APPLICATION REFERENCE NO. 09/00835/FUL Site Address Long Marston Storage Depot, Campden Road, Stratford upon Avon Hybrid Planning Application (part full, part outline) for mixed use redevelopment comprising: 1) Outline Planning Application with means of access (in part) for the creation of a leisure village, to include an outdoor activity centre (Use Class D2), up to 150 self catering lodges (Use Class C1), up to 150 holiday homes (Use Class C3), a touring caravan site with up to 80 pitches and ancillary facilities building, rail related leisure attraction to include a museum (Use Class D2) and a passenger steam train service with associated ticketing facilities, a central leisure facilities building to include retail, leisure, commercial and community uses (Use Classes A1, A3, A4, D1, D2 and B1(a)), and sports pitches to include changing facilities; the creation of up to 500 dwellings (Use Class C3); the creation of Proposals landscaping, open space and ecological habitats; new accesses for vehicles, pedestrians and cycles, including an extension to the Greenway; new internal highways; car and cycle parking; sustainable drainage measures, including storage ponds for surface water attenuation; provision of utilities infrastructure; and all ancillary enabling works. 2) Full Planning Application for the retention of use of 80,374 sq. metres of existing industrial floor space and associated hardstanding for Class B1(a), B1(c) and B8 uses, together with the retention of an existing trade vehicle auction use (use class sui generis), and the change of use of 2,797 sq. metres of existing rail related floor space and associated hardstanding and rail track to Class B1, B2 and B8 uses; and the installation of a new roundabout access to Campden Road. 30 April 2009 Date Valid Planning Performance Case Officer Jayne Cashmore Expiry Date Agreement expiry date of 31 December 2009 Presenting Committee Date 7 December 2009 Pat Reid Officer Hybrid application – Type of Application part full planning and Applicant St Modwen part outline Parish Quinton Ward Member Brain Councils Marston Sicca Referral to Planning and Previous No No Regulation Committee Committee 1 • Hybrid application: part full and part outline to create a mixed use redevelopment of former MoD depot storage site • Proposal would provide employment, leisure and residential elements. Full application: • Retention of use of 80,374 square metres of existing industrial floorspace and associated hardstanding • The buildings are existing on site. No external alterations of these buildings are proposed • Retention of an existing trade vehicle auction use (use class sui generis) associated with an existing employment use on site • Currently there are 140,247 square metres of employment floorspace on site – 59,873 square metres of existing buildings would therefore be demolished. • Change of use of existing rail related floorspace and associated hardstanding and rail track to Class B1, B2 and B8 uses (2,797 square metres) • New roundabout site access to Campden Road. The existing main access would be closed. The new roundabout would be sited approximately 50m further south (based on centre point from existing access to centre point of roundabout). • Other off site highways works are proposed including a new roundabout at the Clifford Lane-Shipston Road junction. Outline application: • Creation of a leisure village including outdoor activity centre (use class D2), up to 150 self catering lodges (use class C1), Description of up to 150 holiday homes (use class C3), touring caravan site Proposals with up to 80 pitches and associated ancillary facilities building, rail related leisure attraction to include a museum (use class D2) and passenger steam train service, central leisure facilities building to include retail, leisure, community and commercial uses • The central leisure facilities building is proposed to be 5,900 square metres in total, providing for 1,590 sq m of C3 residential use, 3,477 sq m of A1, A3, A4, D2 and B1(a) uses, 482 sq of D1 community use and 351sq of colonnade/covered walkway space • Up to 500 dwellings • Creation of landscaped areas, open space and ecological habitats • New accesses for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians • Extension to The Greenway through the site • Details relating to the access have been submitted in part. Full details of the main roundabout access have been submitted for approval. The details relating to the secondary accesses onto Station Road have been reserved for future detailed design. Matters relating to Appearance, Landscaping, Scale and Layout have not been submitted and would be sought through Reserved Matters applications. Other Matters • The application has been submitted with an emerging Masterplan. • The application has been submitted with an Environmental Statement. An Addendum to this ES was received