RARE,THREATENED AND ENDANGERED PLANTS AND ANIMALS OF IDAHO • c`r 11 .474. %46"' •...es -2 . .46.41PC •`• -..sajeiri"=" 4- Mme„„. fCs24.4:k.k. An. %4,4, • 0,4 .7145,41X e"meet ..;SCA. Il01.•%711** - 46'.64 41e 11/4 • 4•61...Z114. '44r)ii4L. etniar4$.4x.4*/ • t ..4••••• • gib.;.: • No. .1 I ••••.. fi Cover Illustration: Unique lacustrine ash habitat near Sugar Valley, Owyhee County, which harbors many rare species and biotic communities. Drawn by Eric Stansbury. RAM, TERRATENND AND ENDANGERED PLANTS AND ANIMALS OP IDAHO March 1990 compiled by: Robert Moseley and Craig Groves Natural Heritage Section Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Idaho Department of Fish and Game Published in cooperation with: U.S. Forest Service Region 1 U.S. Forest Service Region 4 Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management The Nature Conservancy CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 SPECIAL PLANTS 5 Vascular Plants 7 Mosses 18 Lichens 19 Taxa Dropped From Consideration In Idaho 20 SPECIAL ANIMALS 21 Idaho Department of Fish and Game Species of Special Concern 22 Idaho Department of Fish and Game Threatened/Endangered Wildlife, Protected Nongame Animals 24 Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Species 25 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Candidate, Threatened, and Endangered Species 26 U.S. Forest Service Sensitive Species 27 Summary Table for Agency Animal Classifications 28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 33 INTRODUCTION National concern for the loos of plant and animal Recognizing that these lists are dynamic, and that our species in the United States culminated in 1973, with knowledge of these species is constantly increasing, we the passage of Public Lew 93-205, the Endangered hope to produce an updated version of this booklet Species Act. Since that time there has been bionnuelly. Copies may be obtained at cost (62.00) considerable activity at all levels of government and from the Idaho Natural Heritage Program. with non-governmental organizations directed toward the survival and recovery of endangered, threatened Agency Rare Plant and Animml Conservation Programs and rare plants and animals. To some degree, planning for and management of rare species has been Several State and Federal agencies operating in Idaho fragmented because of jurisdictional barriers. We have as pert of their goals and mandates, the have compiled these lists in an effort to consolidate identification and protection of rare species and their our view of rare species in Idaho. The purpose of habitats: this booklet is to identify those species which are in the greatest Jeopardy in the state and to provide Idaho Department of Parks end Recreation - A law land managers, owners, and interested parties with an protecting native wildflowers in Idaho was enacted in overview of their conservation status. 1967 (Joiehe Code Section 18-3913). It gives the Department of Parks and Recreation the authority to leformetion Sources establish and amend • list of plants in need of protection because they might possibly become extinct These lists have been compiled using the most current or they affect the scenic beauty of public roads or information available on the conservation status, public land. Of the 24 species listed in 1967, most distribution and abundance of plant and animal art forest herbs and shrubs common in northern Idaho. ..7 2 species native to Idaho. They have been prepared in C"Y Of", Ft ivu vVa MILA212 W04;ti: and pert to assist public and private land managers and Cernui nuttellii, occur on our list. planners in determining which species are of special concern within their given management jurisdictions. IWO DeOartment of Fish and Same - The Department of They are also intended for use by amateur end Fish and Game is mandated under Jdoho .c.2sie Section 36- professional botanists and zoologists to help focus 103 to preserve, protect, perpetuate, and canape all their attention on those taxa most in need of field wildlife. All fish and wildlife are considered to be searches end data collection efforts. property of the state, and their capture and take are regulated by the Department. The Department has The Idaho Natural Heritage Program maintains a regulations which classify wildlife into the following comprehensive computerized and manual data base on categories: game animals, game birds, game fish, fur- Idtholt rare, threatened end endenlered plents, hearing animals, migratory birds, threatened or animals and ecosystems. Site-specific information is endangered wildlife, protected nongsme species, available from the Heritage Program. Support for unprotected wildlife species, and predatory species. this system comes freemen), private organizations and In addition, the Department maintains a list of Species public agencies who have as a part of their goals the of Special Concern. Threatened or endangered wildlife, conservation of rare species and their habitats. protected nongame species, and species of special These agencies, together with a major contribution concern are dealt with in detail in this publication. from the state's