DOCUMENT RESUME ED 124 192 IR 00 585 NelsonegBarbara;. And Others AUTHOR . ,. TITLE Beverlrand Itstibrary; Report of a.elf-Study of Beverly, Massachusetts, and the Beve y Public Library. INSTITUTION Beverly Public Library, Mass. PUB DATE' 76 NOTE 146p. '1 JOBS PRICE BP-$0.83 BC-87.35 Plus POstage. DESCRIPTORS *Community Characteristics; Community R sources; Library Adainiptration; Library Pacilit es; *Library Planning; .LibraryiUse Role; *Library Servi ep; *Public Libiaries; Studies \ , - IDENTIPiEES Massachusetts (Beverly) ----, o // ABSTRACT This extensive study of the Beverly, Massachusetts,, ublic Library begins with a description of the community, including dem is characteristics and social, governmental, and educational activities and organization. A chronicle of library governance,, facilities, financial resources, and collections is also includbd. Library services are described in detail, with information concerning program size, cost, and effectiveness. Tables andcharts are. used extensively. (EM) at N ******************** ************************************************** Documents ac ired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from othefsources. ERIC makes everkeffort,* * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginalt * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Docusent, Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * *.supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * #4g*********##f******************************************************** S Yu beverly and it / library I report of a self-study ofi beverly,massOchuseitts 41, and th , beverly public library 1976 U S OE MENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION W NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. OUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM, THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. *TING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE barboro nelson SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY mark a. nesse 4 frances c. pento is TABLE OF CONTENTS Ihtroduction ., Chapter i The Community 1 .., ft 4 ,, History . 1 Topography . 2 Transportation 6 Demographic Analysis ,-10 Loc4A Govevnment 25 Social Service Agencies. , ---v- . ...' . 28 Commerce , -.. .. .. 29 Communications Med a 2 Educational Insti utdons . ., . : , 35 hurchea 43 jabs and Organ' ations. : . 44 Cultural Ac ivit es .., 46 Entertai ent Lis 449 Retreat -On . s, Faoili es for Group Meetings. % -. ? 54 Relation with Other Libraries-7 56 Chapter II .Beverly Public Library: Resources ,,.., . sl History * 62, Governance -. 0; .... ,o. 65 .- 66 Fin'ancial_Resources. Personnel . -0 Facilities Z . 74 Materials Collections : 83 Chalpter III Bevly Public Library: SerVices . Adult Service 95 Ra(erence and Information Services .. 107 Services to Youth , 112 Technical Services 121 Extension Services -r, 123 Via, , \ Programming .0 . 126 Chapter IV Summary and Recommendations for Improved Library Service Biblfography 135 a ; ,Pafte . 6 1.'..One-,-way Tripr, to Poston $ ...Beverly's CoMmuter Rail Pa:-.1/:.er:1 ... .. -.- 7 . $...Povulation-Grow11), 1910-1271, 11 . / 4..:Populaylon Chance, 1960-1'2,7 13 ' 5.:.Ne.ighborhood Population, 1%),-.11 15 6 ...Tract201 -- North Fiverl,y 19- 7,...Tract 2172 -- iiyal Side 20 `...Tract 2173 -- Gloucester Cr( .in, . -21 9...Tract 2174 -- Cabot/Rantoul (. :)) . , .. 22 10...Tract 2175 -- Cove /Prospect i'll/Lothrop St* 23 1'i.:.Tract 21.76 -- -Beverly Farmrin1.ervIlle. .- . 24 J2...Actual Tax,Rat'e's' 26 36 13 .::Beverly-Sphool Librarie's . ....... 14...Beverly pchool'Stattstics 37 '"_ _1'.. 2. Pei--Pupil .F7,pendituf.e "--Fieru ' -Yr Clac -el 3Fi 16...Per-Pupil ExperAiture -Voowtl_ ,N 39 17...F.tatistical Analysis' Peve'rfv ti.irhGraduates. .: . 4a 1...Specialized Local Librarie,t1 56 . 19...Private School Libraries- 58 I , ,, ,'0..-.Boston Public Library Peristration, , 59, '1...BeverlyRegistrationsat Nel:-Ilborinr, Libraries . 59 .):"...Data from Bureau of Libra,ry :.:Jen:l'en 60 . 2'),...Collection Profile 83 '84 4...Collection Compared to :Interim 3tcndard3 . 2r,...Status - Adult CD1lection 86 ,, 2...Diztribution - Adult Sample '.'it10:.;.,,, . ___, _88. 27... Comparison of Non-Fiction Usv, Pat.') '89 2...Usage .--' Adult Book Collectic'n 90 J ) 1...11umber df Circulations in 1;a:11,°Year, -91 , 1n:.-.Imprint Dates '.-Adult Boot,- ,,,, Q2 -i-,- i...Adult Registrations Compared It.2Plulation1 . 98 ...Agd Breakdown - Percent of Peclstration 99 ...Non- Resident Wegistrationq 102 2,4...Circulation- Percent of Tot:.!. Fo6ulatirn. 103 7,5...Age Breakdown , Pbreent of A(Jult Circulatt.on . .304. ,_,:.%(.thildren°s Circulation -'/Proximity tr) Library. .. .113 3741.Childrents- Circulation - rorNJpulatlon of TPact.113 .,-31....Children's Regittratibn.