on 4.11.09 2 Scale of development Reason for Referral Objections from Ward Member and Parish Councils to various to Committee aspects of the proposal Open Countryside Gas Consultation Zone Flood Zone 2 and 3 on part of the site Planning Rail link to Stratford-on-Avon safeguarded for transport Constraints Vale of Evesham Control Zone Adjacent to AONB Site lies in close proximity to Listed buildings Site History The Masterplan: consultation process, status Policy and Principle of development Relationship to and impact on tourism facilities in Stratford on Avon Traffic generation and access considerations including footpaths and rail link Indicative design, layout, density and mix of dwellings Landscaping matters and impact on trees Ecological matters Archaeological matters Key Issues Level of sports pitch provision Environmental health impacts, in particular Air Quality, Noise and Vibration and Contamination Drainage Impact of National High Pressure Gas Pipelines on proposal Energy Conservation Impact on neighbouring properties Proposed phasing of the development Developer Contributions/Infrastructure Provision Referral to Secretary of State Conclusions GRANT, subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement and the Recommendation application not being called in for determination by Secretary of State 3 SUMMARY OF POLICY AND BACKGROUND PAPERS POLICY The Development Plan The West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy RR1 Rural Renaissance RR4 Rural Services CF2 Housing beyond the Major Urban Areas CF3 Levels and Distribution of Housing Development CF5 Delivering affordable housing and mixed communities CF6 Managing Housing Land Provision PA1 Prosperity for All PA6 Portfolio of Employment Land PA9 Regional Logistics Sites PA10 Tourism and Culture PA13 Out of Centre Retail Development PA14 Economic Development and the Rural Economy QE1 Conserving and Enhancing the Landscape QE2 Restoring degraded areas and managing and creating high quality new environments QE3 Creating a high quality built environment for all QE4 Greenery, Urban Greenspace and Public Spaces QE5 Protection and enhancement of the Historic Environment QE6 The Conservation, enhancement and restoration of the Region’s Landscape QE7 Protecting, managing and enhancing the Region’s Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Resources QE8 Forestry and Woodlands QE9 The Water Environment West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy – Phase 2 Warwickshire Structure Plan GD7 Previously developed sites I2 Industrial Land Provision T10 Developer Contributions T7 Public transport Stratford-on-Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011 STR.1 Settlement Hierarchy STR.2, 2A. 2B New Housing Provision STR.3 New industrial provision STR.4 Previously developed land PR.1 Landscape and Settlement Character PR.5 Resource Protection PR.7 Flood Defence PR.8 Pollution Control PR.9 Hazardous Substances PR.10 Safeguarded Land EF.1 Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty EF.6 Nature Conservation and Geology EF.7 Nature Conservation and Geology EF.10 Trees, woodland and hedgerows 4 EF.11/11A/11B Archaeological Sites EF.14 Listed Buildings DEV.1 Layout and Design DEV.2 Landscaping DEV.3 Amenity Open Space DEV.4 Access DEV.5 Car Parking DEV.6 Services DEV.7 Drainage DEV.8 Energy Conservation DEV.9 Access for People with Disabilities DEV.10 Crime Prevention COM.1 Local Choice COM.2, 3 Local Shops and Services COM.4, 5, 6 Open Space COM.7 Bus Service Support COM.8 Rail Service Support COM.9 Walking and Cycling COM.11A Vale of Evesham Control Zone COM.13 Affordable Housing COM.14 Mix of Dwelling Types COM.15 Accessible Housing COM.16 Existing Business Uses COM.17 Rural Employment COM.21 Visitor Accommodation COM.22 Visitor Attractions CTY.1 Control over development CTY.9 Holiday Accommodation CTY.10 Rural Recreation CTY.18 Engineer Resources Depot, Long Marston IMP.1 Supporting Information IMP.2 Supplementary Planning Guidance IMP.4, 5 Infrastructure Provision IMP.6 Transport Assessments IMP.7 Green Transport Plans Other Material Considerations Central Government Guidance PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development PPS: Eco-towns A supplement to PPS1 PPS3 Housing PPG4 Industrial, Commercial Development and Small Firms PPS4 (DRAFT) Planning for Prosperous Economies PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPS9 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation PPG13 Transport PPG15 Development and the Historic Environment PPG16 Archaeology and Planning PPG17 Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation PPS22 Renewable Energy PPS23 Planning and Pollution Control PPG24 Planning and Noise PPS25 Development and Flood Risk Circular 02/99: Environmental Impact Assessment Circular 11/95: The Use of Conditions
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