Table of Contents P~. 521,545,3iO for Construction in Revised Highway Budget___________ 1 B~ Jlo.lkJo D. ll_l. S.........far... C"l>,.......... HI,.IICfill C".." ..tulO" Two States Join in Dedication of Redwood Hjgbwa~' • tor._________ 2 Scenes Ilt Redwood Highway Dedication Near Crescent Cit)·_________ 3 !of Street Bridge Spans 95 per ee.nt COmpleted....__ ._. .__ ... B'II C. •t'. .,110__• R".u-, .e..ga,..... Progress Pictures (If M Street Bridge Construction ,) State Highways EXlensjycly Damageri by Allgnl;f. Storms________ _ _ 6 7 Tabulations of l::Iigb\I'lI.y l~rojects in Hcvised Budgp.t _ ___9_]2 ConcretE' Areh Spall o\'cr Malpaso Creek Completed-lIIuslrated_____ 13 Analysis of Kew LegislAtion Affeeting Highways • 14, 15 BJI Ilokrt E. Real, G",~...al iliuM 0/ Wall ADcnl New Highway to San Juan Bautista Opened. .__________ 16 8:1 L. 11. 01/)...", DUo'nel g .. gfll~er S3n Juan Hood lIild Bell.utification ProJect Picturcd . .___ 11 Gas Tax Revellues IIlCJ'eased 6.8 per cenL_________________________ ]9 No"el :Method of Building Yerba Buena TunneL .. 20 ExcavlItion of Verba Bueuti 'runnel Pictured .. ~________ 21 Water ResomC1'8 Report of State El1gineer ~ 23, 24 Spreader Box Tmpro\'ed for Oil Rocl( Bordcrs--lllustrutcd__________ 25 fJII c. H, POII~. CO'll~t",Cflo:l. Bllol"eer Highway Damage by Shasta Glacier Flood PiClured .____ __ 17 Summer Trame Counls Show 15.3 per cent Gain ._________ 2A 8 .. T. H, D......I •. .IIohu....""« H"f/j,.~~... Apparatus for Washing Oil Stained GlllS8ware-lIIUl>lratc(L________ 29 High .....ay Bids and Awards for AugusL , 31 ObituaMe! of r', H. Ruland and F, Christemell____________________ 32 $21,545,370 for Highway Construction of Major Projects In Revised Budget For 87th and 88th Fiscal Years By JULIEN D. ROUSSEL, Secretary Calitornia Highway Commi~eion rrFlE revised State highway budget for Progress road funds apportioned to Califor­ the 87th and 88tb fiscal years, July 1, nia, thereby releasing State funds for reten­ 1935, to June 30, 1937, llS adopted by tion of programmed projects; the California Highway Commi,;sion and Secoud, by applyillg on State llighway presented to GovCl'Jlor Frtlnl\ F. Merrialll for coustruction prujects withiu cities tll/proxi. approval by Chairman Harry A. Hopkins mately $J,690,000 of the t cent allocation provides $21,545,370 for major project eOIl­ made by the Legislature, and third, by reduc­ struction throug-llOut the State during the tion of certain projects and elimination of biennium in compari­ scveralless important son with $26,498,980 projects, imp r 0 v e­ set up in the origiJ1[l] ment of which will budget adopted by be (leferreu ulltil thc the Commission De­ ncxt biennium. cem ber 27, 1934. The allotment to The rEvised budget the State under Pcd­ was approved alld prll.1 Bmergency Re­ made public by GO\"­ lief Apportionment C!'llOl' Mer...iam Sep­ Act of ]935 was pred. tember 12th alJd ill an 8C<.'ompollying state­ ieated pl'ilnarily upon ment he said tlult the use of 90 per cent despite the necessity of labor from relief of reducing proposed rolls and on the basis expenditures br sOllie that the amount paid $6,000,000 in eoIlSC­ from Federal funds quencc uf the act would be limited to pussed by the last $],400 per man-year LegisJattlre illcreas­ on eve.t'.)T approved iog the allocation of project. 'I'he cost of gasoline tax funds highway projects in to municipalities by California average approxilllatcir 1 hat $3,000 per man-year amount, it made him iuclllding ('ugineCl'­ very happy to be able JULIEN O. ROUSSEL ing, materials, trans­ to announce that in portatioll, Rtlpplies, all important essentials tile pl'ogrslfl for equipment and l'Iecc~llI"y iru·idclltals thereof. improvemellt of State highways remains prac­ By arrangpment with the Pedcrnl govern­ tically as origitlaUy compiled. ment the State has agreed to uuderwrite the The Commission accomplished this happy mall-hou,s of labor which would be produced result by scveralmeans. Pirst by underwrit­ by thc Federal allotment, selecting a program ing the entire Federal relief program allo­ of projects subject to approval of the U, S, ~ated to the State which enabled the Commis­ Bureau of Public Roads, the Works Progress sion to apply on State highway project" about AdmlJ'istratioll and the National Emergency $3,860,000 of the $7,747,928 Federal Works Council. (Continued on page 8) =WI 2 l;A/'/JI'OltNU HIGHWAYS .1.VD PUfJl.s/O WONKS Two States Join in Dedication of Relocated Redwood Highway Sector , , , , , , 1TII picturesque pageantry in whieh boughs, dahlias and other native Howers of pre6Cnt day leaders of California and Del :.lorte County. tied togetber with a buck­ W Oregon joined with descendants of skin thong. early pioneel"lJ, cOblumed Jndians and Oregon Wben Cb·e! Robert Spatt, Klamath Indian, "cavemen," the recent.l}" completed seetor of severed the buekskirJ thong with" century"-old the Redwood Highway (State Route 1'0. 