FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. TOMBIGBEE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES LUXAPALILA CREEK SEGMENT, ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI Prepared by U. S. Army Engineer District, Mobile , December 1974. SUMMARY Tombigbee River and Tributaries, Luxapalila Creek Segment, Alabama and Mississippi □ Draft Final Environmental Statement Responsible Office: District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District, P. 0. Box 2288, Mobile, Alabama 36628, 205-690-2511 1. Name of Action: Administrative £ J Legislative 2. Description of Action: The proposed flood control work on Luxapalila Creek analyzed in this environmental statement involves channel excavation and the clearing of the banks along a total of 19.9 miles of Luxapalila Creek beginning at the mouth, representing a reduction of 6.3 miles in the natural channel mileage of 26.2. Work on the lowermost 2.1 miles has already been completed. The lower 15.2 miles of construction would be in Lowndes County, Mississippi, and the upper 4.7 miles in Lamar County, Alabama. A total of 1,258 acres would be cleared, which would consist of the removal of all growth except selected trees, from a strip 300 feet to 900 feet in width. All snags, drift, and other debris would also be removed from the channel. The work consists of 6.6 miles of new channel and 13.3 miles of channel enlargement. The excavated material would be placed in mounds intermittently along both banks of the modified channel at least 25 feet from the top of the cut slope. No excavated material would be placed across the mouths of tributary streams entering the channel, and frequent gaps would be left in the mounds to provide for lateral drainage and prevent local ponding along the stream. The mounds would be grassed to guard against erosion. Three floodways, consisting of a total length of approximately 11,650 feet, would be included as fish and wildlife mitigation measures. This statement also discusses authorized projects on other tributary streams and the Tombigbee River in the upper Tombigbee Basin because of possible interrelated impacts. 3. a Environmental Impacts: The proposed action will provide flood control resulting in reduced damage to the Columbus, Mississippi, urban area and agricultural lands upstream from Columbus. There will be a loss in habitat for certain species of animals and plants with a corresponding increase in habitat for others. A total of 1,258 acres will be cleared. A small temporary increase in turbidity may be expected. The overall impact on the fishery will be detrimental. b. Adverse Environmental Effects: Loss of 1,258 acres of stream bank habitat for wildlife use initially, and indefinitely with maintenance of the project; loss of 19.9 miles of natural aquatic habitat along the stream; loss of aesthetic value for natural setting; loss as recreational resource; loss of 3,500 man-days per year of fishing; reduction in the present capacity for 350 man-days of waterfowl hunting and 6,500 man-days of small game hunting; reduction of $500 per year for trapping industry; slight reduc­ tion in water quality; probable loss of a walleye population in Luxapalila Creek; and destruction of archeological sites in the lower 2.1 miles of the project completed in October 1973. 4. Alternatives; Alternative channel dimensions, headwater reservoirs, levee construction, complete system of floodways, and no-development and/or restriction of development within the flood plain. 5. Comments Received: Department of the Interior Department of HUD Department of Transportation ^ Department of Agriculture, SCS Environmental Protection Agency Mississippi State Clearinghouse for Federal Programs submitted: Tombigbee River Valley Water Management District Mississippi State Board of Health State of Mississippi, Department of Archives and History State of Mississippi, Board of Water Commissioners Golden Triangle Planning and Development District State of Mississippi Game and Fish Commission West Alabama Planning and Development Council Alabama Development Office - State Clearing House submitted: Muscle Shoals Council of Local Governments Environmental Health Administration 6. Draft Statement to CEQ 24 June 1974. Final Statement to CEQ _____________. FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT TOMBIGBEE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES LUXAPALILA CREEK SEGMENT, ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI Table of Contents Para. Page No. No. 1.01 PROJECT DESCRIPTION........... -....................... 