A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 435 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 3 ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.435 ΤΗΣ 08/09/2012 PUBLIC AUCTION No.435 OF 8th Sept.’12 LARGE HERMES HEAD 1 FC Plate proof for 1l. on thin paper in red-brown colour. (*) 40 2 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 20l. black on thin paper. VF. (Konst. 5 ΔΟΚ.I.2). E 30 3 FC 80l. carmine, final proof, mng. (Hellas 7A). (*) 40 4 FC Collection incuding over 1500 Large Hermes Heads (all issues from 1861 to 1886). General in poor o/* 1200 condition but with some 1st choice good value stamps. 10l. yellow-orange on blue forgery included (the most dangerous fake) in unused copy and a 30l. 1877 LHH with strong quadrille backround (small thin spot).Also a Small Hermes Heads collection including over 500 pcs imper./perforate stamps from all periods and a group of SHH stamps with plate flaws. 5 FC 16X20l. different issues between 1862-67 and 1871-76 (shades). o 24 6 FC 14X20l. different issues between 1862-67 and 1871-76 (shades). o 18 7 FC 5x20l. from different issues (1862 to 1871), all u. with plate flaws. o 30 8 FC 12x20l. different issues between 1862/67 and 1875/80, different shades, u. o 25 9 FC 21x20l. different issues and different shades, most of them with CF. errors. With faults. o 28 10 FC 21X20l. different issues between 1862/67 and 1875/80 (shades), u. o 25 11 FC 8X20l. different issues between 1862/67 and 1871/72. o 15 12 FC 21X20l. different issues between 1862/67 and 1871/76 (shades), u. o 30 13 FC Two part of Covers, both with 10l. in horizontal pairs (with faults). EL OFFER 1861 PARIS PRINT 14 FC 1l. brown, with one narrow corner, u. (Hellas 1a). o 140 15 FC 1l. brown printed on vertically laid paper, u. (Hellas 1a Note). VF. o 220 16 FC 1l red-brown, u.(Hellas 1b).Superb. o 210 17 FC 1l. red-brown, u. (Hellas 1b). o 170 18 FC 1l. chocolate, u. Superb. (Hellas 1c). o 200 19 FC 1l. brown, mng. VF. (Hellas 1A). (*) 50 20 FC 2l. olive-bistre in bl.4, m. (Hellas 2b). * 95 21 FC 2l. olive-bistre in right marginal copy, m. Superb. (Hellas 2b). * 25 22 FC 2l. olive-bistre, three very large/one clear margins, u. (Hellas 2b). o 22 23 FC 2lolive-bistre on thin paper, mng. Hellas 2bPa. VF (x) 10 24 FC 2l. brown-bistre, m. Superb. (Hellas 2c). ** 25 25 FC 2l. brown-bistre, m. VF. (Hellas 2c). * 18 26 FC 2l. brown-bistre, u. (Hellas 2c). VF. o 30 27 FC 3x2l. bistre (three shades), mng. (Hellas 2A). (*) 27 28 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. Superb. (Hellas 3a). o 50 29 FC 5l. green, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 3b). o 45 30 FC 5l. green, mng. (Hellas 3A). (*) 50 31 FC 10l orange on blue u. Superb. (Hellas 4b). o 180 32 FC 20l. blue, u. VF. (Hellas 5a). o 32 33 FC 20l. blue on very thin transparent paper, trace of thin, mng. (Helas 5aPa). (*) 100 34 FC 20l. Prussian blue, very nice appearance but light thin, u. (Hellas 5b). o 14 35 FC 20l. blue on very thin transparent paper, u. (Hellas 5aPa). Superb. o 130 36 FC 20l. deep blue, u. (Hellas 5c). VF. o 140 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 435 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 4 37 FC 1861 Cover fr. with 20l. blue, canc.dott. «60» (=ΚΥΜΗ) to «ΧΑΛΚΙΣ (56)*22 ΟΚΤ.61». (Hellas 5a). Ex- C 150 Tzefonas collection. Without the typ.II accompanying cancelation from KYMH!!! 38 FC 1861 EL fr. with 20l. blue, canc.dott. «32» & «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (32)*25 ΟΚΤ.61» to ΣΥΡΟΣ. (Hellas 5a). Very C 150 clear cancelations. 39 FC 1861 EL fr. with 20l. blue, canc.dott. «2» & «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ (2)*16 ΟΚΤ.61» to ΑΙΓΙΟΝ. (Hellas 5a). C 60 40 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 6a). o 40 41 FC 40l. mauve on blue, full original gum, u/m. (Hellas 6a). ** 120 42 FC 40l. mauve on blue, mng. VF. (Hellas 6A). (*) 40 43 FC 80l. rose-carmine, full original gum, u/m. VF. (Hellas 7a). ** 100 44 FC 80l. rose-carmine, u. VF. (Hellas 7a). o 45 45 FC 80l. carmine, good/large margins, u. (Hellas 7b). Superb. o 60 1861/1862 ATHENS PROVISIONAL PRINTINGS 46 FC 2l. brown-bistre on thin paper, mng. (Hellas 10Ib). One narrow margin. Rare. (*) 22 47 FC 2l. bistre, one closing corner, u. (Hellas 10Ic). o 20 48 FC 6X5l provisional (coarse and fine), all with faults.(different shades). o 24 49 FC 4x5l. (coarse and fine impressions) different stamps (shades), some faults but very nice appearence, u. o 20 50 FC 5l greyish green, var lightly double C.F. due to sliding (Kound.10.1), u.(Hellas 11Iavar).Nice copy o 60 51 FC 5l. greyish green, good margins, u. (Hellas 11Ib). VF. o 40 52 FC 10l. ochre-orange, canc. «98» (=ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ), u. (Hellas 12Ia). o 85 53 FC 10l. orange, u. (Hellas 12Ib). VF. o 60 54 FC 20l deep ultramarine, large margins, u.