the Messenger Published by the Swedenborgian Church of North America Volume 241• Number 6 • June 2019 SCYL Teens Explore Dreams, Visions, and Ghost Stories at Almont Spring Retreat By Kurt Fekete awake. They involve the five senses and were on King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are more significant and unforgettable. of a large statue from Daniel 2. Dan- wenty-two teens sat in a cir- Visions expand our awareness. They iel told King Nebuchadnezzar the de- cle around a single candle as are more real and crystal clear. There tails of his dream and told him what I opened the retreat late Fri- is no “Did this just happen?” Because his dream meant. Catherine explained Tday evening with the shadowy, “All my something or someone has made a di- how Swedenborg unlocked the mean- ghost stories are true.” Thus began the rect connection with you. You are be- ing of the dream to us and she revealed 2019 Almont Memorial Day Weekend ing introduced to a new order, ancient the dream to the teens. The materials Swedenborgian Church Youth League wisdom, or understanding.” that the statue was made of, gold, silver, (SCYL) Teen Re- treat called Dreams, Visions, and Ghost Stories. Over the long holiday week- end we uncovered wonderful tales of dreams and visions from the Bible and personal experience. We also listened to a real spooky ghost story each evening before slipping off to sleep. Rev. Renée Ma- chiniak led the first A panorama of teens in a session led by Rev. Catherine Lauber two sessions on Joseph’s dreams and Renée went on to share her person- bronze, iron, and stone, correspond to visions. She began by asking a few of al vision quest experience that she had the ages of the Church from the Most the teens to share a recent or signifi- when she was a young adult. The vi- Ancient to the New Christian Church cant dream. Then, she talked about Jo- sion that she experienced nearly thirty (modern Christianity). The statue also seph and the dreams he shared with years ago was profoundly illuminative relates to the phases of human devel- his brothers. Renée helped the group and is still being revealed and expand- opment from infancy to mature adult. understand the difference between ed to her today. Catherine and the teens learned how dreams and visions by explaining, Rev. Catherine Lauber directed the Nebuchadnezzar’s statue dream relates “Visions are clear, direct, and next two sessions. Catherine’s sessions Continues on page 84 A Short History of the Swedenborgian Church of North America: Part 2 More Inside Organizing for an Interfaith Future Contents: page 82 The Real Johnny Appleseed 82 the Messenger June 2019 The Editor’s Desk non-Christians and those who do not trample both the Christian call to re- live by or agree with the values pre- spect and accept one another with love All Good Things . scribed by their religious beliefs, and and the American ideals of providing that they should have sole authority refuge for the oppressed and living in There are rumors in determining how those values are equality and freedom. afoot that I am plan- applied. We must decide, as individuals and ning to retire as editor Many other Americans, myself in- as a nation, whether to express our of the Messenger. They cluded, believe that our nation was Christianity by seeking religion-con- are true–I started them! founded on ideals that include Chris- trolled government or by following its In this later stage of my life, I have real- tian principles of compassion and char- principles to secure a government that ized that I want to devote more time to ity and that, as a nation, we are obligat- reflects our compassion and caring. other interests—reading, creative pur- ed to work for social justice and against suits, traveling, and volunteer activi- discrimination, whatever the proposed The next issue will be the Septem- ties, for starters. I have not set a date justification. ber Messenger, and it will feature annu- for my retirement; it depends on sever- This division in understanding of al convention highlights. al factors. After the annual convention, Christianity in action is but a piece of —Herb Ziegler I will be working with President Jane the fraught political atmosphere that Siebert and the Standing Committee stems from extreme disagreement on for Communication and Information cultural and national security issues the Messenger to establish a process for finding a new and an atmosphere of chaos in politi- © The Swedenborgian Church of North America editor and beginning a search. cal leadership. Published monthly except July and August by the Standing Committee for Communication and For some, this chaos is a clarion call Information of the Swedenborgian Church of Surviving Our Stress Culture for the ultimate expression of Chris- North America (founded 1817, incorporated 1861 as the General Convention of the New Jerusalem Some