• 1108 SOD TRADES. [DEVONSHIRE. SoCIETIES & AssociATIO~s continued. hon. agent) Groveleigh, Clenland Tiverton Divi~ion Unionist Association Plymouth Yonng Men'~ Christian road, Torquay (William M. Pile, agent & sec.), 22 Association (F. T. Ackland, sec.), Sid Vale .Association (The) (for the Catherine st. Exeter. T No!!. 65 15 Bedford street, Plymouth; (P. preservation of the beautiei of the & 52 G. Reeby, sec.), Hove lodge, Old neighbourhood) (George Morley, Tiverlon Divisional Liberal .Associa- Laira road, Laira, Plymouth & sec.), Kowie bank, Winslade road, tion (Sir Ian Murray Heathcoat (Arthur F. Savage, district sec.) Sidmouth Amory bart. C.B.E. president; H 1oo-, 101 & 102 Union st. Plymouth Sidbury Young Men's Friendly (Saml. Mudford J.P. hon. treasurer; W. Plymouth Younj? Women'!! Christian Nichols, hon. sec.), Sidbury,Sidmth H. Huxtable J.P. & C. M. Scott, Association (Miss M. Rowney, 1:ton. Sidmouth Choral & Orchestral (F. C. hon. 5ecs. ; Frank Herbert Peters, sec.; Miss A. M. Jones, lady supt.), Purcell, hon.800.), Alkerton,Sidmth organi11ing sec. & registration agt.), g & 10 Lockyer st. & (Miss Davis, Sidmouth Development .Association Liberal club, 25 Hampton st.Tivertx sec.) Erme house, Ermington tel'- (S. Sanders, hon. sec.), Old Fore Tiverlon Young Men's Christian As- race, Station rd. Mutley, Plymouth street, Sidmouth sociation (E. J. Musgrove, aec.), Plymptorr St. 'Mary Young Women's Sidm~uth & District Citizens' Asso- 30 Fore street, T1verton Christian A.ssoc. (Mis!! R. Smythe, ciatwn (A. Martenelli, hon. sec.), Torquay Division Liber~~.l Association sec.), Ridgeway, Plympton St.Mary Insiswa, Winslade road, Sidmouth Registration Office (Charles David- Poultry & Horticultural Show (J. Sidmouth & District Poultry, Pigeon, son, agent & sec.), 123 Union 11t. Hiclu; & L. J. Orchard, joint secs.), Cage Bird, Rabbit, Dog & Cat Torqusy Holsworthy (James Lashbrook, hon. sec.), Sid- Torquay Division Unionist .Association Primrose League (Luscombe Habita- mouth (Henry Granville Leveson Halle- tion) (W. H. Watling, deputy ~idmouth, Sidbury & Salcombe Regis well, sec. & sgent), 21 Abbey"Toad, ruling councillor & acting hon. Horticulturnl (Henry Berwick, hon. Tol'quay & (Austin M. Harvey, sec. o;ec.) ; office at Constitutional. club, sec.), Sidmouth i; I!Ub-agent) 25 Palace av. Paignton Park road, Dawlish; No. 640 (Mrs. Sidmouth Young Men's Christian Ail- Torquay Housing Association Limited George Daw, hon. sec.), Habitation sociation (J. G. H. Halse J.P. hon. (.!.. H. Wood, sec.), 5 Lower ter- room, 23 Bridgeland street, Bide- sec.), Mill street, Sidmouth race, Torquay ford; (Sid Vale Habitation) (J. F. Sidmouth Young Women's otristian forquay Young Men's Christian A!!· Orchard, hon. sec.), Market place, Association & Reading Room (Mi~s sociation (W. H. Prust, sec.)~ 29 Sidmouth & (Tiverton Habitation) ~- H. Haddon, hon. sec.), High st. Market !!treet & (Stanley V.Parson, (J, G. Carswell, hon. sec.) 29 S1dmouth , sec.) Maycli:II, St. Luke's rd. Torqy Bampton street, Tiverton Society fol' the Relief of Necessitous 1'orquay Young Women's Chri!!tian Rational Association Friendly Society Clergymen(Archdeaconry of Exeter) Association (Miss Gibbom, !lee.), (F. E. Lovell, local sec.), South their Widows & Orphans (A. J. 29 Fleet street & Y.W.C.A. Home, Molton street, Chulmleigh Mackey esg. treasure~, Cathedral Ga.mbleville, St. Mary Church rd. Rational Sick & Burial (Lewis Madge. close; R~v. T. ~- Pontmg M.A.hon. Torqua.y sec.), Bradninch, Cullompton & sec.Heavitr_ee VICarage),Church ter- Totnes & Bridgetown Arts & Crafts (William Gay, agent) Tregartha, race, Heavitree, Exeter Society (Mrs. Symons, hon. sec.), • Gestridge road, Kingsteignton, South ..Devon Herd Bouk (W. Napier Totnes Newton Abbot Smith, sec.), 6 ~ncess sq. Pl~th Totn&s Division Labour & Co-opera- Recha.bites Temperance, Bradninch, South ~olton AgriculturalAssocia.twn tive Party (W. A. Bond, hon. sec.), Oullompton (Edwm Cockram, sec.), 12 Duke 2 Station road, Newton Abbot Royal National Life Boat Institution, street, South Molton Totnes Division Liberal .Association Bideford (Appledore & Braunton South Molton Fat Stock (John Bl:ick- (William Edgar Perry, sec.),Liberal branch) (H. c. Whitehead, hon. fol'd, hon. sec.), I South st.S.Moltn club, Market street, Newton .Abbot sec.), Lloyds Bank