VOLUME 23 NUMBER 3 FALL 2001 THE Journal of the Azalea Society of America Asheville Convention Issue The Best of the Best — In Search of Native Azaleas East Meets West — t The Deciduous Azaleas Celebrating Native Azaleas — 2001 Convention Photo Album Azalea Seedling Selection Process Post Office Box 34536 West Bethesda, Maryland 20827-0536 President's Letter Azalea Society Joseph E. Schild, Jr. Hixson, Tennessee of America Friends, The Azalea Society of America, organized December 9, 1977 and incorporated in the With the 2001 convention in Upcoming Conventions District of Columbia, is an educational and Asheville, North Carolina, behind us, scientific non-profit association devoted to but still much in mind for its great 2002: April 17-21, in Atlanta. The con- the culture, propagation and appreciation programs and tours, we look to new vention will be jointly hosted by the of azaleas Subgenera Tsutsusi and Azaleas Chapter of the American Pentanthera of the genus Rhododendron in the and exciting adventures. In my re- Heath family (Ericaceae). marks to the members in Asheville, I Rhododendron Society and the noted the importance of bringing in Oconee Chapter of the ASA. Volunteers are needed to help with Officers for 2001-2002 new members through mentoring and President — Joseph E. Schild, Jr. just being a friend. registration and other convention Vice-President — Robert Lee duties. Please contact Jim Thornton Secretary — John Brown Our Society is growing through each to offer your services at 770-483-1593 Treasurer — Robert Stelloh of us answering azalea questions from or [email protected]. Earl Immediate Past-President — our neighbors and being a friend in Sommerville is the ARS contact: William Bode the garden. Often a gift plant to a 770-428-3226 or earlsommerville@ neighbor is treasured for many years; mindspring.com. A large collection of Directors long after other purchased azaleas plants will be for sale at the conven- Terms Expire in 2001 Gen. Bryghte Godbold may have passed on, that gift and the tion. More details and registration giver are recalled with pleasure. What Donald Hyatt forms will be in the Winter 2001 issue Col. Murray Sheffield if we had included an application to of THE AZALEAN. The convention Terms Expire in 2003 the ASA with the azalea? Remember, information website is: www. autumn is the time to plant azaleas Leslie Ann Nanney arsazalea.tripod.com or you can go to Maarten van der Giesen and cultivate friendships in the pro- any search engine and type in ARS / John Migas cess. ASA and it will link you to this website Chapter presidents serve as The 2002 Convention in Atlanta will and the ASA website. ex-officio directors be upon us before we may even think 2003: Convention location is under of it; therefore, it is important that our review by the Society's board of Chapters azaleas and members be well directors. More information will be represented during the joint Brookside Gardens Ben Morrison published in THE AZALEAN as it be- (chartered Aug. 1979) (chartered May 1980) ARS / ASA Convention. I am looking comes available. Dianne Gregg, Pres. Bob McWhorter, Pres. forward to meeting old friends and 2004: The Ben Morrison chapter is Northern Virginia Louisiana making new ones at that occasion, as (chartered May 1980) (chartered June 1981) I am sure you all are. planning the 2004 ASA convention. David Nanney, Pres. Dr. John Thornton, Pres. Carol Segree is chairwoman of the With warm regards and looking to planning committee for this big event. Tri-State Dallas Chapter (chartered Oct. 1981) (chartered May 1989) a bright future, I remain your friend. Contact her at 301-261-6215. As a Robin Hahn, Pres. Eugene Westlake, Vice-Pres. highlight, chapter member Gray Oconee Chapter Vaseyi Chapter Carter has offered to propagate R. 'Ben (chartered Nov. 1991) (chartered June 2001) Morrison' plants for sale at that con- Mike McNeal, Pres. Ed Collins, Pres. vention. Regular membership is open to all inter ested parties for an annual dues amount of $25.00; life membership for an individual is On the Cover: $500.00. Members receive THE AZALEAN and are eligible for participation in all activi- One of the beautiful azaleas featured in Don Hyatt's keynote speech June ties of the Society including those of the 16, 2001, was this native hybrid he and others who make the pilgrimage to chapter with which the member affiliates. Gregory Bald have christened Rhododendron "Gregory Salmon Balls." It is For information and a membership applica- so named because the round trusses of salmon flowers reminded them of tion, write to the Membership Committee, Azalean Society of America, 1000 Moody balls of poached salmon. If this variety is ever registered they might change Bridge Road, Cleveland, SC 29635. it to R. 