r ■ n i n a * « l î î t H U Î * i • S «É f ^ ! 4 > . w « ■ ______ i SSÜ?&n^rAKiB5EiS4'SÄ,*‘' ""• PRICE. ¡NTS a f t e r the city judge CHRISTMAS AT HOPE CHAPEL Icg.not only o f tbe children of tbe Seu- PERSON ALIA VERMCT.FM IWÍ IF PWlTUN MNMY MfCtAlTES- dsy School but also their parents and otber members of the congregation, Xccuatisas and Singing Cswstinfe the T«ry . I n WbHenaek, of Somerville, 1« Rev. Dr. A B. L*wie greeted Profeaaor Havtlaod In the The Jary Awards Mra . liJwtMi E nriaai frwwtod bv the visiting Mrs. Boas, o f Central aw oue. the Flint Preebvtenan C baren U TES CODE CIL WATT UlM IO HO 11 euapel, when be entertained them with her Claim That morola«. TD» pool y la tb e ____ w Ecaolsrt, sad tks DiM.tbaUaa of Prettv .. Ex-Conncilman Powell, o f North aouie very clever trick© In legerdemain. ta he t a r t n p t By special reQuest a pert of tbe Christ- OTHER CITY O m C lIS DO Plainfield, wül retara from Florida next Otfts Para a Pleasaat Posiaio. Everything waa done openly, bet wbat weak. »a* mame • will ha V»pooled by lha tbe a|ieciatora could not understand The ewae io tort, between Mra. L*i choir. The programme w a© follows : Tbe wtembera o f the Hope Chapel waa the way that different anlele. ap­ .. W B l4nBargwr, o f Manningave- zie Zimmer plaintiff aad William Sunday School held their Cbrialmaa peared and disappeared before ibn r nae, spent Christmas with C. B. W ald­ Pearson lor $200 damages, was tried Prelude—Aodnolo ia & nod F flat B« I» Forbidden to P »j tmy m m Bill* bai by lealivsl Lat evening in tbe preaence of eyea, and they be still unable io explain ron, ol Martinville. oefore Justice Newcorn yesterday kf • Wely a very large ao lleoee. Tbe programme, it. This eonstnoted tbe ex-icie-s and .Jamas Brown, Of Booth Secood ternoou. The jury was R jbert Garvey 7 Anthem—“ And Ha Sbali Reign” Pennino© ©f ih© Common Coaaeil. which was Quite lengthy, was nicely ’ one waa well pleased. Iu one street, baa returned Irom a visit to J. Ten Eyck, John Naylor, William earned out and everyone was well instance tbe sympathy ol tbe spectators Moore, Michael Coyne, 0. C. Wyckoff, friends in Brooklyn Offertory—CDrteima© Pastorale.. .Bonk pleaccd with the entertainment. for the profeaaor waa aroused whm Andrew MmtHs, Joseph Kingston. ..A . I. Beniiey, of Bomereet street, Poetlnde Fantasia Drunior... Weegmaa The exercises began with an acrostic trick teemed to fall to go rig'll, out it George Mebi, Jr., George Whitlock, An adjourned meeting of tbe City started for Vinrnla yesterday after­ rv asrixo in which twenty seven gels, including proved io be ooly a ru«e by the profea­ noon on a hunting trip. Henry Mallmson aad George Pope. Common Council * a i held tu t night four standard bearers, appeared, each sor (o abow bia complete mattery o f the T e plaintiff's counsel was Harry C. iZheMtogar, 7 .. Miss Buckle,of Weetervelt avenue, Ter? little bnsine©s »a© transacted ooe de< orated wuh a letter. When all situation. Runyoo end tbe d«-fcndsm’s Walter L. Prelade- Offer «.otra on , Goiimxn wen. to Pbiladelpala ibis morning to Tbe balk of the bosines* »©8 tbe pay­ were aa©< muieri on the «'.age,. the let- Tbe children had no Chrtatmaa tree, Uetdeld. After beiug oat over ; Christmas Carol* j visit friends for a week. ing of claims, tbe total o f which was tets were seen to read “ Cod HI ess Oor bnt instead o f receiving presents, they boar toe Jury returned a verdict for We Have See His B ar o»er 89,000, tbe reeding ol tbe report ..Mra. Charlea Lyman, o f Washing­ $32 60 SuLday School.” Those who took pan brought presents to be given to the Anthem ..................Simper ot tne Water and Biwerage Committee in this wt-re Flora Roaeberr , Katie poor. Tn.'so were laken in charge ol ton avenue, who has been very sick Tbe claim was mode for damages id nark! tbe' Herald Angels oo the legal ngnt* of ibe present Bvdtf.e, Polly and Seine llaU .L'lli« and tbe committee composed of J. V. A Quite a little better today. conseQuence o f lose of poeiikm alleged S lav........................... Camp nter Company. Petiliooa were nre Mary Duckworth. Cora ai d Ella Ha d. Craighead, Mrs Craighead. Mrs. Hall . Mis© Edith Syera, of New York, to have been caused by Interference on Quartette—‘-O Little Town of Bethle­ inted asking lor a cross walk at Wat- L z/.ie Johnson, Mamie Porter, Clara oway aud John Doull Miller, who will is spending tbe holioays With her sla­ the part o f tbe defendant with tbe hem” .................MacCli mon ebang avenue and Sixth street, acroa* York, Emma Fosier, Bessie ■Wsita, go about Monday to take them where ter Mra C. S. Meyers, of Keosmg'ou plaintiff a work. Tbe latter was under Offertorv ©olo— “ W tibia the Sacred fiixüi r r e e l; a two-way hydrant at the Alice Ash wort o. Minnie Ilartfelder, they wdl cheer the little ones wno will avenue. a leo weeks’ engagement at tbe Inter­ Dwelling” ........ ................... Mozart corner of West Sixth street and Arling­ Maud (Jtsmger, Ella Simpson, Konema probably nave no other Christmas .. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, national Far SPzre with $6 a week sal W . A. Hudson. * ton aftoueja two-way hydrant on West and Agues Morning, Hannah and Alice greetings. of Brooklyn, came last mgbt to spends ary. The proprietor testified that she Poatlnde— “ HnUelajth Cborn»” Kicbth street, 500 feel from Graul ave- Uiggms, Josn» Coon and Florence Wes­ week with her sister, Mra W. N. Tier, wo« competent and satisfactory, bat “ Messiah"................................Handel . iroe; all o f which were referred to the was discharged, it 1« alleged, because ton. Coagragatuaal Chareh Tie*. of Bans place. Thera will be Swedish services la *.be proper oommitiees and later reterred of some trouble between tbe woman Recitations were given during the .. Dr. Richard Lee, o f East Front Park Avenue Church at 3 45 p. m back to tbe table to be turned over to Christmas festivities (or the young and Pearson in conseQuence e f wbicb evening by most of tin* girls above street, baa leased through Vail's ages tbe Council of 1895 were tbe order of exercise« at tbe Con­ tbe lat:er called two or three times and Evening service at the Unlurion mentioned and a number of carols were gregational Church last oigUL A good cy a bouse in Bcolcb Fiama and will The bouda o f City Tj«a*un»r Tits Usd words. Church is diaconunued until farther no­ sung. A t the conclusion ol thA exer­ move next month. worth, Constates Mau of, Burk e’low attendance o f mebitiergand friends ol Tee trouble as stated by tbe defend­ tice., cises Santa Clans iu tbe person o ' F. II. tbe congregation was prqeeat, and a and Carney were referred to the Fi- .. Mr.and Mra W . M. Utiler, of East ant was s c alleged rumor circulated Tbe New Year, bow to begin It," Andrews appealed and dellgbted all a pleasing programme waa presented atnce Committee and then back to be Fifth street, iett today for their former with reference to the acQuaintance o’ ia U«v. Cornelia* Bchenck © evening with presents. In distributing them he A tall tree stood at the led of the plat­ recorded, with the exception o f that of home In Lebanon, P a , where tbey will the plaintiff' sod defendant and pur­ tbe me. made several mistake*. A m o-g oth­ form, trimmed brightly aud bung with Mr Rcckfellow’s upon tbe form of spend New Years porting to bave originated with the The miracle ol tbe healing of tbe ers A Muir received a heavy bundle varions articles including some candy which tbe Corporation Counsel is to W V. Miller and L J. Combs at­ former. Mrs. Robert Woods Told deaf-mate" wfl he Rev. Dr Joce!yn which on opening it was fonud to con­ canes, woicn were Quite tempting. TTie pan© bis approval. tended a social session o f the Lodge of Pearson's wi'e snd ©be loid her hus­ Jobuston’s evening ihetae tomorrow. tain a brick. Another young man bad church waa ueatly trimmed with fes­ The Sewer Committee, through Mr. Eika li^ Elizabeth last night, and re­ band. This made trouble and they the present o f a liaudst me doll, wbich toon* of evergreen, and ropes ol green Rev. William Uompdlooe alii speak Frost, reported progress.1 He stated port a a>leudid lime. both went to see the Zimmer woman created much merriment. Each scholar were turned about the poets. Superin­ and Mra. liampetone and tbe male that t he engineer had ordered Cook X/ on these two o* three occasions to get was given an orange and a box ol candy tendent Boas was present and looked Mra Catherine Randolph and her cootr will slog at tbe Y . M 0- A. Co. to cease work for the W inter after son, Howard, of North Plainfield, were an explanation. Tins interference on going borne and soou tbe very en­ u> the tendering oi the following pro­ meeting tomorrow afternoon completing the 110 leet on Pntoam the guests on Cbrinmaa o f Mr.
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