-by Tract 114 ".i9...Status -- Young Adult Collect',,cn 116 40...Usage- Young AdultCollection 117 41..°.Number of Circulations in Lat. Year 117 42...Distribution_ , Young Adult Psampi Titles ,118 43. ..Imprint Dates - Young Adult Brok'i '119 A .444 -4 44 // LIST 0 GRAPHS, 'CHARTS AND MAPS Land use 5 Traffic- low map 8 Projected & actual population growth 12' 1970 Regional population density . 14 Population density & distribution . 16 . Census. Trkics 18 ' - Citybudget fbr fisCal year 1975/76 . 27 Library's growth-sihce 1960- 64 Library operating budget, for fisscal year1975/76 . 66 Expeaditures. for library Materials 68 Expenditures for books 68 Expenditures for salaries 69 Personnel 73 Lu'y-out of library -'Main noor, . 75 Lay-out of library - Top flgor 79 Lay-out of library - Bottom loor 81 Lay-out of library - Stacks. 'i 82 Library hours . 94 Reference & circulation qUestiOns for 1 mo. 'vriod. 96 Adult circulation ........ .. 97 Adult.igistrLition by home' address 98 Age breakdown or-registration 100 Occupational breakdown of registr4.1on sample . 191 Adult circulztion by home addres's- 103 'Age breakdown of circ44ation .104 Occupational distribution of sample taken from w ,,,, 105 circulation C 4 Reference (14stions - 1975. OP I Magazine retkievals - 1975 P 10808 Children's carculAtion 115 Bookmobile circulation 124 of I" INTRODUCTION The original motivation for this self-study was a' United States Office ofiEducation funded institute which was managed by the Syracuse'UniVersiySchool of Inform- ation'Studies titled:. "Developirg Dynamic Public, -Library -' Services'to-Meet Commnnity Needs". The tfir6e7aUthdrd of this report attended the institute autd committed themselves td/ the project. , The report soon seemed to take. on a life of itsawn, 'as a real. need existed for both a thorough examination of Current services and practdces,avid-for long-range planning. Many othey, staff members of tne ]librarysoon .became involved in various phases. Rather than meChanical.aseignMent for the Syracuse Institute,'the report came to be peen .as an' important event in .the'hist ry oftthe library . for as is the hdpe%of all whomake tudies and write' reports, we hope that it will be poSsibl to deal effectively with the problems which haye been'de fined. lIn several cases this has.,, already been done. Finally, 'rile many have, helped with this projct,' special tthanksgo,to°Lorna Young, Jban 14atts andBetsy Sylvia. 4 Because Beverly and its surrounding communities (particUlarl Salem) are so steeped ins America's History it was felt a short background should. be included. The League of Tome'Voters recently: pUblished a,pamphlet de- ac.ribing Bever y's'Historyq_ . , It mi t yell have been Beverly's summer breezes 'Ana rely hills sloping gently to the sea that att acted thefive planters who settled our communit . .Although' Beverly was originally. part' of:7the .umkeag territory,.in 1665 religious differenbes A Salem persuaded Roger Conant, John Weiodbury, PeterPalfrey, John Balch and Cagpain William Trask' 4 o separate.completely'from-the ')orarent town. hey chose to call their new set ment Beverly a ter the famous minister in York- shire,:England, and in 1668, Beverly was"incor- : porated as a to nship. Beverly's -aside location onthe north side of Massachusetts Bay made the first'local dustries of rope .nd sailmaking, fishing and 'farming natural c oices for our forebears; and to judge by the q ality of .one of America's old- est existing dwell ngs built by John Balch, and' C., the handsome Conanhome, these early ventures must. have been ricially, successful. Life 2n the sea has always een an integral part of to day living in Be erly, and it was here in 1775 that Washingto commissioned the U.S. Na bq first ship - the Ha ah. Beverly's citizens . served their .,country on land in the Contineritalr Army, AS well as onn he sea'. The country's f rst cotton factory was built ) in,our city in 1788 and this addition to the com- 'munity led to extensive and lucrative foreign trade. Residents.ofBever1T-traveled the seven sea& in'commerce and'bOth the Museum of Fine Al4t8 and Peabody Museum houde oriental and other art. treasures - brought home by local sailors and mer.chants.- Improved'travel and communications brought other-industrites to Beverly, and by 1894 the township was.incorporated as'a city. Beautifully kept gardens onst111;)famous est4tes along Beverly's nine miles of magn icent seacoast earned the communitythe'nickname of "The garden City" and many-famous men - Presidents Taft And 'Harrison among thera-- have chosen the cityas their summer home. Beverly League of-Women Voters, This.
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