'Gregory Salmon.' [Photo by Don Hyatt] 50 • THE AZALEAN/Fall 2001 THE AZALEAN Journal of the Azalea Society Table of Contents of America, Inc. VOLUME 23 NUMBER 3 FALL 2001 50 President's Letter Editor Joseph E. Schild, Jr. Barbara Stump 52 Convention Keynote Speech — The Best of the Best: In Search of Advisory Editorial Board Native Azaleas Donald H. Voss Don Hyatt Jane Newman 58 East Meets West — Deciduous Azaleas Robert W. Hobbs, Ph.D. Joe Schild Advertising 59 Business Meeting June 16, 2001 Jim Thornton 60 Celebrating Native Azaleas — ASA 2001 Convention Photo Album 62 Survival of the Fittest: Azalea Seedling Selection Process at THE AZALEAN (ISSN-1085-5343) is Transcend Nursery published quarterly (spring, summer, Robert (Buddy) Lee fall and winter) by the Azalea Society of America, Inc., P. 0. Box 34536, West 65 Society News Bethesda, MD 20827-0536. 65 Sources and Uses of Funds 2000 65 Historical Documents Needed Additional copies of the current and 66 Chapter News back issues can be obtained from 68 New Members Azalean Back Issues, 875 Canyon Road, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (PHONE: (334- 69 Azalea Mart 567-4974). All volumes 1 through present are $1.00 per issue. Orders from outside theU.S., Canada, and Mexico, add $1.00 per issue for postage. Hats Off to the Asheville Organizers! [Congratulations to all who selected the Asheville site for the convention June 14-17, Opinions and views expressed in THE 2001! This goes both for the organizing committee, Bob Stelloh, Ed Collins, John Brown AZALEAN are those of the contributors and the members of the new Vaseyi Chapter in North Carolina. John contributed the or the Editor, not necessarily those of the following about the facilities at UNCA, which were apparently nearly perfect for our Society, and are presented to foster a meeting, Ed.] wider appreciation and knowledge of A quiet and serene oasis, protected request went unfilled as we tried to azaleas. Advertisements are presented on one side by the Asheville Botanical prepare for a party of 142 friends. as a service to our readers and do not Garden and on the other by William's The interest shown in our well- imply endorsement by the Azalea Soci- Rhododendron Nursery, set the stage being went far beyond the usual. The ety of America. Advertising and other for 142 azaleaphiles to congregate in a dining hall staff, in particular, showed contributions to THE AZALEAN are relaxed, informal atmosphere. The a lot of interest in the plant sale and auc- used exclusively to help defray the costs campus of the University of North tion. Rumor has it that one of the prized of publishing THE AZALEAN. Carolina-Asheville is located within R. eastmanii specimens passed through minutes of the heart of downtown, Address all editorial and business cor- the auction into the hands of a well- close to the Interstate system and three respondence to: major highways and yet, is completely known member of the Society and then isolated from the bustle of this active directly to a member of the dining hall The Editor, THE AZALEAN mountain city. The campus is well staff. It is further rumored that the deal 536 E. Pilar Street landscaped; specimens are labeled and was cooked up across the Honor Bar Nacogdoches, TX 75961-5113 spaced for both the casual observer and during social hour. Maybe, he will ap- 936-569-2929 the interested viewers. Several attend- preciate his acquisition enough to join [email protected] ees were able to enjoy a quiet hour wan- the Society. Society website: http://www.azaleas.org dering around "The Quad" identifying Mail list: [email protected] The business meeting of the Society plants and making wish lists. was held in the Dining Hall, as were We found the staff and administra- all of the Convention meetings. We Printed By tive personal to be, without exception, could have handled twice the number Sunbelt Business Graphics helpful, courteous, and well prepared of guests in the comfortable, spacious Nacogdoches, Texas to perform their various functions. No well-equipped facility. Fall 2001/THE AZALEAN • 51 Convention Keynote Speech Best of the Best: In Search of Native Azaleas Donald W. Hyatt— McLean, Virginia Introduction has been my search for the "Best of the The late Fred Galle has left us a great Best." There are many spectacular legacy. Through publications includ- forms still out there in the wild, and ing his monumental work Azaleas [3] some of them are growing in spectacu- and preservation efforts at Callaway lar settings, too. Unfortunately, real Gardens, he did so much to educate estate development has been en- us about our native azalea heritage. croaching on many of these habitats; Although Fred had wide horticultural and, even in preserved sites, there are interests and renowned expertise in other threats to the native azaleas. many areas, I suspect that the native There is an urgent need to protect the azaleas were his first love.
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