1) Indian flint-knife, the gates were apencd by in Del Norte Count.y. south of CrtjCellt City, the cllieC and his fellow tribesmen, together WIl8 Connally dedicated on Sunda}', August with Mis9 Redwood Empire (Jean Griffin), 18th. Mi.so Del Norte County, an Indian princess The reconstruction of this nine mile lect.or (Ew.lyn McDonald), Mi&I CreliCent City between Last Chance Slide and Fl.a.nagan'l CLara Childs), Miss Smit.h Ri~"er (Jean San­ uves eigb\-tenths of .. mile in distance and (ard) and Miss Klamllh (Margreta Cranl'J). Map .howing location. of old and new highway eliminates 205 llharp llnd dangerous curves PRQ(]RAlI o~ DEAOK totaling 9557 degrees of curvature or abaut 'rhe Gmol.ll PtlJ:lll Municivnl Band, which twenty-six and one-half complete circles. headed the Gr8uts ]>888 Caravan, tben led The sa.vings to motorlstl in operating the combined earavons into Crescent City costs, conserva.tively estimated at thirty under direction of Grand Marshall H. G. cents per vehicle trip and b&sod on prcsent Ridgway, Chairmlln Events Committee, Red­ trafllc count figurel, will amortbe the entire wood Empire A~~ociatiOIl. Mllfflhal for the construction cost of $725,000 in slightly less Grants PS83 Caravan was W. M. M06C8, repre­ than len yean, senting Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce and the Smith River Caravan was led by TARIn: (JARA~"ANS .-\RRIVE PrC9dent William Buckner of Smith Rivcr Under clcar Mile skies, along the shores of Chamber of Commeroo. the Pacific just scuth of Cresel'nt City, three At Crescent City the official party was ten­ carat'ans arrived at the dl'dieation ';Mrri{'r" dered a complimentary Innr.heon b)· the Del -one £n'lm Klamath, which drove through Norte C()unty and CreliCc.ut Cily Chambers of grovcI of Giant Redwoods over the new see­ Commerce. tor; another frum Gralltll PIlI:l8, Or"J,'OD. and The formal dedication program followed­ another fram Smith Rivcr, on the Del Norte on thc beach at CrClCent City, adjacent ta Coast Higbwl;1o', the Oceall Drive. The speakers' sland W88 The barrier was in the form of two mASlilve beautitully decarated with redwood boughs gatell--e<llorfully decorated with redwood and 80wers b;r the '·anous womens clubs of (e-tlftl:N "' _. 11) JOINING HANDS AT THE BARRIER, Deputy Director Edward J. Neron of the Celifornie Depart­ ment of Public Work., repre..nting Governor Frank F. Merriem, and Senetor John D. GOII of Orellon, repre.enting Governor C. H. Mertin of thet Stete, e"chenged congratuletione on the dedication of the new seelion of the Redwood Highwey .outh of Crescent City. Deputy Director Neron i. et the micro­ phone. Bottom picture••how portion. of the new highway through the Redwood fore.t e"d along the co••t. -I ('A/,IFO/UrIA HWIln'Al'S AND PUBI,IG WQ/(/iS M Street Bridge Spans 95 per cent Complete; Opening Set for November Ay G. W, THOMPSON, Rellldeu( E'18IJ.e..r HE M Street Bridge acrota; tile s~ giYing t.hem a moderlJUltic bl.lll imposing ramento at tilp foot of :M Street in llppeanlllce. The entire steel structure is to T Sacramento is ralJidly nearing eomple­ be given a final eOllt of aluminum paint. lion and will soon providc an adequate and impressive highway entrance into the Capi­ LlcnT WElGH1' CONCJl&"fE tal City from the wesL The deck .lind sidewalk ot tbe steel spans Tbe new Lridge will aecommodate two II Id west approach strinKer spans will be lanes of highway traffic in each direction or lightweight concrete weighing under 100 with a single Mtilroad track in the center. pounds per eubic foot 88 compared to 150 Concrete curbs on each side of the railroad pounds per cubic foot for ordinary eon­ protect the highway traffic. In addition, crete. This amounts to a saving in weight there is a four foot clear width sidewalk of 33 per cent 8nd allows for a great saving on eaeh !!oirtc of the bridge to carr)" pedes­ ill steel in the design of the steel trusses. trian traffic. A heavy guard rail made of Some ot the aggrel.te going into the COD­ sleel protects the pedestrians from highway crete is so light that it will actually float on traffie and An orUAIOentAl steel handrail is water, but the strength of the concrete made placed OD the outside. from it is li~tle leas than is obl.ained from The two center piers supporting the the use ot s~ard aggregates. A Urln layer approach 1I1lftll and lin span are Ret on large of topping is also placed for wear and finish­ COlleretp bloeks part of which were poured ing.
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