80 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT. This Corporate Governance Report has been pre- Karl Thedéen as new Board members. Tore Bertils- pared in accordance with Swedish corporate law and son was elected as Chairman of the Board Semcon’s Articles of Association. The Articles of to re-elect Deloitte AB as the registered audit- Association regulates the alignment of the busi- ing firm until the close of next AGM ness and share capital, and how and when the notice to attend the Annual General Meeting takes place. As in previous years, the AGM also granted the The Articles of Association are available in full Board authorisation to: on Semcon’s website semcon.com. Semcon also com- carry out a new share issue of a maximum plies with applicable Swedish and foreign laws and 1,811,253 ordinary shares in the company regulations. acquire ordinary shares and transfer ordinary shares. Acquisitions may be made at any time for Application so many ordinary shares that the company holds Semcon applies the Swedish Corporate Governance a maximum of 10 per cent of all shares following Code and has no deviations to report. The current acquisition. code is available at: www.corporategovernanceboard.se. Full minutes and information from the 2016 AGM are available at semcon.com. General Meeting of Shareholders The General Meeting of Shareholders is Semcon’s 2017 Annual General Meeting highest decision-making body. The notice to attend The AGM for the 2016 financial year will be held on must be published in the Official Swedish Gazette Wednesday, 26 April 2017 at Semcon’s head office in (PoIT), on semcon.com and in a press release. That Gothenburg, Sweden. More information is available the notice to attend has been published must be at semcon.com. advertised in Dagens Industri. At General Meetings of Shareholders, sharehold- Share structure and voting rights ers have the opportunity to exercise their voting Semcon has one share class, ordinary shares, with rights and, in accordance with Swedish corporate a quotient value of SEK 1 and entitle the own- law and Semcon’s Articles of Association, to take er to one voting right. There were 18,112,534 decisions concerning the composition of the Board (18,112,534) ordinary shares at year-end. and other central issues. Shareholders or proxies can vote for the number of shares he/she owns or Shareholder structure represents at the meeting. Resolutions at General At 31 December 2016, the JCE Group owned 25.8 per Meetings of Shareholders usually require a simple cent (22.2) of Semcon’s shares, Nordea Investment majority. However, a qualified majority is some- Funds 7.2 per cent (6.3), Ålandsbanken 5.1 per cent times required for some resolutions. (5.2), Swedbank Robur Fonder 4.9 per cent (8.4) and DNB Carlson Fonder 3.3 per cent (1.7). Semcon had 2016 Annual General Meeting 4,478 (4,671) shareholders, of whom 29.9 per cent The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the 2015 fi- (27.5) were registered abroad. nancial year was held on Thursday, 28 April 2016 at Semcon’s head office in Gothenburg, Sweden. Repre- Nominations Committee sentatives of 46 per cent of the share capital were According to a resolution by the AGM, based on present, of which underlying shares held by the ownership statistics from Euroclear Sweden AB on members of the Nominations Committee represented 31 August for each respective year, the Chairman of 34 per cent. Kjell Nilsson was elected to chair the the Board must convene the three largest share- meeting. The Board of Directors, Group management holders in the company in terms of votes, who each and a representative for Deloitte AB were present at the AGM. Nominations Committee Share of ahead of the 2017 AGM voting The AGM resolved on the following: rights, for a dividend of SEK 1.25 per share (2.50) be Representing %* paid Ulf Gillgren JCE Group 25.8 to approve the Nominations Committee’s proposal Mats Andersson Nordea Investment Funds 7.2 of Board members, remuneration to the Board and its chairman Evert Carlsson Swedbank Robur Fonder 4.9 that the Board shall consist of five AGM-elected Tore Bertilsson Semcon AB (co-opted member) members Total 37.9 to re-elect Tore Bertilsson and Marianne Brismar * Share of voting rights 31 December 2016 and elect Jan Erik Karlsson, Jeanette Saveros and CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 81 The summary below illustrates how responsibility for management and control of Semcon AB is divided between shareholders at the AGM, the Board and the CEO according to external regulations and internal policies. Shareholders Election Annual General Meeting Proposals Nominations Auditors (AGM) Committee Information Election Reports The Board Objectives Strategies Reports Control Control instruments President and CEO Group management Engineering Engineering Engineering Services Product Services Germany* Services Nordic International Information *Business divested in February 2017. shall appoint one member to the Nominations Com- consisted of Ulf Gillgren, JCE Group Aktiebolag mittee. Should any