Donald Kerr Box Number Contents 8_,4~0~8 Personal Papers - Restricted 84f3.09 Interdisciplinary Studies Catalogues 84810 Visual History Notes - Card Catalogue Picture Collection - Card Catalogue 84811 Canadian Historical Photographs 84812 Voting ratios 84813 Accountable Advances for Research 84814-1 Essays A-8 84814-2 Essays 8-C 84814-3 Essays C-D 84815-1 Essa~s E-G 84815-2 !Essays G-H 84815-3 _Essays H-K 84816 !Essays L-M 84817 jEssays N-T 84818 !Essays U- Z In order to improve access to more of the existing holdings of Western Archives copies of a number of preliminary finding aids are being made available. These preliminary finding aids, some of which were prepared many years ago, vary in degrees of completeness, detail and accuracy. Some provide only basic box listings of the contents of a fonds or a collection, while others provide additional background material. All are intended to be the starting point for access to the records and they should not be considered a definitive source of information on the full nature and contents of the fonds or collection. Questions about the information provided in the preliminary finding aids should be directed to [email protected] STUDENT ES SAY S FROM THE DONALD G.G . KERR COLLECTION These papers ar e not. to be repr oduced i n whole or i n part '"i thout the permission of t he authors. Akerstream, J.J.B. "Manitoba and the 1896 Federal El ection". Akerstream, J.J.B. "The Military Vote in the Federal Election of 1917". Aldred, Robert W. "The Constitutional Issue in the Election of 1926" . Aldred, Robert "The Major Issues and Results of the Election of 1930". Anderson, Ar t "An Anal ysis of John Diefenbaker' s Contribution to the 1957 Election Campaign". 1969 . Anick, Norman "The Effect of Conscription upon the Election of 1945 i n Quebec, Ontario , Mani t oba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia". Anick, Norman "The Elec ti on of 1940: A Study in Strategy". Attwell , W.G. "The Redistribution Act of 1882, Ontario, and the Election of l8B2". 1968. Avery, Don "The Decline of the Western Progressive Party As a Factor in the Elect ions of 1925 and 1926". Avery, Do n "The Wa r-T ime Elections Act: Necessary Expedient or Political Blunder". Baker, t~e 1vi n "The Ri se and Fall of Feder al Conservative Support in Newfoundland, 1957-1963" . Baker, t~ e lvin "Urban Voting Trend s in Atl anti c Canada: Federal Sup port for the Liberal a nd Conservative Parties, 1949-1965". 1976. Baker, I~ .I~. "T he Federal Election of 1887 in Simcoe North : D'Alton ~1cCarthy vs. Timothy Wa rren Anglin". Baker, W.l1. "T.W . Anglin and the Federal Election of 1867 in N e1~ Brunswick". Barry, Dan "Th e Forgotten Men of Lambton East: 1921-1940" . 1975 . Ba xter, Th eresa "The Election of 1921 in Winnipeg". Beetham, R.M. "An Examination of Factors Affecting Electoral Patterns on the Prairies in 1908 and 1911 " . - 2 - Beetham, R.M. "Ontario's Reaction to the First French Canadian National Party Leader". Berg, Aaron L. "The Election of 1940 in Manitoba" . Berg, A. L. "Voting in Adjacent Manitoba-Ontario Ridings, 1925-1935". Boyd, Heather "Leadership as a Factor Determining Voting Behaviour in 1965". Boyd, Heather "The Treaty of Washington as an Issue in the Federal El ec tion of 1872". Bradburn, J.D. "The Development of Politica l Party Orga ni zation i n Western Canada (1887- 1911) with Special Reference to Federal El ections and the Characteristics of Political Candidates". Braden, H.K. "The Canadian Federal El ections of 1882, 1887, 1891, 1896 in Ontario" . 1964 . Braden, H.K . "The Canadian Federal El ection of 1887 - The Issues". 1963. Braden, H.K. "Canadian Federal Elections in Quebec 1882, 1887, 1891, 1896" . Brandi no, Diana "The Election of 1917 in London and Middlesex East". Brandino, Diana "The Rise and Fall of Ellen Fairclough in Hamilton West. 1949-63". 1974. Browne, 11ona "The Rea sons for Progressive Success in Some Ontario Constituencies in 1921". 1973 0 Browne, Mona "The Role of Party Leaders in the Federal Elections of 1911 and 1917". 1974. Burke, Frank E. "The 1958 Election in Quebec". 1967. Bur ns, R.J. "1\spects of Newfoundland Federal Elections, 1949-1968". 1969. Calder, W. "The 1926 Federal Election in Peel County". 1969. Calder, W. "William Ra l ph Meredith and the Orange Order in Ontario Po litics". :,.., - 3 - Calnan, David ''Imperialism As an Issue in the 1900 Federal Election". Calnan, David ''The Reasons for the Progressive Success in 1921 in Prairie Constituencies" . Cameron, A.D. "Don Valley: Social Change and Voting Patterns". 1970. Cameron, A.D. "Grenville-Dundas, A Safe Conservative Seat". 1970. Carmichael, Harry J . "C.D. Howe in Perspective: A Look at the Elections of 1949, 1953, and 1957". 