THE TUFTS DAILY Where Ynii Read It E'irqt Tuesdav. December 8.1992 Vol XXV, Number 60 Mailroom the site of drug bust .th receiving marijuana, says Reitman Retired Admiral James B. Stockdale filin c;uiistcr- wrapped in PlitStiC ber:in;l residence wcrc 1istcd.Thc cious t~~;iiincrespecially during ant^ in the middle of a jar of return addrcss WiIS it hit stritllgc. this lime of year. which is tlnrg Stockdale has plenty pc;uiut butter. Reitinan said. ;IS well ... an odd nmc with no harvest tiinc. gctsa lot ofscrutiny I, 0 -w 0 0. The paicbiigc wits opc~reclalter street iddrcss from sotncwhcrc. It froin the post oll'icc." Rcitinrui - sitid. oJ ammo in class visit Attempting to dctcrin inc wilt'. t~tldcr L.B. JOhIiSOIi. WiiS wlictlrcr !lot they hitd I)rc)hiIhlc ~ibySl1i;ll."SiUd Stochtliilc. "Tali- cmsc lo be suspicious. the Tufts inp it country into ;I WN is ;I very Pol ice put the package in a pile of serious prol)osition. There is a "hundreds" of other packages and grcirt tendency for the typc of used another police shtion's spe- pcoplc whooftcn wind up in high cially trained dog to sniff the pile positions in the national security for su spic ious substances . cst;thlishincnt of America to gct Rcitmnn sitid. full 01. thcnisclvcs after lucking "The drug-sniffing dog singled 0111 in sonicthinp trivial coinpara- out this package from among the tivcly, like the Cuhan Missile hundreds of them nnd went crazy Crisis." over it. is what I'm told."Reitinxi Stockdale. who thinks the Sitid. llrritcd SIiticS co~ldhave WOII the Rcitlniltl sitid that OIK~the dog wit1 hid it hiid stronger Iciid<!r- singled out the package, the po- ship. itdl1iittcdly docs not IXVC~II lice :uid postill i1uthorities"used it whether he fmors or opposes Ilic as cvidcncc to get a federal search Witr. olily thilt OIicc it li:ttl hcguli WilITiIIit to OIICII the package." he did his hcst at what he was told "The in;LTiju;uia fou nd had been to do. He dit1 conccdc that li)rcc very well camoullaged in duct was ncccss~lryto end the war. tape in ajiirof peanut butter which "The witr would not end until was all sealed," Reitinan said. wc hid holnl)ctl Hanoi with B- adding thitt tic is piuticularly sur- S2's."hc said. "Thitt Wits it @xn." prised that the dog smelled "such The ~1;~ssccined captlvitted asinall iunount"of thedrug among most by Stockdale's POW sto- SO inany other pitckages. ries. After getting shot down as a After discovering the contents NitVy fighter pilot in 1964. he ofthc package. Rcitmiui said that spent eight yeas ;is a POW. He fcdcnll authoritiesrepackagcd the told of how he coininunicated parcel and returned it to the Tufts with his fellow prisoners, how he miii1rc)oIn. hcit~tlthe funcral dirgcsof HoChi "The piichgc was claimed hy Minh froin his cell. and of his theoccupintofthcrootn who was physical condition during hiseight then detained by iicoinbination of see STOCKDALE, page 10 Gwen Who savs vou can't have fun with an eggolant? A1lenl see DRUG, Page 4 TCU Senate approves Korean Language- - resolution formation of a Dutch latiguilgc ings. which the body passed. Ef- I>rogriuii ;1s: well. Following the fective iniincdiatcly. Scnittc meet- unmiinous dcfeiit of this resolu- ings will cotnincncc at 6:OO p.m. tion, Perry sitid to his fellow se~ia- on Sunday cvenings when aguest tors"1 think you're all laking this spcakcr is present, iutd at 7:OO wily too seriously." p.m. Sunday evenings otherwise. Senate meeting time changed 111 addition. for iI ScIiittc)r to be Freshinan Senator Ken Archer courtred as present. he must slay introduced ;i proposal attempting see SENATE, page 6 tolimit the lcnfithcrfSenate meet- iiddiirg thitt the Atl1liiiiistriitiol~'s in;iin concern in deciding to fonn it licw IitItguitgc progriuii is thc itvitilitbility of funding. Since the KSA h;lS hccn ihlc to loc~1IcSUT- ficicnt tlieitils froin outside sources. Kiln said thut he did not scc any I'citSOIi thc University sllollld not support such il pro- gram . tlo 110t fulfill C~ICOI Illiljor re- In hringing the resolution hc- Arts p. 7 ................................. qii i reincnt s . Ilc added. IOICtltc Scliiltc. GCOI~Csid it ne spin after bagging On Kiln ittldrcsscd the htudcnt tic- Wodd be a witp tor the Senate to our Fall Concert, come out with a lousy virc hr wch ;I propriun xitying "show support" for it program live album anyway. IIIiIt the KSA hiid inlbrtiiollv X- which was a student priority. I hi what Senittc Parliamentar- Sports ............................ p. 11 Ice hockey stam to heat up, women's ian junior Tristratn Perry called '.a joke." Senate Trustee Repre- hoops has a big win, and Marc explains photo by Gwen Allen sciitativcEric Schliesserproposed Sunday's TCU Senate meeting was the last one of the semester. that the Senate vote to endorse rhe page two THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, December 8,1992 THE TUFTSDAILI Patrick Healy Editor-in-Chief iManaging Editor: Paul Horan Associate Editor: Jeff Geller. Elizabeth Yellen Production Managers: Julie Comell. Michael B. Berg NEWS Editors: Caroline Schaefer, Stephen Arbuthnot Assistant Editors: Chris Stripinis. John Wagley Wire Editor: Joel Goldbeg VIEWPOINTS Editor: Jessica Foster FEATURES Editor: Rob Minnan Assistant Editor: Massa Bayrakdar ARTS’ Editors: Elin Dugan, Madhu U~ikri~hnan Assistant Editors: Matt Carson. Nadya Sbaiti SPORTS Editor: Phil Ayoub Assistant Editors: Doug Katz, Marc Sheinkin PHOTOGRAPHY ditors: Anni Recordati, Tabbert Teng. Julio Mota issistant Editors: Tara Kernohan. Matilde Pereda PROD UCTlON Layout EditowLori Ruben, Dirk Reinshagen. Jamie Fink kaphics Editors: John Pohorylo. Chris Capotosto Classifieds Editors: Stephanie Romney, Jennifer Rich Copy Editors: Elana Vatsky. Cheryl Horton. Michael Aplnek Letters to the Editor Larry Azer Executive Business Director cidents havenotbeenofficially publicized of us. in some way. harbor feelings of Students did not have or recorded. sexism. racism, and homophobia.. .fostered Business Manager: Gizem Ozkulahci any hidden agenda In Hill Hall on both Nov. 15 and Nov. by our culture and there is no way to escape Office Manager: Alyssa Soracco To the Editor: 22, anti-Semitic symbols appeared in the them.” . Receivables Manager: Lyle Mays lobby, in addition to the lobby itself being Subscriptions Manager: JL McHenry We are writing in response to last week’s That people often have a natural aver- Dailv editorial (“Now the students must vandalized. Our major concern regarding sion to anything or anyone different is a speak.” Dec. 2). As the five students who these acts is why there was no public fact of life that saddens me as much as it spoke in fwor of coedification of the report. especially when there may have does Ms. Koo. However. I believe that the The Tufts Daily is a ntin-profit newspaper. publirhet beenaconnec tion between the anti-Semitic true measure of someone’s intolerance. be onday through Friday during the academic year and dis Greek system at the faculty meeting on buted free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entircl) Nov. 23. we feel that the editor’s opinions incident at Haskell Hall and the aforemen- it racism. sexism. homophobia or what- ]dent-run; there are no paid edit<iri:tlpositions. ne Dail) about our so called ”hidden agenda” are tionedevent. We are also questioning if the ever. is how one attempts to deal with these printed at Charles River Publishing. Chsrlestown. MA. Administration has begun an investiga- The Dailyis located at the backmtrance ofCurtis Hall ai not only unfounded but blatantly disre- feelings. The recent tragic events in Ger- ifts Univesity. Our phone numbrr is 1617) 627-3090 gard our entire presentation. We repeat- tion into this incident. If not. why not: and many graphically illustrate what happens lsiness hours are W!O a.m. - 6:l:lO pm., klonday througt edly said that we did not want to see the if so. why have the results not been publi- when these feelings are enforced with hate iday. and 1:W p.m. - 6:l:lO pm. on Sunday. cized? Suhscriptionsare$25 forafull year.Ourmailingaddresr Greek system dissolved and that we were and violence. ..I ThcTuftsDaily.PostOfficeBox 18. kledford.MAi12153 firmly opposed to its abolition. Anyone As studknts of the Tufts community we Though Professor Klein‘s marriage to a bscriptiom are mailed in werkly packages. believe that the Administration is obli- Japanese woman does not ‘’prove” he is The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by a who was at the meeting (and many Daifv ijority of the editorial board. Editorials are established by editors were) knows that. gated to make us aware of such violent not racist or prejudiced. it suggests that at otating editorial board designated to represent a majority We do not take issue with the fact that episodes, especially when student safety is the very least he is open-minded and will- editors. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individ- at hand. If the Haskell event had been I editors arenot necessarily responsible for. orin agreemen1 the Daily is in favor of a traditional Greek ing to be in close contact with a different th. the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. publicized earlier. dorms may have’kken culture. To see that he has devoted his life The content of letters. advertisements. signed columns system in its editorials. but misrepresent- ing our statements is unnecessary. unfair. precautionary actions in order to prevent to the study and teaching of East Asian toons and graphicsdok notnecessarilyreflecttheopinion any subsequent acts. We question the Ad- The Tufts Daily editorial board. and unethical.
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