of abovementioned shareholders (Nominations Committee’s Chairman) Evert Carls- waive the right to nominate a member, this right son, Swedbank Robur Fonder, Mats Andersson, Nordea will transfer to the next largest shareholder in Investment Funds, and Tore Bertilsson, Chairman terms of voting rights who is not already entitled of the Board of Semcon AB (co-opted member). No to nominate a member to the Nominations Committee. remuneration was paid to the members. The Nomina- The member nominated by the largest shareholder tions Committee met twice in the autumn of 2016 and will serve as the chairman of the Nominations Com- once in February 2017. The basis of the Nominations mittee. Committee’s work has mainly been the company’s strategies and priorities and an evaluation of the The Nominations Committee is to present proposals Board and its size and composition. The Nominations to the AGM concerning: Committee’s proposal for election of Chairman of Chairman of the AGM the Meeting, Board members, Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board and other Board members, and auditors is outlined in the notice to attend remuneration to the Board and, in certain cases, the AGM, in addition to proposed remuneration to auditors, and remuneration to the Board and audi- AGM-elected Board members and auditors. Further- tors more, proposals are submitted for appointing a The decision concerning principles for the compo- Nominations Committee, which is published at the sition of the Nominations Committee same time on semcon.com. Questions to the Nomina- The Nominations Committee’s members will be an- tions Committee can be submitted to: nounced no later than six months prior to the AGM. [email protected] Information about the Nominations Committee’s mem- bers and how proposals to the AGM can be submitted Board of Directors is available in press releases at semcon.com and in The Board is ultimately responsible for the organi- the Interim Report for the third quarter. sation and management of Semcon’s business activ- ities. The work of the Board is regulated by the 2016/2017 Nominations Committee Companies’ Act, the Articles of Association and the The Nominations Committee’s members in 2016/2017 rules of procedure adopted annually by the Board. 82 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT Board structure 2017 for the Group and each of the business areas, The General Meeting of Shareholders elects Board Board evaluation. members and their deputies in Semcon AB. Accord- In addition, five Board meetings were held by ing to the Articles of Association, the Board must telephone or per capsulam to consider issues such consist of no fewer than three members and no more as the approval of project contracts, acquisitions than eight members with no more than two deputies. and divestments. Semcon AB’s Board consists of five members elected by the AGM with no deputies, and three members and Statutory meeting one deputy elected by the employees. Of the eight At the statutory Board meeting in connection with Board members, of whom three are women, all are the AGM, the Board adopted the rules of procedure Swedish citizens. The Board’s composition meets for the Board, terms of reference for the CEO, sub- the requirements for being independent set by the sidiary instructions, financial reporting instruc- Swedish Corporate Governance Code and by with Nas- tions, authorisation procedures and the financial daq Stockholm. See table on page 83 policy. Work of the Board Board evaluation During the 2016 financial year, the Board held nine Board members have evaluated the Board’s work, regular meetings and five extraordinary meetings which has been summarised and made available to the per telephone or per capsulam. The Board has ad- Nominations Committee. The areas evaluated cover opted a number of steering documents and policies. such aspects as the composition of the Board, its The Board oversees the CEO’s work by continuously level of expertise, organisation, day-to-day work monitoring the business throughout the year, and and working climate. In addition, the Nominations is responsible for ensuring that the organisation, Committee met individually with the AGM-elected management and guidelines for administering the Board members. company’s affairs are suitably structured and that there is an appropriate level of internal control. Audit Committee Furthermore, the Board is responsible for devel- Semcon has decided that the entire Board will carry oping and following up the company’s strategies out the Audit Committee’s tasks. The entire Board through plans and objectives, decisions regarding strives to maintain close contact with the compa- the acquisition and divestment of businesses and ny’s auditors so that it can satisfactorily monitor major investments. The Board sets out guidelines significant issues concerning the company’s ac- for the company’s conduct in society to ensure its counts, reporting procedures, management of company long-term value-adding capability.
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