HARYANA GOVERNMENT APPROVED ANNUAL PLaN 1993-94 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA JANUARY, 1993 For official use only HARYANA GOVERNMENT APPROVED ANNUAL PLAN 1993-94 NIEPA DC D07646 PLANNING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA JANUARY, 1993 ... ^ p. \ -> y M v '*' j e CONTENTS Chapters Pages I. Introduction (i)—(ii) II. Sectoral Programmes (iii)—(xvii) III. Statistical Statements Statement I—Major-Headwise Outlay and Expenditure 1— 1 Statement II—Minor Headwise/Schemewise Outlay and Expenditure 9—92 Statement III—Physical Targets and Achievements 93—106 Statement IV &V—Minimum Needs Programmes—Financial & Physical Targets/Achievements 107—114 Statement VIA—Centrally sponsored schemes on sharing basis 115—120 Statement VIC—Centrally sponsored schemes on 100% basis 121—128 Statement VII—Externally Aided Projects 130—131 Statement VIII District Plan Component 132—136 Statement IX—Rural component I 37 Statement XA,B,C&D—Proposals for spill-over & on-going programmes/projects 138—152 Statement X I—Revised outlay 1992-93 153— 156 ANNUAL PLAN 1993-94 iBtroduetioB The Planning Commission, Govt, of India have listed the following objectives/priority areas to be pursued during the Eighth Plan :— (i) employment generation; (ii) containment of population growth; (iii) universalisation of elementary education, complete eradication of illiteiacy among people of the age group of 15 to 35 years; (iv) 5 'ilication of scavenging and provision of safe diinking water, healthcarc and immuni­ sation to all villages; (v) gtowih and diversification of agriculture to achieve self suflSciency in food and generation of smplus for export; (vi) strengthening of infrastructure facilities i.e. eneigy, transport, communication and irrigation in order to support the process of growth in a sustainable manner; and (vii) effective decentralisation, encouragement of local initiatives, voluntary efforts, etc. Keeping in view the objectivei laid down foi the Eighth Five Year Plan (1992—97) and the requirements for maintaining and acceleiating the tempo of economic development and to provide additional and better social and community services to the people, an outlay of Rs. 920 crores has been approved for the Annual P’an 1993-94 against Rs 830 crores for the Annual Plan 1992-93. The sectoral distribution of Eighth Plan (1992-97) outlay, outlay/anticipated expenditure for 1992-93 and ^ approved outlay for 1993-94 is set out in the table given below:— (Rs. in lakhs) S.No. Sector Eighth Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1992-97 1992-93 1993-94 Approved Approved Anticipated Approved Outlay Outlay Expenditure Outlay 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 40549.00 7226.82 7068.79 7583.00 (8 .2) 2. Rural Development 11930.00 1770.30 1753.15 1917.30 (2 . 1) 3. Special Area Programme 2000.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 (0.4) 4. Irrigation & Flood Control 67889.00 11544.50 14140.00 14894.00 (16.2) 6. Energy 170199.00 21000.00 21000.00 22175.00 (24.1) 6. Industries & Minerals 22052.00 2470.00 2470.00 2700.00 (2.9) (iO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Transport 39138.00 5555.00 5555.00 5628.00 (6 . 1) 8. Science & Technology and Environment 2247.00 299.00 299.00 339.00 (0.4) 9. Economic Services 1101.00 163.75 181.65 314.00 (0.4) 10. Decentralised Planning 12415.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 (1 . 6) 11. Social Services 197180.00 30560.28 30356.07 34007.30 (37.0) 12. General Services 3300.00 560.35 560.35 592.00 (0 . 6) Total 570000.00 83000.00 85234.01 92000.00 ( 100.0) 1 .2. The State Government continues to accord high priority to social and community services. 37% of the outlay has been allocated to this sector followed by Powei 24.1 %, Irrigation and Flood Control, 16 2%, A.griculture 8.2%, Transport 6.1% and other sectors 8.4%. It is estimated that 72% of the total outlay will be spent for the economic upliftment of rural areas under all sectors. In the field of productivity and social and community services sector the major targets are as follow ;— S.No. Item Unit Eighth Plan 1992-93 1993-94 irkOT 07 Target Target Anticipated Approved Achievement Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Foodgrains 000 Tonnes 11000.00 10240.00 10030.00 10350.00 2 . Oilseeds 000 Tonnes 815.00 776.00 816.00 8 6 6 .0 0 3. Sugarcane 000 Tonnes 1000.00 880.00 800.00 900.00 4. Cotton 000 Bales 1500.00 1300.00 1450.00 1400.00 5. Milk Production 000 Tonnes 4093.00 3600.00 3600.00 3640.00 6. Fish Production 000 Tonnes 38.00 26.00 26.00 28.00 7. Beneficiaries to be assisted under Nos. 100000 13,606 13,606 20,000 I.R.D .P. 8. Irrigation potential 000 