INSIDE:• Analysis: U.S. aid to NIS — page 3. • Chornobyl books in print — page 8. • Behind the scenes of “Atentat” — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXIV HE KRAINIANNo. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1996 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine T U Ukraine’s ParliamentW endorses Canadian policy for 25 years draft constitution in first reading Multiculturalism still seen as vital by Natalia A. Feduschak cent of the Communistera, which would by Andrij Wynnyckyj Reform Party MP Bob Ringma, Dr. Special to The Ukrainian Weekly give collective rights precedence over Toronto Press Bureau Fry said she was “appalled when I those of the individual and guarantee hous- hear minorities will be moved to the KYIV – After months of political ing, work and social welfare. TORONTO — Canada’s policy of back of the shop.” She said such peo- stalemate, a majority of Ukraine’s Under the approved draft constitution, multiculturalism is “alive and well,” said ple often claim “they are not racists,” Parliament on June 4 finally endorsed the however, individual rights are the center- Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, but that such attitudes must be con- country’s draft constitution in its first piece of Ukraine’s fundamental law. For Dr. Hedy Fry, addressing the general fronted for what they are. reading. But government officials warned the first time in nearly eight decades, citi- meeting of the Canadian Ethnocultural She claimed that members of that a national referendum is possible zens also have the right to private land Council on May 25 at the Ontario Parliament and members of the media because it is doubtful the document will ownership. And although the document Institute for Studies in Education. who “support multiculturalism, but just muster enough votes to ensure a constitu- uses language similar to the Ukrainian Introduced by outgoing CEC don’t want it to be part of the Charter of tional majority – 301 votes – in the cur- SSR’s 1978 Constitution by stating that President Dr. Dmytro Cipywnyk, the Rights and Freedoms” simply don’t rent legislature. citizens have the right to work, housing Trinidadian-born Irish-educated physi- understand that it is “one of the funda- By a 258-101 margin, lawmakers in and social welfare, observers here note it cian delivered what was billed as the mental values of this country.” Parliament voted to approve the draft is questionable how enforceable these federal government’s “vision state- Dr. Fry called multiculturalism “the constitution in its first reading. They are rights are in post-Soviet Ukraine. ment” on the multiculturalism policy. polar opposite of apartheid.” She said scheduled to review additions and revi- At a June 5 press conference, Dmytro Dr. Fry, elected in 1993 in the criticisms of the policy are “proof of its sions to the document in a second read- Tabachnyk, head of the presidential Vancouver Center riding, said Canada success, proof that it is mainstream.” ing on June 19. administration, welcomed the result of was celebrating “the 25th anniversary The Vancouver MP insisted that it is Right-wing and centrist lawmakers the previous day’s vote, noting it was of becoming the first nation on the because multiculturalism has become welcomed the vote, calling it a victory “evidence of a positive trend” within face of the globe to adopt a multicul- mainstream and because multicultural for Ukraine and President Leonid political circles and the result of “a wish turalism policy — a policy which has groups are making progress that “we Kuchma. “This is a major step in the life for constructive cooperation between brought us international recognition hear from the right-wing opposition.” of the Ukrainian state,” Volodymyr representatives of various associations and opportunity... a policy that has “It is because multiculturalism is Stretovych, chairman of the Parliament’s and branches of power.” brought growth socially, culturally and more than tokenism that we hear from Committee for Legal Policy and Legal- But he warned the vote also showed economically,” adding that it is “cen- those who are afraid to open up soci- Judicial Reform, told Interfax-Ukraine. that left-wing lawmakers had enough votes tral to [Prime Minister] Jean ety, who are afraid to adapt, afraid to For months, President Kuchma has tried to block passage of the draft constitution in Chrétien’s philosophical, practical and move forward,” Dr. Fry said. to push through a draft constitution, but its second reading. In order for the draft personal vision of our country.” According to the minister, has consistently run into opposition from constitution to become law, it must pass Dr. Fry used the metaphor of her “Multiculturalism means that every left-wing lawmakers who have demanded profession to describe the past year’s single group that lives in Canada, a Socialist-oriented constitution, reminis- (Continued on page 2) governmental review of the policy as regardless whether they are aboriginal, “a