November 2000 Volume 7, Issue 3 Vienna, Illinois What’s Inside Vienna High Holds Mock Election Fairy Tales.....................2 by Rachel Lindsay Vienna High School recently taken to the county clerk’s office to dents will vote along the lines their Open House....................3 held a successful mock election or- be counted. The results will be pub- parents vote.” Concerning the gen- News............................4 ganized by Mr. Harner and his first lished in the Vienna Times, as well eral election, he feels there will be a Club News.....................5 block class. On Wednesday, No- as the Talon, to let the town know similar outcome. “Clinton has left a vember 1st, students gathered in the who the students favor. sour taste in the mouth of a lot of Sports...........................6 commons area to vote for their I spoke with Democrat Mr. voters,” he stated. News............................7 choice of president, county officials, Harner previous to the election to The coordinators of the mock Parades.........................8 and judges. They voted as in a real ask his prediction of the outcome. election hope holding this election election, assisted by Robin White- “Gore is the most competent, and will increase the number of people Class News.............. 9, 10 head from the county clerk’s office. the people will vote their pocket- who come to the polls over the next Vi-Hi Opinion.................11 The purpose of the election was books. The economy is growing, few years. The goal is to cause stu- World News...................12 to familiarize each student with how and people want to keep that.” He dents to be more aware that their a real election is held and to encour- also feels that this mock election vote does count, and feel if students Entertainment..........13, 14 age them to vote when they reach may influence the outcome of the are able to experience the election Chicken Soup.................15 eighteen. Students were called into real election, as it has in the past, if process, they will realize the impor- Entertainment................16 the commons by class and given a the results are released prior to the tance and go to the polls in the next sample ballot, which was exactly like voting. He stoutly supports Al Gore election. Spotlights.....................17 the ones used in the real election. and feels that though the general Picture Page.................18 They were told to slip the ballot into election will be close, he will pre- Halloween at VHS............19 the box and punch the hole next to vail. the name of their choice. The stu- I also spoke with Mr. David News..........................20 dents were urged to vote even if they Hill to see the election from a Halloween.....................21 weren’t sure. “I don’t care how you Republican’s point of view. He feels Calendar......................22 vote, just vote,” Mr. Harner said. Bush will win by a landslide. After the ballot was filled, they “Johnson County is pretty conser- Student Artwork.............23 dropped it into a ballot box to be vative; there’s a chance most stu- Punching the Ballot Leslie Scarborough and Jill Clayton Nominated for Scholarships Vienna High School Homecoming Submitted by Mr. Hamm Election Results by Rachel Lindsay Queen Candidates Homecoming Song: Angel by Aerosmith * Stephani Penrod * Christy Housewright Sophmore Attendants * Desiree Duty * Bobbi Sue Myers * Mareshah Belcher * Dean Betts Junior Attendants Freshman Attendants * Aly Steele * Andrea Davis * Travis Verkamman * Andrew Shoemaker Leslie Scarborough Jill Clayton The Vienna High School fac- Jill Clayton was nominated for ulty has nominated two outstand- the National Society for the Daugh- ing Seniors to participate in schol- ters of the American Revolution Senior Sweethearts Sophmore Sweethearts arship contests. (DAR) scholarship and essay con- * Ashley Broom * Ashley Huckelberry Leslie Scarborough was test. The DAR recognizes students nominated for the Toyota Schol- on the basis of the dependability, * Kacie Oliver * Uriah Cornelius ars Program which recognizes service to the community, leader- academic excellence and encour- ship, and patriotism. * Adrian Wallscetti * Ben Hogue ages young people to actively Jill said, “I was very excited to participate in community service. hear I had been chosen for the DAR When Leslie was asked how Scholarship. It was a great feeling Junior Sweethearts Freshman Sweethearts she felt about being nominated, she to know that my teachers chose me said, “I was surprised to be cho- based on the criteria. It is a great * Falon Kennedy * Kim Welch sen as the Toyota Scholarship honor.” * Paul Colson nominee. I feel very honored for Congratulations to Leslie and Jill * Blake Curry the nomination.” and good luck in the next round of competition! The Talon Page 2 Volume 7, Issue 3 FairyFairy TalesTales November 2000 