A Voice and Network for Confessional Renewal Issue 3 - 2017 Easter Season Lutheran CORE Call to Prayer for Pastoral Summit by Pr. Dennis D. Nelson, Lutheran pastors CORE President/Director who will be Biblical and confessional in Jesus said in Matthew 9: 37-38, “The harvest is their theology and plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the evangelistic, Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the har- outreach-oriented in vest.” their perspective What should be our first course of action when and practice? we wonder where Biblically faithful and evangel- Throughout the istic pastors for the future will come from? What day of the event we should we do if we are members of a congregation will be disseminat- that has been served faithfully for years by a pastor ing excerpts from who believes that the Bible is the Word of God, but the presentations that pastor is now or soon retiring? What should be and discussions our first response as people who are alarmed over through various forms of social media in order to the “Naked and Unashamed” movement that has keep you posted. risen out of one of the ELCA seminaries (see article on page 3) and is further undermining the authority Follow our Facebook page, our Twitter postings, of Scripture and the Biblical concept of marriage? and our blog on www.lutherancore.org for these What should be our first course of action? The updates. Bible says that the first thing we should do is to pray. Please join with us in praying for the Summit on Weekly Devotions And Pastoral Formation, which will be taking place on Sermon Starters Wednesday, June 21, as ten leaders from four dif- Lutheran CORE is continuing to provide weekly ferent Lutheran church bodies – ELCA, LCMC, devotions and sermon starters on the blog on the LCMS, and NALC – will be gathering with the home page of our website. board of Lutheran CORE at Grand View University A link to these devotionals is then posted on a in Des Moines to begin wrestling with the question: number of different Facebook and Twitter accounts. How can we raise up a whole new generation of Please help us get the word out about these resources. It is our desire that they be an inspiration Inside this issue: to all who read them and also a source of ideas, Beyond the Barn..............................p. 2 thoughts, illustrations, and images for pastors as Clothed and Forgiven......................p. 3 they prepare for the following Sunday’s sermon. Spanish Language Resources.......p. 3 ELCA and Abortion..........................p. 4 Save the Dates for Annual “Encuentro” in CORE in the ELCA...........................p. 5 Chicagoland Speak to What They Trust...............p. 6 September 14-17, 2017, plan to come to the next Looking for a Pastor?......................p. 7 Lutheran Hispanic-Latino Ministry Encuentro to The Pastor as Sheepdog.................p. 8 be held at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Chicago, Braaten-Benne Lectures.................p. 9 and First & Santa Cruz Lutheran parish, Joliet. Event listing...................................p. 10 Cosponsored by Lutheran CORE River’s Edge Ministries: Building Bridges Beyond the Barn by Kim Smith, CORE Board member Perhaps one of the most exciting things about River’s Edge Ministries, located in suburban Mt. this ministry is its reach, extending far beyond its Airy, Maryland, is affiliated with the NALC and barn doors. River’s Edge is small, but its missions LCMC. Both its pastor and mission developer, K. are often augmented by those who have crossed Craig Moorman, and congregation are down-to- Pastor Craig’s path at one time or another. On Maundy Thursday, after a mission dinner literally prepared in a Vietnam era field kitchen, the Helping Up Mission3 choir, whose members participate in a yearlong Christ-centered addiction recovery pro- gram in Baltimore, spoke about their repeated strug- gles with drugs, alcohol and near-death. Yet they spread joy to all present through their music and witness. As Pastor Craig rightly texted to his flock, “If you’ve never experienced them or heard their earth, as you might expect from a church that meets in a beautiful barn built by volunteers. A typical worship service may include 25-40 people and may or may not occur on Sunday. In fact, River’s Edge was intentionally launched with weekly Monday evening gatherings. According to Pastor Craig, “We are not just a Sunday morning church or bound by a building or particular location and never want to be.” The mission of River’s Edge stories, you will (almost) have your socks blown is to “mobilize ordinary disciples of Jesus Christ off.” River’s Edge City Mission had once sent a into the extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit team to work at the Helping Up Mission and they through missional communities, witnessing to the have since joined the effort. Some choir members extravagance of the Father’s love.” actually helped build the very barn they were sing- ing in. Pastor Craig and his wife Nancy took three of their five children to East Biloxi, MS three months Most youth in the church participate