Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Volume XXXV, No. 1 JANUARY 2015 Monasteries to open doors to all, February 8 By Jimmy Patterson Catholics and others are invited to Editor / West Texas Angelus attend Mass at the Our Lady of Grace Monastery at 9:30 a.m. and then visit CHRISTOVAL — Our Lady of Grace with the cloistered Carmelite sisters. Carmelite Monastery and Mt. Carmel Our Lady of Grace Monastery is located Bishop Michael J. Sis looks at the year Hermitage will open their doors for pub- at 6202 County Road 339, ahead in an interview marking his one- lic visitations Sunday, February 8, as part southeast of Christoval, in Schleicher year ordination as Bishop of San Angelo. of a day designed to familiarize people County. Also, the Bishop talks about life on the with the monastic and cloistered life. The Mt. Carmel Hermitage is southwest of road shepherding his flock. Stories, Life, as designated by Pope Francis, Pages 2-3 event is part of the Church’s global which began on November 30, 2014 and Christoval. Visitors should travel south observance of The Year of Consecrated will conclude in February 2016. (Please See CONSECRATED/21) INSIDE BISHOP SIS: 15 spiritual diseases we can First of four easily find ourselves grappling with / Pg. 4 ordinations in FROM THE EDITOR: “Unbroken,” “The Good Lie” two movies that provide valuable 2015 celebrated life lessons on how to treat others / Pg. 5 Fr. Bala Anthony Govindu, at right, pre- CARLSBAD: Renovations complete, pares for his first consecration of the blood of Christ as a priest during a Mass of blessed by Bishop Sis, at “Biggest Little Celebration, Saturday, January 3, 2015, at Parish in West Texas” / Pg. 6 Sacred Heart Church in Abilene, where Fr. Govindu will serve his first assignment fol- SAN ANGELO: St. Margaret’s Adoration lowing his ordination, also January 3. Also at the table, Msgr. Bob Bush, pastor at Chapel commemorates 10th year / Pg. 8. Sacred Heart, left; Fr. Martin Elsner, SJ, Fr. Bala’s spiritual director at Assumption 2014: Pope Francis continues to domi- Seminary, and Deacon Ryan Rojo. Photos from Fr. Bala’s ordination, Pgs. 12-13. nate world news / Pg. 18 DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO Diocese celebrates 50-year anniversaries PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID By Jimmy Patterson SAN ANGELO, TX Editor / West Texas Angelus ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 44 It’s not often that two 50th anniversaries so important to so many people can be celebrated on the same day. But that’s precisely what happened December 22, 2014, when Catholics from around the Diocese of San Angelo celebrated the 50th anniversary of both the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart — dedi- cated a cathedral church on December 21, 1964 — and the anniversary of Bishop Emeritus Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus Michael Pfeifer prays with the who was ordained into the priesthood the same date. sisters from the Our Lady of Grace Monastery at Bishop Emeritus Pfeifer spoke of being “another Christ” a reception following the Mass celebrating his on earth and being blessed by God throughout his priesthood. 50th anniversary in the priesthood, December 22, 2014. (Photo by Carlos Garcia for aptorre.com) (Please See 50/21) Page 2 JANUARY 2015 The Angelus From maintenance to mission Bishop Michael Sis visits with confirmation stu- dents during his first year as bish- op in San Angelo. (Photo by Alan P. Torre / aptorre.com. As he begins his 2nd year in San Angelo, Bishop Sis calls for all to evangelize, move beyond ‘tending the store’ Recently, Angelus editor Jimmy Patterson sat major victories through the closing of priests that has a proven track record build bridges. Yet, you recently down for an extended conversation with abortion facilities in this diocese, we must throughout the world. explained to me something you have Bishop Michael J. Sis. Bishop Sis, who begins his second year as sixth Bishop of continually strive to overcome the culture The New Evangelization must be a prior- found that is quite wonderful. San Angelo, January 27, 2015, shared some of death and build a civilization of love. ity — not just tending the store, but reach- Sis: Yes, I’ve been pleasantly surprised insights into his first year in West Texas and Pope Francis has also called us all to ing out to those on the edges, moving from over the past year to discover that there what he sees ahead for the Church in West promote marriage and family life. This has maintenance to mission. already exist in this diocese some really Texas. Their conversation follows. already been a priority in this diocese, and We must continue to provide support and wonderful bridges. I see many instances we will