(Hellas 13Ia).VF. o 230 55 FC 20l. prussian blue in pair, u. Large margins, but 2 thin spots. (Hellas 13Ic). o 100 56 FC 20l Coarse impressions prussian blue with yellow cast u. VF. (Hellas 13Ic). o 100 57 FC 20l. deep blue, mng. Narrow margins & heavy stains on the back, but RR. (Hellas 13Id). (*) 450 58 FC 4x20l. deep blue (shades), 1 stamp with faults, u. Impressive Lot. (Hellas 13Id). o 200 59 FC 20l deep-blue, var displaced CV (Kound. 12.4), horizontal crease, u.(Hellas 13Idvar). o 70 60 FC 1862 Cover fr. with 10l. orange & 40l. dull mauve on blue (the 10l. with yellow cast), canc.dott. «95» and C 200 pre-adhesive canc. (typ.II) «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ*ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ*5 ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1862», with oval «ΔΠ», via ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ, arr. ΚΡΑΝΙΔΙ. (Ηellas 12Ib + 14Ib). 61 FC 1862 Cover fr. with 20l. deep blue, canc.dott. «2» & «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*21 ΦΕΒΡ.62», via ΑΘΗΝΑΙ, arr. «ΚΑΛΑ- C 250 ΜΑΙ*24 ΦΕΒΡ.62». (Ηελλασ 13Ιδ). 62 FC 1. chocolate to deep chocolate, with intense circumference, mng. (Hellas 9IIa). o 300 63 FC 1l chocolate in vertically laid paper, m.(Hellas 9IIa).VF. * 390 64 FC 1l.bistre-brown (fine print.),m.One good & three margins.Vertical crease. (Hellas 9 IIb). * 100 65 FC 1l.brown (fine print),mng.Three large & one clear margins. (Hellas 9 IIc). (*) 300 66 FC 2l. bistre, u/m. VF. (Hellas 10IIa). ** 30 67 FC 2l. bistre, m. (Hellas 10IIa). * 20 68 FC 5l. yellow-green in bl.4, u. With faults (cut,turned at left & creased), but rare item. (Hellas 11IIa). o 420 69 FC 5l. green, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 11IIa). o 40 70 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. VF. (Hellas 11IIa). o 50 71 FC 5l. yellow-green, plate flaw «thin circle», u. VF. (Hellas 11IIaCF2). o 45 72 FC 5l. green, var. «double C.F.» (KOUND.16.1), canc.dott.»67». (Hellas 11aVar). o 300 73 FC 5l. deep green, m. Var. «Double C.F.», narrow margins. (Cound. 16.1). (Hellas 11IIb). * 100 74 FC 10l. orange closing corner, u. (Hellas 12IIa). o 25 75 FC 10l. orange, narrow right upper corner. Var. «Inverted 1», u. (Hellas 12IIaNa). VF. and Extremelly rare. o 880 76 FC EL from ΣΥΡΟΣ to ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ fr. with 10l. orange plus 20l. sky-blue (Hellas 12IIa+19A), dott. «67» and EL 50 canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*28 ΝΟΕΜ. 62». The 30l. is the rate for the austrian ship. R. 77 FC EL from Sparti to Gythion, franked with superb Provisional 20l. deep-blue, canc. dotted «32» plus type II EL 150 «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (32) * 12 ΑΥΓ. 62», arr. «ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ (33) * 12 ΑΥΓ. 62». Superb. (Hellas 13ΙΙa) 78 FC 20l.blue (fine printing) canc.dotted «93» (=New Mizela).Good margins. (Hellas 13 IIb). o 20 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 435 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 5 79 FC 1862 Cover fr. with 20l. blue, canc.dott. «67» & «ΣΥΡΟΣ*25 ΜΑΡΤ.62», via ΑΘΗΝΑΙ to ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗ. (Hellas C 150 13IIb). 80 FC Cover canc. «6» (=ΑΚΡΑΣΤΑ), also in type II «ΑΚΡΑΤΑ*14.ΔΕΚΕ.67» fr. with 20l blue (Hellas 13IIb) C 65 stamp with faults, arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*15.ΔΕΚΕ.67». 81 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 14IIa). o 150 82 FC EL canc.»56» (=ΧΑΛΚΙΣ) fr. with 5l yellow-green, 10l orange, 40l dull mauve on blue and 20l sky- EL 140 blue, (Hellas 11Ib+12IIa+14Ib+19a)-all touched, «ΔΕΠ» in red, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΑΠΡ.64», arr. «TRIEST*28/4». 1862/67 CONSECUTIVE ATHENS PRINTINGS 83 FC 1l. chocolate-brown in bl.12 (4x3), u/m. Small pinhole on one stamp. VF. (Hellas 15A). ** 250 84 FC 1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background, u/m. VF. (Hellas 15A). ** 35 85 FC 1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background in right marginal copy, u/m. VF. (Hellas 15a). ** 25 86 FC 1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid backgroundi n upper marginal copy, u. VF. (Hellas 15a). o 16 87 FC 1l. brown with horizontally laid background, u/m. (Hellas 15b). ** 25 88 FC 1l. copper-brown with horizontally laid background in right marginal copy, u/m. VF. (Hellas 15b). * 30 89 FC 1l. brown to copper-brown, u. (Hellas 15b). VF. o 30 90 FC 1l. red-brown, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 15c). o 38 91 FC 1l. claret-brown, u. (Hellas 15d). o 45 92 FC 1l. red-brown (with short beard), u.
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