Limited, Bide- South Molton Liberal .Association Totne!l Division Unionist Aasoci&tion ford; (Rev. R. W. Perry Circuitt, (William E. Saunders, hon. treas.; (William R. Gay, registration & hon. sec.) St. Mary's vicarage, Waiter John Kelly, hon. sec.), organizing agent), South Brent :Brixham; (Courtenay H. Edmonds, South Molton Totnes Unionist Association (G. H. hon. sec.) Mote lodge, Fore street, South Molton Young Men's Chri•ti&n H!'arder, organizing sec.)'; Consti- Heavitree, Exeter; (Port of Ply- Association (Franci11 J&s.Loosemore, tutional club, Union st.Noewtn.Abbt mouth branch) (Admiral William hon. sec.), King st. South Molton Totnes Young Men's Christian Asso- M~r.rack, chairman of local corn- South Street Baptist Young People•' ciation (James Brock, hon. aec.), mittee; J. Nichola.s, treamrer; Imtitute, ~al&ce gate, .E~eter 67 Fore street, Totnes Capt. Eugene Robin, hon. !!BC.) Stvnehouse Liberal Assoc1atwn (S. G. Totnes Young Women's Christian As- Great Western docks, Plymouth; Woods, l!ec.), 5 Union street, East sociation (Miss M. F. Windeatt, (F. J. Norton, hon. sec.) Esplanade, S~onehouse, Plymouth . hon. sec.), 3 High street, Totnes Sidmouth; (William J oseph Burden, T&n:II Refor~ . League (De'!'onshire Union Benefit Societies (George Med- hon. sec.) 6 Bank st. Teig-nmouth; branch) (Wilham ~· V. Neill, hon. land, sec.), Market st. llatherleigh (William Cole, sec.) The Pier,Ilfra- sec.), 5 Bedford Circus, Exeter United Operative Plumbers' As!!ocia- combe &; (G. Charleil Caird, hon. Tavietock Agricultural Society (A.. tion (.!.. Knapmaa, sec.), Plymouth sec.) Clovelly Kenneth G. J ohnstone, hon. see.), chambers, Old Town l!t. Plymouth Royal National Mission to Deep Sea B~dfo!:d square, Tavistock . West Devon & North Cornwall.A.gri- Fishermen's Institute (Miss D. TaVIstock Cottage _G~rden (Jn._ Qmck, cultural Co-operative Society Ltd. Taylor, lady supt.), Quay, Brixham sec.), Abbey bmldmgs,- Tavistock (Charle~ Jewell, manager & sec.); Royal Naval Annuitants' (Paymaster- Tavistock Division Liberal Association head office, Hol!!worthy in-chief H. B. Robin son R.N. (R. D. Doble J .P. hon. sec.), Duke Western Annuity (Thomas S. Morti- actuary), 12 Morice 1q. Devonport street, Tavistock & (0. Sprague, mer, sec.), 14 Bedford circus, Exeter Royal .Society for the Prevention of sec.) 8 Westwell street, Plymouth We!!tern Counties Tenant Right Cruelty to Animals (Percival H. w. Tavistock Divi1ion Unioni11t A11ocia- Valuers' Association (J. M. Pratt. Almy, local hon. sec.) Clos!.Fleuri, tion (William H. Stantan, aee. ). hon. sec.), Ottery St. Mary Avenue road, Torquay Drake chambers, Tavistock & (W. Western Provident Association (T. S. St. Mary Church Young Men's Chris- H. Stantan, agent) 17 Lockyer st. Mm·timer, sec.), 14 Bedford circus, tian .Association (Samuel Davey, Plymouth Exeter & P. V. Friend, agen~) 61 sec.), 14 Fore street, St. Mary Tavy, Walkham & Plym Fishing As- .A.lexandra l'oad, Mutley, Plymouth Church, Torquay sociation (William-Wevill_Mathews, Wo~k~~s' Union (rr:he) (Joseph Harril!, Shfpwrecked Fishermen & Mariner•' ~ec.), 2 Church lane, T~vistoc~ . diVISIOnal orgamser), 26 Courtenay Rov~ Benevolent Society(Mrs.Bessie Teignm?u~h Young ~ens Ch~IStian street, Plymouth Bevan. hon. agent) L mo th. Assomat10n (_G. Rossiter, president; ' yn '? ' George Wh1tear, hon. sec.), 17 . (W. Manaton, sec.) Church street, Orchard gardens Teignmouth Wholesale Hardware As!!OCiation Ltd. :Braunton; (Capt. J. P. Putt, hon. Theol!ophical Soci~ty (Miss Foster, (Reginald Cooper, sec.), 14 Pins- . agent) Pa~lsen, South . ~urzeham sec.~, Clarence chambers, Tavistock bury square, London E C 2 l'~ad, :ftruham; (W1lliam P. road, Plymouth &; (Torbay lodge) Ditcham, hon. agent) Trem~n:ah, (Thomas A. Duncan, president), SODA FOUNTAIN MANFRS. Southtown_, Dartmouth; (Willia~ Vane Hill house, Vane Hill road, Con!!Ol Automatic .Aerator& (1914) J ames White, hon. agent) Seamen s Torquay Ltd. Sunbury Common Middlesex rest, St. Andrew'!! road, Exmouth; Tiverlon & District Liberal.Association ' James R. ~ibb!! R.N.R. hon. agent) Limited (Robert Peters, sec.), 25 Exchange, Woolster st. Plymouth; Bampton street, Tiverton SODA WATER MANUFRS. (John William Vivian, sec.) Fore See Mineral Water Manufrs. street, Salcombe & (J. H. Thomas, I .
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