Hect. 143.70 23.00 23.00 18.00 9. Small Scale Industries Nos. 32500 6500 6500 6500 (Units) 10. Enrolment in I—V classes OOO’s 2382 2162 2283 2319 11. Enrolm ent in VI—^VITIclasses OOO’s 1103 863 815 875 12. Community Health Centres Nos. 98 64 58 65 CHAPTER—II SECTORAL PROGRAMMES 2.1 Crop Husbandry An outlay of R.s. 1241 .OD lakhs has bsen provided in the Annual Plan 1993-94 for the crop husbandry programmes. The corresponding outlay in the 1992-93 plan was Rs. 880.00 lakhs. The programme-wise break up is as under (Rs. in Lakhs) Sr. Programme 8th Plan 1992-93 1993-94 No. 1992-97 Approved Approved Approved Outlay Outlay Outlay 1 2 3 4 5 1. Multiplication and Distribution of seeds 1730.00 257.85 166.25 2. Commercial Crops 721.00 134.45 127.25 3. Extension & Farmers Training 3000.00 400.00 875.00 4. Agricultural Engineering 1165.00 70.00 64.00 5. Agricultural Economics and Statistics 40.00 7.70 8.50 6. Other Schemes 50.00 1 0 .0 0 — Total 6706.00 880.00 1241.00 The targets and achievements (production) of important crops are as under ;— Sr. Crop Unit Physical Targets/ No. Achievements (Production) 8th Plan Annual Plan 1992-93 Annual 1992-97 Target Antici- Plan Target pated 1993-94 Achieve- Target 1 ment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Total Foodgrains •000’ 11,000 10240 10030 10350 tonnes 2 . Wheat »» 7050 6525 6525 6600 3. Rice 90 2100 1970 1970 2000 4. Pulses 99 790 735 635 740 5. Sugarcane (Gur) 99 1000 880 800 900 6. Oil Seeds 99 815 776 816 866 8. Cotton ‘000’ 1500 1300 1450 1400 Bales (iii) (iv) Under seed distributioa programnie it is proposed to achieve the folia wins targets during 1993-94. ( Oty. in Qtls.) Sr. Crop Distribution of certified Percentage of No. seeds replacement 1 2 3 4 1 . Paddy 15000 S. 88 2 . Bajra 14000 46.(6 3. Cotton 20000 28.99 4. Kharif Pulses 2500 27.77 5. Wheat 145000 7.71 6 . Rabi Oil Seeds 3500 1 7 .S5 There is very limited scope for bringing additional area under cultivation in the State. There­ fore, the increased targets of production will be achieved mainly through the increase in the yield of different crops. Accordingly, the basic strategy for achieving higher production would continue to be that of strengthening the programmes for the supply of inputs like improved and high yielding variety seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other development and extension programmes. At present almost the entire wheat area and 85% of paddy area is already under high yielding varieties. The targets of area under H.Y.Vs. for 1993-94 are given as under (Area ‘OOO’ hectare*) Sr. Crop 1996-97 Annual Plan 1992-93 1993-M No. Target Target Anticipated Target Achievement 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Rice 520 495 402 470 2. Bajra 525 510 434 455 3. Maize 18 17 14 18 4. Wheat 1860 1835 1764 1764 The target for the use of chemical fertilizers has been fixed at 7.08 lakh tonnes. The Agricutlural Extension Programme has been designsd to provide a linkage between Research and Extension to communicate the latest technology to the farmers. The farmers’ problems are speedily passed on to the Research Scientists through the extension agency. The programme will continue duing 1993-94. A sum of Rs. 875.00 lakhs kas been provided under this programme. (V) 2 .2 Soil and Water Conservation (i) Agriculture Department la Haryana, roughly 50% of total area under cultivation is affected by one or the other soil pro­ blems in varying degrees. 33.4% of the area under cultivation is affected by alkalinity, salinity deposits and flood. About 15.8% of the area is affected by water erosion and water logging. An Integrated Watershed Development Project for Shivalik foothills of Ambala District (Kaadi Area) is already in operation. A sum of Rs. 460.00 lakh has been provided for kandiarea project out of Rs. 743.00 lakh provided in the Annual Plan 1993-94. An are of 3000 hectares in the submountaneous region would be covered under soil conservation through water-shed management. Land levelling subsidy scheme has also been continued. The target for reclamation of alkaline soils has been kept as 6900 hectares. (ii) Forest Department An amount of Rs 100.00 lakhs has been approved for 1993-94 for various soil conservation acti­ vities of the Forest Department out of which Rs. 61.00 lakh will be spent on soi> conservation through water-shed management. 2.3 Animal Husbandry The anima! hujbandry programme in the State primarily aims at the genetic improvement of milch animals, provision of improved and balanced feed and fodder and to ensure proper health cover for the milch and other animals including poultry^ piggery, sheep etc.
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