 degrees, and snow was piled 2 feet high in some good running record.” Craig said. and Ford administrations. summer and fall of 1985, before aware of, and played roles in, places. Groundhog Day. which has been celebrated for Gates, who first joined the CIA in Reagan issued iormal delivering aid to the Contra rebels " I Just didn’t think it would be healthy to put a about 1,300 years, is a yearly event at the museum. 1966 as an intelligence analyst, has authorization. despite a ban on U.S. government groundhog out in the snow.” said John Spaulding, Children’s pictures of the animal were tacked on the been serving as acting Erector However, Casey said he did not assistance from October 1984 to the museum’s animal curator. walls. ” We get a lot of miles out of it.” Craig said. since Casey was hospitalized in learn until October 1986 that profits October 1986. 2 Chuckles, the only live groundhog in Connecticut ’The tradition began in Europe as a ceremony December. He will continue to run from those shipments may have At least one agency official, who makes the annual forecast, according to Lutz honoring the Virgin Mary. Over the years, the the agency on an acting basis while been diverted to the Nicaraguan deputy director John McMahon, officials, was brought into the room by Susan Craig, tradition started to feature a badger who made his nomination is considered by the Contra rebels — and that he did not protested the White House use of the museum’s naturalist. She placed Chuckles on a predictions on when to plant crops. Senate. know for certain until told by Meese the CIA in the affair, including bed of hay and waited for a burst of animal wisdom. When America was colonized, settlers had trouble Fitzwater said Casey had sent a on Nov. 24, a day before the scheme diversion of "intelligence samples” “ She doesn’t seem to care,” said Spaulding, finding any badgers, and decided to use the letter to Reagan announcing his was publicly disclosed. to Tehran and the use of an watching the woodchuck unsuccessfully search for woodchuck, or groundhog, to offer advice. resignation. Reagan accepted it Casey’s testimony prompted agency-controlled airline to deliver its shadow while a group of about 10 early risers In reality, Spaulding said, the hibernating animal ’’with reluctance and deep regret,” some - members of Congress to arms to Iran. The agency was told gathered around. out in the wild would still be in its burrow, sleeping, Fitzwater said. criticize his apparent lack of the cargo was oil drilling parts, the Craig, who called himself the father of Chuckles, at this time of year. ” No woodchuck would normally Attorney General Edwin Meese knowledge about the diversion of report said. translated the animal’s squeals as word spread that be out on Feb. 2,’’ he said. They don’t usually start III and White House chief of staff funds, which reportedly began in As reports circulated last month spring was just around the. corner. coming up from the ground until the snow begins to Donald Regan visited Casey in his early 1986. that Casey might not return to the Spaulding said this is the third year that Chuckles, thaw. \ hospital room last Thursday. At Casey’s resignation comes five CIA, former deputy agency direc­ who is actually the second groundhog at the Now life settles down for the animal, who is fed that time, Fitzwater said, ” he days after a Senate Select Commit­ tor Bobby Inman said Gates “ has ^ museum, has made her prediction. The first dog food and gerbil treats at the museum. volunteered his resignation.” tee on Intelligence report said that had enough contact with Reagan at Chuckles made forecasts for four years until she ’"ITiat was her excitement for the week,” Craig Casey entered the hospital and his testimony on the CIA role in the Cabinet and National Security died at the ripe old age of 7. said. “ Now she goes back to sleeping" most of the underwent surgery for a brain Iran arms deal ’’was general in Council meetings so that he under­ This year. Chuckles differed with Punxsutawney time.” tumor Dec. 18, shortly before he nature” and left many unanswered stands how little time the president was to return to Capitol Hill to questions. has. Shiite ieader ciaims envoy ‘arrested’; hostages threatened to 26 the number missing. A total of ment delivered to the west Beirut University of Beirut. Both were cialist Party was handling Waite’s embassies there. Kuwait refuses. By Rodelna Kenaan eight Americans are missing. office of a Western news agency. It kidnapped in Moslem west Beirut in security, said: “ I ’m still looking for The photograph, attached to The Associated Press A group calling itself Islamic was accompanied by a photograph 1985. him. I think he’s still in Lebanon; at prove the statement’s authenticity, showed Anderson with a moustache Jihad for the Liberation of Pales­ BEIRUT, Lebanon — Shiite mil­ of hostage Terry Anderson, chief Waite last was seen in public Jan. least I hope so. I ’m worried for his and in a dark striped shirt looking tine threatened Saturday night to itia leader Nabih Berri said today Middle East correspondent for The 20 when he left his hotel In west safety, terribly worried.” He said at the camera without his glasses. kill four abducted Beirut Univer­ y^glican envoy Terry Waite has Associated Press. Beirut, reportedly to negotiate with he has received no response to an The photo showed a cut on sity College teachers — three been “ arrested” by Shiite Moslems “ Any military attempt against Islamic Jihad for the release of offer to trade himself for Waite.
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