Christians in the United tian exclusivity in America. To others, in the United States of America), Rev. Jane it is a frightening sign of a larger strug- Siebert, president. States believe that separation of church June 2019 and state is too rigid, and that we are gle to prevent nativism and authoritar- ianism in the guise of Christianity to Volume 241, No. 6, Whole Number 5441 a Christian nation that should tolerate Editor, design and production: Herbert Ziegler discrimination against non-Christians Copy editing and proofing: Robert Leith, in the name of religious freedom. In Samantha Johanson, & Trevor To subscribe to Standing Committee for Communication and this view, the Christian values of com- Information: Kevin Baxter, Elizabeth Blair, & Val the Messenger online, Brugler passion and charity are not the business scan this image with a Printing: Gnomon Copy, Cambridge MA of the government. This view argues QR reader on your cell Editorial Address: that the federal government should al- phone or tablet. Herb Ziegler, the Messenger 2 Hancock Place low states, localities, and individuals to Cambridge MA 02139 enforce cultural values derived from re- Tel: 617.388.0252 ligious doctrine as law; it should be be Email: [email protected] lawful for them to discriminate against Business and Subscription Address: Church Calendar The Messenger, Central Office • June 29–July 3: 2019 Annual 50 Quincy Street Cambridge MA 02138 Swedenborgian Convention, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN Tel: 617.969.4240 Contents Email: [email protected] • July 13–21: Almont Church Camp, Allerton, MI Subscriptions: free online subscription at SCYL Teens Explore Dreams, Visions, http://swedenborg.org. Printed and mailed to US and Ghost Stories at Almont • July 21-27: Paulhaven Summer Camp, address, $20/year; to Canada address, $30/year; Spring Retreat ......................................... 81 Upper Mann Lake, Alberta, Canada to all other addresses, $35/year; single copies, $2.00, Libraries & prisoners, free. Send check The Editor’s Desk .......................................... 82 • July 28–August 3: International made out to “Swedenborgian Church” with Letter from the President .......................... 83 Summer Camp for Teens, Purley “Messenger” on the memo line. Other requests, Chase, England write or call Central Office. A Short History of the Swedenborgian • August 3–18: FNCA Family Summer Deadline for submissions is three weeks before Church of North America: Part 2 ...... 86 the first day of the month of issue. Camp, Fryeburg, ME Organizing for an Interfaith Future ........ 89 The opinions and views expressed are • August 28–31, 2020: Gathering Leaves, those of the authors, not of the Messenger, Passages ........................................................... 91 Purley Chase, England the Communication Support Unit, or the The Real Johnny Appleseed ..................... 92 Swedenborgian Church. the Messenger June 2019 83 in the spiritual world when we throw away a plas- tic water bottle that stays around in our natural Letter world for 450 years? It is vital to recycle, but we have been shown that even our efforts of recycling from the cannot take care of all the problems. Why choose to drink from a plastic water bottle at all? President What pollutes our world pollutes our spirit. Not caring enough about what God has created to preserve and honor it reveals our lack of love The Year of the Lord: 2018–19 and worship of God. —The Primacy of Spirit It is easy to sit back and think science will fix our problems. We’ve heard of super huge air filters Dear Friends of the Swedenborgian Church, that will take the destructive carbon out of our air (that we’ve put there) and put it back in the soil. I’ve seen pictures of enormous tubes that can col- How do disposable plastic water bottles and lect the plastic and other junk in our oceans (that Swedenborgians intersect? we’ve discarded). But science cannot completely Announcement: There will be no plastic bottles undo what we have done because we continue to of water for 2019 convention-goers. Our theme pollute, to overuse, to over-medicate. this year is “Rooted in Spirit: Earth is Speaking Something has to work with science, to wake to Us.” The Planning Committee agreed we must up the need for changes in our lifestyles. We have live what we are talking about. Barb Halle found to care about our natural world, because it affects reusable water bottles for everyone at a surplus us all. We need to get “woke.” store. There will be gallons and gallons of cold wa- Swedenborg was a scientist before he became ter to fill water bottles. a spiritual explorer and theologian. He didn’t put It is one small thing we can do. But it speaks away his scientific mind when he explored heaven more than just not drinking water out of throw- and earth.
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