

-'DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico ,L/PE - 175 Hi%&UhIiT~ SAIdDIA BASE ALBu2umxJE, la$ mXIc0 7 October 1960 This is to cert!e tlmt during the TDY period at this station, Govement Guarters were available and Goverrrment Fessing facilities were not availzble for the following mmoers of I%Ki: Colonel &w, Og~arHe USA Pi3 jor Andm~n,Qaude T. USAF Lt. Colonel fsderacn, George R. USAF Doctor lrndMvrsj could Re Doctor Acdrem, Howard L. USPIG Colonel ksMlla stephen G. USA Colonel Ayars, Laurence S. USAF Lt. Colonel Bec~ew~ki,Zbignie~ J. USAF Lt. Colonel BaMinp, George S., Jr. USAF bjor Barlow, Lundie I:., Jr. UMG Ckmzzder m, h3.llian E. USPHS Ujor Gentley, Jack C. UskF Colonel Sess, Ceroge C. , WAF Docto2 Eethard, 2. F. Lt. c=Jlonel Eayer, David H., USfiF hejor Bittick, Paul, Jr. USAF COlOIle3. Forah, hUlhm N. USAF &;tail? Boulerman, :!alter I!. USAF Comander hwers, Jesse L. USN Cz?trin Brovm, Benjamin H, USAF Ca?tain Bunstock, lrKulam H. USAF Colonel Campbell, lkul A. USAF Colonel Caples, Joseph T. USA Colonel. Collins, CleM J. USA rmctor Collins, Vincent P. X. Colonel c0nner#, Joseph A. USAF Cx:kain ktis, Sidney H. USAF Lt. Colonel Dauer, hxmll USA Colonel kvis, Paul w, USAF Captsir: Deranian, Paul UShT Loctcir Dllle, J. Robert Captain Duffher, Gerald J. USN hctor Duguidp Xobert H. kptain arly, klarren L. use Ca?,kin Endera, Iamnce J. USAF Colonel hspey, James G., Jr. USAF’ & . Farber, Sheldon USNR Caifain Farmer, C. D. USAF Ivajor Fltzpatrick, Jack C. USA Colonel FYxdtt, Nchard s. USAF Colonel Flinter&hrcus H. USA kjor Fraysae, Louis A, 111 USAF Ckptdr. Freckleton, FrankR. USPm Caflain lbk, John Y. USAF Doctor Gardiner, DDnald M umc /Kessing and Carters Certificate (Continuted) 7 October 1960 Lt. coxlnander W,-ThanaS A. USN Captain Gerlach, &lliam E. UShFNG Colonel Glass, Albert J. USA Lt. Colonel Goldstein, Joseph D. USA Colonel Graham, :fisk L. USAF Colonel kay, James K. USAF Colonel Greenberg, Ulton USAF ik jor "au, Charles c. USAFNC Colonel ?imumd, James H. USAF Lt. Colonel Hansen, kr1 L. US@ Colonel &*my, Robert 'Et US!. Colonel ;hell, iienry C. U3 Colonel isrris; John F. USA hctcr krris, Payne s. Colonel kkhuis, cerrit L. USAF CCiOnCl kuy, Joseph R. UShF i,ajor kibben, 1ierbci.t A. USAF Caytain Kicks, Fad J.. US:IFR E. Colonel Ell; Arthur x,, USA Colonel ibey, Patrick €1. UShF k:*;in Iiolloway, Charles K., Jr. USN %ctor Jacobus, ravid P. klo1;el Je-, Yiiilliam 5. USA actor Jenson, Carl aoctor Kelly,. Ehncis J. Srigzdier Generr.1 Kidder, Jane, .K. USAR ;,2jOr knt;Jaes R. USAF Lt . Klein, Edward >:. USN Cclonel Iinauf, George 1.;. USP.F Doctor Kniseley, Ralph Colonel Kojac, George li. USAF Colonel Lp Fon,-:Ylliam F. USAF Doctor langhsm, 'ikight He Colonel Le2ver, *ank P. USA Doctor Leland, Stanley ca:: tab. George 0. USAF 1,hj or Lynch, Charles L. USA it. Colonel (:<eserve) Ekbnnel, Gerald X. Lt. Coxe.nder NcCord, Don L. USbJ C2::tain k&ckenzie; Vernon C. USPHS Ca;,ta.in FacMnnon, Donald C. U3N Ca;tain hyhew; CUfford L. USAF Colonel (Xetird) Faupin, Clinton 5. Ijoctor Msinger, R. !!, USUC kptain Kendelson, Irving, USA kyer, Dean D. Cclonel IUler, Hubert !:J. USA &?*in kinners, Hmrard A. USAF Cmmnder Koeller, ' kde W. USPHS Lt. Colonel lioncrief, Jr. USA Captain Koore, James T. USAF Lt. Colonel brrissey, Robert. il. USAF Kajm kbrse, YiF. USA ., . 