1972. Carruthers, David "The Canadian General Election of 1935". Catton, Pat. "Mani toba School Question and the El ection of 1896 - Study of Constituency Voting in Manitoba". 1976. Catton, Pat. "The Political Career of Harold Danforth". 197 5. Clark, R.J. "The Laurier f1i ni s try 1896-1900". Clark, R.J. "The Laurier f1inistry 1904-1908". Collins, Paul "The Breakdown of the Old Parties in Alberta in the Election of 1921". 1967. Collins, Paul "The Voting Patterns and Political Behaviour of a Sma ll Town in Southwestern Ontario" . Condotta, Amedeo A. "Religion and Ethnic Background As Voting Determi nants in Waterloo South 1867-1911" . Condotta, Amedeo A. "Why did Waterloo South Remain NDP in 1965?". Coveney, David ·"The Views of Pierre Elliott Trudeau on Canadian Federal Politics up to 1965". Coveney, David "Trudeau vs. Faribeaul t: A Constitutional Debate And an Election". Creery, Marion "The Progressives and the El ection of 1921". - 4 - Creery, f~ari on "The Progressives on the National Scene, 1921-1925". Currunins, R.J , "The Manitoba School Question As An Issue in Specific Ontario Constituencies in 1896". 1975. Currvnins, R.J . "Why Votes Switched in Ontario between 1963 and 1965". 1974 . Daszkowski, H.M . "A Socio-Historical Approach to the Study of MPS in Southern Ontario". Delvecchio, Ettore "Canadian Controvert ed El ec tions. 1867-1891". Delvecchio, Ettore Terry, Robert "Canadian Party Leaders and their Constituencies". 1971. Di emer, John "A Comparitive Analysis of the Federal Elections of 1891 and 1911 in Ontario". 1971. Diemer, J.G . "Voting Patterns and Demog raphic Change in Li nco 1n County: The Genera 1 Election of 1949". 1972. Di Gravio, Domenic "Anti-Americanism in the Election of 1963". Di Gravio, D. "Recent Elections in Wellington-South 1953- 1972: The Alf Hal es Years". 1975. 2 copies Dillon, W. Francis "The Federal El ection of 1896 in Quebec ,. Ontario and Manitoba" . 1962. Dillon, W. Francis "The Patrons of Industry on the Canadian Political Scene". 1963. Douglas , James "The Constituency of f~i ss i ssa uga in the General Election of 1974" . 1975. Dougla s , James "John A. Ma cdonald and Hi s Succ ess in the Ontario Fed eral Election of 1867". 1974. Dozois, Paulette "The El ec tion of 1917 Vi ewed on a National and a Local Level" . Dozoi s, Paulette "Imperial ism as an Issue in the Election of 1900". 1975. - 5 - Dudek, V.J . "Newspapers and General Elections: The London Free Press and the Stratford Daily Beacon as they covered the Elections of 1896 and l9ll" . 1967. Dudek, V.J . "The Progressive Party in Federal Elections, 1921-1930". 1966. Eagan, Willi am "An Aspect of the Election of 1874: A Study of the Political Uses of Contro­ verted Elections and Allied Techniques". 1966. Eagan, William E. "The Federal Election of 1904 in the Yukon A Study of Non-Partisan Politics". 1967. Eccles, Bruce "The Nature of Mackenzie King's Leadership in the 1945 Election". Eccles, Bruce R. "Racial and Religious Influences in Canadian Federal Elections in Perth County". Edmunds, Jim "The Redistribution of 1903". 2 copies Edmunds, Jim "Voter Turnout in Selected Constituencies 1867-1911". Edmunds, Patricia · "Wellington-Grey: A Conservative Riding" . Edwards, N.L. "The Reciprocity Issue of 19ll in the Counties of Lincoln, Welland and Wentworth". Edwards, Nina L. "Woman Suffrage and the Elections of 1917 & 1921 in the Dominion of Canada". 1964 . Elley, 11ark "The Partisanship of the Western Ontario Newspapers in the 1867 Federal Election". 1970. Fair, D. Barry "Arthur Meighen as a National Leader in 1926" . Fair, D. Barry "The 19ll Election: Reciprocity as a National Issue". Farrell, David "Influence of American Statements on the Election of 19ll". 1966. - 6 - Farris, Anne An Explanation of the Federal Election Results in the Constituencies of London and Huron West From 1891 to 1911" . 1974 . Farris, Anne "The Tactics Used by Mackenzie King and Richard Bennett in the 1930 Election". 1973 . Ferris, Terry T. "Federal Representation and Redistribution Bills 1867-1900 . " 1962. Ferris, Terry T. "Then and Now. Th e Federal Election of 1872. The Federal Election of 1957". 1962 . Fraser, W.E. "The Canadian Fed eral El ection of 1917". Fraser, W.E. "The Election of 1891". Gardner, Terry 11 0r. R.J . Manion and the Conservative Party•s Defeat in the 1940 Election." · · 1972 . Gardner , Terry "The Toronto Eighteen and The Liberal Defeat in 1911 Election". Gartrell, George "The Frontier Political Philoso phy as Exhibited in the Federal Elections of the 1890's in the North West Territories". Gartrell, G.E. "Reciprocity as an Issue in the Election of 1911: The London Viewpoint" . Gellner, Robert M. "Israel Tarte and 1896" . 1971 . George, Bruce "Addendum to William Kn01·1les' Election in Norfolk-Haldimand" . 1975. George , Bruce "Corruption As An Election Issue in 1908".
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