continue to pursue it. guidance for experiences of basic conver- of harmonious and constructive relation- Regarding the liturgy, I hope that in all sion, such as Cursillo, Search, ACTS, ships across cultures, language groups, Angelus: Congratulations on an event- of our churches the liturgy will be prayer- Ministry of the Third Cross, St. Dismas young and old, rich and poor. That’s a ful and busy first year and thank you ful, dignified, alive and engaging, with full Retreat, and other retreats and movements. pleasant surprise for me. It’s an affirmation for taking time to address those items and active participation. Those who come These movements have three basic ele- of the ongoing faith life of this diocese and you see as being important to the to our Masses should experience joy, hope, ments in common: first, there is a trans- of what has already been done by past Catholics of West Texas. In fact, that’s a welcome and community. forming experience of God; second, there bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and good place to start. Please talk to us I also hope for a renewal in the use of is an experience of community; third, there laity. It remains important, however, that about the year ahead and some of the the Sacrament of Penance. We must make is the opportunity to reach out and share all of us continue to consider ourselves priorities you see for us here in the Confession more readily available, and all that gift with others. We need our bridge builders. Diocese of San Angelo. of us should take advantage of this Catholics to experience these kinds of Bishop Sis: There are a number of items encounter with the mercy of God. things; it will strengthen their faith and Angelus: Tell us a little more about the that I would like to address. The first is Priestly fraternity is another priority for help the Church be stronger and more priority of marriage and family life. public witness of our Catholic faith. As us. We need to make an intentional, con- active. This year the World Meeting on part of the New Evangelization, all of us scious effort to continue developing the This is really a very simple thing. It Families in Philadelphia will be followed are called to give evidence of our faith by sense of fraternity among priests serving in means we keep an eye out for the practical by a Synod on the Family called by our life and with our words. We should not this diocese. This builds a stronger Church. human needs of people in our area, and we Pope Francis at the Vatican. be afraid to let people know that we are One of the ways we will seek to do that identify the resources of our members, and Sis: Yes, this is a major priority of the Catholic Christians. this year is in February, when we have our together we make connections between the world Church, particularly this year and Pro-Life efforts must continue to be a spring priests’ conference. We will be two. next year. Some of us will travel to the high priority for us. This is a matter of jus- focusing on the formation of fraternal sup- World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, tice, to respect the human rights of unborn port groups among priests. That’s a con- Angelus: You spoke a year ago that Sept. 22-27, 2015. This will be the first people. While the cause of life has won crete action to building fraternity among you would look to places where we can (Please See ANNIVERSARY/3) The Angelus JANUARY 2015 Page 3 ANNIVERSARY (From 2) is a helpful tool for evangelization and different from ours. communication. We’re already visit to the United States during the attempting to utilize it in many ways, Angelus: What have you learned pontificate of Pope Francis. Then, in such as Twitter, Facebook, and our var- about what is, for many, the primary October of 2015, the Vatican will host ious websites. The diocesan website at livelihood in this diocese, the oil the Synod on the Family. We should all www.sanangelodiocese.org has been industry? be praying for and learning about these revised for greater effectiveness. Sis: My observation is that the oil major events in 2015. To find out how DOSAMail is another example of economy has a strong and powerful to register to attend the World Meeting reaching people via social media. I effect on life in this part of Texas. of Families, information is available at would also encourage committed Unemployment is low here. There are www.worldmeeting2015.org. Catholics to consider using blogs to many people who are able to earn Because of the importance of mar- share their faith. Blogs can be a beauti- impressive salaries without an expen- riage and family life, I want to encour- ful way to offer vibrant testimony of sive college education.
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