'Kessing and .Quarters Certificate (Continued) 7 l?@ / October liijor Neely, Samuel E. USAF cOr,WdW €klson, Clifford E. US?HS Colonel Pappas, James P. USA Cclonel Pease, Phiulp Pi USkF Captain Perkins; kvid E. USAF kctor .?ki.illip, Janes A. Lt. Colonel PhilYp, Xichard J USA Lt. Porte, Daniel, Jr. USN cay:t?.in Powellj Clinton G. USPE Kaajor Powell, &or@ Y. USLF Colonel Pazer, !Yl'iiam R. UShFR ColoEel ?aplski, .&dam J. US;. hctor zoss, Douglas ii. I:,. Lt. Colonel 2@SS, Pdchard H. ..Lm Doctor Saenger, Eugene L. &:.;*kin Sawyer, Charles H. USLF Lt. Cclonel Schmidt, aobert a. USA ra;tziin 3hei.r, !!; 2. USA co:onc1 Shipley, &yne E. USA Rear ;.ckz%rd kith; Clarence A. USTW Colcnzl Mth, :iilliam S. USA Lt. Coionel .:taq, Xarold G. USiL Spteiir? 3,eele; James H. USPFS .~Colonel Strode, John T. B. USA 1' -"io= Sweeringcn, dlfd G. USAF kst2.l;: FrAth, Jerme F. USN la j or Taylcr, Zllis R. USAF Lt. CGmeniie:. Telles, Xon.litn C. U3PHs L+". Colc.sn91 Tnmpm, .dEw. -., ';:. USAF it. Cclonel Troxell, John E. USAF >.;Lrnz I",.., .-ne", %xieriok i:. USLF (himel Vogel, Unard H,, Jra ESA :i'ard, WberC, Neal 1.'JjGP .!hr-en, Yillard R. USA k;,t3in :iamsleyY, Jm.es R. USAF Lt. Colonel :Jartella, Stephen, Jr, USbF it . P~,:;~7.snder I:atk&s, T. KO US? E;s jor '&Us, John C., Jr. USBF Colonel li'entvrorth, John '4. , USAFR Cclonel !,&stbrook, Yilliam H. U SAF Lt. Colonel :!hitehouse, I:. C., Jr. USAF it. Colonel 5imeri Robert A. USAF Gaytdn !libon, Charles L, USAF Cdonel i!ilson, Lzonmd F. USA Lt. Colonel Xisc2.m onp John 'd. USA lki j or i!GltfW-, PWOn J. USAF Ic;tor zmnulli, c-. F. .(3) Y jor blf Assistant Adjutant MEDICAI, SYMPOSIUM NvirnS-d AllEIJDEES 3-7 October 1960 ADAMS, Oscar H., BEYER, David Ha, Lt -1, Mc, USAF Army EnviromntalLt Laboratofik USA School of Aviation Medicine, USAF Chemical Carp and Chemical Material Bblrwpscer.+d~CBnd:Braoka. :I)l% (Texas Comnsnd Maryland j. BITTICK, Paul, Jr., Maj, E, USAF Chief, Neurology and Psychiatry ANDERSON, Claude T., Maj, K,USAF Service. Headquarters US# Hospital Andrews United States Air Force Academy Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland Colorado BCfUU-I, William N., Col, MC, USAF ANDERSON, George R., Lt Col, K,USAF 279% USAF Hospital Headquarters, Strategic Air Comaand Wellan Air Force Base, California Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska BWEN, I. G. ARMOUR, Thomas De 9 Maj, Mc USAF Lovelace Clinic Headquarters Albuquerque, New Mexico United States Air Force Academy Colorado BCWERMAN, Walter M., Capt, USAF Headquarters ASBILL, Stephen G., Col, VC, USA USAF Medical Service School Walter Reed Amy Medical Center Cunter Air Force Base, Alabama Washington9 D. C. BCWERS, Jesse A., OR, Mc, USN AYARS, Laurence S., Col, MC, USAF Bum, Department of the Nav); Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas Washington 25, D. C. BACZEYJSKI, Zbigniew J., Lt Col, Mc, USAF BRCWN, Benjamin H., Capt, MC, USAF 4900th USAF Dispensary 3545 USAF Hospital 4900th Air Base Group Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico BUNSTOCK, William H., Capt, MC, USAF 3535 Navigator Training Wing (AX) BANNING, George S., Jr., Lt Col, USAF Mather Air Force Base, California 803d Medical Group, Strategic Air