Traveling Fairy Tales by Josh Aronson On October 18 and 19th, the Cinderella; instead he marries her Drama class went to both Head much homelier sister. Start and the Vienna Grade School The actors did well. Almost ev- to perform what they call “Travel- eryone memorized their lines, and John Steinmetz as Hansel and Rachel Linsday as Gretel ing Fairy Tales.” Four fairy tales good inflection was present as well were performed in all: “Little Red (everyone talked loud enough). Riding Hood,” “Rumplestiltskin,” Though the actors may not be “Hansel and Gretel,” and Hollywood material and the sets “Cinderella.” looked extremely bad, the kids loved The thing that made these fairy it, and that’s what counts. tales special was the fact that each When reached for comment, one had a quirk that separated funny-man Andy Farmer stated, them from the classic fairy tales. “I think it was a good experience. For example, in Cinderella the Yes, I’d definitely do it again.” prince never actually marries The Rumplestiltskin Cast from left to right, Trey Kerley, Christina Bailey, Morgan Jeffress, Andy Farmer Did You Know... Rumplstiltskin is known as Whuppity Stoorie in Scot- land? The earliest recorded version of Cindrella comes from China. It was written down by Tuan Ch’eng-shih in the middle of the ninth century A.D. Vienna High School Talon Andy Farmer Chelsi Ringstaff and Alex Hernandez Kristy Hoffard Rachel Lindsay The Vienna High School VIENNAVIENNA Jennifer Verkey Talon is a publication of the Andy Farmer VHS Desktop Publishing class. Dustin King Unless otherwise stated, all Drew Wilkins articles and writings Josh Aronson featured within are the work Amy Clayton of the students in the class. SHAKE ‘N MEAL DEAL Kellie Howard If you would like your ad to appear in The Talon, DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER Jessica Marshall DQ FRENCH FRIES Sheena McCormick contact Joan Clayton at 16oz. DQ SHAKE Heather Russell 658-3011. All For Only Courtney Tanner Circulation 500 $2.99! Bryan Throgmorton Faculty Advisor Joan Clayton for a limited time only The Talon Page 3 Volume 7, Issue 3 OpenOpen HouseHouse November 2000 OpenOpenOpen HouseHouseHouse atatat VVV.H.H.H.S..S..S. by Jessica Marshall Vienna High School held its annual Open House on Mon- day, October 30th. The Open House was held to allow par- ents to see how their children are doing in each of their classes. Parents and teachers discuss student grades, perfor- mance in the classroom, and how teachers might help stu- dents improve their grades. Parents got the opportunity Students were encouraged to to view some of their child’s come with their parents to the past and current projects. Open House. Mrs. Mize said, “We were The main purpose of hav- pleased parents took time out Mr. Reichert speaking with some parents ing an open house is to set aside of their busy schedules to come time for interested parents to to Open House.” view the facilities at V.H.S. and There was a very good to discuss their child’s progress turn out at the Open House. with teachers. The Student Over all, positive comments Council helped by serving re- were receives from parents and freshments to visitors in the teachers. One mother sug- commons area. gested to Mrs. Mize that we have an open house each se- mester so she could meet her child’s teachers for both terms. When Mrs. Mize was asked if she thought this year’s Open House was a success, she stated, “Yes, it was very suc- cessful for the parents who took advantage of the opportunity to meet teachers and discuss their Mr. Evans with Chris Combs and his father child’s progress.” Mr. Hill, Mr. Harner, Ms. Kreuter, and Mr. Dunn Ryan Harper and his parents VEACH SHORT STOP YFC 658-9635 Wednesdays in the Old Cafeteria Fellowship, Fun, Games, and Laughter Intersection of Vienna, Rt. 45 & Rt. 146 IL Prayer Circle 7:55 a.m. in the Please bring your Piccadilly Pizza Commons lunch and join us ! & Subs The Talon Page 4 Volume 7, Issue 3 NewsNews November 2000 College Advice from Mr. Hamm Page by Dustin King cisions regarding the college you that particular field of study.” You will also save room and want to attend should be made by Researching scholarships is a board fees, as most junior colleges the middle of your Senior year. must. One good resource is the are close to home, thereby elimi- This will allow you to submit ad- Horizon Careers computer pro- nating the cost of living on cam- mission applications and apply gram. Click on “Education and pus. Also living at home for an- early for scholarships. The Training” then go to the financial other year or two allows you some FAFSA (Free Application for aid box. This will access hun- time to mature and prepare your- Federal Student Aid) should be dreds of scholarships that you can self for living independently once VHS Guidance Counselor Mr.
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