full physical.” To applause, she or English or French, are all bringing pronounced her prognosis: “Multicul- different cultural realities to this turalism is alive and well, thriving, evolving nation.” Dole reiterates support for aid and destined for long health and vitali- The minister said Canada is “a ty.” The minister offered assurances country that builds its identity collec- that no changes would be made to the tively, while respecting and honoring to Central/East European states Multiculturalism Act and that the poli- the distinctiveness and diversity of its WASHINGTON – Senate Majority tion has collaborated on a wide range of cy would remain. many parts.” She said Canada’s identi- Leader Bob Dole (R-Kansas) reiterated his foreign policy issues. Dr. Fry said she had read and agrees ty is still being shaped, a fact that support for U.S. assistance to the non- Representing the Ukrainian National with the recommendations of a CEC makes it “one of the more dynamic Russian nations of Eastern Europe at a Association was Eugene Iwanciw, who report submitted to her predecessor, countries in the world.” was the CEEC’s lead spokesman during Sheila Finestone, that federal initia- May 21 breakfast meeting with representa- Dr. Fry identified a major threat to the meeting. In his remarks, he thanked tives should center on “public educa- tives of the Central and East European the policy as the spread of attitudes the senator for his past support on issues tion, special projects for specific needs Coalition (CEEC). Mr. Dole, the presump- from the U.S., where multiculturalism is of concern to Americans of Central and and proactive initiatives by issue- tive Republican presidential nominee, was not a policy. “Our youth see these mes- East European background and intro- based coalitions.” accompanied by key campaign advisors, sages, and see what is happening to duced the issues that the CEEC wished to The minister signalled she would including former U.S. Ambassador to the youth in that society and identify with raise. The coalition’s presentation work to end the institutional “ghet- United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick and Sen. that struggle, even though it may not be focused on NATO expansion, foreign toization of multiculturalism,” to end John McCain (R-Ariz.) the full reality of their lives in Canada.” policy and foreign assistance. the piecemeal approach to the policy, “I am very pleased to have had the In a question period that followed her The CEEC stressed the need for U.S. and to establish partnerships within opportunity to meet with the representa- address, however, Secretary of State Fry tives of the organizations that make up the leadership in establishing a NATO government agencies. was vague about how her vision state- timetable for expansion and the impor- She added that “everyone in this Central and East European Coalition and ment would translate into policy. hear their views on important foreign poli- tance of addressing the sovereignty, room wants to incorporate multicultur- For example, in dealing with a ques- security and territorial integrity of all the alism issues across government depart- cy issues,” stated Sen. Dole. “This is the tion from CEC Treasurer George start of a process of consultation that I hope nations of the region. Sen. McCain com- ments — it is a horizontal issue.” Manios about an “equal partnership” for will continue through the coming months.” mented that “as the party’s nominee, Dr. Fry said demographics have the CEC in formulating the govern- The Ukrainian National Association Dole’s focus is on NATO expansion.” dictated that diversity has “moved ment’s multiculturalism policy (a con- (UNA) and the Ukrainian Congress In addressing U.S. policy toward the from the margins to the mainstream,” cern of the CEC’s “42 Percent Solution” Committee of America (UCCA) are region, the CEEC stated that there has been and that this presents a challenge to report), she said that “you are the ones “an imbalance of U.S. rhetoric and deeds” among the co-founders and leading mem- policy-makers. who can talk about how we can initiate in addressing Russia’s efforts to establish a bers of the CEEC, comprising 18 nation- She attacked those who “drum up the kinds of things we need to do “sphere of influence” throughout the region. al membership-based organizations rep- anxieties,” but did not name any individ- together in a way that will be meaning- The coalition strongly urged the senator to uals she accused of “spreading disinfor- ful to the reality of Canadian lives. That resenting Americans who trace their her- develop a comprehensive policy that would mation” about the impact of the policy. itage to Central and Eastern Europe. support the independence of Central and Referring to statements made by (Continued on page 4) Established to coordinate efforts of national ethnic organizations, the coali- (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1996 No.
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