herberia, museums, and universities provide much of the information that makes up the data base. u.S, Fish and Wildlife Service - The Fish and Wildlife Service administers the Endangered Species Act of 1973, Although this report is based on a large volume of as amended. The Endangered Species Act provides information, it is by no means complete. Much is federal protection for those plants and animals listed known about some species, very little about others. as Endangered and Threatened (see definitions below) The Witter, Program welcomes additional information and authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to develop or suggestions on any of the taxa listed herein. and implement recovery plans for each listed species. Such information, as well as data requests, should be For the purposes of species conservation, it also directed to: authorizes the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements with states in which federal Endangered and Idaho Natural Heritage Program Threatened species occur. In Idaho, cooperative Idaho Department of Fish and Game agreements are in effect with the Department of Fish P.O. Box 25 and Game for animals and the Department of Parks and Boise, 10 83707 Recreation for plants. 208/334-3402 2 INTRODUCTION (cont.) y.s.o.i Bureau of Lind Management - It is the policy Outline of the BIM to conserve threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems they depend upon primarily This publication is divided into two major sections by prescribing management for conservation of lands dealing with special plants and special animals. The these species inhabit (BIM Manuel Chapter 6840). The plant section is an alphabetized list of all vascular, primary goals of the Threatened and Endangered moss and lichen species considered to be of Species Program are inventory, monitoring, plan conservation concern in Idaho. Associated with each preparation, and plan implementation to insure the species are seven columns of information concerning its maintenance and recovery of these species. global and state rarity, conservation status and Similarly, it is BLM policy to manage candidate distribution within Idaho. species and their hobitats to insure that their actions do not contribute to the need to list any The animal section contains a series of classifications candidate species as threatened or endangered. The of rare animals by the various state and federal State Director has the authority to designate agencies. Each classification contains a definition Sensitive Species, which are to be managed under the for that particular agency's designation (e.g. BIM same policy as candidate species. It is also BIM Sensitive Species), followed by the current list of policy to carry out management for the conservation species which are reneged unoer tnat designation. of state-listed plants and animals. The State Because there Is considerable overlap in the various Director is to develop policies that will assist the agency classifications, the animal section concludes state in achieving their management objectives for with a table which summarizes, by species, all of the those species. Lastly, the Bureau has developed a agency rare animal designations. national plan, referred to as Fish and wildlife 2000, a pert of which details broad goats and objectives for the management of threatened and endangered species. Definitions Common to Plant and Animal Lists V.S. Forest Service - The Secretary of Agriculture's The introduction of the plant and animal sections Policy on Fish and Wildlife (Department Regulation contain definitions of symbols and categories specific 9500.4) directs the Forest Service to menage habitats to each list. Two categories of information, however, of all existing plants and animals in order to are common to both lists: (1) the legal federal status maintain at least viable populations and to avoid of certain species under the Endangered Species Act, actions which may cause species to become federally and (2) the Heritage Program's assessment of the global listed. The Chief, Forest Service, through Forest and state rarity of each species. These two categories Trice Manual 2670,.c has directed the Regional are defined below. Foresters to establish programs to identify threatened, endangered and sensitive species (1) Federal Status occurring in the Regions and to provide special management emphasis that will ensure their viability. Plants and animals that are listed as Threatened or Forest Service policy for Threatened and Endangered Endangered Species or are Candidates for Threatened and Species is to manage their habitats to achieve Endangered status under the Endangered Species Act are recovery objectives so that special protection defined as follows: measures under the Endangered Species Act are no longer necessary. For Sensitive Species, the Forest Listed Species (from 50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12): Service is directed to develop and implement llanaceeent practices to insure that theee sn.pries on IF ■ I intori Enrlowqt."1 Texe in danger of not become threatened and endangered.
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