in Fire on after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. Pastor Craig the Mountain. As the name suggests, fire is part of wrote, “Now that we’ve seen the intense suffering the draw and it is normal to have 25-50 kids in of the residents of the Gulf Coast, we’re no longer attendance. As a multigenerational event, both able to so easily overlook those who recurrently youth and parents are urged to come for “worship, struggle with the effects of poverty and crime. How food, fellowship, prayer, games and a bonfire.” can bridges be built between where I live in the arti- Some of these participate in missions, whether they ficial comfort of suburbia and the complex chal- are members of River’s Edge or not. lenges of these cities?” Pastor Craig is also “passionate about the That experience has translated into both local incredible privilege and honor of Christ-centered and distance missions for River’s Edge Ministries. parenting and committed to help lead a revolution- The most recent, City Mission, was held over three ary movement towards that end.” In his book The days during Holy Week 2017, and teams were sent Awe-full Privilege, Pastor Craig wrote, “…no mis- to Baltimore, Frederick and Mt. Airy, Maryland. sion can happen without tapping into the source, the This is the fourth year a mission was held during Holy Spirit …It is the Spirit who calls forth what is Holy Week. In the past, Cross Country Mission really needed in every home. Often, that need is teams have aided those devastated by Hurricane something we cannot describe and may be uninten- Katrina in Mississippi, a 1000-year flood in West tionally hidden and unspoken — an underlying and Virginia, and catastrophic tornadoes in Indiana. continued on page 5 2 Clothed And Forgiven: Lutheran Core Responds To “We Are Naked And Unashamed” In August 2009 the ELCA Churchwide shown that 90+ percent of Millennials hold a het- Assembly rejected as normative the traditional, erodox view of Christian sexuality, even if they Biblical definition of marriage by allowing for the espouse orthodoxy in other ways; they don’t see the endorsement and ordination of persons in “publicly connection, the ‘seamless cloth’ of Christianity as accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same gender ‘the Way.’” Brett also refers to American author relationships.” As we knew would happen, there is and editor Rod Dreher, who has said that it is a now a new movement that hopes to reject any defi- demonstrable sociological fact that people who nition of marriage as normative for sexual relation- abandon traditional Christian sexual ethics either ships. shortly leave the faith entirely, or pave the way for Known as “Naked and Unashamed,” this move- their children to do so. ment was reportedly started by seminarians at the So to ask a very Lutheran question, “What does Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and since this mean?” It means that even if you are a member then has reached out to other pastors, leaders, and of another Lutheran church body, and not the seminary students in the ELCA who share its beliefs ELCA, you need to fight this battle for your chil- and values. Its revisionist agenda is clearly revealed dren, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The on its website. Lutheran CORE has posted a reality is that most of our neighbors do not distin- response to this movement on our Facebook page as guish among various groups of Lutherans. well as on the blog on our website. Our response As of the time of the writing of this article, we has also been disseminated through various forms are not aware of any official response from the lead- of social media. A link to our response can be found ership of the ELCA rejecting and distancing the at http://www.lutherancore.org/blog/. ELCA from this movement. We realize that those who oppose us will criti- So what can we expect? Can we anticipate the cize us by saying that we are “just about sex.” Sex same as we have experienced in the past – that we is not the most important issue theologically, but as are seeing only the beginning of the next step, Brett Jenkins, a member of our board, has so which will push its agenda relentlessly until it insightfully said, “It is the point at which the author- achieves its goals and prevails; and then, when they ity of the Bible – after better than two hundred years do so, will seek to silence the faithful by declaring of sustained attack by rationalists of the ‘higher them to be disruptive, divisive, schismatic, and criticism school’ – has finally been successfully dis- intolerant? mantled.” Brett goes on to say, “Recent studies have Spanish Language Worship Resources Available Prayer for the Vigil of Pentecost + June 3, 2017 + Oración para la Vigilia de Pentecostés Almighty and ever-living God, you fulfilled the + 3 de junio 2017 + promise of Easter by sending your Holy Spirit to unite Todopoderoso y eterno Dios: tú has cumplido la the races and nations on earth and thus to proclaim your promesa de la Pascua al enviar a tu Santo Espíritu glory.
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