Carmand Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona BESS, George C., Col, K,USAF 1st Aeroaedical Evacuation Group BARLW, Lundie W., Jr., Maj, USAFNG Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina 153D USAF Dispensary, Box 2268, waning Air National Guard. BJORN, John C., Capt, E,USA Cheyenne, Wyoming Base Hospital Sandia Base BELL, William E., CDR Albuquerque, New Mexico U. S. Public Health Service Washington, D. C. CAPES, Joseph T., Col, Mc, USA US. hny Hospital BETHARD, W.F., Doctor, GS-16 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas General Atcinics, P.O. Box 608, San Diego 12, California 1 COUINS, Glen J., Col, MC, USA FRAYSSE, louis A,, 111, Maj, MC, USAF Headquarters 3510 Combat Crbw Training Wing Fort Lconard Wood, Missouri Randolph Air Force Base, Texas CURTIS, Sidney H., Capt, MC, USAF FRECXIkTON, Frank R., capt 325th USAF Dispensary usuis Ycchord Air Force Base, Washington Washington, D. C. DAUER, Maxwell, Lt Col, MSC, USA FUNK, John W., apt, IC, USAF Amy Environmental Laboratory Headquarters Chemical Corp and Chemical Material 337th Fighter Group (Air Defense) Camnand USAF, Portland International Airport Maryland Portland 18, Oregon DAVIS, Paul W., Col, MC, USAF GARDINER, Donald M., GS-15 380th Bomb Wang U. S. Atomic Energy Carmission Plattsburgh AFB, New York Argonne, Illinois DERANIAN, Paul, Capt, MC, USN GARMAN, Thomas A., LCDR, DC, USN BUMED, Department of the Navy Clarksville Base Washington 25, D. C. Clarksville, Tennessee DIU, J. Robertb M.D. GERLAGH, William B., Capt, USAFNG School of Aviation Medicine 120M FTR GP, USAF Aerospace Medical Center (AX) P.O. Box 1890, Montana Air National Brooks Air Force Base, Texas Cuard , Great Falls, Montana DUGUID, Robert H., GS-15, Dr. USAEHL, Army Chemical Center GRAHAM, Wistar L., Col, MC, USAF mryland USAF Hospital Maxwell AFB, Alabama EARLY, Warren L., Col, MC, USAF Headquarters GRAY, James K., Col, MC, USAF Tactical Air Cornnand 26th Air Division Langley Air Force Base, Virginia Hancock Field, New York ENDERS, Lawrence J., Capt, MC, US@ GRANT, Lee B., Col, MC, USAF School of Aviation Medicine Department of the Air Force USAF Aerospace Medical Center (ATC) Headquarters, United States Air Force Brooks Air Force Base, Texas Washington 25, D. C. ESPEY, James G., Jr., Col, MC, USAF GREENBERG, Milton, Col, MC, USAF Lowry Technical Training Center (ATC) Headquarters Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado Continental Air Comnand Mitchell Air Force Base, FARBER, Sheldon, Lt, MC, USNR New York Clarksville Base Clarksville, Tennessee HALL, Charles C., Capt, USAFNG 125TH FTR GP, Imeson Afrport, FLINTER, Marcus H., Co1, MC, USA Florida Air National Cuard, Army Hospital Jacksonville, Florida Fort Jay, Gmenors Island New York 2 HAWIND, James H., -1, MC, USAF KELLY, Francis J., Y.D. Headquarters, Strategic Air Carrmand Plant Physician Offutt Air Force Babe, Nebraska Mason & Hanger-Silaa Mason Go. Inc. Pantex, Ordnance Plant HARDAWAY, Robert M., Col, K, USA Amarillo, Texas Walter Reed Array Medical Center Washington, D. C. KIDDER, James Ha, Brig en, USAR Special Assistant to the Surgeon HAFSELL, Henry C., Col, MC, USA General Schofield Barracks Office of the General Hawaii Washington, D.

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