1 1.02 Overall Project --- 1 1.06 Group 1: Tombigbee River and Town Creek (formerly known as East Fork and West Fork, Tombigbee River) ------------------------------------------ 2 1.07 Group 2: Tibbee River ---------------------------- 4 1.08 Group 3: Buttahatchie River ---------------------- 4 1.09 Group 4: James Creek 4 1.10 Group 5: Noxubee River 4 1.11 Group 6: Sipsey River 4 1.19 Group 7: Luxapalila Creek Project 7 2.01 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING WITHOUT THE PROJECT 14 2.02 Overall Project - Upper Tombigbee River Basin, General 14 2.03 Hydrologic Characteristics 14 2.08 Physiography 16 2.10 Geology 16 2.11 Minerals 17 2.12 Paleontology 17 2.13 Archeology and History 17 2.14 Economic and Social Aspects 18 2.20 Recreation 22 2.29 Water U s e - 24 2.31 Botany 24 2.37 Zoology 27 2.58 Interrelation of Other Projects 32 2.63 Luxapalila Creek 35 3.01 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSED ACTION TO LAND USE PLANS 42 4.01 THE PROBABLE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED ACTION- 45 4.02 Probable Environmental Impact of Overall Project 46 4.21 Probable Environmental Impact of Luxapalila Creek Segment 51 5.01 ANY PROBABLY ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED 56 6.01 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION 56 7.01 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL SHORT-TERM USES OF MAN’S ENVIRONMENT AND THE MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY 59 Para. Page ■ No. No. 8.01 ANY IRREVERSIBLE OR IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENTS OF RESOURCES WHICH WOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSED ACTION SHOULD IT BE IMPLEMENTED........................ 60 9.01 COORDINATION AND COMMENTS AND RESPONSES................. 60 9.02 Public Participation --------------------------------- 60 9.06 Government Agencies----- ------------------------------ 61 9.11 Citizen Groups---------------------- 86 List of Tables Table Page No. Title No. 1 Pertinent Data for Tombigbee River and Tributaries Project Authorized by P.L. 85-500 (Excluding Luxapalila Creek) ------------ ----------- ------- — --- 3 2 Land Requirements--------------------- --------- ------ 9 3 Summary of Annual Costs and Benefits, Luxapalila Creek Flood Control Project 10 4 Summary of Average Annual Flood Control Benefits Attributed to Luxapalila Creek Flood Control Project 11 5 Mean and Extreme Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at Columbus, Mississipp 15 6 Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Tombigbee River Basin A r e a 20 7 Historic Population (1970) and Base Line Population Projections (1980-2020) for Alabama and Mississippi Counties within the Tombigbee Basin (OBERS Projections)- 21 8 Known Stages and Discharges of Floods on Luxapalila Creek at Waterworks Road (State Highway 50) Bridge 38 9 Amount of Reduction in Stream Stage and the Resulting Level of Urban Damage ($) in the Columbus, Missis­ sippi, Area as Opposed to the Recurrence Frequency of Various Flpods on Luxapalila Creek at Waterworks Road (Mississippi Highway 50) Bridge 53 Table Page No. Title No. 10 Pertinent Data and a Summary of Costs for Alternative Development Plans Considered -------- ------------------ 57 11 Summary of Economic and Environmental Considerations Follows of Alternative Flood Protection on Luxapalila Creek ------- 58 List of Plates Plate Follows No. Title Page No. 1 Flood Control on Tombigbee River and Tributaries, Mississippi and Alabama, Watershed M a p ------------------- 86 2 Channel Modification Project, Tombigbee River and Tributaries, Luxapalila Creek, Project Location ----------- 86 List of Appendices APPENDIX A Economic Data Extracted from U. S. Army Corps of Engineers General Design Memorandum Luxapalila Creek, Lowndes County, Mississippi and Lamar County, Alabama APPENDIX B List of Fishes Reported to Occur in the Upper Tombigbee River System by Dr. Herbert T. Boschung of the University of Alabama (Supplemented by Other Sources as Noted) APPENDIX C Habitat Preference, Abundance, and Distribution of Fishes Reported from the Upper Tombigbee River Basin. The Probably Adverse Impacts Upon the Fishes of the Proposed Flood Control Project are also Indicated. APPENDIX D Bibliography APPENDIX E Letters of Comment on Draft Statement FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT TOMBIGBEE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES LUXAPALILA CREEK SEGMENT, ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI 1.01 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. This document is the environmental statement (required by Public Law 91-190) for the Luxapalila Creek Segment of the Tombigbee River and Tributaries, Mississippi and Alabama, project described in House Document 167, Eighty-fourth Congress, regarding construction and operation of the project for flood control and related purposes. This project was authorized in the Flood Control Act approved 3 July 1958 (Public Law 85-500). Feasibility and project formulation information are described in detail in the survey report. The most complete economic analysis of the overall project (May 1955), based on a 50-year project life, produced an overall benefit-cost ratio of 2 to 1 with benefits de­ rived from flood control protection through flood damage prevention and land enhancement. Land enhancement refers to the ability to convert land, which is periodically flooded, from present low value uses into more intensive uses. 1.02 Overall Project. The
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